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Unfortunately there is nothing about these stories in Indian academic books. It is all about invaders from the west.


Can you explain your statement?


What are you smoking? Have you been at the charas and Akbaruddin Owaisi videos again?


I'm well aware of what happened to the Pandits; Kashmiris have surrendered their right to self-determination by being party to that sad debacle. What I don't understand is how with the Sachar Commission report, with no Muslims in the Army officer Corps of any appreciable number, one Muslim in the higher intelligence apparatus, and 90% of governmental power in the hands of Hindus and those who wish Hindus well, you can have this sad-sack attitude of Hindu civilizational doom.

My family that stayed behind after Partition was thanked with spit, brickbats, and a reduction of their pension for the Indian Police Service to token levels and my family that went to Pakistan was made constitutionally second class citizens and had their voting rights taken away merely for being part of an unpopular community, so please forbear from lecturing me about the "evils" of "Muslims" and "sickulars", we have long personal experience in both.


Wasn't the entire point of Arya Samaj and Brahmo Samaj to counter the perceived fragmentation and disunity talking about? I have just as much of a hard time believing you as I do when I hear people in USA say Christianity is under threat from (the government/Sharia law/Muslims/the ZOG/Hollywood/[insert boogeyman of choice here, preferably approved by the John Birch Society])

Yes, my parents are Ahmadi. Why do you say that about those communities?


Compared to Jang, Nawa-i-Waqt. the News, Jasarat, Ummat, Nai Baat, etc, they're models of restraint.


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