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>which is good because later I did consulting in Defense and NSA projects

If you work in the adult film industry, you can't work for the government/get security clearances?

I'd like to say that means performers but I'm sure it's intentionally vague in the document -- security clearance applications are big on screening for potential things that you could be blackmailed or bribed for. Extensive debt, gambling, and drug use are all on the form. http://www.military.com/veteran-jobs/security-clearance-jobs...

I went thru the process (a long time ago) and if you worked in pr0n (although I did not) an excellent way to fail a security check would be trying something like hiding your past employment from a hard core evang fundamentalist C.O. or something similar to that. Theoretically leading to an enemy agent blackmailing you to keep your past quiet if only you'll give him a photocopy of some document or a password or whatever. But if you already told security you were a sysadmin at nude-hackernews-posters.com or whatever then it would be REALLY hard to blackmail you about something that's already public knowledge...

If this line applies to the issue, you're OK: "The behavior no longer serves as a basis for coercion, exploitation, or duress."

The people I worked with would not hire someone that worked in porn.

Also, my boss at adobe would not either.

A gambling or porn background reduces your career options.

Adobe has employed and if memory serves me correct still employs SEO (search engine optimization) peeps who have previous porn experience.

Yes, the company does and will. But there are managers who won't. Same thing in defense - you can still get clearance but considering how many in the industry are Mormon you decrease your chances of being hired.

The defense industry runs heavily Mormon? Since when? I work in the defense industry and I've never heard of that.

For example: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/peculiarpeople/2014/04/mormons-...

Just do a quick search on Mormons and nsa, cia, fbi. They are over represented. Perhaps you didn't even know? And it's no secret that Air Force command is extremely religious.

The CIA and FBI do have recruitment programs for Mormon graduates, as they value the language skills and their abstinence from alcohol, drugs etc. And while they may be over-represented proportionally, they don't run the show of course. Most of the sources I have seen take the few hard numbers available and do a lot of speculation on the top.

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