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" it is increasingly practical for anyone to buy an EEG."

That's a fantastic idea I had not thought out before (getting old - I've fixated in my mind an image of an EEG as heavy and expensive specialist tool). Any references where I could get one cheap :) ?

I'm a poor source of modern information like current consumer ones, and never did build my own.

I used to follow the openeeg mailing list, which has tapered off in the last couple years: http://sourceforge.net/p/openeeg/mailman/openeeg-list/ (http://openeeg.sourceforge.net/doc/)

building one yourself was usually around $200 in parts but there were always interesting ideas to do simpler devices. You will find references to consumer ones people were considering, and responses that are helpful for figuring out which specs matter. I would also look for the names of new projects people are developing and maybe some of the hobbyist communities that are still active and debating the minimum specs for a budget device today..

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