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Underscore and Lodash Merge Thread (github.com/jashkenas)
208 points by msoad on May 21, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 67 comments

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From the author: "Folks. Please STOP +1 and :+1: -ing GitHub tickets. We get it, but it makes tickets hard to have conversations on. Contribute with something substantive instead."

This is a very common problem for github issues posted on HN/any social media. Would be great if github had a voting mechanism.

I don't know what I hate more, the +1's or the excessive use of meme pictures in github issue threads

I really think that GitHub needs better tools to deal with this, this is very frustrating - the only options right now are deleting a ton of comments or locking it preventing all discussion. Prompting people with a modal informing them what comments are inappropriate would go a long way.

In the past you would create a few mailing lists; I think sourceforge automatically did that for you too.

They should have locked the thread or use a wiki page for this. A wiki page is less likely to be edited to add this kind of comment or at least it would be easier to clean up with a bot.

Team internally we introduce `+1 by XYZ` labels exactly for this reason

It's surprising that Github doesnt provide "approval" as a native feature

me too

... :)


I appreciate that the voting keeps the conversation from devolving into a competition for laughs. But, sometimes it seems that HN has no sense of humor whatsoever.

Looks like people don't get it. Or maybe they have a different view on what's funny. In any case, commenting about downvotes just attracts more downvotes.

Just to clarify: Downvotes are made by other users who have hit a certain karma treshold. No moderators involved.

Comment voting ala hackernews / reddit would be useful but in this case so would some attached polls. The +1, -1 was from "back in the day" when it was a useful way for the active contributors to actually vote on something (or straw-poll it) in a mailing list etc.

It's annoying in some cases now because 1) it's anyone, not just the active contributors or even users, 2) people don't use it as a vote but as a general expression of support, 3) -1 isn't really used anymore so you can't scan them and see what the sentiment is, and 4) in this case, it's not even clear what they are lending support to- the merge, or that it is time to discuss a merge seriously.

So yeah, in this case it's noise but in some contexts +1/-1 is a quick and simple way to govern code and it has historical roots. Just ranting as I think they and some in this thread are a little too quick to judge. +1/-1 from the right people could be considered very relevant information to a discussion (esp. within a focused community).

I'm using https://www.zenhub.io/, it adds a voting mechanism on github.

I don't get why people don't just subscribe to the issue instead of +1. Google's issue trackers have the same issue: they support starring but people insist on doing "me too" posts.

> I don't get why people don't just subscribe to the issue instead of +1

Because subscribing does not show interest/support: the repository owner does not see how many people have subscribed to the issue. Furthermore, supporting the resolution of an issue does not mean you want to be spammed with updates to said issue.

> Google's issue trackers have the same issue: they support starring but people insist on doing "me too" posts.

Google's issue tracker has the same issue to a lower extent: while everybody can see the number of stars on an issue (which is good), starring an issue requires following it and being spammed by it (which is bad).

Then again, people are by and large idiots, even on e.g. youtrack (which has non-subscripting voting) +1 comments abound: http://blog.jetbrains.com/youtrack/2013/01/making-1-mean-wha...

Only way I see to mitigate that is assuming the tracker has orthogonal subscription and voting ruthless moderation and removal of worthless "+1" comments.

> Furthermore, supporting the resolution of an issue does not mean you want to be spammed with updates to said issue.

Commenting on the issue automatically subscribes you to it. You have to manually unsubscribe if you don’t want to be spammed.

Of course, but the point is you can have commented ("voted") and not subscribed (/unsubscribed) from the issue. Although commenting subcribes by default (which does make sense) they are orthogonal.

Subscribing to this issues will spam your inbox. 42 updates just in the last 2h.

Apparently it's possible to work around a lot of this as shown in here https://github.com/jashkenas/underscore/issues/2184 although that excludes meaningful contributions from non-contributors.

It originally did have a voting mechanism.

From random people, it's not usefull for sure. But, I think doing +1 or thumb up when you are contributing somehow to the actual project is actually valuable to gauge support.

It's actually awful. Often times everyone pretty much agrees a change is needed. It needs a bit of work which needs to be discussed.

The +1s are so irritating because you have to read through a huge conversation and you also keep getting email notifications because you want to keep in touch with a thread. It actually makes it harder to do what the github topic is about with the +1s.

I think everyone agrees gauging support is valuable. The issue is that the mechanism should be an up/down voting feature like HN has, not a post in a thread meant for conversations.

> Lodash is currently > 12k lines of code, and Underscore is 1.5k.

Never knew that before. Does Lodash have more features than Underscore? I never got too heavy into using either but I always thought of them as essentially being interchangeable libraries.

Lodash has many features that underscore does not have. Also, I am told that Lodash has been implemented in such a way that functions are largely independent of each other so that you can build a custom lodash package that only includes the subset that you use.

In practice, I'm not sure how truly valuable this is... it's far easier to just accept it as a whole, and with min/merge versions in the browser it's not so big at all.

It's not a macro framework like jQuery... the kitchen sink isn't in there... though, I do think that probably the string templating could/should become a sub-module... the rest belong together more.

Heres a breakdown of the differences between the two : http://benmccormick.org/2014/11/12/underscore-vs-lodash/

A few months old but should still be reasonably accurate

It's both terrifying and exciting that you have to specifically point out when something is as little as "a few months old" when it comes to JS frameworks/libraries.

6 months is a very long time in terms of development cycle.

In addition to other comments, optimization sometimes means inlining code. Lodash has always been performance first.

lodash is consistency and compatibility first.

One of the core differences between Lodash - iirc - is that Underscore will just use a browser's built-in version of functions like .map and such, while Lodash often implements them themselves - circumventing JS spec compliance, often with significantly better performance than native implementations.

> circumventing JS spec compliance, often with significantly better performance than native implementations.

Yes Lodash has some interesting 'better than native' optimizations that utilize JIT compilation

The comments mentions this a few times: the codebases are different styles and the size difference apparently has a lot to do with documentation.

For those that dig a more fp-style (auto-curried, iteratee first methods) and are used to lodash there's lodash-fp — https://www.npmjs.com/package/lodash-fp

I really like Ramda myself as well... Though there are a few bits that I prefer how lodash/underscore work... in terms of methods that will work against an object or an array. In Ramda it's more expressly separated, and not always a good ratio.

I very much appreciate being able to use Ramda for composition of methods, which can mean much more concise code[1].

[1] https://github.com/tracker1/azure-config-util/blob/master/sr...

Is it going really? If so in what way?

At least mind share wise I've heard of lodash/underscore much more often than ramda. Only recently has it come up with some level of frequency.

currying is properly implemented in ramda, unlike lodash or underscore.

Currying is great and all, but that in itself isn't a end all be all feature from which you could say that it is enough to eclipse lodash/underscore.

Is there anything else about it to that makes it really "eclipse" them or is it more like "ramda is also nice, especially because it has Currying"?

I would say creating a library that enables a "truer form" of functional programming is probably a pretty good enough feature on its own.

My experience with currying in Javascript is that passing the wrong number of arguments to a function leads to errors that are tricky to debug and ugly stack traces. In ML-family functional languages this isn't as much of a problem because of the static type checking.

I didn't know lukas haas coded js. More seriously I've probably never seen such a clear explanation and demo of why currying is so awesome.

hadn't heard of ramda.js until this comment. thanks! love what it provides w/o forcing anything on you.

I really like Ramda too, when I saw this headline I was guessing it's bc more people are switching to Ramda.

Naw, usage wise, on npm Ramda is about 0.003% of Lodash and its daily downloads are even less.

What a great exchange so far, I love it when people in charge of important software work together cooperatively and without lots of arguments.

Is Underscore.js "important software"? I guess I never thought of it that way.

To me it's more like a nice-to-have -- a helper library of functions you could write yourself (but probably shouldn't bother to).

I started using underscore, moved to lodash. I find them indispensable.

Well, it's important in the sense that it is widely used and depended upon by the JavaScript community :)

I'd say Underscore largely made writing JS tolerable, given how crappy the standard library is and the number of gotchas the language has. So yes, very important!

As someone who once contributed some bits to lodash, I don't see how this will work out.

Other than perf, modularity, etc, I like lodash's doc better. The doc is written as inline jsdoc in lodash.js, with each parameters documented and behaviors explained through examples.

But here is @jashkenas's take:

> Documentation style. Ideally I'd like the Underscore docs to be written even more conversationally than they are at the moment.

Personally I also trust @jdalton more. Other than technical skills he's very hard-working and responsive. He seems to be following a zero-issue-and-PR policy and get all issues/PRs sorted out in 2-3 days.

How does that work? You have two fairly mature code-bases, is one just being dumped (i.e. lodash)?

If anything was to be dumped it had better be underscore.

I really don't get why its going from lodash -> underscore. This is a clear case where lodash has won imo and if anything it obviates underscore.

The issue is backwards compatibility and ensuring API compatibility. I don't care if I can switch from underscore to lodash if I have to change X lines of code and then test them many times over to make sure that it all works.

big kudos to both these incredibly smart and talented guys for putting their differences aside (there has been some ugly exchanges between them in the past) and getting this done, the JS community will greatly benefit from this.

You know they're going to have some disagreement about " vs ' and it's all gonna fall apart...




So basically these libraries are like Python's itertools for JS? Except they made a silly/arrogant choice of using a single character for the library name.

The reason for the single character library name is that by convention, the library is imported into a variable named "_".

This reduces code noise and amount of typing if you are using these functions frequently

I'm not sure how that is silly or arrogant

Imagine if every library you used named itself with a single character. Does your language have more than 27 libraries available? Then sorry, some of their choices of letter will overlap and those libraries will conflict, perhaps requiring you to manually edit the distribution source or build scripts. Do you ever want to create a project that has more than 27 transitive dependencies? Yeah, good luck with that. Found a code snippet online and want to figure out what library it's invoking? Hint: Google is probably going to be useless when searching for a single-letter name.

The problems with using single-character names for libraries are so self-evident, I'm not quite sure how to respond to someone who doesn't see it.

Just someone who doesn't write much JS.

It's like Python's itertools if:

* list and dict were lacking vital methods like list.remove() and dict.__len__()

* dicts weren't really a real thing (real ones coming in ES6 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Refe... ), but it was easy to add random properties to arbitrary objects while accessing a missing one simply returned None, and so these were used instead

* Which leads to for x in dct being subtly broken in certain use cases unless you understand the above and how it interacts with prototypes

* So loads of utility functions were added to deal with the above facts, plus the kind of useful tools you would find in Python's functools and itertools and a large number of other utility functions while they're at it.

(EDIT: One of these days I will remember HN doesn't use Markdown, but not today)

So basically the JS built-in container and prototype semantics are totally stupid, broken and confusing. I already knew this.

Apparently underscore is a community-driven "stdlib" that implements more functionality and saner container classes, and has more freedom to evolve since it's not part of the core JS language.

And the justification for using a single-character name is that it's basically a de facto part of the stdlib?

It's cute that let's do merge and keep underscore because lodash is just cute.

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