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Ask YC: What podcasts do you subscribe to?
14 points by sbraford on Jan 6, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 26 comments
Educational, entrepreneur-oriented, hacking / geekery?

Great one from my alma mater: http://edcorner.stanford.edu/podcasts.html . Just take a look at the guests over the years.

I second that, Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders is outstanding.

I normally listen to these entrepreneurship blogs. I don't download them.

1. Will Schroter's blog http://blogbard.com/blodio/blogmainpage?type=blogbard&pl...

2. Ask the wizard


3. Ashish's world http://blogbard.com/blodio/blogmainpage?type=blogbard&pl...

4. A lot of people lissten to blog.pmarca.com.

Techy/geeky blogs to listen to:

Techdirt, readwriteweb, gigaom, techcrunch (There are links for them on their main page http://blogbard.com)

http://freelanceswitch.com/podcasts Great podcast about freelancing. Enjoy.

Fun & Enjoyment:

CBC's The Vinyl Cafe (8/10) The Merlin Show (on extended hiatus) (8/10) PopTech conference (8/10) TED conference (10/10) This American Life (9/10) Tiki Bar TV (video podcast) (8/10)

Tech: Diggnation (8/10) The GigaOm Show (6/10) MacBreak Weekly (obviously only for macheads...) (8/10) net@night (7/10) TWiT (9/10)

Entrepreneurship: DJF Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Seminar (6/10) Chicago GSB (graduate school of business) (8/10) Venture Voice (on extended hiatus) (9/10) O'Reilly web 2.0 conference (7/10)

If you're a nerd/geek/dork (like me) you'll love Radiolab. Simply the best radio show ever.

Thanks for bringing attention to this. I just started listening to one of the shows; aside from the interesting content it's also really well produced.

"... What podcasts do you subscribe to? ..."

I don't so much subscribe as dip into these links every once and a while when I need to vegetate or want to do something away from the keyboard. There are a few others but they are pretty much listed (npr, edcorner ... etc).

ITConversations ~ http://itc.conversationsnetwork.org/

ABC Science show ~ http://www.abc.net.au/rn/scienceshow/

BBC Science ~ http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/podcasts/directory/genre/science/

TED (vid + mp3) ~ http://www.ted.com

Freedomain Radio - http://www.freedomainradio.com/podcasts.html

If you you really want to get challenged intellectually, this podcast is for you...

Pod casts i like: CNET - Buzz out loud - Keeps me up to date with tech news TWiT - This week in Tech (Leo Laporte) Security Now (Also from TWiT) - Excellent Security podcast. very educational BBC Documentry archive - Excellent documentries Learn French By Podcast

Harvard Business Review Ideacast. http://www.hbsp.harvard.edu/b02/en/hbr/hbr_ideacast.jhtml Surefire way to become a better entrepreneur.

I recommend www.podiobooks.com if you are interested in hearing some non-geeky stories. I have really enjoyed listening to some of their content over the last few years. adf471587879rzq


There's lots of good stuff on http://itconversations.com, too.

Just of note: I'm not surprised that nobody here subscribes to TWiT. MIT's online lectures are quite good, but I wouldn't call them a podcast I suppose.

Here's a past thread on this topic http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37818


Since I don't have a commute or other dead time, sitting around listening to someone talk is maddeningly slow and or distracting compared to being able to glance over a written article.

I like to listen while I eat, do errands, do laundry...

Podcasts aren't just about news. I listen to the podcasts at ChinesePod.com and SpanishPod.com. Already speak Chinese and am learning Spanish. Fun.

I am the same, but I do them when walking/at the gym (or running, sometimes).

This American Life, NPR Shuffle, The Economist, The Ethicist, the Welch Way...

The Bugle from the Guardian is hysterical.

None, though I occasionally download individual recordings when the topic and/or speaker interests me.

"Off the hook" and "off the wall" from 2600.org

yeah venturevoice rocks

some of the webmaster radio shows are good - Net Income, SEO Rockstars

www.radiolab.org (just pure awesome)

www.audible.com (audiobooks for long drives and flights)

escapepod.org All work and no play, etc.

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