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A Taste of Rust (evanmiller.org)
235 points by cp9 on May 14, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 80 comments

The blog author mentions at one point that Algebraic Data Types cannot determine pattern exaustiveness for things like

    match 100 {
        y if y > 0 => “positive”,
        y if y == 0 => “zero”,
        y if y < 0 => “negative”,
and wonders if there is some kind of "algebraic data values" to notice that the previous case is exaustive.

In Haskell they solve this particular problem with an "Ordering" ADT:

    data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT 

    case (compare 0 100) of
        LT -> "Positive"
        EQ -> "Equal"
        GT -> "Negative"
Using a richer datatype instead of boolean predicates solves most problems. For some more advanced things you need extensions to the type systems. For example, to be able to say "this function, when applied to non-empty lists returns non-empty lists", you need Generalized Algebraic Data Types (gadts).

    match 100.cmp(&0) {
        Ordering::Greater => "positive",
        Ordering::Equal   => "zero",
        Ordering::Less    => "negative",

To elaborate a bit further, the reason that the original isn't exhaustive is that to know that, you would have to execute arbitrary code at compile time, the 'if'. The exhaustiveness check is only on the `y` part of the pattern.

Isn't this possible for some limited cases?

I mean, if you only match on the integer value, this case is trivial. Similar cases are already analysed by gcc to tell you "this comparison is always true/false".

I know it doesn't generalise and it "is it worth doing" may be a question, but it seems like most match blocks would fall easily under a very limited set of known cases.

Yes, it is possible for some cases—this is dependent types' bread and butter—but having an analysis in the type system that sometimes falls down in complex cases tends to lead to frustrating type errors, because it'll refer to types and constraints that the you didn't type and the compiler inferred. If we really wanted to go down this road, we would probably want to add real dependent types to Rust and surface them in the type grammar. (I personally think Rust 1.0 has spent its complexity budget, though, and I'd rather have HKT first in any case.)

It's the same reason why we don't adopt a Nim-like "disjointness analysis" that can reason about arithmetic (as mentioned in the article).

> I’m not sure if the ownership rule is actually helpful in single-threaded contexts, but it at least makes sense in light of Rust’s green-threaded heritage.

It's necessary for prevention of use-after-free. Here's a simple example (which can be translated into the equivalent C++):

    let mut vector = vec![
    for element in vector.iter() {
        println!("{}", element);

The author's observed speed discrepancy between iterators and while loops makes me think that they forgot to compile with optimizations, as the difference between those programs is almost negligible on my end.

To add to this, I found that when using i64 both generated exactly the same code.

IIRC there _are_ some possible optimizations that we don't yet do for iterators; but these are something that can easily be added in the future, and not something that really impact design per se.

I always thought that iterators would be _easier_ to optimize (assuming that the compiler can statically access the implementation) because they are more constrained in form at the use site.

Loop unrolling etc.

> but five function calls (from_ptr, from_utf8, to_bytes, unwrap, to_string) just to convert a C string to a Rust string seems like an excessive amount of ceremony

Well, only the first four are really needed. The last one turns it into a local, growable copy. The rest should probably get a convenience wrapper, though.

> the libxls API has an array-of-structs in a few places [...]; because Rust doesn’t believe in pointer arithmetic, I found myself manually writing the pointer arithmetic logic

Forgive me if I'm being stupid, but can't you just use slice.from_raw_parts?


> writing things in a pseudo-functional, lots-of-chained-method-calls style, for which Rust is not all that well-designed

If this is about speed, then see the other comments. But if this is for another reason, what reason is it? Personally this style of programming suits Rust beautifully.

From reading the article I came to the conclusion the author is rather inexperienced with modern functional languages. Their claims about tension in the design of Rust between functional and imperative features for me mostly come down to them not understanding natural consequences of the modern statically typed paradigm, or Rust's memory model.

For instance, take the discussion about if expressions. They claim an if expression with a single arm returning unit is unintuitive. Firstly, we should always recognise that claims about "intuitive" behaviour solely depend on one's background. This behaviour is completely intuitive to me, coming from a Racket background (which behaves the same way). It's also a natural consequence of having to give a type to an if expression with one arm. You have two choices: the else case either returns the bottom type (which operationally means it raises some kind of error), or it returns no interesting value -- which is exactly what unit is. Since a single arm if can only be used for effect, unit is the best choice here.

Rust is certainly a very different language to OO-ish imperative languages that most people are familiar with. I think the author made the common mistake of expecting Rust to behave like one of these languages, and then blaming the discrepancies between their mental model and actual behaviour on the language.

On the other hand, an alternative design would be that the single-arm if wrapped the return type R to "Some(R)", and None for the "phantom else" arm. I haven't considered the ramifications of this, but I'd expect it to work well if the Option<R> type is defined flexibly and compose-ably enough.

I am utterly thankful for new experience reports on Rust, especially for ones this well-written. Generally speaking, inaccuracies in such things are our fault, not the writers', due to a lack of documentation and or good examples.

With that being said, a few notes:

> It runs about five times slower than the equivalent program

I'd be interested in hearing more about how these were benchmarked. On my machine, they both run in roughly the same time, with a degree of variance that makes them roughly equivalent. Some runs, the iterator version is faster.

It's common to forget to turn on optimizations, which _seriously_ impact Rust's runtimes, LLVM can do wonders here. Generally speaking, if iterators are slower than a loop, that's a bug.

> Rust does not have tail-call optimization, or any facilities for marking functions as pure, so the compiler can’t do the sort of functional optimization that Haskell programmers have come to expect out of Scotland.

LLVM will sometimes turn on TCO, but messing with stack frames in a systems language is generally a no-no. We've reserved the 'become' keyword for the purpose of explicitly opting into TCO in the future, but we haven't been able to implement it because historically, LLVM had issues on some platforms. In the time since, it's gotten better, and the feature really just needs design to work.

Purity isn't as big of a deal in Rust as it is in other languages. We used to have it, but it wasn't very useful.

> But assignment in Rust is not a totally trivial topic.

Move semantics can be strange from a not-systems background, but they're surprisingly important. We used to differ here, we required two operators for move vs copy, but that wasn't very good, and we used to infer Copy, but that ended up with surprising errors at a distance. Opting into copy semantics ends up the best option.

> how that could ever be more useful than returning the newly-assigned rvalue.

Returning the rvalue ends up in a universe of tricky errors; not returning the rvalue here ends up being nicer. Furthermore, given something like "let (x, y) = (1, 2)", what is that new rvalue? it's not as clear.

> I’ve always thought it should be up to the caller to say which functions they’d like inlined,

This is, in fact, the default. You can use the attributes to inform the optimizer of your wishes, if you want more control.

> It’s a perfectly valid code,

In this case it is, but generally speaking, aliasing &muts leads to problems like iterator invalidation, even in a single-threaded context.

> but the online documentation only lists the specific types at their five-layers-deep locations.

We have a bug open for this. Turns out, relevant search results is a Hard Problem, in a sense, but also the kind of papercut you can clean up after the language has stable semantics. Lots of work to do in this area, of course.

> Rust won’t read C header files, so you have to manually declare each function you want

The bindgen tool can help here.

> My initial belief was that a function that does something unsafe must, itself, be unsafe

This is true for unsafe functions, but not unsafe blocks. If unsafe were truly infectious in this way, all Rust code would be unsafe, and so it wouldn't be a useful feature. Unsafe blocks are intended to be safe to use, you're just verifying the invariants manually, rather than letting the compiler do it.

> but until a few days ago, Cargo didn’t understand linker flags,

This is not actually true, see http://doc.crates.io/build-script.html for more.

> the designers got rid of it (@T) in the interest of simplifying the language

This is sort of true, and sort of not. @T and ~T were removed to simplify the language, we didn't want language-support for these two types. @T's replacement type, Gc<T>, was deemed not actually useful in practice, and so was removed, like all non-useful features should be.

In the future, we may still end up with a garbage collected type, but Gc<T> was not it.

> Rust’s memory is essentially reference-counted at compile-time, rather than run-time, with a constraint that the refcount cannot exceed 1.

This is not strictly true, though it's a pretty decent starting point. You may have either 1 -> N references, OR 1 mutable reference at a given time, strictly speaking, at the language level. Library types which use `unsafe` internally can provide more complex structures that give you more complex options.

That's at least my initial thoughts. Once again, these kinds of reports are invaluable to us, as it helps us know how we can help people understand Rust better.

Another thing that should probably be clarified is that the author diagnosed the problem with the `let y = x; let z = x;` code incorrectly (assuming that Rust is creating 'bindings'), which (not having actively programmed rust for a while) greatly alarmed me because it sounds like a terrible idea. What is in fact happening is that `x`'s value is _moved_ into `y`, which is a lot easier to think about.

> but messing with stack frames in a systems language is generally a no-no.

Could you expand on this? Optimising away a stack frame that lies on the border of some security barrier would obviously be Bad News, but what other specific problems are there? Conversely, it seems there are some possible benefits to TCO in a systems language: I'm thinking of those secure-C coding standards which (apparently) tend to ban recursion for fear of stack overflow.

LLVM does do sibling call optimization, which allows for TCO in many common cases, including all cases of a function tail calling itself (but note that RAII makes the definition of tail position subtler than it may seem at first glance).

> (but note that RAII makes the definition of tail position subtler than it may seem at first glance)

Like http://www.nhplace.com/kent/PFAQ/unwind-protect-vs-continuat... this?

Purity isn't as big of a deal in Rust as it is in other languages. We used to have it, but it wasn't very useful.

Right, purity aka referential transparency is basically required when you have lazy evaluation by default (as in Haskell).

Since Rust is a strictly evaluated language, it's easy to reason about the order statements and expressions will be executed in and when side effects will happen, so purity is not generally necessary.

Purity is not just about laziness.

It helps with things like concurrency, parallelism, equational reasoning, refactoring, understanding APIs, and more.

w.r.t. concurrency:

As you know, the difficulty with concurrency is with shared mutable state. Purity simplifies concurrency by restricting mutability; rust simplifies concurrency by restricting sharing.

That makes purity less important for rust.

Purity is also not the same as immutability. Clojure has immutable data and impure functions, and it also offers good, safe concurrency features. Purity helps with other things as the parent comment mentioned, but it's not necessarily tied to immutability. But I maintain that purity is necessary in the presence of laziness, because it's terribly confusing to reason about side effects when you're building up thunks everywhere.

Can you sprinkle parallelism annotations and have guarantees about semantics not changing while gaining parallel execution?

Also, note concurrency and parallelism are two of many interesting benefits of purity.

I'll also add unit tests and property testing which are much nicer with purity.

>> It runs about five times slower than the equivalent program > I'd be interested in hearing more about how these were benchmarked. On my machine, they both run in roughly the same time, with a degree of variance that makes them roughly equivalent. Some runs, the iterator version is faster. It's common to forget to turn on optimizations, which _seriously_ impact Rust's runtimes, LLVM can do wonders here. Generally speaking, if iterators are slower than a loop, that's a bug.

In my novice benchmark I found similar results as OP.

  running 6 tests
  test for_range_100   ... bench:        89 ns/iter (+/- 2)
  test for_range_1000  ... bench:       929 ns/iter (+/- 98)
  test for_range_10000 ... bench:      8815 ns/iter (+/- 414)
  test for_while_100   ... bench:        36 ns/iter (+/- 3)
  test for_while_1000  ... bench:       294 ns/iter (+/- 27)
  test for_while_10000 ... bench:      2768 ns/iter (+/- 268)

  test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 6 measured


That is not the same test as the OP's. It's not even the same test between the two different algorithms, since you hide different information from LLVM under different circumstances. If you have to put `test::black_box` everywhere to get anything but zeroes, the only thing you can really conclude is that LLVM is better at optimizing than you are at writing microbenchmarks (I'll agree it can be frustrating at times).

> This is, in fact, the default. You can use the attributes to inform the optimizer of your wishes, if you want more control.

Isn't the default that the optimiser will do whatever the hell it wants, and the attributes simply skew the optimiser's factors in one direction or another? I think what the author means here is that the caller function should be able to define whether the callee should be inlined or not.

> The bindgen tool can help here.

Would be really useful to have an implicit bindgen thing. Maybe a compiler plugin using e.g. Clang's C parser? That way there's no need to maintain the binding. I'd say I'd like a header generator more than a reader though.

Bindgen has a compiler plugin too: https://github.com/crabtw/rust-bindgen#macro-usage

Also, FYI, https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/10530 covers taking a Rust lib and generating a C header file.

Maybe I misunderstood what the parent wants, but you're right that the optimizer can do as it pleases, and you can use annotations to help it make the right decision.

An 'implicit' tool may in fact be cool. It's not perfect, and so needs tweaking in many cases, so the current state is pretty good, but for easier cases and/or when you don't care, I can see such a thing being useful.

> Maybe I misunderstood what the parent wants, but you're right that the optimizer can do as it pleases, and you can use annotations to help it make the right decision.

I understand TFAA's request to be a callsite annotation, which currently does not exist, e.g.

    inline foo()
to force inlining or

    noinline bar()
to prevent it, probably with the first one erroring out if the call is not inlinable.

I believe #[inline(always)] and #[inline(never)] both work like this.

According to steveklabnik here[1], those are on the definition, not the callsite, which is the distinction here. Although from other info here, it sounds like having it on the definition is a prerequisite in some cases if you wanted to somehow specify it for the callsite, as it needs to be serialized in the crate metadata to be inline-able, and that's controlled somewhat by whether it was defined as inline capable.

1: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9548248

But those annotations are for the function definition instead of the call site, or are there call site annotations as well? I think the author's idea is analogous to the user-defined (instead of type-defined) move/copy semantics.

They're on the function definition, yes. There aren't ones at the call site.

As someone who just looked this up to confirm this and reply to someone else here, the docs[1] are fairly ambiguous in this respect. As someone soliciting feedback on the docs, that's a good spot to clarify. :)

P.S. I considered submitting a PR, but I don't know enough about rust yet to accurately phrase it.

1: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference.html#inline-attributes

Then I'm left wondering how you interpreted the sentence you quoted and replied to...?

> I’ve always thought it should be up to the caller to say which functions they’d like inlined,

I am ridiculously tired, after burning the candle from both ends for the last few weeks to get this release shipped. In the last four days, I've written almost 1700 lines of docs. I make mistakes sometimes :)

Bindgen uses libclang. It's also quite slow.

the article brings up a good point with 'systems language'. What is a systems language anyways? I guess C is, but whats the definition? Is common lisp a 'systems language'? After all, a good number of operating systems have been written in common lisp, but is it too freewheeling and high level to be considered a 'systems language'? Is java a systems language?

It is an interesting question and one that's quite debatable. I enjoyed the discussion in [0] the panel "Systems Programming in 2014 and Beyond" from 2014 with panel members Bjarne Stroustrup (C++), Niko Matsakis (Rust), Andrei Alexandrescu (D) and Rob Pike (Go).

Have to say I agree with Bjarne and Niko on most points discussed.

[0] https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Lang-NEXT/Lang-NEXT-2014/Pa...

Implicitly, the most important feature of a 'systems language' is predictability: how easily can you predict how much memory or time a program will use when running?

If we take that seriously, I wonder if we should look at something that isn't turing complete.

That's a good thought, but you'd probably need to know the problem domain in advance to do that. The reason we use Turing complete languages is because you can't predict what solutions need to be expressed, so you err on the side of allowing them all.

Except we don't allow them all; we allow that subset that will run within the memory we make available to the process, in the time before we get fed up waiting and kill the process... There is likely valuable design space between that and current (or at least common) explicitly non-TC languages.

You can write a program that doesn't terminate, consumes ever increasing amounts of memory, and can perform arbitrary arithmetical calculations in just about any language. Any language that can do that is Turing complete.

About the only non-Turing complete languages in wide use today are basic dialects of SQL, Regex, and some layout engines. Every non-Turing complete language we've invented has a very specific domain of application, and none of them are suitable for writing low-level systems.

I think you missed my point, which I admit is rather subtle. I mean that there are already restrictions which we place on programs in practice; if we make those explicitly part of the language rather than implicitly part of the environment, the resulting language is not Turing complete but might still be comparably useful. The trick is in doing this in a way that practically (instead of just theoretically) improves our ability to reason about the programs, and in building it into a language that's actually usable.

Edited to add: Note that I'm not saying this is a trivial engineering exercise.

My understanding is that 'systems languages' run without a runtime and are therefore good for writing low level programs for embedded and operating systems.

I could be wrong...

Pedantry: Even C++ has a runtime (so does Rust); they're just tiny and I think can be disabled.

A language that accesses the hardware (OS, drivers...). Java is definitively not a system language unlike C++. I an not sure Rust have to be a system language.

I too have found the assignment semantics to be a little baffling, and the errors to be ungoogleable (which may have changed in the last 4 months since I used it last). A pragma determining semantics seems quite brittle as well. I wish that there were some sort of distinguishing operators for copy vs move, much like how F# has different operators for initial assignment vs mutation.

We used to have two operators, but it wasn't actually helpful.

The only difference between a move and a copy in Rust is that you can use a copy value afterward.

Why does this matter? Okay, imagine this code:

    let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
    let v2 = v;
Since Vec does not implement Copy, it's a move. Moves memcpy the value on the stack, which, in a Vec's case, is a triple: pointer to the data, a length, and the capacity. You haven't actually copied the data on the heap, just the three pointers on the stack. If we let you use v after the assignment, there'd be two pointers to the same data. No bueno.

Compare that with this code:

    let i = 5;
    let i2 = i;
In this case, 5 is an i32, which implements Copy. The same thing happens: a memcpy. But now, the entire data was copied. There's nothing on the heap. In this case, it's totally okay to keep using i.

Does that make sense?

It makes sense...but only because you explained that Vec doesn't implement copy and i32 does. Without scouring the source/docs, or possibly having a mythical IDE that can discover this for me, I have to rely on error messages.

I just checked, and the error messages are definitely better since January, but I think it would be helpful to have an extra operator just for a visual understanding of the code, rather than enhancing its procedural semantics.

This sort of gets at the root of why using two operators wasn't great: you're basically forcing a human to annotate what a compiler already knows. It doesn't improve the situation significantly, and just adds noise. It's sort of similar to why we don't force you to write out every single type.

I'm trying to find the blog post that had an example of the old syntax, but I can't at the moment :/

As you code in Rust, you sort of figure out what should be Copy and what shouldn't: can it be completely copied with a memcpy? Then it's Copy, or it should be. Does it contain a pointer to some sort of external resource? Than it shouldn't be.

And, once you've written some Rust, you know what 'use of moved value' is: it means the type moves, not copies. So the error _does_ tell you what's up, although it may not be 100% awesome for completely new people.

The error from my first program, trying to print `v` after:

    hello.rs:5:22: 5:23 error: use of moved value: `v`
    hello.rs:5     println!("{:?}", v);
    note: in expansion of format_args!
    <std macros>:2:25: 2:56 note: expansion site
    <std macros>:1:1: 2:62 note: in expansion of print!
    <std macros>:3:1: 3:54 note: expansion site
    <std macros>:1:1: 3:58 note: in expansion of println!
    hello.rs:5:5: 5:25 note: expansion site
    hello.rs:3:9: 3:11 note: `v` moved here because it has type `collections::vec::Vec<i32>`, which is moved by default
    hello.rs:3     let v2 = v;
    hello.rs:3:9: 3:11 help: use `ref` to override

`ref` is sort of an awkward suggestion, but it does tell you, it's moved by default.

We tried it once, and there was way too much noise. "let move x = move f(move y)" was all over the place. (Yes, you do need it on pattern bindings too if you want to be consistent.)

Since copy is the rarer of the two (I'd assume most developers are not going to opt-in copy unless they need to, even if it's technically feasible not marking a struct as Copy is more future-proof as removing Copy is more likely to break code than adding it) the operator could be `copy`, with everything (including copy-able objects) moving by default, making the language much more uniform.

Of course, there would be no point to Copy then, the language could just lost it and require explicit cloning.

That would certainly be less convenient for basic numeric types.

I think copy may be rarer in terms of the number of types, but I suspect it's not rarer in terms of actual use, since shared references (&) and integers are used a lot.

Good point wrt reference, I always have trouble thinking of them as "real" types to which the rest of the language applies as usual, thanks for the reminder.

> But then, this won’t compile: let x = if something > 0 { 2 };

Which makes perfect sense. After all, what should the value of x be if something is <= 0?

Now, I'm not sure this is useful at all, but I think it would make sense for the value of an if-expression to be Option<T>.

That might actually make sense... and I have to say that it would be useful, too. Quite often I find myself doing if condition { Some(foo) } else { None }; being able to just write if condition { foo } could be neat syntactic sugar for that (though it might also be confusing, since in Rust generally types don't form magically like that). The solution I'd come up with was just to give booleans a .then method (maybe they already have one that i missed).

It's always interesting to see the experiences of new people to Rust. There's a few curious misconceptions in here that I hadn't seen before:

> Iterators are a great and reusable way to encapsulate your blah-blah-blah-blah-blah, but of course they’re impossible to optimize.

I'm very curious to know where you got this idea from. Iterators actually optimize very well, in most cases being indistinguishable from a manual imperative for-loop. If you forget to turn on compiler optimizations then you'll see a significant performance difference, but that's true for a lot of different things you might want to do. Compiler optimizations are important whenever you're measuring performance.

> pragma

It's not a pragma. It uses the same # sigil that C compilers use to introduce pragmas, but in Rust, it actually denotes an attribute which modifies the next item (or in the enclosing item with the #! syntax). This is used for a number of things. As you've seen, it can be used to automatically derive implementations of traits, and it can be used to mark a function as being a candidate for inlining, among other things.

> Rust rather inelegantly overloads the assignment operator to mean either binding or copying.

This is indeed a very curious misconception. Assignment actually isn't overloaded like that at all. In your code example, when you say

  let y = x;
You're not binding y to the value of x, you're actually moving the value of x into y. There is no implicit bind-by-reference in Rust. If you want a reference, you need to use the & sigil.

The confusion here stems from the fact that some values can be copied and some values cannot. When you move a value in Rust, if the value can be copied (if it conforms to the Copy trait), then the original value is still usable after the move. This means you can say

  let x = 1;
  let y = x;
  let z = x;
The line `let y = x` moves the value of x into y, but since the value is copyable, it's really just moving a copy of the value. In this context, "copyable" basically means memcpy() can be used to produce a valid copy. There's a different trait called Clone which has an explicit .clone() method that is used for values that require additional work beyond memcpy() to copy.

In your code example, your struct is not Copy, so moving its value makes the original value inaccessible. Basically, it's considered garbage memory and cannot be read from again. This is why your code

  let x = MyValue::Digit(10);
  let y = x;
  let z = x;
throws an error. It isn't because `y` and `z` would be referring to the same value, it's because after the line `let y = x;` the original value `x` is garbage.

So really, any time you do assignment like that (or any time you pass a value as an argument to a function) without taking an explicit reference (using &), you're doing a move. Values that confirm to Copy will move a copy of the value, and all other values will leave the original value inaccessible. This should actually be familiar to people coming from C++, where values that aren't Copy are basically like std::unique_ptr, except that instead of leaving the original value with a known-"zero" state, the compiler prevents you from accessing the original value at all.

Further commentary:

> When Rust was originally announced, the team had ambitions to pursue the multi-core MacGuffin with a green-threaded actor model, but they found out that it’s very hard to do green threads with native code compilation.

It's easy to do if you're willing to define certain synchronization points (such as I/O). IIRC, Rust abandoned Green threads because of a few reasons:

1. It doesn't play well with FFI. This is particularly true with segmented stacks, but Rust abandoned those before it abandoned green threading. With regular OS-provided stacks, FFI is a problem because the FFI call can't yield to the green scheduler. 2. It has an unavoidable performance problem even for code that doesn't use it. The existence of green threading means the entire runtime needs to be abstracted over a threading and I/O interface. This is a lot of complexity, and requires the use of dynamic dispatch for a lot of things that would otherwise be static dispatch. Rust originally switched to native as the default threading model but kept green threading as an option for a while, but this violates the concept of you-don't-pay-for-what-you-don't-use, especially since most people weren't even using green threading anymore. 3. It also made implementing some things very awkward. For example, because of the abstract notion of a runtime, you couldn't really implement selection over multiple file descriptors very well. Things like that must be handled by the runtime library or not at all, because for native threading you'd want to use select() (or kqueue or epoll) but for green threading the green threading library needs to deal with that. In Go, the standard solution there was to spawn multiple green threads that each block on one fd and communicate using channels (because the runtime can then collect all the blocked fds into a single select/kqueue/epoll), but that's unwanted overhead, and is especially not very good when you're not using the green threading. 4. Green threads encourage the use of lots of short-lived threads that have very shallow stacks. Rust abandoned segmented stacks with the understanding that the OS-provided virtual memory support was good enough that it didn't matter if every thread got an 8MB stack as it would allocate pages on-demand. But a 4k page for every green thread can be a lot of overhead if you're using thousands of green threads. You can of course explicitly request a smaller stack, but that's tricky to get right (if you request too little you explode). There was a lot of thought given to trying to statically determine how much stack space a given function call required (which is not always possible, and is especially tricky if there's any recursion) to deal with this, but that's a very hard problem.

Ultimately, it was determined that green threads simply weren't worth all the costs. The OS is pretty good about dealing with lots of threads, and arguably it's actually better than the green threading library is about scheduling them all. Green threading makes some sense if you want to spawn 10,000 simultaneous threads, but in nearly all real-world workloads it's just not really worth it.

> Rust has taken up a different challenge: eliminating crashes from otherwise traditional, “boring” multi-threaded programs. In the sense that Rust has abandoned its original vision in favor of pursuing more modest and achievable goals*

I find this an odd thing to say. Statically eliminating crashes (and data races) without a garbage collector or any performance penalty is actually significantly more interesting than actors. Rust did not decide to pursue the more modest "boring" goal, it redoubled its focus on pursuing the very hard (but achievable) and very important goal of solving the problem of memory/data safety in multithreaded programs. This aspect of Rust is what most excited me when I first got involved 2 years ago and what still excites me to this day and makes me wish I could use Rust in my day job.

> For the record, the Nim language manages to get this right, and the Rust folks might look to it for inspiration.

I've heard of Nim before but haven't actually looked at it. Does it attempt to solve memory/data race safety at compile-time like Rust does?

> It is also worth noting that processing non-overlapping slices in parallel is destined to come into mortal conflict with The Iterator, which is by its nature sequential

I don't think this is true. You can build an Iterator that yields non-overlapping mutable slices, and then you can process them in parallel. The iterator is sequential, yes, but you can call it multiple times and hand the resulting references to your parallel computations (as opposed to handing the iterator itself over, which doesn't work because you'd be sharing mutable state without a lock and Rust does not allow you to write that code).

Although it's worth noting that at the moment you can't do fork-join concurrency (so you can't share mutable slices with parallel computations like that unless you cheat with `unsafe`). There's `thread::scoped()` but it's marked as unstable (so you can't use it from Beta or from tomorrow's Stable 1.0) because it has a serious safety issue, and the proposed replacements are still being worked on.

> I've heard of Nim before but haven't actually looked at it. Does it attempt to solve memory/data race safety at compile-time like Rust does?

Not in the general sense that Rust does. Nim has a (still experimental) parallel statement that can reason about some arithmetic operations and proves that array access is disjoint and thus safe.

I find a lot of this sounds like justification rather than rationale. Certainly, OS level threads are objectively terrible, as is the OS level scheduler. A chance to have a compiled, memory-safe erlang has been wasted.

OS level threads are absolutely not objectively terrible and what eridius described was the rationale. This is the post that killed off green threads: https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/rust-dev/2013-November/00...

I find it hard to believe you can read that and believe that Rust made this decision for anything but sound technical reasons.

Eppur si muove.

Which part of the thread I linked did you disagree with? Or are you just being contrarian for its own sake?

objectively terrible? That's the kind of statement that really should have some evidence included. Perhaps you meant subjectively?

A partial, limited list of reasons why kernel threads are much worse than an M:N green thread user space implementation:

* kernel space and time overhead is relatively gigantic * no cross-os usable kernel thread standard except fork() * when you are writing systems code, sometimes you either do not have a kernel, or are writing one * submitting to kernel threads means you must also give all cores over to the kernel as well, leading to competition between your program and others * still doesn't solve the core problem of cross-thread communication

> when you are writing systems code, sometimes you either do not have a kernel, or are writing one

If you're writing kernel code, you have to abandon most of Rust's standard library already, because there's lots of stuff that isn't available. This is one of the reasons why Rust's standard library is split into a bunch of different crates (that are all then re-exposed under the "libstd" facade), so you can pick and choose which bits of functionality you can actually use. If you're in the kernel, you probably can't use the user-space allocator, which means you have to drop liballoc, which means you have to drop most of the standard library. AIUI, kernels are pretty much constrained to using just libcore and then reimplementing other functionality as needed. Most relevant to this conversation, this generally means you have to drop the standard library's I/O and threading support entirely (userspace code that creates threads isn't really going to work in the kernel).

And at that point, there's absolutely nothing stopping you from implementing an actor model yourself. Heck, that's what the Rust standard library used to do! Although it used libuv, which presumably doesn't work in kernelspace, which means you wouldn't have even been able to use Rust's green threading from kernel code even if it was never dropped.

> submitting to kernel threads means you must also give all cores over to the kernel as well, leading to competition between your program and others

I'm not sure what you mean by this. A green threading implementation is built on top of OS threads anyway (using a small pool of threads roughly equivalent to one per core, with extra threads as necessary for the green threading implementation to do blocking tasks). There's nothing at all about green threading that lets you control a core all to yourself without sharing it with other processes. If your OS lets you request priority for a specific core, you can do that for OS threads just as well as you could with green threads.

I'm not sure how to square those statements with the ones eridius made up-thread that you replied to. There's some very specific downsides to implementing green threads laid out above, which you've done nothing to address.

> no cross-os usable kernel thread standard except fork()

Not to make your own point for you, but fork isn't available on every platform either. Windows has no fork. I'm not sure I consider forking analogous to threading anyways. They are both multiprocessing primitives, but I generally define threading (and it's derivatives) through how it's different than forking. That could easily just be me though.

I don't have the time at the moment to unpack all of his points; many of them are valid concerns, but I don't find any two of them especially convincing enough to abandon the objectively ( :) ) superior actor model.

More commentary:

> Another feature where a pragma seems out of place is inlining, although in this case I can’t really blame Rust for it. [...] I’ve always thought it should be up to the caller to say which functions they’d like inlined, and the function should just mind its own business.

It should actually be up to the compiler to make that call. And for all functions within a crate it is up to the compiler. Every function (that's not marked as `#[inline(never)]`) is a candidate for inlining anywhere else it's called within the same crate. The #[inline] attribute is a hint to the compiler that it might want to inline it more often, but the compiler is free to decide not to inline it.

Where #[inline] really matters is when calling it from other crates. The compiler can only inline functions that it actually can see the definition of. This should be obvious from the fact that inlining requires the compiler to copy the definition to the point where it was called. So what the #[inline] attribute does, besides hint to the compiler that you might like to inline it, is include the AST for the function in the library. This is actually the same thing it already does for generic functions (since generic functions need to be instantiated by the caller for arbitrary type parameters). So a generic function doesn't actually need #[inline] at all to be inlined. But non-generic functions do.

> (but five function calls (from_ptr, from_utf8, to_bytes, unwrap, to_string) just to convert a C string to a Rust string seems like an excessive amount of ceremony

You're right. The std::ffi module is relatively new. There used to be a simpler way to convert from a * const u8 into a &str but it appears to have fallen by the wayside.

> Rust won’t read C header files

You should check out https://github.com/crabtw/rust-bindgen. It's a tool that can generate the Rust extern interfaces from C headers.

> A function that does something unsafe (e.g. pointer arithmetic or calling C libraries) can be exported as safe.

If this weren't true than large swaths of the standard library would be unsafe, including anything that calls into libc or makes system calls.

When you expose a safe interface that uses `unsafe`, you're promising that you will guarantee safety yourself in a way the compiler cannot verify. If you do not want to (or cannot) guarantee that your interface is safe, then you should mark it as `unsafe` and let the caller deal with it. But the ability to wrap `unsafe` code in safe interfaces is absolutely crucial for lots of things, including much of the standard library. The hope is that most people writing Rust code won't ever have to use `unsafe` themselves because the standard library (or other people's libraries) will provide the necessary safe interfaces. But people writing safe interfaces around unsafe constructs need the ability to do this.

> but until a few days ago, Cargo didn’t understand linker flags

I believe this was already addressed in another comment, but this is not actually true. Cargo build scripts can provide flags to give to rustc, and `extern` declarations can be annotated with attributes specifying certain linker flags (such as the name of the library to link to).

This is a great post! :D

Some nits on various errors or misrepresentations:

> pragma

You have some complaints about attributes (what you call pragmas) -- I suspect that many of them are due to you looking at them as if they were C++ preprocessor directives or pragmas. They aren't, even if the syntax may be reminiscent :)

In some cases they're like decorators in python (but much more powerful), in others, Java annotations. They're a different concept.

> Sadly, Rust is not a target for my favorite parser generator, and the lexers in Servo don’t look much better than C-style state machines, with lots of matching (switching) on character literals.

https://github.com/servo/html5ever is the largest parsing library we use in Servo, and there are a bunch of Rust tricks done there. HTML parsing is hard (the spec is insanely complex), and this library does it well with much less code.

> it would be nice if the Rust compiler got rid of the split_at_mut secret password and could reason sanely about slice literals and array indexes.

`split_at_mut` is just a library function that uses `unsafe` internally, much like many other core data structures and methods. It has nothing to do with the compiler.

> It is also worth noting that processing non-overlapping slices in parallel is destined to come into mortal conflict with The Iterator, which is by its nature sequential.

I believe the thread::scoped API can be used to process nonoverlapping slices in parallel with a regular iterator. Not sure, but I recall seeing an example where this was done.

> ...seems like an excessive amount of ceremony, at least for a language that keeps using the word “systems” on its website.

I don't see what verbosity has to do with systems programming. Most of those are zero or low cost (so verbosity doesn't correspond to more steps in the generated assembly); I believe there's a utf8 check at one point and that's it. Rust is verbose wherever errors or footguns are possible.

> Rust won’t read C header files, so you have to manually declare each function you want to call by wrapping it in an extern block, like this:


> but until a few days ago, Cargo didn’t understand linker flags

You can specify -L and -l flags in the .cargo/config file under the rust-flags key (or output the same in a build script); this has been allowed for a while now. More complex linker args are now possible with the cargo rustc command.

> I believe the thread::scoped API can be used to process nonoverlapping slices in parallel with a regular iterator. Not sure, but I recall seeing an example where this was done.

Yes, it can. And while the original API had to be reworked a bit, this capability will not change (and someone can probably implemented the proposed solution in a library today, if they so choose, so people can try it in the beta).

I really enjoyed reading the article, and I think it presented its argument well, but I fear that some of the conclusions it came to were based on technical misconceptions about the language. It's also making me feel more and more like turning optimizations on by default may be a good idea... for every person who writes a blog post or asks a question on StackOverflow about why code isn't running fast enough, there are probably ten others who just assumed Rust wasn't ready and moved on to other things.

> https://github.com/servo/html5ever is the largest parsing library we use in Servo, and there are a bunch of Rust tricks done there. HTML parsing is hard (the spec is insanely complex), and this library does it well with much less code.

This might simply be because of a) Servo has no legacy b) Servo developers are awesome c) Servo is not complete yet

A large part of the complexity of HTML is simply quirks and compatibility. Which Servo does not handle yet.

Don't mistake all this as language wins...

> A large part of the complexity of HTML is simply quirks and compatibility.

Actually, the HTML spec already addresses those (that's why it is incredibly complex; unlike HMTL4 and previous, the WHATWG HTML Living Spec -- and possibly the W3C HTML5 spec, though I can never keep straight what that was in the WHATWG spec at the time W3C kept and what it didn't -- contains a complete specification of how compliant user agents should parse anything purporting to be HTML even if it actually isn't valid HTML (IIRC, a compliant parser may throw an error on invalid HTML, but if it is tolerant of errors, the spec specifies how it is to be tolerant, specifically to avoid the pre-HTML5 issue of different browsers parsing the same thing different ways. Modern browser either have converged or are converging -- some might still be lagging -- on that consistent model.)

> The pattern list looks pretty exhaustive to me, but Rust wouldn’t know it. I’m that sure someone who is versed in type theory will send me an email explain how what I want is impossible unless P=NP, or something like that, but all I’m saying is, it’d be a nice feature to have.

I Am Not A Type Theorist, but that looks like it could be very hard for a compiler to deduce in general. You might have to bust out a proof yourself for things like this. In which case you might not feel it is worth it for a "nice to have".

It boils down to Rice's Theorem, aka the Halting Problem. Boolean conditionals can contain arbitrary computations so its undecidable how they will behave at runtime.

Right. Hence the proof obligation. :)

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