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Automator is the most useful, powerful and underrated feature of OSX. It makes me sad how almost nobody talks about it.

That and the related automation scripts. I would have thought that now that they introduced Javascript for Automation (similar to Applescript), it would be a lot more popular and would spur a lot of interest in creating workflows.

So far, I've not seen anything. I do use javascript for automation myself. A useful "trick" is to write Javascript using Script Editor, save the script as a .app file and place it in /Applications or similar and have Spotlight execute that Script. I've done things like Empty Trash, Lock Screen, launching a new Swift Playground (too many steps to do that with Xcode alone), quitting all foreground apps, etc. Almost makes Spotlight act like Alfred or Quicksilver.

I would really like to see what other people can come up.

I do the same!

I have "dock" and "undock" apps for switching between mobile, and, ekhem, docked state for my macbook (switching wifi, turning bluetooth on/off, unomounting USB drive, etc).

I also have "move tabs to chrome", because I use safari for everyday and chrome for dev, and sometimes I start something in safari and it turns out it should be in chrome.

Also "Chrome Incognito" for quick incognito sessions (cmd-space, "incognito", enter). Very useful!

Oh nice tip on the Incognito mode ;). I wonder if Safari has a flag like that too.

I also find Script menu (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9586970) very useful. Perfect for utilities, starting SSH sessions, mounting drives, etc.

Do you have any of these scripts publicly available?

One reason I don't like Automator so much is that it forces me think where to save the workflows I create. Automator has a very iTunes-like interface and I would expect that it takes care of organizing the created workflows. Actually, I think the Workflow app for iOS has nailed this down perfectly (together with integration of the workflows with the rest of the system).

You may go to Script / Applescript Editor Preferences and check "Show Script menu in menu bar". This way you can have scripts organized in folders and available through the menu bar. Console apps / Shell scripts supported as well and run in the background. I believe you can create a symbolic link to have them indexed by Spotlight as well.

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