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Yeah, I think the example itself is not a great pattern. :) If I were to redo that example, or do another example completely, I'd probably move a lot of that logic stuff into the model.

It's possible I'll add a more traditional 'controller' to the mix at some point, but I mostly wanted a similar structure to that of Backbone, without the need for jQuery/underscore.

It's just odd for an MVC framework to not have a 'C'. Generally, your view would just generate HTML, the controller listens for events and responds to them by updating the view and model. Here, your view is taking over that responsibility.

For how small the library is, this is pretty fantastic though. Significantly smaller than Backbone for similar syntax.

Calling it an MVC may be a misnomer, definitely. I know backbone often refers to itself as MV*, which is sort of funny. :)

Thanks for checking it out! I'll put some thought into the 'C' aspect of this thing.

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