I would be extremely grateful if you could provide actionable advice (or help) on which other crypto libraries could fit our requirements for weave. Please note that in addition to functional requirements, any library must be open source, hard to misuse, easy to package, and demonstrably safe.
Are you aware that we did not roll our own crypto? Instead we used the NaCl crypto libs[1]. Weave adds about 300 LOC to integrate NaCl.
You can read about it here - http://docs.weave.works/weave/latest_release/how-it-works.ht... You can also read a bit about weave crypto in the comments from mradestock and msackman elsewhere on this page.
I would be extremely grateful if you could provide actionable advice (or help) on which other crypto libraries could fit our requirements for weave. Please note that in addition to functional requirements, any library must be open source, hard to misuse, easy to package, and demonstrably safe.
[1] http://nacl.cr.yp.to/