I was one of the participants in that thread. lionhearted's post got a bad reception because it didn't just stop at suggesting Patrick charge more, it went into armchair psychoanalysis and crossed the line into publicly pitying someone else.
I like Sebastian, so I didn't rip him a new poop chute for his post. I think he unquestionably meant well. But it's a good lesson about being very careful in how you shine a spotlight on what you think someone else's issues are.
IIRC it was tptacek that had a face-to-face with Patrick who changed his thinking the most on what he was worth after Patrick did some consulting for Matasano. tptacek has a pretty deft hand with that sort of thing.
(Upvoted you, even though we disagree on what that thread was about it's still an interesting thing to point out.)
I like Sebastian, so I didn't rip him a new poop chute for his post. I think he unquestionably meant well. But it's a good lesson about being very careful in how you shine a spotlight on what you think someone else's issues are.
IIRC it was tptacek that had a face-to-face with Patrick who changed his thinking the most on what he was worth after Patrick did some consulting for Matasano. tptacek has a pretty deft hand with that sort of thing.
(Upvoted you, even though we disagree on what that thread was about it's still an interesting thing to point out.)