I'm baffled. What should we call them? "National Socialist" is apparently out, and "Nazi" is just an abbreviation of that ("Nationalsozialismus" in German). That doesn't leave much that will be commonly understood. I suppose we could have the UN call some sort of international symposium to officially rename then "Fascist Poopyheads," but that's going to cost a lot in reprinted textbooks.
I guess I don't understand why you think calling things by their names is a mark of respect. It's just...how communication works. Your other example doesn't make much sense either, since North Korea is called "DPRK" fairly frequently in news and discussion. And then apparently calling things by their names is a mark of "liberalism"? What?
So that's why I'm downvoting you, since you wanted to know. I hope you find this information helpful.
I do, thanks - I would say Nazi, I suppose. It's the common term, and is fairly divorced from its roots as far as I'm aware. There's been a push to call groups like ISIS Daesh or ISIL or just IS, and refusing to actually spell out the moniker for "DPRK" might also fall under the umbrella of not acknowledging regimes' grandiose claims about themselves.
I guess another part of my complaint is that they weren't socialist at all (after 1920-something, when the small group of socialist thinkers in the party were forced out), so it's a misnomer. It leads to misinformation, and I don't really like that on principle.
The liberal comment was because, in general, liberals (and neoliberals, etc) tend to dislike socialism and so often take the chance to associate or equate it with fascism, social democracy, hegemony, etc.
Thanks for taking the time, even with the snark it's enlightening to see where folks are coming from. I appreciate it.
I guess I don't understand why you think calling things by their names is a mark of respect. It's just...how communication works. Your other example doesn't make much sense either, since North Korea is called "DPRK" fairly frequently in news and discussion. And then apparently calling things by their names is a mark of "liberalism"? What?
So that's why I'm downvoting you, since you wanted to know. I hope you find this information helpful.