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Will Computers Redefine the Roots of Math? (quantamagazine.org)
110 points by jonbaer on May 19, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 50 comments

I've played around with Coq before, and it's really hard to work with mathematics in it. If you start with a system of axioms in first order logic(like groups), it's pretty easy to prove single things. But once you start wanting to quantify over all subgroups, you're in trouble.

I remember seeing a presentation where someone challenged the viewer to write a simple proof of the infinitude of the primes. I recommend you try it. I studied math in college, have an interest in formal proofs, and have written Coq code, so surely I could bang out a simple proof like that. I think I got stuck when I wanted to claim, "Given a natural number n, x <= n implies x = 0 or x = 1 or ... or x = n". It's possible that I have more experience now and could complete that proof if I tried again, but this is really the kind of thing they teach on the first day of an introduction to proofs course. I can't see mathematicians using theorem provers until they're easier to work with.

So I sympathize with and am rooting for Voevodsky here: There's no reason why theorem provers have to be a pain to use - we just need better foundations, better tools, and more experience using them.

The typical way to prove that there is an infinity of primes is to do a reductio ad absurdum: you assume there is a finit number of primes, call the biggest P and build another bigger one that is prime. This is a contradiction, so you can conclude that there is no highest prime and hence there is an infinity of them.

The thing here is that this uses the law of the excluded middle: a proposition is either true or false, there is no other possibility. That's the basis of a proof using reduction ad absurdum. But that's not part of Coq (or any P.A. based on constructive logic) by default. If one is not aware of this indeed doing this proof will be impossible in Coq. This said Coq can work with the law of excluded middle (so support classical logic), but you have to explicitly assert it and use it.

This being said, I haven't tried this proof in Coq ;) Just seeing this point as something to take into account, and that may be a problem for some people new to Coq and not aware of it.

Proving NOT P by showing a contradiction follows from P is perfectly fine in intuitionistic logic (the sort used in Coq), and not dependent upon the law of the excluded middle in that sense. What's not available to you is proving P by showing that a contradiction follows from NOT P (rather, you end up with NOT NOT P, which is not assumed to entail P simpliciter).

I believe that in the context of the infinitude of primes, this is the difference between "NOT (finitely many primes)" and "infinitely many primes", where "infinitely many" means that the primes are in bijection with the natural numbers (and of course finitely many means in bijection with some natural number). A proof by contradiction will only give the weaker first statement in intuitionistic logic.

One explanation for why many people say that Euclid's proof is not a proof by contradiction is because you can actually get the second statement with only a little more care (i.e. n!+1 has a prime divisor, which is thus greater than n).

Perhaps that could be a new 'job' in itself? "Proof programmer": persons specialized in formalizing proof statements. So if you're an experienced PP maybe the statement above becomes easy. Or you use a proof in a 'library' of sorts that let's you proof that. If

1) Proofs are well defined enough in the first place that you don't need great insight to understand them;

2) The time of some mathematicians is very invaluable;

3) Formalizing/verifying statements is sufficiently useful for mathematicians;

then they might be useful?

I can see the headline now... "Show HN: Pudding - A language for programming proofs". I could see a lot of uses for this kind of programming. In a language like Matlab or R, we just assume that the implementations correctly match the theoretical methods they implement, but anyone who has deleved into the internals of some published R library knows that's not always the case. With the expanded use of pure functional languages for more closely mapping method to implementation, proof programming could offer a useful form of unit testing to the development of libraries.

For what it's worth, here's a proof that the primes are unbounded (and hence infinite) in the proof language Metamath: http://us.metamath.org/mpegif/prmunb.html .

I would classify myself as a "proof programmer" who works with Metamath for much the same reasons as people use Coq (I just happen to prefer Metamath's set theory foundations to type theory). I find the article's claim "Set theory has sufficed as a foundation for more than a century, but it can’t readily be translated into a form that computers can use to check proofs" as outright false for this reason. Mizar is another set theory-based proof system.

If I wanted to prove x <= n -> x = 0 or x = 1 or ... or x = n, I would use http://us.metamath.org/mpegif/leloe.html to turn x <= n <-> x < n or x = n, and http://us.metamath.org/mpegif/zltlem1.html to prove x <= n-1 from x < n. Repeat until you get down to zero to get all n cases.

What is "all n cases" when you are quantifying over all "n"?. There are an infinitude of cases. You need induction.

Well, maybe it has to do with the ways of "proving" infinitude of primes, of that it is a "high level description" and more importantly, writing it so that other, future theorems can avail to it.

Think of all you need to prove that: the natural numbers, the definition of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division (and remainder), definition of cardinality/infinity (might not be necessary, if you just need proof that N doesn't divide any numbers between 2 and N-1) and a lot of formal logic

It's worth noting that Univalent Foundations (and type theory in general) really has nothing to do with computers. You can do it on paper like traditional set theory based math, and you can formalize set theory on a computer.

The reason type theory is primarily done using proof assistants is that is a constructive theory, or in other words, you can actually compute with the functions you define. This is something you can't do with set theory, which is why doing type theory on a computer lets the computer do a lot more things for you than it easily could doing set theory on the computer.

I have no idea how important HoTT is, but I feel that FP and abstract algebras are merging into one.

ps: I was just watching this lambdajam talk, a tiny introduction about HoTT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OupcXmLER7I

Two comments. First, it's interesting to me that they're saying that category theory really isn't adequate. Given how Haskell is based on category theory, is there somewhere more to go in programming languages?

Second, about proof-by-Coq: If there's ever a bug in Coq, they're going to have to re-run all the proofs that have been done this way, and see which (if any) of them are actually invalid. (It still may be better than proof by convincing humans, though...)

> Two comments. First, it's interesting to me that they're saying that category theory really isn't adequate. Given how Haskell is based on category theory, is there somewhere more to go in programming languages?

Haskell isn't really "based on" category theory. There are just a lot of type-classes that implement category-theoretic machinery for quantifying over types and what you can do with the resulting data in a neat way.

>Second, about proof-by-Coq: If there's ever a bug in Coq, they're going to have to re-run all the proofs that have been done this way, and see which (if any) of them are actually invalid. (It still may be better than proof by convincing humans, though...)

It's been done before, when, IIRC, a VM bug appeared in Coq that allowed certain ill-formed programs to prove False.

Someone in another comment also mentioned the possibility of "proof libraries" that could be used to assemble more complex proofs from simpler ones. My first thought was, "I wonder what'll happen when someone finds a suble bug on one of the most common proof libraries?" It's bound to happen, after all. Some theorems will be proven false that were true and vice versa. A few people 90% of the way through their PhD will have years of their lives swept away.

The interesting thing about this is that trivial errors like this cannot happen (unless there is a bug in coq itself). For instance, I imagined using a library might be something like using a certain Theorem 1, with proof given by Proof 1. Since T1 and P1 are formalized, they've been verified!

So I can only think of some nontrivial mistakes: the Theorem 1 is correct, but it doesn't prove what you assume in your head T1 is saying, so that you may build some valid but tautological claims. I don't know if that's a huge concern, but in any case it could happen without proof verifiers anyway.

Disclaimer: I'm not actually a mathematician and I haven't tried coq yet (although I most certainly will! seems very interesting).

Check dedukti: http://dedukti.gforge.inria.fr/

It's a different proof assistant that can convert Coq's (and other P.A.) proofs into its own language and check them. It's not a guarantee of course, both Coq and Dedukti could have a similar bug. But it certainly helps having independent implementations being able to check the same proofs.

We're talking proofs here tho, and you aren't allowed to prove something by "throwing enough input at it", isn't it like saying that unit tests are proofs of the correctness of a program?

Well perhaps you could actually prove the correctness of coq itself.

In any case it's just a matter of reliability in the traditional sense: we're going to end with a small set of statements that will have to be verified by humans upon which we can rest everything else. Those statements will need enough people looking at them to get a level of certainty we're comfortable with.

I believe the risk of a major flaw going unnoticed is astronomically low, and the good thing is this certainty propagates all the way to modern proofs if we take care to go through formal verification.

That's no different from how regular math works. The whole point of this article is that mathematics is not formally verified today -- mathematicians just spot check and probe suspicious parts using informal analysis.

This is actually a valid proof technique with finite cases. This is known as a Proof by Exhaustion.

You can't have a bug in the proof library, or the proof-checker won't accept your proof as true! You can have a bug in the proof-checking kernel which makes it accept false theorems, but that's precisely why we keep proof-checking kernels as small and well-debugged as possible, sometimes going so far as to formally verify them too (Coq in Coq[1]).

[1] http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~barras/publi/coqincoq.pdf

Note that this already happens today. Mathematicians get a prestigious appointment based on a breakthrough work, which is then proven to be a mistake.

>Second, about proof-by-Coq: If there's ever a bug in Coq, they're going to have to re-run all the proofs that have been done this way, and see which (if any) of them are actually invalid. (It still may be better than proof by convincing humans, though...)

I'm no mathematician, but drawing a parallel between the general software world and software-aided mathematical proofs: wouldn't it be natural for a "compiler" to start off by using another technology (in this case, a classic "informal" programming language), and in a later date self-host? I'm saying, couldn't coq reach a state where he could prove itself and the technology stack below him down to axioms?

It's already in this state. See Coq-in-Coq, where Coq formalizes its own foundations. Note that this is not entirely convincing, because if Coq was in fact inconsistent then the fact that it could prove its consistency is not surprising. But it is impossible to truly overcome this, and it certainly goes a long way to improve confidence in the system.

If anything, Haskell is based on lambda calculus. More particularly System F.

As in any lambda calculus, you can interpret the type system as a category where the objects are types and the arrows are functions. Classes like Functor and Monad are based on this interpretation.

Well, all right, but then if you interpret the type system using a univalent approach, what do you get?

The article is delightful, but regarding the title "Will Computers Redefine the Roots of Math?"


Math is about human understanding, elegance and beauty.

Computers may be useful tools, and perhaps they will be of even greater assistance in mathematics moving forward, but Alan Turing and others have shown us they can't do it all. Math is a fundamentally human endeavor. We will have to transcend modern computers with something like strong AI before that can change.

This line of reasoning feels similar to that which says AGI will never be possible.

It's also a bit unclear to me, how one can justifiably hold this position with such confidence?

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that strong AI isn't possible, I believe it is very possible. I was reacting strongly to the headline specifically, as it was invoking a "magic computers" image that I dislike.

I only meant that the computers of today are tools we use to explore math, but that the work today is very human. The "computer" that transcends that will look very different. What Alan Turing showed us was that you cannot turn all of "mathematics" into an algorithm. The beauty and elegance and human experience of the exploration of mathematics are important. Some day we will probably be able to teach a machine those traits.

The title reads more like someone wrote an app that solved math, which is silly. The article itself is fortunately much better.

I think an interesting question here is:

How do we humans identify and solve the halting problem?

In the general case, we can't of course, as Turing proved. How we untangle special cases and categories of algorithms around this is part of the wonder of mathematics for me.

>In the general case, we can't of course, as Turing proved.

Not quite. Turing proved that no single algorithm cannot solve the halting problem for all machines; it has always been trivial to show that we can answer the halting question for many machines we care about, often because they are specifically designed to always halt.

Chaitin elaborated this into a detailed theory of quantified incomputability, showing (roughly) that any N-bit axiomatic system could decide the halting problem only for machines composed of strictly less than N bits of information (Kolmogorov complexity).

So the question is either, depending on your philosophy of mathematics, how we locate ontologically special cases where halting proofs are possible, or how we obtain the information we put into our axioms that allows us to write halting proofs for increasingly complex programs.

I'm sorry that my understanding of set and computation theory is lacking. Please excuse my ignorance while I study up on the topic further.

But, I do believe the original commenter misunderstood my question. Why is it that we humans, when armed with how a computer works, can identify halting problems? Why do we not get stuck in a loop when studying a potential halting problem?

What allows us to make the intuitive leap past that? And to follow up, what are the implications about "brains are 10^10 200Hz computers in parallel" hypothesis?

>But, I do believe the original commenter misunderstood my question. Why is it that we humans, when armed with how a computer works, can identify halting problems? Why do we not get stuck in a loop when studying a potential halting problem?

Well, given my current understanding, I'd say it's because human beings reason inductively. We pick up new axioms by observing our environment, which includes things like equations and programs. Since we reason inductively, we're only bound by incompleteness theorems for phenomena too random/complex for our current understanding. We "catch up" eventually to be able to solve computability problems, at least to some degree.

> Alan Turing and others have shown us they can't do it all

Please explain where Alan Turn shown that computers cannot do they something that human can.

Apologies, I didn't mean to make that implication. I was referring to the history of the original computability paper. There was an era in math where we believed it may be possible to determine the rest of mathematics via algorithm, that the game was up. Turing showed that this was not possible, and in doing so invented the general purpose computer.

Computers may be able to keep up, but the title was invoking "magic algorithm" suggestions to me. At the moment it may be unclear, but you are correct that it appears that computation can mimic the brain. For computers to be used as more than just tools in humans exploration of mathematics, to "redefine the rules" I think it would have to look quite different than the computers we have today.

I don't know why this comment is so downvoted. At its roots (which is what the headline is referring to), mathematical inquiry is an activity invented by humans for their own amusement. We mathematicians do what we do because it brings us aesthetic pleasure to understand the nature of some mathematical thing. If the use of computers removes that pleasure then mathematicians will stop doing mathematics.

Maybe they can stir you into direction that wouldn't be explored without...

They've already done this, in fact. Computer-assisted proofs are well-known, such as the proof of the four-color theorem.

It's not completely new then.

The big change will come more from natural language processing than from theorem-proving. There is already a huge corpus of carefully formalized mathematics that human mathematicians have been developing for hundreds if years. The only issue is the "carefully formalized" is by human standards and in natural human languages. Sometime in the not-too-distant future someone will make a natural language AI sophisticated enough to use this corpus as a scaffolding for "assisted" theorem proving, where the prover being assisted is a program generating completely formalized proofs and the assistance is coming from the natural-language AI parsing textbooks and journal articles. Once such a thing exists and is good enough to parse and formally verify standard graduate textbooks, there will quickly be a shift that all research mathematics should be written in a way that is acceptible to humans AND verifiable by such provers. Mathematicians would love the verified correctness, but the main thrust will remain that mathematics is by humans and for a human audience.

This assumes that advanced mathematics is currently written by humans for humans. Many proofs can be a trudge for even highly trained humans. The field should really be working on making formalisms more accessible. It would be fantastic if what you describe came about by first making maths more accessible/intuitive through more interactive and graphical representations. Maybe a lot of these 'algorithm visualizations' that get posted to HN is the first step.

Does anyone have experience with Coq and Mizar ( http://wiki.mizar.org/bin/view/Mizar ) and could answer the question of the base for both ?

If Coq can be used with Vladimir Voevodsky's theory of univalent foundations, can Mizar also be based on them as well?

I don't believe you could vary Mizar to the extent that it mimics HoTT. Much of the basic properties that follow from the axioms Mizar uses (roughly ZFC + the Tarski-Grothendieck axiom) are built in to the internals of the Mizar prover, in order to increase its proving capability, at the expense of tying it to its axiom set.

By contrast I can tell you that Metamath (http://us.metamath.org/mpegif/mmset.html), whose main library is also built on ZFC, does not at the most basic level assume any axioms at all (not even first order logic), so it is possible to do type theory or HoTT with no change to the verifier.

I think so, because just the fact that mathematicians are using Coq and other tools means that it has already begun. But the big important changes aren't what happens at the Phd level. It's what happens down at the ordinary level of arithmetic and the sorts of notation that are useful for doing ordinary computations. Public schools need to be using J [1] as a way of both expanding notation and a practical way of leveraging the computer as a mathematical instrument.

Infix operation and order of precedence make sense when we're working with pencils...well ok order of precedence beyond nesting with parenthesis doesn't make sense then either...but why make a computer notation constrained by rules that happen to have grown up around manual process?

[1] http://jsoftware.com

I took a quick look at J and find it rather obscure. Can only guess that the computation model is something procedural. A language so far off the beaten path should have better introductory documentation. Can it to more than shuffle character arrays?

This is a good resource for onboarding with J:


J is as easy to pick up as using an ordinary calculator. Reading J can be as hard as reading mathematical notation. It is obscure in the same way as any other mathematical notation. What does:

signify in a third grade classroom? J is off the beaten path of programming languages because it is designed to be immediately useful for mathematics, and not just the higher level Phd stuff, but ordinary tasks that 3rd graders perform.

It looks unusual because it starts from the point of view of notation and is compact in exactly the same way that

is compact in C, Python, VBA etc. It is directly applicable in a third grade classroom because:

   3 * 4
   3 x 4
   3 times 4
are isomorphic notations. What J does is extend the number of notations that are accessible from the Latin character set encoding to include compact notations for counting and summing and all sorts of other things. But it still provides the sort of operations that are useful to young students and which they commonly perform on a calculator.

Your answer told me more about J than the web pages I'v seen. If you put it that way, J might even whet my curiosity.

Ken Iverson won a Turing Award largely on the back of APL. After 30 years of field use, he developed J in the late 1980's to in part address its shortcomings. Then for two decades he sold J as a commercial product. More recently it was GPL'd.

Math for the Layman is only the tip of the iceberg fro what lives on jsoftware.com. And it all tends to be about that level of quality.

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