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Ask HN: Who is hiring? (May 2015)
501 points by _whoishiring on May 1, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 893 comments
Please lead with the location of the position and include the keywords INTERN, REMOTE, or VISA if the corresponding sort of candidate is welcome. Feel free to post any job that may interest HN readers from executive assistant to machine learning expert to CTO.

Please do not post recruiting firms or job boards.

Dropbox | New York City | Software Engineer

We're a dozen engineers building the foundation for Dropbox's first office outside San Francisco. We work on impactful projects that are essential to Dropbox's success.

https://dropbox.nyc or email me directly, mspitz@dropbox.com.

Also hiring in SF, Seattle, and Tel Aviv.

"We're a dozen engineers building the foundation for Dropbox's first office outside San Francisco." - That reads like you're construction workers. (Maybe you are!)

It isn't so bad! Making bucks, getting exercise, working outside...

Fuckin' A.

Well... I tried to updvote this from my phone without zooming in... And ended up down voting it :( can't find a way to undo so hopefully this comment helps your ranking. My bad :(

Upvoted for you.

Do you guys do visas (H1-B transfers, GC transfers)?

"first office outside San Francisco"

I thought you guys had an office in Austin as well?

That's Box!

They have an office there as well. Just no engineering jobs offered at the moment.


Silent Circle - Geneva - REMOTE the norm, INTERNs welcome

We do end-to-end secure communications and a secure mobile platform (Blackphone). The people who work here are highly interested in ensuring that privacy remains a possibility in the world.

We need great engineers who like working on Android (both at the application and the OS layer), iOS applications, back-end infrastructure (e.g. relational and distributed DBs, messaging layers, etc.), and in C, Erlang, Python, and Lua.

By working here you'll have the opportunity to work on hard problems with interesting people like PRZ. We've grown quickly but are still a startup. We hire great people to whom we can give autonomy to get the job done. As our main job is protecting our customers in hostile environments, we want people who are exceptionally good and exceptionally careful.

We're a distributed team, and we're perfectly happy to hire great people anywhere in the world.

Experience with cryptography, protocol implementation, telephony/VoIP, etc. is definitely interesting to us but not required for all positions. We mainly want people who are demonstrably great engineers in the UNIX mold. F/OSS work is a great sign to us. We are very interested in Android experience right now.

Please email frank, CC myself (my username), @silentcircle.com. If you could write a few paragraphs about yourself and what sort of work you like to do, that'd be appreciated. Links to GitHub and LinkedIn are also good.

I look forward to talking with you.

(Engineers only; no recruiters please.)

Incidentally I checked your hiring page a few days ago and found only non-engineering jobs listed. Will definitely send you an e-mail though.

I hope you don't mind me saying, the hiring page required me to turn on cookies. For a privacy-focused company I think it would look best to not set cookies at all. (Or use cookies only for personal settings like language selection, like DuckDuckGo does.)

Edit: Can't find a public key for Frank nor Travis on pgp.mit.edu, will e-mail JshWright, okay?

Yeah, you can email me and it'll find its way to the right people. My work email is josh at silentcircle.

To be honest, the hiring site is run and used by the business side of the house, as engineering prefers finding folks through other channels (e.g. this one...). I doubt we have any control over whether or not the site requires cookies, as it is a third party solution (other than picking a different provider, but that's well above my pay grade).

Here's Phil, on why you should come work with us:


Broken link

Sorted now, thanks

TC, Are you looking for full time employees or are you interested in working on a long term contracting / freelance basis?

Nava - Washington DC

I'm part of a small team of expats from Silicon Valley that came out to DC last year to help fix healthcare.gov. (Mostly Stanford, Google, Y Combinator folks) We've learned a ton, and see an opportunity to create software that radically improves how our government serves its people - we've started our company, Nava, to chase that vision. In the last 6 months, we've launched 2 major projects:

- App 2.0, the new insurance application for healthcare.gov. It's processing 70% of apps coming through the marketplace, and: converts 35% more people than the old app, gets them through in half the time, is mobile-friendly (20% of apps), sits on robust, scalable infrastructure, etc etc. It was the first system that CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service) ever hosted on Amazon AWS.

- Scalable Login System (SLS), the new identity management system for healthcare.gov. Sadly, the main achievement here is that the system is actually up and available, unlike its predecessor. It's now saving the taxpayer $70M in annual maintenance costs.

Here's a Wired article from last summer about us: http://www.wired.com/2014/06/healthcare-gov-revamp/

We're just starting on a few major new projects that have a huge potential to improve our government. We have the technical experience to do things the right way, and the relationships and trust inside government agencies to get things done. Our momentum is strong, the problem is important, and we're looking for good people.

If you're the type that would get fired up about reimagining broken government experiences and technology, please drop us a line at jobs@navahq.com, we'd love to hear from you!

Specifically, we’re looking for:

- a product manager with a technical background

- a senior devops engineer

- a senior full-stack engineer

Props to you and everyone else helping to rebuild our government's technology! This is a much sexier problem than it gets credit for. Let's stop complaining about politicians and roll up our sleeves to make this country more kickass. Government agencies everywhere could use some great developers.

Gabe, This sounds like a really interesting and challenging project. I can't even begin to imagine some of the hurdles that you will be up against with this.

We just shot you an email and hope to chat soon!


I just wanted to say that this sounds totally awesome, and if I didn't have criminal baggage and was willing to relocate to DC, I'd be all over this.

Thanks for doing work :)

What area of DC is your office in?

Near Dupont Circle, 18th & M. Right next to Shake Shack, Nandos, near the metro, YMCA, White House, and lots of other awesome things.

Do you guys sponsor H1bs ?

Open Whisper Systems ➡ San Francisco ➡ Full Time

Open Whisper Systems is making private communication simple. Our technology is used by hundreds of millions of people, and everything we produce is open source.

★ Design Lead -- Help us shape the look, feel, and branding of all our applications across iOS, Android, and the web. Help us simplify and effectively communicate otherwise complex ideas about privacy and security.

★ iOS Lead Developer -- Help us build a beautiful messaging app that is a joy to use.

Substantial experience in the domain of iOS development or design is a must, but experience with security or cryptography is not necessary or desired. Send us an email if this sounds interesting: workwithus@whispersystems.org

SEC | NY $125,000 - $205,000

We're building the SEC's next generation analytic platforms to keep our markets safe, effective, and trusted. Come build awesome tools to analyse big data (and small data!). We do quantitative analysis, machine learning, plus good old fashioned product development. At the end of the day we ship modern, elegant applications that helps our government be more awesome.

Join a small team of talented developers, capable researchers, and former finance people that saw the light.

Our stack: JS, React, Python, pandas, Flask, C++, KDB, q

Your workstation: .5 TB RAM, plus a gabajillion cores (we each have one)

You are: anyone that wants to help! Awesome front end dev? Machine learning expert? Pythonista? Data scientist? Whatever! We want you! Doesn't matter if you know our stack or not, if you love to learn you'll fit right in.

(Also, if you're more of a finance person and less of a dev/quant/science-person/whatever we have spots for that too, in Boston, Atlanta, NY, Chicago).

A friend of mine was on this team for the preceding 2 years (and just joined me in industry). It is exactly as Jordan describes it.

I would like to have more informations on this - is there someone I should contact?

Happy to give more details! Contact Jordan via: fisherj at sec dot gov.

This sounds like an awesome project. We just sent you an email!

Do I need to be a US citizen?

You don't, no, although we unfortunately can't sponsor visas.

Thumbtack - San Francisco - Software engineer and data science

Our mission is to help people accomplish personal projects by matching their needs to the right service professionals in their area. From wedding photographers and DJs to home contractors or French tutors, Thumbtack can help.

We are backed by Sequoia and Google Capital. Great offices in SoMa with daily home-cooked food and a friendly, ambitious team of 30 engineers. We're looking for expertise in Python, Go, AWS, the full web stack, Android, iOS, machine learning, and data science.

Current projects:

* New data pipeline (Hadoop/Spark) to support customer and business needs

* Advancements to the matching algorithm so both sides of the marketplace are better served

* Migration of all backend systems to AWS

* Shipping an Android app to make our customer experience faster and more efficient

For more information:



Also, feel free to email me (chris at) with any questions!

Soostone | NYC or Remote Possible | Functional Programmer (Haskell) | Backend, Frontend, DevOps, UI/UX Engineering

Soostone is a technology provider in the enterprise analytics space with a focus on performance improvement for e-commerce clients. We are the developers of a highly scalable platform that revolves around data, modeling, machine learning, real-time decision-making and sustained optimization. We routinely build features or capabilities that make use of in-process and multi-node concurrency, parallelism, stream processing, domain-specific languages (DSLs/EDSLs), Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) on GHCJS, MapReduce on Hadoop (via Haskell) and many other methodologies common in the functional programming world.

We also care a great deal about contributing back to the community by open sourcing useful components wherever possible. Our team members help organize a number of community events in eastern United States including the monthly NY Haskell Users Group, Hac NYC and the Compose conference.

If interested, please submit applications to jobs@soostone.com

Website: http://www.soostone.com

Quick Note: I clicked on "careers" from your homepage and got an error [0].

It's really great seeing you on HN – great to see more and more Haskell jobs available!

[0] http://www.soostone.com/careers/application-engineer

Very happy to hear that and thank you for pointing out the dead link! It's been fixed.

NoRedInk in San Francisco (or remote, up to 6h time zone difference from Pacific)

Full stack rails engineers wanted to make sure that grammer is taught good. Every one's revolutioneyesing educaton but while some student's cant even right the write words.

Then there was NoRedInk.

NoRedInk helps students quickly improve their grammar and writing skills. We've got a small, technically excellent engineering team. We extensively use React.js and Flux in production. I work here because I get to learn about my practice (as well as my failing grammar skills) every day. I work here because I care about education. I work here because existing online tools for teaching grammar and writing are pathetic. Join us as engineer #7, and improve how grammar is taught.


p.s. Other people think we're awesome, too:


This sounds like a really interesting project. We will be in touch shortly!

Dollar Shave Club - Los Angeles - Write Code, Shave the World

==About Dollar Shave Club==

Dollar Shave Club is a leading men’s grooming brand powered by a custom built e-commerce platform that touches all aspects of the business including fulfillment, marketing, billing and analytics. This platform is built for scale and handles over 1 million orders a month. We also apply technology to improve efficiencies including utilizing Natural Language Processing, Pattern Data Mining and Computer Vision.

Why you should work here? We have a unique culture where we encourage a bottom up approach. Our engineers are encouraged to look at ways to improve efficiencies within the company by applying technology. To do this approach, we’ve built one of the best technology teams in Los Angeles with engineers who previously worked at Yahoo, Google, and MySpace.


Front-End Developer - Ember.JS

Mobile Developer - Android

Full Stack Developer - RoR, Python

Devops - Docker, Ansible, Mesosphere,AWS

SDET - Watir

Apply at engineering-careers@dollarshaveclub.com

Khan Academy — Mountain View, CA (remote possible)

We're a small, non-profit tech startup bringing a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere.

Millions of people in all walks of life use our free platform to learn (check out testimonials at https://www.khanacademy.org/stories). Most of you reading this are probably familiar with Sal's videos, but we also have hundreds of videos by other teachers and a huge library of interactive exercises.

A few things we're currently working on building right now:

– Mobile apps to help students learn on the go and increase access to those who might not have access to a computer [1]

– Improved knowledge models so we can better predict what you know and what will help you [2]

– Infrastructure to make the site more reliable and faster for our millions of visitors every month [3]

We're especially looking for dev ops engineers, but we have a handful of other positions open. Unfortunately, we've filled up our slots for this coming summer internship, but we'd happily talk to intern candidates for future terms.

Apply at https://www.khanacademy.org/careers

[1]: http://www.kasrak.com/writing/khan-internship/

[2]: http://data.khanacademy.org/2015/03/helping-students-learn-a...

[3]: http://www.alangpierce.com/blog/2014/07/07/bigbingo-khan-aca...

Hey Ben, I sent in a software developer application about 3 weeks ago (included all required information). If I haven't received a response by now, does that mean I probably wasn't selected to go on to an interview? Thanks!

It means our process is backed up further than we're proud of — sorry for the slow response. Can you email Kayla (kayla@khanacademy.org) and me (ben@khanacademy.org) and we'll get back to you asap?

No problem, just sent you an email. Thanks for responding.

Software/Security/Systems/Network Engineering

* Los Angeles, CA

* Saint Louis, MO

* Dublin, Ireland

On-site only, visas available

Riot Games - http://www.riotgames.com/careers


We make League of Legends (a popular online game with a thriving e-sports scene), we're hoping to make more things too!

We have a variety of software engineering, systems, network and security roles available.

Example software engineering roles:

* game development (C++)

* game infrastructure (Java/Python/Go)

* web apps (PHP/Javascript/Python)

* corporate internal apps (PHP/Go/Python/C#)

On the security side we're looking for application security people as well as incident responders and infrastructure security types (network/system).

We have many other roles as well! Check the careers link above.

Let me know if you're interested or have questions, my email is arkem@riotgames.com.

Bangalore, India. Many Positions. Full time.

I have recently taken up a role to build a payment network from scratch, out of Bangalore, India. It is funded by a big corporation, but will be arms-distance from their central business. It is a large, complex and fascinating problem to crack. The potential to bring banking to 600 million un/underbanked Indians is what excited me to work on this. In the past I have built both fast-data and big-data companies and have a few patents in this space. We are looking to hire a good core team of full time math, physics and CS majors, who will work of Bangalore, India. If you are interested, please email me at google's email service - takenottie. Thanks for reading.

interesting and challenging thing.

btw Awesome username guru !

Thanks. And the answer to the thread above - Not Novopay. But bigger and more fundamental.

Novopay or a competitor to it?

@bjelkman - please email if you like to know more. Email is in the main thread.

Theranos - Palo Alto

Visit a lab for a Doctor’s appointment recently? Two vials of blood is a lot isn't it? Theranos is looking to completely redefine healthcare by solving speed and accuracy issues of current lab testing by combining SW engineering and life sciences using 1/1000 less blood than what is typically drawn today; our process have results in Doctors’ hands in as little as 2 hours allowing them to provide significantly more accurate treatments in a timely manner.


An advanced stage startup, Theranos primary stack is .Net - We are looking for engineers who want to make a positive impact in healthcare. Also looking for embedded, Senior iOS & Android developers.

VISA & Relo assistance (for those already in the North America) - Sorry No remote – No International Relocation.

What’s it like working @ Theranos? http://vimeo.com/107759726

For more about each position: http://www.theranos.com/careers/software-development

email michaelw at theranos dot com

San Francisco - Full Time - iOS, Android, Design

https://imgur.com is hiring in San Francisco. We're the Internet’s visual storytelling community! Millions of people visit Imgur every day to explore, share and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer. More than 60B images are viewed on Imgur each month.

Interested? Check out our open positions! https://imgur.com/jobs

If you have questions, feel free to email me at cam@imgur.com

From an Android-owning imgurian: good luck with your hires!

Banana for scale:


Do you guys sponsor H1B?

Where: Toronto, Canada, Full time only, on site only. W You must be eligible to work in Canada.

Who: K2 and Associates. We're one of Canada's more successful hedge funds over the past 13 years.

----------------------------- What you'll do -----------------------------

You will help build out the statistics pipeline and machine learning models to power an algorithmic trading infrastructure. You'll build hidden Markov Models to detect patterns in the equities markets.

1. Build models

2. Back test models

3. We're lucky enough to have already figured out what step 3 is, apply your models in the markets.

4. PROFIT!!!

----------------------------- Who you are -----------------------------

You are a statistician or speech recognition expert who can turn a model into working code. You are comfortable with any programming language, you can model in what ever language you like.

----------------------------- What's in it for you... -----------------------------

- a hedge fund is just like a startup except that everyone gets a market salary and bonuses. If' you've always wanted to join a startup but you're too good/in demand to take a pay cut then let's chat.

- get paid to learn algorithmic trading

- be able to invest in our fund

- onsite chef for lunches

If you love a challenge please reach out to me at cholliday@k2.ca or my email in my profile.

Javascript Developer | UtilityAPI.com | Oakland, CA | daniel@utilityapi.com | Solar job


We are a white-label SaaS that is used by solar and energy efficiency companies to collect their customer's utility bill and usage data automatically. You will be in charge of writing tools, scripts, and libraries that collect utility data from utilities. Often these utility data formats are complex and unique to each utility (pdf bills, xml data, csv data, etc.), so you will need to be very clever in collecting and parsing a huge variety of formats. Also, these scripts can break unexpectedly when utilities change their interfaces, so being able to update them quickly is important. You will be working in our office at the SfunCube in downtown Oakland. Our current codebase is well organized, documented, and tested.

==Experience Required==

No years of experience, education, or certification requirements, but you do need to be able to convince me that you know and have experience with:

* Javascript (not JQuery, vanilla javascript)

* Regular Expressions (we use them heavily)

* Python (basic knowledge)

* PGP (basic usage)

* Other (side projects, hackathons, hobbies, stuff you do for fun)


$100k-$120k depending on experience.

==How To Apply==

Email me a cover letter and a PGP-encrypted pdf resume. Please include links to your github, bitbucket, or personal side project website (for reference, mine is daylightpirates.org).

==For Solar Skeptics==

In the last few years, the solar industry reached "grid parity", which means that the unsubsidized installed cost is now cheaper than buying power from the grid. That's why this industry is the fastest growing industry in the country. This isn't some subsidy-dependent industry anymore. We work hard and we make real money (while conveniently also saving the planet).

Is this an on-site role?

Yes. "You will be working in our office at the SfunCube in downtown Oakland."

Pirate3D (Singapore) − Web back-end, front-end & native. Part-time, REMOTE, to evolve into full-time with possible VISA sponsorship & relocation to Singapore.

Our main product is the Buccaneer, a 3D printer designed to be affordable, sleek and user-friendly. The printer comes with native smartphone and PC apps to control the printer, and with access to Treasure Island (http://treasure.is/), our webstore for 3D models. The focus is on providing a one-click printing experience, where users can expect any object on the store to print well without changing any setting.

You will join our team over on GitHub, Slack and Google Hangout. The back-end uses AWS, Lavarel & MySQL. The front-end uses Ember.JS. Native apps are on Android, iOS, Windows and soon MacOS.

We are ideally looking for one programmer specializing in back-end dev, and one specializing in app dev (web and native), but full-stack programmers are welcome.

If interested, send an email with your achievements and aspirations to Kai at contact@kaielvin.org

Socrata (http://www.socrata.com) - Platform/DevOps Engineer - Seattle, WA

At Socrata, we believe that data – when made transparently accessible – can illuminate, inform, and inspire. Socrata builds cloud-based software products that democratize access to public sector data and put it into people’s hands so they can use it at work, at home, and on the go. We power open data portals for City of Chicago (https://data.cityofchicago.org/), Los Angeles (https://data.lacity.org/), and many more.

We’re looking for a strong engineer to focus on developing our Mesosphere/AWS/Chef runtime platform. The full description of this position is at http://careers.socrata.com/jobs/?jvi=oNu7Yfw6,Job If you've got any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me noah.meyerhans@socrata.com (I'm an engineer, not a recruiter!)

We release nearly all of our work, both from a DevOps and general engineering perspective, under Open Source liceses. Check out some of our repositories on GitHub at https://github.com/socrata/ and https://github.com/socrata-platform

Or, if you're not interested in our DevOps roles, considering checking out some of our other engineering roles at http://careers.socrata.com/engineers/

Ecometrica (www.ecometrica.com) - GIS Technical Lead and Python/Django backend developer - Edinburgh, UK or Montreal, Québec, Canada

Ecometrica is the company behind OurImpacts, the world’s premier greenhouse gas accounting and sustainability management tool. We are a profitable company in a growing industry and dedicated to helping companies improve their environmental sustainability. We are looking for a GIS expert to lead our GIS and mapping as a service software, and also looking for backend software developers with experience with Django, Python and/or Postgres to help us tool up as our roster of large corporate clients grows.

We are are a small team looking to expand in either Edinburg in the UK, or Montreal, Canada. Unfortunately, these jobs are on-site only, and can we cannot help with any work permits.

Drop us an email at jobs@ecometrica.com or check the job descriptions at http://ecometrica.com/about-us/careers/

NGP VAN - Boston MA or Washington, DC - Many Positions

* Software Team Lead

* Software Engineer

* QA Engineer

* QA Analyst

* SQL Developer

* Technical Product Manager

NGP VAN is the world’s leading political technology firm, providing campaign and organizing technology to Democrats, progressives, and non-partisan organizations. We offer an integrated platform that combines the best fundraising, compliance, organizing, and digital products available. We built the voter contact and volunteer management tools used by Obama for America. Nearly every State Democratic Party in the United States distributes our VoteBuilder tools to Democrats up and down the ticket, and we provide industry-leading organizing tools that enable labor unions, environmental groups, pro-choice advocates, civil rights activists, and progressive political parties to win their campaigns around the world. Our fundraising and compliance software is used by the majority of Democrats from the Presidential level on down, and our fast-growing digital platform has become the most-used toolset for Democratic campaigns as well.

NGP VAN has been recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in America by Inc. Magazine for seven years in a row, and one of the top 50 fastest growing companies in the DC area by both the Washington Business Journal and SmartCEO. We are a successful and growing company with a passion for our employees’ career advancement. We are an open-minded, flexible workplace that values learning and contributions of many different kinds.

Company Site: http://ngpvan.com

We are open to interviewing across a pretty wide range of experience levels. Hit me up at dmiller at ngpvan dot com for more info or to apply. I'm the VP of Engineering here.

Ruby on Rails Developer Remote: US candidates ONLY Cyanna Education Services www.cyanna.com Compensation: $60,000-$80,000 (depending on experience), benefits, and paid vacation

Reply to: jobs@cyanna.com with resume & github account

Overview: At Cyanna, we believe education should be accessible to everyone, and that if you’ve got knowledge to share, nothing should stand in your way. So we work with educational institutions to help them launch, run, and market their schools — and make sure they’re compliant with government regulations along the way.

One of the things we offer is customized software solutions that make it easy for institutions to track and teach students, and for regulatory agencies to track institutions. Right now, we’re looking for a full time Ruby on Rails Developer to help build our next generation e­learning platform.

Join our team from wherever you are: Everyone here works remotely, although we meet and collaborate online all the time. We also meet up in person occasionally throughout the year. You’ll be able to find the perfect balance of working independently and being part of a supportive team that’s got your back.

Requirements: ● Ruby ● Rails ● JavaScript ● HTML ● CSS (SASS) ● jQuery (Backbone.js or Ember.js a plus) ● SQL (PostgreSQL a plus) ● Git ● API development ● Browser compatibility issues ● Deployment methodologies (e.g. Capistrano) ● Database/query optimization

You seem to have two posts up for very similar positions. You should combine them.

Dimagi (www.dimagi.com) - Boston (technically Cambridge), MA and Cape Town, South Africa

Role: Senior web or mobile software engineer/adventurer/do-gooder

Dimagi is a rapidly growing social enterprise based in Boston that develops and deploys open source health and logistics systems primarily for underserved communities in developing countries. At Dimagi, we take pride in our work and keep the big picture in mind. We’re an inclusive group that has diverse experiences and interesting stories and insight to our work around the world.

With Dimagi, you can work in a fun and stimulating environment, and have the chance to travel and explore. Most importantly, you will truly have the opportunity to make a difference in places that need it most. Dimagi's prioritization of global impact and employee growth and satisfaction makes Dimagi a continuously fresh, exciting, and genuine place to work, keeping us all honest about what we're in it for.

We're looking for talented senior level developers who want to generalize across the stack, or specialize in one area of our mobile (Android), web (Python, Django, CouchDB, Postgres), and front-end (Knockout/Angular) platforms.

For more information, check out our careers page at http://www.dimagi.com/about/careers.

Clarifai - www.clarifai.com - New York (Manhattan) - Full Time or Intern

Clarifai uses deep learning to allow computers to better understand the world -- starting with images and video. Leveraging our expertise and cutting-edge research, we’re solving hard technical problems across a wide variety of industries from personal photo organization to medicine.

We're currently a team of 12, and growing fast. We're looking for passionate engineers (mobile, frontend, backend, GPU, devops), researchers, data scientists, and designers to join our team. Our stack runs the gamut from low-level CUDA kernels to Python machine learning code to apps built with React, and massive data pipelines of images and video.

Interested? Email us at jobs@clarifai.com.

For full job descriptions, check out: http://www.clarifai.com/jobs

Pinegrow Web Editor - Senior Javascript developer - REMOTE

Matjaz here, the author of Pinegrow Web Editor (http://pinegrow.com), a desktop visual HTML & CSS editor for professional web developers. It also has WordPress theme builder. Up to now I did almost everything by myself, bootstrapping the business from 0 to $100K in the first year, and significantly more in the second - the current - year.

Now it's time to grow (a bit) and I'm looking for a Javascript virtuoso to join me on developing core Pinegrow features.

Our company has no VCs, C?Os, VPs... Instead we have a good product and paying users in 100+ countries that find Pinegrow useful at their daily work. Our revenue is organically doubling every four months. Here's a short story about that: https://medium.com/@mattront/pinegrow-year-in-review-2014-fr...

Ideally, you're better than me at:

- building optimised HTML, PHP, CSS (LESS, SASS) parsers

- designing and implementing effective UI

- separating what users actually need from what just looks nice

- being highly productive, even when compared to whole teams of decent developers

- finding simple solutions for complex problems - and then iterating on them

- having in-depth experience of high-performance Javascript coding and web development, both pure and with contemporary frameworks/tools

Bonus if you're good at:

- creating tutorials and online courses about web development

- marketing

You would get a decent fixed sallary and significant profit share. That's how I imagine my dream job offer would look like.

Get in touch at info [at] pinegrow.com

CrowdFlower - Mission District, San Francisco, CA INTERN REMOTE VISA

We are looking for front-end devs, back-devs, data engineers and dev ops roles.

We work with the world's leading data science teams to clean and enrich their data to help companies make better decisions. We use a combination of the best of AI and human intelligence and bring meaningful work to people that need it the most.

Our stack is mainly rails/postgres/AWS.

Email me directly at lukas at crowdflower.com if you are interested.

InQuicker - Remote (Canada/US) or in office (Nashville, TN)- Seeking Designer/UX designer

We are on a mission to break down the barriers and inefficiencies that separate people from the healthcare they need. Our market-leading online scheduling system is used to improve patient’s access to health care in hundreds of hospitals and other healthcare facilities around the United States.

We have an inclusive culture with competitive compensation, we focus on results and have good work/life balance, and are dedicated to making a positive impact on how health care is accessed.

We are growing and are looking for somebody to join our UX/Design team with solid Design and UX skills. This person will be working closely with our product team and customers from discovery & prototyping to final designs, as well as working with the dev team to bring those ideas to life.

If this sounds like it might be for you, check us out at http://inquicker.com - and then email jerrett@inquicker.com. Let me know who you are, why you want to work with us, why I should hire you, what you are looking for in a job, and what questions you might have for us.


waves at former neighbors

While you're checking out Nashville, if you're not into UX but you're into Python...

Stratasan - Local (Nashville, TN) - Senior Software Developer (Python)

Stratasan is a Nashville-based company that provides intelligence on healthcare markets to hospital strategists, physician offices, community care experts, and others. We aggregate healthcare data, curate it, and provide reports and tools that aid healthcare decision-making. As an example, we give guidance to our clients looking to place a new acute care clinic.

Full job description here: https://gist.github.com/briandailey/1028734

GoDaddy | Product Manager - Managed WordPress | Sunnyvale, CA or Phoenix, AZ | Local

GoDaddy is investing heavily in their people, culture and products but we have a long way to go.

We launched our managed WordPress hosting product a year ago and have had hundreds of thousands of customers sign up since, making us the biggest hosting company for WordPress in the world.

We're looking for sharp product managers with knowledge of the WordPress product and industry to help us continue to build a world class product.

I'm also hiring for a senior rails engineer on the marketplace team.

Email me direct at ned@godaddy.com

Ouch! Assuming I'm being downvoted for GoDaddy?

Clever (YC S12) - Full Stack Engineer - San Francisco - $100k-$150k+, plus above-average equity

At Clever, we’re building a distributed platform for educational software. There are a lot of great learning applications that schools want to use, but they have some constraints that make using software difficult: for example, picture a teacher getting 30 first-graders to log in at once. Our API and single sign-on solutions help schools solve those problems. Schools are on board, and we’re now in 25% of schools in America.

Right now we’re a team of 55 (23 engineers) based in downtown SF. We’re looking for full-stack engineers who like:

-Go, Coffeescript and Python (or are willing to learn)

-hard technical problems (managing a huge, constantly updating data pipeline)

-tech talks on everything ranging from the history of hip-hop to neuroscience to exoplanets

Check us out at https://clever.com/about/jobs#engineer-full-stack, or check out what we’re working on at https://github.com/clever.

Elastic, the company behind Elasticsearch, is hiring for a lot of positions: https://www.elastic.co/about/careers

I'm on the team behind Found.no, which is a hosted Elasticsearch service. We're hiring engineers with backgrounds in design and operations of distributed systems: https://www.found.no/jobs/

We're distributed/remote.

RAND Corporation | Santa Monica - D.C. - Pittsburgh - Boston | Research Software Engineer, Data Science Engineer, and Visualization Engineer

We are the world’s leading think tank for policy and decision making. Read more about us here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAND_Corporation or here: http://bit.ly/1ImrPH8 or here: http://rand.org

We are looking for eager, creative folks to partner with PhD-level researchers to create cool end-to-end prototypes of research concepts.

You will work on project teams of research staff and domain experts and will often be the sole software engineer on the project. Our group functions a lot like an internal software development consultancy.

For Research Software Engineer positions, technical needs change with every project you work on. You should be a well-rounded type able to create solutions with the tools and tech that make most sense for the project. You could be writing an Angular prototype one week, Python NLP tools the next, and some social media analysis after that.

For the Data Science Engineer and Visualization Engineer positions, similar to above but with a focus on Hadoop/Spark/“Big Data” skills and visualization tech such as D3, Tableau, and R Shiny. We have particular strategic needs in Hadoop and Tableau, so if that is you, definitely hit me up.

Don’t be scared! You don’t have to be a wizard yet. The researchers provide the depth; you provide the breadth, creativity, and drive.

Good work-life balance compared to startups and mainstream tech companies. 20 days of vacation per year that you are incentivized to take! Respectable salaries despite being a non-profit. Santa Monica headquarters are a block from the ocean. Relocation for good fits.

Ready yet? Shoot me your resume at:



Chute (YC W2012) - http://getchute.com - San Francisco, CA or Itapema, BR or REMOTE (US time zones)

Hiring full-stack engineers to build our marketing technology platform that is used by Nike, Condé Nast, Starbucks, Benefit, Vogue, ESPN, NBC, NYT among others, as well as many independent developers. We're working with the latest technologies and <3 open source. We analyze images and videos from Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to discover the best, most-interesting content for our customers and then enable them to use those images in their own marketing.

We're using Ruby/Rails/Sinatra, Node.js and Go on the backend (plus Python on the data science front). We're running on AWS, Postgres, Mongo, Elasticsearch, Redis, Storm. On the front-end we're using React/Flux/ES6 (transitioning from Backbone/Marionette).

For more info: http://getchute.com/jobs or email us: hiring [at] getchute [dot] com

IBM Watson | Pittsburgh | Front-end, back-end, QA, support, and PM

IBM Watson in Pittsburgh has six open positions as of this posting. This is for full time and IBM will do visas for qualified candidates.

I’m the software engineer tech lead on the Watson Explorer connectivity team and former consultant with the product's Professional Services team.


* Watson Technical Product Manager

* Watson User Interface (UI) Junior Developer

* Watson Software Engineer

* Watson User Interface (UI) Developer

* Watson Quality Engineer

* Watson Support Explorer Engineer

We’re looking for folks versed in Java, Scala, and the Ruby on Rails stack. The UI positions are heavily focused on Angular.js and Bootstrap. We're in new development mode right now, so if you like to start from nothing, you'll like what we're doing.

We do things like TDD, real actual pair programming†, kanban, agile-ish planning (IBM Design Thinking, not some convoluted buzzword bullshit), automated builds, “use the right tool for the job even if it’s not an IBM product”, and daily stand ups that, for the most part, never run past 15 minutes.

We like to have fun, too, having regular board game lunches and evenings, hosting meetup events, weekly communal lunch cooked by one or more of our fantastic cooks, and managers that are incredibly full-of-clue and treat us like the adults we all are.

We try to keep our interview process as bullshit-free as possible. If we think you look good on paper, we’ll reach out for a phone chat and give you the details on a pretty open-ended code test, where you’ll implement a simple library. If we like your solution, then we’ll invite you for a live culture fit and technical interview, in-person if you’re near or remote if not. This process has given us a ridiculously low turnover.

† no, really. We shoot for 50%-75% pairing, otherwise known as “pair when it makes sense”.

You can read more in the many /r/pittsburghjobs posts I’ve made throughout the years both as IBM and as Vivísimo, the startup that IBM acquired in 2012:


We have award-winning engineers, writers, and speakers in our office. One of IBM Design’s principals is located here, too. A few of our staff are on conference organizing committees for Steel City Ruby, DevOps Days, SATURN, etc. Almost half of our desks are standing desks in our open space office plan (where sitting is fine, too!) with a roof deck in the middle of a bustling, multicultural business district.

If you’re physically in Pittsburgh, consider coming to a Code & Supply (http://www.codeandsupply.co) event held in our office. We host several per month; we’re very active in the local developer community. We've hired at least three people that we've met through it...

If you're not in Pittsburgh, you can click that above link and search for other cities. Most Watson positions have "Watson" in the title or at least as a keyword in the search. Or you can try through http://www.ibm.com/watsonjobs and just mention my username when formally applying.

Thanks! I've been looking into watson jobs. Does applying through your referral link help with resume visibility at all?

Not really, unless I personally know the applicant. I'm notified when someone applies using my link and I tend to investigate the application and the person. If they seem to standout, then I'll pass my research on to the hiring manager.

Scalyr - Frontend, Backend, Devops Engineers - San Francisco Peninsula - $110k-$150k+, >1% equity

This thread could probably be shorter if they titled it "Who isn't hiring"? But if you like the idea of being part of a small, tight team building envelope-pushing technology, please read on.

We're rebuilding server and log monitoring from the ground up, bringing Google Search levels of power and responsiveness to operations visibility. We have a small team (lots of room for personal growth), traction, plenty of runway, a low-stress culture, and lots of meaty problems to tackle. Be part of an awesome founding team (including the cofounder / lead engineer from Writely -- now Google Docs). We’re aiming high, rethinking everything from how logs are stored to how engineers interact with their tools. Come help us figure it out!

https://www.scalyr.com/jobs, or I'd love to hear from you personally (contact info in my profile).

Here’s why I responded so badly to your rejection last month:

You advertise “lots of room for personal growth,” and “Frontend, backend, junior, senior – if you have talent and passion you’ll fit in.”

I’m currently severely underemployed doing IT stuff at a small organization, and I’m trying to switch to a development role. So, I applied for your company, and got rejected because I’m doing IT stuff.

That was not just a rejection. That was a condemnation. Big organizations don’t want me for IT because I haven’t been doing IT for big organizations. Small organizations can’t afford to pay me a living wage. IT contractor organizations want me to own my own car before hiring me. By pigeonholing me in IT, you were condemning me to underemployment and poverty.

I am a developer, and I want a job doing development.

I understand that your job search has been frustrating, and I'm sorry you felt misled by our careers page. I'd prefer not to comment on our decision in this public forum, but feel free to reach out to me offline (you have my contact information of course) if you'd like to discuss further.

Then you should change your job description so you can quit wasting everybody’s time, having to reject candidates who don’t fit your mysterious criteria.

Also, “good fit” is one of the reasons our industry is so stuck in white male hegemony. Just saying.

The nature of your responses suggest you probably weren't rejected solely for your work history.

I like to think that I was cordial and professional up until the rejection.

After that, well, I don’t have much to lose, so I might as well call out what I saw to be systematic bad behavior. It was cathartic, and I believe in the duty of individuals to identify and fix what is broken in society. It’s also why most companies reject using impersonal form letters sent from no-reply email addresses.

I like to think that Steve chose based on his guess about whether I could do the job. Nothing personal. But Steve asked for passion, so he got passion. Seriously, change the job description so it more accurately describes what you’re looking for.

OK, I'm really reticent to respond, but I've seen a few of your posts and feel weirdly compelled to help you. I love that you have strong opinions on recruiting/hiring, you do have passion, and you're clearly a very principled guy. I have no doubt that you're probably a very nice, decent person in real life.

However, you are absolutely going about job-hunting all wrong. You don't want to believe this, and I get it—finding work often really sucks. But you're coming off really badly and only exacerbating the vicious cycle. You need to treat this like a programming problem: you've been trying the same code for months (years?), and it's still buggy as all hell. Instead of continuing to tinker with that code, write something else and attack the problem differently. Spamming Google is not a viable strategy. Lashing out at employers in these threads is not a viable strategy. Constantly talking about how badly you need more money (however true) is not a viable strategy.

Look man, you don't know me from Adam. You have no obligation to listen to me. But I'm telling you 100% that a huge reason you're not getting offers is because of your attitude, not your aptitude. You can either read this and fume (I know I would for awhile), or read this and fume and then make a drastic change. When you wake up tomorrow, redo your resume, re-think your cover letters, rejigger your entire approach to job hunting. You may even find this attitude shift pays dividends elsewhere in your life, too.

Speaking as someone who has been underemployed for years, I can safely say that this advice is a load of crap. Yes, it is true that lashing out won't improve anything (although, there is at least the small chance that someone will listen to the lashing and change a policy, small though it may be). Also, the lashing only constitutes a poor attitude if it is both lashing and also wrong. In this case it looks like correct and well-placed lashing to me. It might not be rational to do it since it won't affect change, but it's not a "bad attitude" to do it either. Trying to label it as a "bad attitude" is, I believe, an alarming form of blame-the-victim mentality.

Underemployment can be an absolute career killer in technology. It can drain you of all energy to engage in personal tinkering or self-study to maintain current skills. Despite being intellectual drudgery, the work can still be emotionally and psychologically draining. It fosters burnout.

I'd rather see someone on the thread take a kind and caring attitude to a colleague here who is dealing with one of the really gruesome career problems of this field. Rather than some dumb finger-wagging about "just change your attitude."

The problem is so widespread & systematic, just like the open-office problem, closed/political allocation of projects problem, macho subordination/willingness to work in Agile/Scrum problem, and a host of others. It's like this because people don't lash out. No one stands up and protects their speciality ... many just embrace mediocrity and a steady pay check and figure who cares what the organization wants me to do. Then, if anyone should be so audacious and arrogant as to desire some bit of intellectual prosperity in life while still earning a living wage, they must have a bad attitude, right?

Many employers, especially large bureaucratic ones, actively look to underemploy people. They foolishly model that surplus labor as a latent benefit or an extra assurance that the baseline labor required of the position will be more easily guaranteed. There is almost no effort to model surplus labor as a source of burnout and turnover. Such things are swept under the rug of "bad attitude" or "not a team player" or whatever other subversive codeword that HR-types want to put on it.

Often they are willing to pay above market rates specifically to underemploy you. This is the double trap of not being able to build career-affirming skills on the job and also not being able to switch jobs without a pay cut.

It seems a lot of people just don't value intellectual prosperity most of the time. It works out for employers and the worker gets what they want and everyone is happy.

But if you are oriented internally, possibly at the genetic level, to be incapable of avoiding burnout and extreme, unsustainable job dissatisfaction when you are expected to be willfully underemployed, the system just can't handle you. There is no attitude adjustment that will fix it -- you could have the nicest and most polite disposition of all time, while suavely executing interviews and wooing management -- it won't matter.

Your unwillingness to be satisfied with underemployment is, in and of itself, considered toxic to bureaucracy. The bureaucracy system cannot function if intellectual prosperity is something it must actually provide for workers, rather than just merely paying lip service to it.

Anyway, I don't have any answers except to say that I totally understand where the lashing out is coming from. It's human. It's coming from an urge to call bullshit on underemployment and to vent frustrations about systematic mistreatment of underemployed workers. It doesn't speak to any attitude malfunction whatsoever, and labeling it as such is just one more of the many tactics that bureaucracy uses to expunge the so-called toxin. I can relate to this person. I feel compassion for them.

UserTesting | Mountain View, SF | VISA | REMOTE (maybe)

Come make the web a better place! UserTesting.com is the premier usability-testing-as-a-service and is used by over 30,000 companies, including the top-10 web properties. We are a team of ~20 engineers.

We're looking for DevOps engineers who have the mindset of a good developer (keeping things simple, reducing coupling, averse to all things “fiddly” etc) who also enjoy building automated, stable, scalable infrastructure. You should be enthusiastic about fostering DevOps culture amongst our engineering teams and helping developers help themselves. We are migrating our infrastructure over to AWS OpsWorks so AWS and Chef experience is ++. You will be our 2nd fulltime DevOps hire and will be playing a huge role in designing our systems and leading our DevOps efforts.

Also looking for senior engineers to iterate on our Rails/Angular/Grape/MySQL/Redis stack, or those interested in managing engineering teams. Backend candidates should have good architectural design sense and be interested in contributing to DevOps work. Frontend candidates should be comfortable working in JS frameworks such as Angular, and have an eye for design. Manager candidates should have a Servant Leadership attitude.

We pride ourselves on keeping things simple and being NICE - there are no egos here. "We're a team of leaders" in the sense that each engineer is expected to take stories from start to running on prod with little/no oversight. We have huge clients and hence are obsessed in ensuring good customer experiences!

Interested? Apply here: https://jobs.lever.co/usertesting/

If you have more questions about our culture, day-to-day, etc, I'd be happy to answer: suan at usertesting dot com

I used usertesting before and it's crazy expensive.

I now just embed a screenr on my site and get Mechanical Turk testers to record their tests per the instructions I left. Cost me a few bucks per test to even sometime less.

This is a fantastic company. I've had interactions with many members of their team and used a few of their products and they rock.

Glad you loved us and thanks for your endorsement! =D

Datadog - New York City

We're hiring engineers that specialize in one of the following: + Data visualization in the browser + Go and distributed systems + System programming and low-level performance optimization + Data Engineering on the hadoop/spark/python stack

We're one of the very few NYC startups to be engineering-driven and working on hard, large-scale data analysis and visualization problems. We're also growing very fast :-)

Our product is built by engineers for engineers which means you can and will have a lot of impact on it.

More details at http://jobs.datadoghq.com/

Are you guys interested in hiring interns?

I find myself qualified for a couple of the jobs specified.

Your webform is broken. I tried Firefox and IE on windows and it didn't work.

Location: Princeton, NJ. No telecommuting.

Edgestream Partners seeks scientists and machine learning experts to join its research team.

About us: We are a well-established asset manager, founded and run by scientists with a taste for programming. We trade around the world and around the clock, using advanced mathematical techniques to predict the behavior of financial markets. Our trading is fully systematic and completely automated.

Our research team is an intellectually diverse group of scientists and engineers. We are responsible for the development of our trading strategies. We perform the research, and we write the code. This is a collaborative effort; our success is derived from the knowledge we share. We program in Python and Cython, on Linux, using industry-standard open source tools like git and numpy wherever possible. When we build our own software, we do it carefully, with a focus on generality and reusability. We work reasonable hours in a pleasant environment, and we dress however we like.

About you: We're looking for someone who has demonstrated the ability to conduct first rate scientific research and who is comfortable with programming and complex data. We generally prefer technical PhDs, but we are not degree obsessed - impact and contributions matter more than a degree. The ability to communicate clearly and collaborate fruitfully is essential. No knowledge of finance is required.

We're looking for someone who wants to stay with us long term, as we compound our knowledge and grow our business.

Compensation is attractive, consisting of a base salary and a bonus tied to company wide performance. Benefits are comprehensive. Lunch is delivered.

Send inquiries to careers@edgestreamlp.com. If you send us a resume, please include your PhD thesis, a few of your papers and a brief summary of your scientific and/or technical contributions.

You say that you merely prefer the Ph.D. credential, and that you're not degree obsessed, but further down you say that if a person submits a resume they should include their Ph.D. thesis. Can you provide some clarification on what exactly are the requirements to be considered for a role?

if you have a PhD, great send it... if you don't have one that's perfectly fine - we'd love to hear from you either way. We value honest scientific contributions, not pieces of paper.

Already have a job I love, so I'm not interested, but I was surprised to see that you guys are in the building right next to where I work remotely from (Princeton Overlook). Nice to know there are other Python machine learning people close by.

Cool - join us for lunch sometime (just let me know in advance, my email is stef at edgestreamlp .and.a.dot.com) - we're fed M,T,T,F... and please keep us in mind if you know of any talented software developers!


Nice to see other devs in the area — good luck with your search!

Navdy Inc. (www.navdy.com) - Full-Time in San Francisco, CA

Navdy is a Head-Up Display (HUD) for your car. It connects to your phone and lets you use all the apps you love while keeping your eyes on the road. Navdy sit on your dash and works in the car you already have. We are currently hiring:

Senior Software Engineer - You love writing beautiful functional apps for a living. You’re part engineer, part visual artist, part interaction designer. We’re looking for software developers who could build beautifully designed apps without help from our designers.

Senior Mobile App Developer - We're looking for skills in each of these categories: Web environments: Rails, Node, Javascript, Angular, ... Programming languages: C, C++, Java, Objective C, Python, Ruby, SQL ... Mobile programming: iOS, Android Miscellaneous: Linux administration, SQL, etc.

Please apply through https://www.navdy.com/jobs

I'm biased of course, but this is one of the most amazing things happening in San Francisco right now.

Akvo Foundation - akvo.org - AMS, Amsterdam, Netherlands (and DC, LON, STO, OUA, NBO, DEL, BLR, SIN and more)

Akvo develops open-source software which we run as a service, which is used mainly in international development across Central America, Africa, Asia and the Pacific. We build data collection, mashup, management, visualisation and publishing tools. We work with thousands of NGOs, many UN organisations and countries. Our tools get used in everything from disaster response to environmental preservation.

We are hiring:

- UX designer - Helsinki (primary), Amsterdam, London, Stockholm, Bangalore (REMOTE possible for the right candidate)

- Senior technical services consultant - Amsterdam

- Senior devops engineer - Location: Amsterdam, London, Stockholm or Bangalore

Full descriptions here: http://akvo.org/about-us/working-at-akvo/

UX designer

We are seeking a skilled, self-motivated, proactive and energetic UX designer. Working closely to the lead designer and product managers, your primary responsibility will be to grow concepts through design exploration, ideation and user validation. Your core skills are in product design and interaction design.

Senior technical services consultant and coordinator

As a technical services consultant and coordinator you work together with our partner teams and technical consultants to help implement and integrate Akvo’s tools with our partner organisations’ systems.

Senior devops engineer

Akvo seeks a senior DevOps engineer with leadership experience to initially lead our small Infrastructure team and later expand this to include live support team members. The role will have a mixture of hands-on work to maintain and expand our growing technology infrastructure as well as leadership and management of our infrastructure needs over the coming years.

Mesosphere - [mesosphere.io] - San Francisco

We're hiring for a number of positions in both our Hamburg, Germany and our San Francisco, CA offices:

+ Engineering Manager + Frontend Engineer + Distributed Applications Engineer + Distributed Systems Engineer + Linux Systems Engineer + Solutions Architect

Full details are at http://mesosphere.io/jobs/, please apply online or email me at ryan@mesosphere.io for more information!

We've raised 40m in less than 2 years, are visa friendly, contribute extensively to open source (we're building products and services around the Apache Mesos project) and have great investors, advisors and engineers.

Work ranges from Javascript to Python to Go to Scala to C++, depending on the layer of the stack and application to hand. Get in touch!

Scribd (YC '06), San Francisco - VISA, FULL-TIME, and INTERN are all welcome

Scribd ("Netflix for eBooks", top 100 website, 50 people) is hiring talented hackers of all kinds to help us build the library of the 21st century.

We've hired EIGHT full-time people and TONS of interns from these "Who is Hiring" threads ... it really works!

We're looking for people who want to work with:

* Ruby on Rails (we're the #2 largest rails site, after Twitter)

* Javascript (well, we use Coffeescript)

* iOS OR Android (we're a top 10 eBook app with more reviews than Wikipedia, with a small mobile team)

* Data science / data analysis (using big data tools like hive to analyze an amazing proprietary dataset)

* Machine Learning / data mining / recommendations - think Netflix prize, but for books!

* Product manager and design (UI or UX) roles too

* Internships: junior standing or above for all areas of engineering. We hire several interns every summer and year-round.

That said, we care way more about your personality and general hacking skills then what languages you've used so far, so if you haven't used these but want to break into mobile or web development, this could be a good opportunity for you. We've hired people from these threads with everywhere from 0 to 10 years of experience.

We're profitable, very well funded and have a really fun office environment (go-karts + a rock climbing wall!) in the center of the startup world in San Francisco. Scribd alumni have gone on to found 4 other YCombinator companies, more than from any other startup. We think this says something about the kind of people that we like to hire, and we love hiring people with entrepreneur and startup ambitions. We are also always looking for international people interested in moving to the US and can help you secure a visa.

You can read more about our "Netflix for Books" service here http://wrd.cm/1dJquzz or check out our tech blog at http://coding.scribd.com. Last month we launched the first "Netflix for Comics" - really exciting stuff! More here: http://wrd.cm/1MbaBA6

More info is at http://www.scribd.com/jobs, but as a HN user, feel free to apply directly by emailing me at jaredf at scribd.com.

Neither contacting you at "jaredf at scribd.com" or applying directly gets me any response , even refusal , i think you should at least respond back to people applying .

I've had this issue emailing Jared as well. It's rather unfortunate.

Also had this issue when applying to a Scribd internship

Gonna ride this train and say that I also sent emails and never got a response. From Scribd or Jared.

Deca Technologies - Phoenix, AZ - on-site - EDA Software Engineer

Deca Technologies is an electronic interconnect solutions provider that offers wafer level chip scale packaging (WLCSP) and fan-out wafer level packaging (FO-WLP) services to the semiconductor industry.

Deca's software engineers develop next-generation electronic design automation (EDA) tools and manufacturing software that enable Deca's unique approach to wafer level semiconductor packaging. EDA software requires cross-disciplinary skills and knowledge related to the semiconductor packaging technology and the complex CAD tools used during the design process. In addition, manufacturing systems require skills in high-reliability distributed systems that perform compute intensive tasks across large server clusters. As a software engineer, you will work with a team on developing and supporting EDA tools and distributed systems in a fast-paced environment. We need our engineers to have a passion for learning new technologies and the drive to tackle new problems as we transform the electronic interconnect industry.

Our technical stack consists of Python and C/C++ for high performance portions. These systems run in distributed configurations, both local high reliability clusters and cloud resources. Deca Technologies offers software engineers a chance to apply their skills to a new field and learn a vast new domain.

Contact: craig.bishop@decatechnologies.com

Hillary for America (HFA) | NYC | Frontend, Backend, and DevOps

Our engineers will be building the next generation digital organizing platform for the 2016 race. Right now we're a small team, but we have many spots on our technology team to fill. It's so early that we don't have a great job site yet. Here's a little bit of info about us:

Our Chief Digital Strategist, Teddy Goff, is from Obama 2008 & 2012. Our CTO, Stephanie Hannon, is from Google. I worked Obama 2012 and more recently came from Optimizely to HFA as the Director of Frontend Engineering and Optimization.

If you haven't worked on a campaign before, it is quite a unique experience. If you're interested, email your resume to kylerrush at gmail dot com and let me know what kind of role you're looking for!

Dato | Seattle, WA - We are hiring front-end engineers (UX and visualization), web developers, customer facing software engineer/data scientists, technical writers/content editors.

Dato is at the forefront of machine learning technology, committed to bringing predictive analytics to the masses. Work with an amazing engineering team with a vision, and deliver real customer value every day. Our platform encompasses prototyping, data exploration/visualization, model building, and production tools, and we offer the opportunity to work on the whole stack. Help move the industry forward in the world of predictive analytics and intelligent applications!

UX dev: Work with React.js/C++/Python to build delightful and useful data visualization and dashboards. Web dev: Design and iterate on the dato.com property. Work with our in-house designers to build the best possible site. Customer facing engineer or data scientist: Hack on data and get results. Deliver value directly to our customers and help our product improve. Tech writer/editor: Help us communicate with the world in a singular, clear voice, across product documentation, in-product strings, and web materials.

Job descriptions here: https://dato.com/company/careers/index.html

Interested? Email jobs@dato.com.

Quovo - https://www.quovo.com/ - New York City (NYC, NY)

Quovo is a FinTech Big Data startup that helps investment advisors, financial institutions, and everyday investors manage their money more effectively.

Our platform aggregates and delivers robust data for millions of accounts from thousands of financial institutions, and our analytics engine regularly generates groundbreaking insights to help financial advisors and their clients. Learn more about us at www.quovo.com.

We're hiring!

Data Miner/WebCrawler + Extensive experience with Python, + Strong understanding of HTTP and webservers + Website crawling, DOM parsing + Data mining/retrieval experience, HTTP, HTML, JavaScript, Fiddler, etc. + Familiarity SQL a strong plus.

Front-End Developer + Work with JavaScript libraries such as Angular, React, & D3. + Ensure cross-browser compatibility. + Excellent HTML and CSS skills + Experience working in responsive front-end development

We’re VC-funded, located in the heart of Manhattan, and offer competitive salary and benefits, including stock options, free health insurance, and continuing education reimbursement (plus lots of free food!). Email info@quovo.com with a resume and description of relevant experience, and we'll take it from there… See more posting: https://angel.co/quovo-2/jobs

Code for a Cause : Web Developer for Healthcare Non-Profit (work from home in Toronto, ON)

We Canadians are proud of our universal health care, but our healthcare system faces difficult challenges. Our hospitals' staff use “enterprise”-quality software that is hostile to its users. Doctors often struggle with the software’s interfaces, and are unable to access the information that they need in a timely manner. Quality of care suffers.

KoNode is a small nonprofit software startup intent on fixing these problems. We’re building a series of open-source applications to “fill the gaps” in existing processes, and help medical staff provide better care.

Our team is ready to expand, and welcome a new developer with ninja-like coding skills and a passion for improving users' lives. A short-list of great perks of joining our team:

    - Work from home, on your own full-time schedule. Freelance freedom!
    - A team experienced with  healthcare workflow & users’ needs.
    - Regular in-person meetings at Toronto’s Centre for Social Innovation.
    - Strong network of healthcare, business, and programming consultants.
    - Happy, helpful team atmosphere. Driven to make an impact.
. . . and the goal we’re achieving together? Providing healthcare professionals (and beyond) with an accessible alternative to tedious, bulky, costly software. When an automated solution doesn’t yet exist... well, we make one happen. Simple.

Sounding even better? Here’s a picture of KoNode on the technical side:

    - Web (HTML/JS/CSS) + NodeJS (we use node-webkit, aka NW.js)
    - Cutting-edge libraries including Lodash, Moment.js, React, and more.
    - Modular design, piecing together apps using open-source and custom code.
    - Collaborative version control and feature management on Git[Hub].
    - Real-world testing & feedback with network of health professionals.
Team members must be able to meet in downtown Toronto periodically.

Ready to apply? Contact us with your resume and portfolio at david@konode.ca

Ayasdi | Menlo Park, CA | Full Time | REST API Engineer

-- the pitch --

Ayasdi uses a pioneering approach to automatically discover insights from complex data. Founded in 2008 after a decade of research at Stanford, DARPA, and NSF, Ayasdi uses Topological Data Analysis (TDA) to unify best-of-breed machine learning approaches into a common framework without the need to write algorithms, queries or models. We’re building a platform to solve some of the world’s most complex data problems, are well funded by top-tier VCs and have a passionate team with a great culture.

-- position info --

As a REST API engineer on the frontend team you will help architect one of the most important products Ayasdi has to offer. The API allows customers to automate common processes and integrate the core Ayasdi functionality with their existing tools, in addition to being the data layer that all of our web applications use. You would be the second person on our API team, so you will have the freedom and flexibility to make large architectural decisions as the company grows.

-- requirements --

• Experience building and maintaining APIs used by demanding customers

• Ability to write comprehensive unit and integration tests

• Proficiency with the modern Java platform and patterns, including dependency injection, advanced annotation usage, and concurrency facilities

• Experience navigating the Java library ecosystem, in particular outside of JEE

• Familiarity with Jersey, Mockito, and code generation is a plus

• Familiarity with machine learning, statistics, or data visualization is a big plus

-- contact --

I'm on the frontend engineering team, but we are also hiring compute and backend engineers. Feel free to send me an email if you want to know more: danny@ayasdi.com Or head over to our careers page: http://www.ayasdi.com/company/careers/

I applied to Ayasdi (backend / computing role) via jobvite, but did not receive a notification that the application was submitted/received or any follow up.

Ack, sorry about that. Can you shoot me an email with your name or jobvite ID? I'll look into it.


Square, New York City (NYC)

Square! In 2013 we opened an office in NYC in SoHo. We've grown to nearly a hundred people across all disciplines and are working on building two of the highest impact products at Square.

In NYC we're looking for:

* Fullstack Engineers: work across Square's systems, from the money moving infrastructure that touched tens of billions of dollars last year, to one of the largest Ember.js apps in the world.

* Product managers: Help shape a product used by millions of businesses of all sizes.

* Product designers: We are one of the most design driven tech companies building consumer and merchant applications today.

If you're interested, I'd love to chat and tell you more. Shoot me an email with your resume! wkm@squareup.com

We can sponsor VISAs.


ShareLaTeX/DataJoy - UK, full-time, REMOTE, second non-founder developer.

Help us empower scientists by building usable open-source research tools.

We're looking for a remote full-time developer to join our team at ShareLaTeX (https://www.sharelatex.com) and DataJoy (https://www.getdatajoy.com). ShareLaTeX is an online LaTeX editor with over 400,000 registered users, and DataJoy is our new app for online data analysis with Python and R. We're aiming to make these technologies more accessible and easy to use for academics doing data analysis, numerical modelling and statistical analysis.

You should be comfortable quickly learning new technologies and enthusiastic about improving the efficiency of scientists and their tools. Our current technology stack involves Node.js, MongoDB, Redis, Coffeescript, Angular.js, and Docker, so experience in these is useful but not required. We’d rather see that you have demonstrable interest in the problems we are solving, and that you’ve created some great stuff in the past. We would love someone with front-end experience and a good sense of usability design, but we won't discount people with more of a backend focus.

Some reasons you'd enjoy working for us:

* Around 80% of our codebase is open-source and we’re big fans of free software.

* We’re agile (with a lower case a). We test everything (unit and acceptance), we have a CI build process, a full staging environment to play with, and we automate as much as possible.

* We don’t expect you to have to fill up a 9-5, 40 hour work week. A work/life balance is important and we don’t think programming is an activity that can be neatly time boxed.

* You can work fully remotely (in fact, you probably will). All founders and employees work remotely at the moment.

* We’re a bootstrapped company with no outside investors.

Send us an email: team@sharelatex.com

Venmo - https://venmo.com - New York, NY; San Francisco, CA, or REMOTE

Since 2009, Venmo has been connecting and empowering people through payments. Venmo has been hailed as “the crown jewel of all finance apps” by Forbes, and nominated “#1 app college students should download right now” by Buzzfeed. With Venmo, you can make and share payments instantly on your iPhone or Android device (or online), for free. Pay for dinner, split rent, or just say hello. Venmo makes sending and receiving money fast, simple, and fun. At Venmo, we believe that innovation is fostered in an environment that values intellectual curiosity and the joy of learning. We are changing the world from our offices in New York and San Francisco, and we'd love for you to join us!

Platform Engineer (Python): http://grnh.se/ghj2na

Web Engineer: http://grnh.se/dlaqy3

Lead Security Engineer: http://grnh.se/vy4ew6

Android Engineer: http://grnh.se/s6jb1a

iOS Engineer: http://grnh.se/kyr102

DevOps Engineer: http://grnh.se/jyf8et

Hi, I am a High School student, who is trying to find an internship this summer. I have been programming for six years now, and am taking data structures at Columbia University this summer. I know you are looking for a employee, but if you want an intern I can send you my resume. Just email me at scellenoff@gmail.com

OkCupid | NYC (local only)

We’re a team of ~30 in charge of the best free dating website in the world. If you work here, you'll have tons of responsibility and flexibility in the kinds of problems you work on. Some of us focus on improving matching and looking at data, others on performance and our open-source C++ web server, others on writing modern frontend code for new and rewritten features. We're looking for a few kinds of experienced people:

- Software engineers to work on a mix of the site backend, matching system, web server, and data analysis. You'll write mostly C++ and Python, but it's okay if you don't know them yet.

- Web developers to work on our next-generation mobile site. Experience or interest in Angular, and experience with mobile browsers, are plusses.

- An iOS developer to take the lead on our iPhone and Apple Watch apps. If you've ever used an iPhone app and thought, "I could make this so much better,” we should talk. Our app is a custom web/native hybrid so if you're interested in working on the web parts too, that's even better.

Benefits include great coworkers, monthly happy hours (optional), and whatever hardware you want.

We're also looking for an experienced product designer and sysadmin (two jobs, not one). Check out our careers page for details: https://www.okcupid.com/careers

Submit your resume there, or email me with any questions at all (address on my profile).

Syapse Inc -- Palo Alto, CA & Philadelphia, PA

Roles: Customer Solutions Software Engineer (Python/JavaScript), Customer Solutions Project Manager

Be a part of a team helping to cure cancer, stop heart disease, and deliver the right drugs to the right people at the right time with software for precision medicine.

Syapse software helps healthcare providers use next-generation genomic and molecular data, in context with complex clinical data (medical history, treatment, outcomes, etc.) to make the best decisions regarding patient care.

See here for all the open positions: http://syapse.com/about/careers/

I'm especially looking to hire Customer Solutions Engineers for the Philly office (http://syapse.com/about/careers/openings/?gh_jid=32512). So if you're on the East Coast and always wanted to join a Bay Area startup, but didn't want to relocate, now is your chance!

We're especially interested in people with Python experience. Any experience with healthcare, electronic health records, or genomics is a bonus.

Learn more about what we're doing from our presentation at AWS re:Invent: http://www.syapse.com/blog/aws-reinvent-video-and-slides-now...

Naval Research Lab - Washington, DC

Roles:  Java developer, GIS specialist, RF engineer

Our team at NRL is looking for a couple more talented software developers and RF / electrical engineers.  Our work focuses on visualizing geospatial and scientific data, integrating it with various software, and scientific computing.  We work primarily with Java, but try to make the best of it by using the new Java 8 features (lambdas, optionals, streams). Ruby, Python, and Matlab are sometimes used as well.

There are no stock options at NRL, but there are interesting problems, good co-workers, flexible hours, excellent continuing education opportunities, and stability.  US citizenship and the ability to hold a security clearance are required.  All work is on-site.  A B.S. in a technical subject (preferably computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, or physics) is required with GPA > 3.0.  Internships for students working toward a technical degree are also available.

For more information about our group, please visit http://www.nrl.navy.mil/tewd/organization/5770/5774. Send resumes or questions to buildersupport at nrl dot navy dot mil.

Best Buy - Minneapolis, MN (actually Richfield, MN) - http://www.bestbuy-jobs.com/job/Richfield-API-Lead-Engineer-...

Best Buy is looking for an API Lead Engineer. What's the culture like? Well, look at https://developer.bestbuy.com/team - this is where you'll be. We're looking for somebody who is passionate about RESTful APIs and believes that APIs are the future of the web.

The details of the tech stack are in the description, but the highlights of responsibilities and requirements: - You want to help shape a culturally self-governed team

- You'll work on defining strategy and requirements and then leading feature and platform development

- You have experience in eCommerce technologies (ideally with Java and something like Dropwizard)

- You have experience with large database-driven applications and/or distributed computing

(If you'd like to learn most first, my email is in my profile. I'll only reply to emails from actual potential candidates, too many offshore agency lurkers in this thread for me to answer you all...)

Senior Software Engineer | Austin, TX | OwnLocal (YC W2010)

TL;DR: Full-time, local only. Contact hack@ownlocal.com. RoR, Go, ElasticSearch but we think you can learn these things on the job if you're competent. We treat employees like humans. $90k and up depending on experience.

We're a Ruby on Rails shop who has recently consolidated a bunch of backend tech into Go and ElasticSearch. We would love a few engineers who would be interested in working in all three and could lend expertise to the latter two. We're generally interested in gathering information from print ads, so strategies around data entry applications or experience with computer vision is also really exciting for us.

Our request volume has been increasing by 10s to 100s of millions each month and we've had to learn a lot of new things to keep up. It's fun and exciting times but we're shorthanded to handle the load!

OwnLocal is dedicated to having a quality work environment for everyone. On our engineering team we value collaboration over competition, respect work-life balance and solve problems without blaming people. We have a "no assholes" policy. We have great health insurance. We're big enough to be stable but small enough to still be startupy. We pay market rate for Austin; the lowest salary for this position is around $90k/yr.

We believe that someone who is truly a senior software engineer can come from almost any background and pick up a new set of tech in a reasonable amount of time which is why we don't list much about our tech stack in our ads. If you are interested, feel free to contact us at hack@ownlocal.com.

> We treat employees like humans

Great benefit!

I guess this matters to me because I've worked at places where they didn't :-/.

Yes. I'm fortunate to be working at a startup where people are valued, but most of my friends who ended up taking jobs at big companies are just "resources" :(

Designer with Frontend skills

Budapest, Hungary - Full time

How a Car Works [0] is growing rapidly and has huge potential - traffic has grown steadily for two years and what began as a side-project is now a sustainable business with more to come.

You'll create and implement a new design that makes the most of the content and illustrations (which are in the process of being recreated in SVG). How a Car Works is one of a number of projects we have that need the hand of a skilled designer.

Send an email with details of some things you have created to alex@cogniso.com.

We'll be hiring a ruby developer in the next month too - drop me an email if that's your thing.

[0] http://www.howacarworks.com

New York - Full Time - Senior Frontend Developer

Symbiont.io is a financial technology startup working to bridge the gap between cryptocurrency technology and mainstream finance. Our team consists of known leaders in both fields, with three of its founders having co-founded the Counterparty platform, and its other founder behind two alternative trading systems and the original LavaFlow ECN. We are looking for a strong full-stack web developer. Applicants must be intelligent and passionate self-starters who have experience working remotely, work well with a team, and can pick up new programming languages and frameworks quickly.

We are offering a competitive salary, plus benefits. We want our team members to share in our success, and to have equity to benefit from it. Native English speakers are preferred. Although you will primarily be working from home, applicants must live within a one hour commute of Manhattan. Hours will be flexible.

Although we are a new company, we have already attracted significant investor interest and press coverage, and our founding team has a history of pioneering in the cryptocurrency space. By joining Symbiont, you have the opportunity to become an early, integral team member of a project to revolutionize modern finance, as well as the ability to work with (and help to define) truly cutting-edge blockchain and cryptocurrency technology.

For the complete job requirements, please see our listing on Stack Overflow Careers: http://careers.stackoverflow.com/jobs/86268/senior-frontend-...

> Native English speakers are preferred

I was really interested, but found this off-putting. It could be worded differently.

AmazonUI (AUI) team at Amazon - Seattle or San Francisco - Full time - On-site only - Relocation packages available

AUI is the Front-end platform being adopted on Amazon.com. We are modernizing the company's front end code base, while diving deep on latency, performance, API design, user experience, and cross browser/device compatibility. Basically, we need people who can build libraries, not just use them.

Our team is incredibly customer centric. For any given situation, we have to make the right choice on behalf of the folks using our platform -- and we have to do it at scale. That may sound cliche, but within the next hour AUI will be used to generate tens of millions of page views. And that's just in the US. Worldwide, we're used on about 90% of requests across all device categories.

It's a lot of responsibility, but also a lot of opportunity. For example, we can run experiments that change almost every page on Amazon.com. We can also impact the page load time for the entire site. Have you ever tried to figure out why your site is 6ms slower? We have.

We use these tools (but don't expect you to know all of them): HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Java, Perl, Git

And to give you an idea of who you will be working with, the folks responsible for these articles are on our team: http://bjk5.com/post/44698559168/breaking-down-amazons-mega-... http://techcrunch.com/2011/09/02/amazon-coms-big-redesign-is...

If you're interested, drop us an email. Heck, you can even drop us an email if you're in Seattle or San Francisco and you just want to have coffee:

    function getEmailAddr( company ) {
        company = company.replace(/\.com$/i, "").toLowerCase();
        return String.fromCharCode(97, 117, 105, 45, 104, 110) + "@" + company + ".com";

aui-hn [at] amazon dot com

Menlo Park, Ca - Full time - Frontend, Backend, Dev Ops, ML/AI

Blackbird is a stealth, ventured backed, artificial intelligence technology company focused on solving some important challenges created by the shift from desktop to mobile. Our stack is primarily in functional style Scala (we are heavy functional programming users) with most of our AI stack in Python and C++.

We're one of a few startups that do AI research above and beyond product development. We host regular talks on multiple disciplines ranging from systems to functional programming to deep learning.

The team was founded by former Stanford CS graduates that built self driving cars, search at Google and Yahoo Research, co-authored the google file system and scaled Twitter to 200 million users. Our open source code powers Snapchat, Tumblr, Wikipedia in production today.

We're currently looking to add some great engineers to our team. Have a passion for AI/ML and want to work with the bleedingist of edges? Want to write highly scalable software with the architects who scaled Twitter and Google? Want to run ops for software which is designed for fault tolerance? Want to design next generation user interfaces? jobs at blackbird.am

Distil Networks - http://www.distilnetworks.com - DC, SF, NC and some remote

Distil finds and blocks bots and content scrapers from attacking our client's websites with form fraud, content theft, price scraping, and other nefarious activity. We see a significant portion of internet traffic and filter in real-time the humans from the bots.

We're hiring:

- Ruby/Rails developer - RoR runs our client-facing backend and reporting system.

- Senior Full stack Ruby developer - Support the complex real-time reporting and logging infrastructre that our customers and internal SE's see.

- Senior Javascript engineer - No frameworks. You'll be working to reverse engineer common scraping tools and finding ways to identify and block them.

- QA Automation engineer - build automatic testing systems for everything in the company.

- Front End engineer - Build out the client-facing portal where all of the customer data, charts are reports are shown.

- Data science - We use machine learning to identify bot behavioral patters.

- Support engineers - Find out what's broken or figure out why the customer thinks it's broken.

- Web developer to work with marketing

You can apply at http://www.distilnetworks.com/jobs/ or email me directly: william dot cox at distilnetworks dot com with a resume and a brief comment on your desire and ability and I'll see that it gets into the pipeline.

MapD | San Francisco (city) | Frontend Visualization Developer, Backend Developer

MapD (http://www.mapd.com) is a Google Ventures/Nvidia backed seed-stage startup that builds a hyper-fast big data analytics visualization platform that takes advantage of the massive parallelism and high memory bandwidth of GPUs. We literally can run queries orders of magnitude faster than other systems and since the results are on the GPUs, we easily visualize the result sets or feed them into machine learning pipelines. We’re looking for:

Frontend Developer – Someone with lots of experience with D3.js, preferably also with Crossfilter.js and WebGL/Three.js. Needs to have good design sense and significant data visualization background. Knowledge of WebWorkers and WebSockets a plus.

Backend Developer - Someone with strong experience in C++ and database/systems programming. Knowledge of CUDA/OpenCL, X64 Optimization, and/or OpenGL a major plus.

We’re a small but growing team with deep knowledge of databases and GPU Programming. Benefits and equity are competitive ($100K-$130K / 1+%).

Please email jobs@mapd.com if you're interested!

Endgame | DC | SF

Join Endgame in Building Next Generation Cyber Security Products! We are looking for a highly technical, creative and motivated software engineer who is excited to work in a fast-paced, innovative, and agile development environment, while solving critical cyber security problems. Ideal candidates have experience in rapid and early product lifecycle development.

Some Open Positions: Python Engineers, QA Automation Engineers, Front End Engineers

Sound like fun? Checkout our current openings https://www.endgame.com/careers and get in touch - jbrown (at) endgame.com

Beware of showing any weakness, though, because Endgame will label you a needs mentorship candidate, and gosh darn it, the company is just full up with employees who need mentorship. Come back later. Much later. Bye.

Rover.com - Full Time - Seattle, WA - Full Stack Engineer

Rover.com is a place where dog owners can find and book dog sitters in their area. We help owners find quality sitters and facilitate the entire experience, so dog owners can comfortably travel without worry about the well-being of their furry family members. We are a rapidly growing and well-financed startup founded and based in downtown Seattle.

We're looking for an experienced Django/Python developer who has experience with one of the following: split testing, search algorithms and/or machine learning.

Our style:

- Dogs in the office. Bring yours, too!

- Lightweight, Agile processes constantly improved with retrospectives.

- Fully automated testing and deployment system. Just merge your branch and it ships.

- Integrated teams with developers and designers work side-by-side.

- Data-driven decision making with A/B testing.

If you’re up for all of this and ready to hang out with a bunch of dogs, give us a shout. We’re excited to hear from you!

This position is based at Rover HQ in Downtown Seattle. Competitive salary & benefits depending on experience. Candidates must be eligible to work in the US.

To join the team at Rover, check out http://jobs.rover.com

Be a full time DB Rethinker (rethinkdb.com) - Mountain View, CA.

As a core part of the development team you will be applying deep computer science and software engineering knowledge to solving a new breed of data management problems. You will be responsible for enhancing the existing product with state of the art features to address scalability challenges for our customers.

Core tools: Linux, C/C++, Emacs/vi, gdb, Python.


  * Design, implement, and maintain database internals and distributed systems code.
  * Implement state of the art algorithms to solve real customer challenges.
  * Write code that is robust even under the most hostile workloads.

  * Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen and Leiserson is your trusty friend.
  * Strong understanding of C/C++.
  * Strong knowledge of at least one additional language (Python, Java, Lisp, etc.)
  * Experience shipping high quality systems software.
  * Familiarity with distributed systems is a plus.
Send your resume to jobs@rethinkdb.com.


rem0te possible for C++ devs?

TrackMaven | Software Engineer | Washington, DC (will help with relocation)

See our engineering blog at http://engineroom.trackmaven.com

TrackMaven enables marketers to identify new opportunities and track the success of their marketing strategies against their competition. Our engineers are responsible for a product that helps shape the marketing efforts of major brands from the NBA to NPR. As one of the first dozen members of our engineering team, you will have the opportunity to help define a new way to approach marketing!

We are always finding new ways to: - Store incoming data from dozens of APIs while maintaining a fast customer experience - Identify trending topics among millions of pieces of content using Elasticsearch and NLP - Create awesome visualization tools around complex and highly diverse datasets - Analyze everything from tweets to press releases to discover new marketing strategies

Python/Django, AngularJS, D3, Elasticsearch, AWS...

To apply: http://trackmaven.com/careers

Final (YC W15) - Mountain View, CA - Full Time, On-site

Final is building the next generation of credit cards and is looking for:

Full Stack Engineer / Generalist (https://getfinal.com/jobs/fullstack/)

Frontend Engineer (https://getfinal.com/jobs/frontend/)

Final is a credit card that gives consumers total control over their merchant relationships and transparency in their spending. Rather than a single card number, Final generates multiple card numbers the consumer can restrict, and manages them automatically.

It works everywhere you buy; online, and offline, and implements with digital wallets like Google Wallet and ApplePay with zero updates to the payment infrastructure. With Final, you’ll never lose access to your spending ability from a breach, fraud, cancelled or stolen card ever again.

You can read more here: https://www.getfinal.com/jobs/

Zemanta, EU, Slovenia, Ljubljana

Zemanta is a native ads DSP platform making sure the right content find the right audience. Our market is mainly US. We use Go-lang and Python and modern infrastructural solutions.

If you are interested in building: Low latency and high throughput distributed systems applied for real time bidding on native ad inventory. Analytics and data processing pipeline for providing insights and -monitoring of campaigns run through our platform. Machine learning algorithms applied for optimizing campaigns for performance. Monitoring and testing infrastructure for making sure our services are of high quality, are up and stay performant.

Zemanta is looking for:

  - Senior Backend Engineer
  - Platform (full stack) Engineer
  - Data Scientist
App positions are in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It's a lovely country and with high quality of life and a great place for engineers due to a growing start-up and IT sector. We will help with relocation and a visa.

more at http://www.zemanta.com/engineering

ActBlue (https://secure.actblue.com)

All positions full time in Boston (actually Somerville) MA. Remote a possibility for the right candidate with remote experience.


Senior Rails Developer

DevOps Engineer

UX Designer with front end implementation experience


ActBlue powers the fundraising of the political and social left. If you’ve ever given online to a Democratic candidate or organization, chances are you’ve used our software.

In many ways, we are the left's secret force multiplier. We build amazing software so that campaigns don't need to reinvent the wheel every cycle.

Backend: Rails 4.2, PostgreSQL, Redis, Fastly

Frontend: Bootstrap, jQuery, Sass, D3, Highcharts

Ops: Chef, Rackspace cloud and AWS

ActBlue is a political non-profit that is well capitalized. This gives us the freedom to explore new electoral technology without influence from big donors or investors.

We are an established 10 year old organization. We have a startup / political campaign mentality without the pressure and long hours. Sustainability is valued.

More info at https://secure.actblue.com/content/jobs

Good Eggs - San Francisco, CA, Full Stack Engineers


=== About us ===

Good Eggs brings local, farm-fresh groceries right to your door! We are a technology focused company with a CTO who previously founded Carbon Five, an exceptional agile development shop. See our Engineering Blog and Github account:



We have a great mission (https://www.goodeggs.com/philosophy) - to grow and sustain local food systems worldwide - and everyone here is deeply committed to it. We have expanded to 4 cities - New York, New Orleans, Los Angeles and San Francisco - and our investors include Sequoia Capital, Harrison Metal, Baseline Ventures, Collaborative Fund and Westly Group, among others.

There are ~20 of us on the engineering team and we’re actively growing. We’re building next-generation web and mobile applications with JavaScript across the stack, including Node.js, MongoDB, AngularJS, Backbone, and CoffeeScript. The team has been built from the ground up with practices around test-driven development, pair programming, and continuous deployment.

== About you ===

Ideal Candidates Will Have:

* 3-5+ years full-stack web application development in Ruby, Python, Java, or JavaScript

* TDD experience / experience with pairing / Continuous Deployment

* Domain expertise in: e-commerce, billing, payments, or warehouse distribution software



I’m happy to field any questions - feel free to e-mail me: daryl(at)goodeggs.com

Tilt (YC W12) - Front End Engineer (Tilt/Open) - San Francisco

Tilt/Open builds powerful tools to drive the world’s largest pre-order and crowdfunding projects. We’ve powered some of the most successful and well-known launches, working with companies like Soylent, Lytro, Navdy, Eero, Plastc, and many more.

We are a small “startup within a startup” team which grew from an experimental side project at Tilt, and many of us have backgrounds as former founders. We’re able to move extremely quickly, while also enjoying the benefits and support of the larger engineering organization and Tilt technology and brand.

We’re looking for team members who pair strong technical skills with an innate desire to work closely with customers to drive the product forward. Beyond our own areas of expertise, we take great pride in being well-rounded, full-stack developers (which sometimes encompasses non-technical parts of the “stack”).

Please apply at https://www.tilt.com/learn/jobs?gh_jid=62904.

BlueLabs | Washington, DC | Software Engineer

Who We Are

BlueLabs is a data, analytics, and technology firm formed by leadership from the Obama for America re-election campaign's analytics team. Join our team of analysts, data scientists, and software engineers as we leverage our groundbreaking technology to help identify prospective voters, donors and targets for a variety of sectors including political campaigns, nonprofits and human services providers.

Who You Are

You are a passionate engineer, and you want to make a difference. You want to work at an organization where the people care about what they are doing and work hard to achieve it.

Technically, you should…

* Know your way around a SQL database

* Be proficient in a few languages - and excited to dive into new ones (expect to see at least Ruby, Python, Scala and Java around here)

* Love to learn about new technologies (Spark, Mesos, Rails, and React are all part of our tech stack)

* Geek out about data, visualization, analytics or just plain problem solving

Also hiring DevOps Engineers, Data Scientists, other positions


Pachyderm (YC W15) - SF Bay Area

We're building an open source ecosystem of infrastructure tools for collaborating on large-scale data analytics. Learn what we're about: https://medium.com/pachyderm-data/lets-build-a-modern-hadoop....

Looking for our first hire (company is just founders right now). Smart, ambitious engineers who think there should be a better alternative to Hadoop. Our codebase is written in Go, but Go experience isn't required.



Email: jobs@pachyderm.io


Squarespace – NY_Commit (Free trip to NYC if you interview with us!)

Squarespace's mission is to provide creative tools that help anyone give a voice to their ideas. From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time, Squarespace provides elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.

More information on NY_Commit: Software engineers based outside NYC will be invited to experience everything NYC has to offer with a weekend trip courtesy of Squarespace. Candidates will have the unique opportunity to explore our vibrant headquarter city for a long weekend, complete with a stay in the Soho Grand and visits to some of our favorite places, including comedy clubs, museums, and amazing restaurants.

Who we're looking for:

• Front End Engineers (JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS)

• Full Stack Engineers (Java, Javascript)

• Site Reliability Engineers (Java 8, Python, CentOS, Guice, Dropwizard, Jetty, Mongo, Jersey, Git, Gradle, RabbitMQ, Hadoop, Netty, Nagios, ZooKeeper, Elasticsearch, Graphite/Grafana, Splunk, Ansible, VMware ESXi, F5 load balancers)

• Data Engineers (Python, Flask, React, d3, IPython, Pandas, Celery, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, Ansible, Cassandra, Spark, Git, Stash)

• Server Engineers (Java 8, Mongo, Guice, Dropwizard, Jersey, Git, Gradle, RabbitMQ, Hadoop, ZooKeeper, Graphite, Ansible, Docker, Mesos, Elasticsearch)

Apply here: http://grnh.se/p8nmo2

More information: http://www.nycommit.com

Baltimore, MD; Reston, VA; FULL TIME

Videology, Inc. - http://www.videologygroup.com/

Internet advertising startup looking primarily for server-side Java developers (if your Java is rusty but you're good, drop us a note anyway). I was working for a start-up called LucidMedia Networks (hence the "lmn" in the e-mail address below), which got acquired by Videology. Our stack is Java with Spring on *nix (Mac for dev, Linux on servers) with MySQL and some NoSQL stores on AWS. The Baltimore office also has a team on a large .NET stack as well, but Java teams are spread across both offices. We have some big projects in the works involving big data and volume as we scale globally and consolidate platforms into best of breed. The Reston office is located right next to the Silver Line metro station.

Contact me directly at sahil_lmn@yahoo.com.

I actually got hired through a HN "Who is Hiring" thread, and I hired 2 people through these threads. These things do work!

Top Hat | https://tophat.com | Toronto (and US) | Various positions

Top Hat is hiring for a number roles: Mobile dev (iOS, Android), DevOps (AWS, RabbitMQ, MySQL), Full stack web developer (Python, Django, JavaScript, Nodejs.) We are also hiring interns for the Fall (Sept-Dec) term so please feel free to apply for that as well. Salary ranges based on experience from $70k to $100k.

We're a profitable (and valley VC funded by some of the best funds in the valley) education startup that helps make classrooms more engaging. We've got some really cool problems to work on and your work would be impacting a huge number of students daily.

Our dev team is in Toronto but we've also got an office in the US. If you're not based in Canada or the US but are willing to relocate feel free to contact us, because we do cover relocation expenses and will help you manage the work permit and VISA process.

Send your resume/github account to steph at tophat dot com.

Dataquest (www.dataquest.io) | Boston, MA | Software engineer, data scientist

Dataquest is an early stage online education company making "codecademy for data science". Since we launched a few months ago, we've taught tens of thousands of students around the world everything from basic python to data visualization to machine learning. We're expanding, and looking for a full-stack developer and a data scientist to help people learn, apply, and prove their data science skills.

Our tech stack is Python and Javascript (Django + Angular), with docker used for code sandboxing and deployment/testing. A software engineer would focus on building and improving the learning platform, whereas a data scientist would focus on content, community, and analytics.

The salary range is 75k-90k, with significant equity (2-5%). This is a great chance to have a huge impact on the development of an early stage startup. We have an office in downtown Boston, and great investors.

Email vik@dataquest.io if you're interested.

The example you provide on the page: "discover what you should name your kid if you want them to be a US senator" are you actually going to show causal estimates? Names are very endogenous. If you are looking at the likelihood of being a US senator conditioning on someones name, this is very different from the causal effect of the name.

HealthVerity | Software Engineers & Architect/Devops | Philadelphia, PA | On Site

We are working on novel data analytics solutions that make the healthcare industry smarter and more efficient. By integrating large-scale healthcare data with geolocation data, we are enhancing decision-making capabilities for healthcare payers and providers and enabling better patient engagement solutions.

Working with our product and development teams, you will own and be responsible for architecting and implementing scalable solutions that offer our customers new insights on their own businesses. You’ll use the best tools for the job, whether modern and revolutionary or time tested and proven, to deliver elegant, scalable solutions that meet business and technical needs.

You will play an integral part in building the foundation of everything to come.

We're looking for software and devops engineers adept in tools like hadoop, spark, redis, aws, python, java, scala, go, chef, docker

If interested, please email me directly jcappiello@healthverity.com

Color Genomics | Burlingame, CA | Full Stack, Backend, Bioinformatics

Color Genomics is democratizing access to high-quality genetic testing. Our first product, a breast and ovarian cancer risk test that's 1/10 the price of existing offerings, launched 2 weeks ago and was covered in Fast Company, Forbes, and the New York Times[1].

We're lucky to have a team that represents the best from of the worlds of software development and next-generation DNA sequencing, and a scientific advisory board that includes the scientist who discovered the BRCA1 gene.

If you're an engineer who's willing to learn about biological problems, or have experience in next-generation sequencing, feel free to contact me directly: nish@getcolor.com

More info on our mission: https://getcolor.com/#/blog/2015/04/cancer-touches-everyone

[1] Press coverage:

- http://www.fastcompany.com/3045249/most-creative-people/ex-g...

- http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewherper/2015/04/21/start-u...

- http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/21/business/more-accurate-aff...

DirtJockey | http://dirtjockey.com | Greenville, SC (see details) | Full Stack & Intern Devs

DirtJockey is a CRM and inventory management tool for heavy equipment dealers (think bulldozers, excavators, etc). We bring the messy, offline workflows of dealers and their sales staff online into a central, easy to use platform. We have just launched our MVP and closed our seed round of $625k from well known angels. Our users are passionate about the problems we are solving and provide excellent insight into our antiquated industry. We’re charging head first into some really interesting problems, the solutions of which will completely disrupt the industry - and we need your help!


Backend: Ruby (Rails), PostgreSQL, Redis (Sidekiq), AWS

Frontend: AngularJS, Bootstrap, Sass

Full Stack Developer:

You are an experienced developer on every level of the web stack. You have strong experience (3+ yrs) with Rails and {{ flavorOfTheMonthJavascriptFramework }}, but also know how to properly normalize a database. Bonus points: experience with data mining, mobile (Android/iOS). Preferably local but remote for the right candidate that has experience with distributed teams. Competitive pay with benefits, equity, and relocation if needed.

Software Intern:

You are a budding software engineer looking to step away from the abstractions of academia and get your hands dirty. You are interested in ‘owning’ a project for the duration of your internship. You have an understanding of how web MVC works, prior web development experience, and a burning desire to master Rails in a short period of time! Competitive pay with travel reimbursement.

Apply at: http://dirtjockey.breezy.hr or email josh+hn [at] dirtjockey.com

Qriously (qriously.com) - London, UK - Full-time - Frontend Engineer

We've developed a data platform for serving questions to billions of people in real­time for use in mobile advertising, research, and business intelligence. We're looking for a frontend engineer to help us build beautiful interactive components for web and mobile.

A few of nice things we offer include a competitive salary, unlimited holiday, gym membership.

For more information … http://qrious.ly/1PcyKoI

Second Spectrum - Los Angeles, CA, Shanghai, and Boston, MA - http://www.secondspectrum.com

Big data has come to sports, and Second Spectrum is using it to transform the sports experience, for everyone from coaches and players to the most hardcore or casual fan. We have trained machines to understand sports at a level of sophistication that exceeds that of most collegiate players. Using this machine understanding, we deliver analytics software that is helping ten NBA teams win more games, is enabling national broadcasters to tell better stories, and will give every fan their own personal sportscast. We have recently signed deals with ESPN and Fox to deliver content for their broadcasts, starting with this clip that appeared on NBA Countdown: http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=12510250, and extending to interactive products that the broadcasters will use on air.

We are looking for a variety of engineering roles, including full-stack, UI/UX, mobile, machine learning and computer vision engineers. The responsibilities range from sophisticated UI design that supports detailed but intuitive analytics, to front-end interfaces that will appear on national sports broadcasts, to scalable backend infrastructure that supports robust video streaming, to ML and CV engineering that enables the semantic layer that understands the game. Our software stack is based around Node, Go and Python.

In addition to the engineering roles, we’re also hiring a product manager who will guide our engineering and design efforts in order to deliver our technology to all our customers, ranging from NBA coaches to casual fans of the game.

If you're interested in joining us, our jobs email is is work@secondspectrum.com. I'm also available for any questions you might have at noel@secondspectrum.com

Alphataraxia | Washington DC | Developer

Alphataraxia Management is a fast-growing investment management group with offices in both Washington DC and Los Angeles. We operate with a start-up model, using small teams and few layers of management to rapidly identify, understand, and capitalize on opportunities in the energy space. We deploy our investors’ capital across a diversified set of markets where rigorous quantitative analysis of big data can provide an edge.

We are looking for hard-working candidates with a strong programming background to help us continue to build out our back-end data collection and storage systems. As performance merits, the role would expand into taking ownership of parts of the firm's system infrastructure, and performing data analytics.

Our greatest advantage is that we offer dramatically higher rates-of-learning than are found in more traditional roles. We expect candidates to be given a high level of responsibility and freedom. Applicants with a strong programming background will thrive in our information-rich environment.

Duties and Responsibilities: - Automate the import of data from a variety of different data vendors and a variety of different data formats into our proprietary tools and databases - Work independently in the development, testing, implementation and maintenance of complex systems with fast turnaround. - Provide support and reactive development for the investment teams; often by creating in-house data visualization tools

Minimum Qualifications: - Strong understanding and experience with a back-end programming language - Familiarity using MySQL, Oracle or similar relational database - Ability to develop on Linux and/or Windows - Willingness to follow our code precedents, conventions, and documentation standards - At least a BS in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or an equivalent degree - Willingness to work in collaborative environment

Ping us at careers@alphataraxia.com

FinFolio | Greenwood Village, CO | C#/SQL/ASP.Net

FinFolio is a boutique technology company that makes software for professional financial advisers. We are seeking long-term employees who will grow with the company over a period of years. I am the founder and am a serial entreprenur in this space with a background in software development.

We have fun; I serve margaritas every Friday and we occasionally kick off early to catch movie premieres. We're centrally located in the Denver Tech Center, with free parking, health care, 30" monitors, great chairs, free soda/snacks, Foosball, video games, casual dress and other amenities.

Mainly Microsoft stack, we are hiring two positions:

- C#/SQL Developer

- Full Stack C#/SQL/ASP.Net Developer (mostly coding with a bit of Dev Ops)


Any remote work possible?

I'd like to move to CO but my wife is in grad school still. Maybe divorce is imminent! ;-)

Factual - Los Angeles, San Francisco, Shanghai

Factual is currently hiring engineers and data lovers of all levels in the SF Bay Area, Los Angeles, and Shanghai.

Factual’s location platform enriches mobile location signals with definitive global data, enabling personalized and contextually relevant mobile experiences. Built from billions of inputs, the data is constantly updated by Factual’s real-time data stack. We were named one of "50 Disruptive Companies in 2013" by MIT Technology Review. We have a terrific team that is still fairly small and an incredible CEO who was previously the co-founder of Applied Semantics (which was bought by Google and became AdSense). Factual has venture funding from Andreessen-Horowitz and our partners/customers include Facebook, Yelp, Trulia, and Newsweek.

There are many challenging problems to work on at all layers of the stack: data cleaning and canonicalization, storage, deduping, serving, APIs, improving data using machine learning, etc. A great example is one of our most recent products, Geopulse Audience, which stands at the intersection of high quality places data and large scale analysis of user geo-data: http://www.factual.com/products/geopulse-audience . If you love data, Factual is the place to be. Our main criteria are that you're smart and get things done, but you'll get bonus points for experience with Clojure (http://www.factual.com/jobs/clojure), machine learning, NLP, algorithm design, or Hadoop.

You can email me personally at alexr@factual.com, or view our job postings and apply directly via Jobvite: http://hire.jobvite.com/CompanyJobs/Careers.aspx?c=qc99Vfw9&...

One Codex (YC S14) – Genomic search and data platform. Senior software engineer. San Francisco, CA (https://www.onecodex.com).

We’re a software and biology start-up building a platform for microbial genomics. Our first application area is infectious disease diagnostics -- where we’re already working with doctors, epidemiologists, and others at the world’s leading public health and research organizations. We were also awarded a $200,000 prize by the CDC for our work on "strain-typing" pathogenic bacteria.


* You’re an experienced engineer that loves hard problems

* You want to work on a technology product making an important real-world impact

* You’re excited about joining a small team and directly impacting the shape of its technology choices, product, and business

* You communicate well and work effectively with others

* Pluses (but not requirements): biology/compbio background; experience with Docker in production; prior experience with Flask, React, D3


* Important problem: We’re not only working to build better in silico diagnostics, but setting the groundwork for entirely entirely new clinical, scientific, and public health applications.

* Hard, intellectually interesting challenges: Amongst other things, we are 1) applying and developing cutting-edge bioinformatics algorithms; 2) developing and deploying new data structures (really!); 3) finding better ways to manage messy genomic data; and 4) and running Docker in production.

* Upside: We offer a competitive salary, meaningful above-market equity, and the chance to be an early employee in a well-positioned startup.

APPLY Please send us a note about your interest and background at careers@onecodex.com (including a resume or portfolio link). You can also email me directly at nick@onecodex.com.

New York City - Moat

Moat is a growing analytics startup with products in two core areas:

1) Analytics

Moat Analytics analyzes content and advertisements for many of the most trafficked websites on the Internet. We give customers metrics like ad viewability, attention and user engagement. We were one of the first companies to begin measuring viewability and we helped make these metrics a standard in the online ad industry.

2) Search

We scrape the Internet for online ads. This allows us to give advertisers, publishers and adtech companies an overview of the entire online ad ecosystem. This is hugely valuable information - our customers can see their competitors' ad campaigns, find prospects by seeing the clients of similar sites or see trends in the industry before anyone else. We have a free product, moat.com and a premium product, Moat Pro.

Both technical and non-technical openings can be found at jobs.moat.com

Locus Energy: http://locusenergy.com/

San Francisco, CA. Remotes, interns and those needing visas are encouraged to apply.

About us: We’re dedicated to the proliferation of sustainable energy solutions. To that end, we build software to monitor, analyze and manage the performance of tens of thousands of solar power systems. We’re a mature startup with a close-knit team that is greater than the sum of its parts. Our organization provides some structure while still leaving plenty of opportunities to make your mark. We’re not perfect but constantly improving. We value folks who offer a new perspective and play nicely with others.

About you: You’re passionate about sustainable energy and want to play a part of pushing our society in that direction. Nothing would excite you more than wedding your engineering prowess with your dreams of clean, green energy. You write a failing test before fixing a bug. You are thoughtful, curious and ask questions when you don’t understand. You take ownership of your responsibilities and see them through to the entire development lifecycle from design to maintenance.


- Conveniently located in downtown SF, a few minutes' walk from Montgomery St station

- Relaxed work atmosphere. Flexible working hours and work from home policies.

- Health insurance, 401k, and all the other benefits of a real company

- Fruit, snacks. Bagels and lunch each provided 1x a week.

- A spacious new office complete with a living room couch, big screen TV, PS3 and darts.

We are looking for both frontend and backend engineers that are familiar with any combination of Java, Scala, Python, JavaScript (especially Ember, Angular or Backbone), and MySQL. For more details, head here: http://locusenergy.com/company/careers/.

The web page actually has less info than you posted. Should I post to contact email?

FiscalNote, Inc. - DC, NYC, & Remote - Full time - Authorized to work in US only

Open Positions: Senior Software Engineer, Architect, Front-End Engineer, SDET, Data Scientist, QA Engineers, and Product Managers.

With $17 million in funding over the last 6 months, we are looking to further build out our engineering and data science teams!

At FiscalNote, we're building predictive analytics platforms for open data that impact every corner of industry and society. We're penetrating sectors untouched by advanced machine learning and NLP methods. CNN called us one of the Top 10 Startups in America in 2014. The legacy competition is not pleased.

We love engineering across a cutting-edge stack, we love our customers, and most importantly, we love our team. Job descriptions and requirements can be found at fiscalnote.com/careers.

Want to be FN Awesome? Email jobs@fiscalnote.com.

Walt Disney Animation Studios ~ Burbank, CA

If you're reading this then you're looking at a super-rare opportunity. We're looking to hire a CTO!

We also have opportunities for Linux-savvy software engineers. Disney Animation is a great studio working on cutting-edge animation tech.

We are a primarily a Linux, C++, and Python shop.

Shoot me an email (my username @gmail.com) if you're interested, and please apply online:


Here's a sampling of some of our publications in case you're interested in some of the areas we've been exploring lately:


Rackspace - San Francisco, CA (will relocate and remote possible)

TLDR; email me if you want a great job writing software to change the world: laureen.edmiston@rackspace.com

We are changing the future of cloud computing at Rackspace and collaborating with OpenStack, Docker, CoreOS and anyone else that wants to joint the OSS cloud party. Just check out our latest offering, OnMetal [1], which is a combination of open source software (OpenStack) [2] and open source hardware (OpenCompute) [3].

If you are passionate about OSS/cloud/distributed systems, we would love to have you be part of our team in SF. We have positions available in a startup environment with recent acquisitions Mailgun and Exceptional.io, as well as big, hairy distributed computing problems to solve at Rackspace. So there is something for everyone.

We are located in the SoMa neighborhood in San Francisco on 2nd St. and Folsom.

Below are the offerings currently available:

* All: Get stuff done, people that are motivated to make an impact.

* All: Excited to build new products, passion for new technology, new programming models.

* Backend Engineer: Distributed systems experience, passion for large scale systems.

* Frontend Engineer: Architecting interesting fully client side apps, dashboards, live updates, etc...

* Senior Interaction Designer: Skilled practitioners who design and deliver solutions that amaze our customers with every detail.

I run recruitment in the SF office, so email me directly if you are interested: laureen.edmiston@rackspace.com

[1] http://www.rackspace.com/cloud/servers/onmetal [2] https://www.openstack.org [3] http://www.opencompute.org

I'm glad to see Rackspace finally having a public contact for positions. Back when I was actively seeking work I thought the problems being solved at Rackspace were were interesting, but I had to apply through that garbage HR system where you get ignored for months on end (ICIMS).

Not really sure why I'm posting this exactly aside from saying, to other companies, just like this instance: please actually have someone you can talk to! If your entire public interface is the ICIMS resume farm I won't even bother with you anymore and I'm not alone in this.

Pipemetrics - Lausanne, Switzerland

We are a small Swiss company specializing in design and development of desktop software with a particular focus on polish and quality. Our first product is Bvckup 2 and we are now looking for people to help us grow our product line.

Basically, if you like your C/C++ code light and optimized, all i's dotted and t's crossed, we should talk. There are people out there who recognize and appreciate the software quality as a feature in its own rights. These are our users, this is whom we are after. Come and join us -

1. Senior developer - C/C++/Windows

2. Junior developer - summer internship

3. Marketing & communication expert

  Must be legally authorized to work in Switzerland.
Details - http://pipemetrics.com/hiring

Swiss requirement is because of "made in Switzerland" label? ;)

Wealthsimple - https://www.wealthsimple.com - Toronto

We're on a mission to make investing smarter and simpler for everyone. We develop algorithms to track, manage, and rebalance client portfolios.

We're currently hiring Full-Stack Web Developers, iOS Developers, and Android Developers.

We push code (after review!) to production several times a day and are working on some cool technical challenges like building a scalable trade execution platform, automating portfolio rebalancing, and automated tax-loss harvesting. We use modern technologies like: Ruby on Rails, Backbone.js, SASS, PostgreSQL running on Heroku.

Apply here: https://www.wealthsimple.com/jobs

IBM Canada - Anywhere

Open position on my team within the IBM Canada Analytics brand. I am looking for a customer focused professional who has a background in statistics and/or data science with knowledge using SPSS, R or SAS.

We offer: Competitive salary; Work life balance; Home office; Great hardware

Desired skills: 2 years experience in Enterprise Software Pre-Sales or 2 years experience with Predictive Analytics/Statistics/Data Mining Solutions; Jedi skills in SPSS, R, or SAS; At least 1 years experience in IT Expertise- database, data management, security, IT architecture; Readiness to travel up to 50% annually (probably closer to 25-50%); Fluent in English (bonus if also fluent in French).


Developer | $125-175k | San Francisco | gerad@sagansystems.com

I figured I'd put in a word for the startup I just joined.

- We've got a pretty cool tech stack (mostly React/Node/Go/Docker), and product architecture (real-time pubsub microservices)

- We're super early (<15 people), but well-funded and growing.

- Our founding team is B2B serial entrepreneurs who have done it before, so there's a healthy culture.

It's a good place to wear a lot of hats, learn a ton, and grow with the company. I'm enjoying it. Let me know if you'd like to hear more, or check out http://sagansystems.com/#hiring

We're also looking for devops, a designer, a product manager, and an office manager (yeah, growing fast)!

on site only, interns ok


Zoomer is building a new take on food delivery - a platform to handle an extraordinarily high volume of concurrent deliveries from restaurants that already deliver (i.e. pizza, wings, sandwiches, etc.). We’re bringing much needed change to local high-volume delivery restaurants that are still doing delivery the way they’ve always done it. Our restaurants and their customers love the service, and our order volume is surging. You’ll make a real impact working to build and scale Zoomer as we continue to grow to new restaurants and territories.

We have amazing investors behind us, including Y Combinator (S14), First Round Capital, SV Angel, CrunchFund, Eric Ries, Gabriel Weinberg, the founder of DuckDuckGo and others. This is your opportunity to get in on the ground-floor - we’re making key hires to build our core team. You’ll have a ton of impact – lots of freedom to evolve our platform, stack, and apps. We follow strong dev practices, put an emphasis on testing, and deploy rapidly.

Help us build cutting-edge technical solutions to:

  - tough logistics problems, quickly routing orders to optimal drivers in near-real-time.
  - on-demand prediction and forecasting models
  - scalable compute and data infrastructure
  - multiple mobile apps - for restaurants and drivers - on both iOS and Android
  - range of complex real-time frontend interfaces
Our stack: We have an AI backend service that handles order routing, multiple mobile applications – for our drivers and restaurants, and several Ruby on Rails applications for customer-facing/internal services. We’re using Angular.js and CoffeeScript on the frontend. Our data team uses Python.

The roles we’re hiring for:

  - Ruby on Rails and Frontend engineers
  - DevOps engineer
  - Artificial Intelligence engineer
  - Data engineer
  - Data scientist
If this sounds interesting and you'd like to learn more, please apply here: http://www.zoomerdelivery.com/#jobs

CloudFlare - https://www.cloudflare.com/join-our-team - San Francisco (SF, SFO) and London (LDN, UK) VISA and Singapore.

Security and performance for the web, we are hiring for multiple roles in the SF and London offices, and a couple of roles for our new office in Singapore.

See the link above, but as an overview we are looking for:

+ Systems Engineers (Go or C or Lua)

+ Web Performance Engineers (JavaScript)

+ Infrastructure Security Engineers (security reviews, pen testing)

The SF office also would like to hear from a PHP engineer who is accustomed to performance tuning all components of large web app (including PostgreSQL performance, memcached performance, tracing and optimising PHP).

Please use the URL above to apply, every application is read.

Charlottesville, VA -- Quantitative Investment Management is looking for a strong .NET programmer in Charlottesville, Virginia. If you're a strong .NET developer interested in making business applications (not quants and models) this is a great opportunity. Here's how we do our work Technologies we use C#, VB.Net, F# Visual Studio & ReSharper WinForms MS SQL Server 2008 NHibernate, Entity Framework Python Matlab, R Subversion (SVN) KDB+ (a tick database) SOAP (a little bit) Technologies we don’t use Java, JavaScript, PHP Eclipse ASP.Net, MVC, CSS, HTML MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Node.js, Angular.js, Drupal Ruby, XML Git, Visual SourceSafe (VSS)

Contact marijean@jaggerscommunications.com for more information.

Experiment (YC W13) - San Francisco, FT

We're a platform for discovering, funding, and sharing science.


Designer - http://experiment.com/jobs/designer

Engineer - http://experiment.com/jobs/engineer

Scientist Whisperer (community team) - http://experiment.com/jobs/scientist_whisperer

http://experiment.com/jobs or denny@experiment.com directly with questions!

Duo Security (duosecurity.com, @duosec) is hiring in Ann Arbor, San Mateo, and London. We recently raised $30M to build (and market and sell) the next generation of access security. Come work with smart (and fun!) people at a fast-growing company.


- Product Designer - Ann Arbor, MI

- SaaS Scaling Engineer - Ann Arbor, MI or San Mateo, CA

- Senior Windows Software Engineer - Ann Arbor, MI

- Sr. Front End Software Engineer - Ann Arbor, MI

- Sr. Software Engineer (Integrations) - Ann Arbor, MI


- Senior/Principal Product Marketing Manager - Ann Arbor, MI or San Mateo, CA

Duo Labs

- Director Labs R&D - Anywhere

- R&D Software Engineer - Anywhere

- Security Researcher - Anywhere

- Senior Security Researcher - Anywhere

Plus many more positions in sales and customer success.

Job board (scroll down): http://grnh.se/bqvst2

MyFitnessPal (San Francisco, CA) and MapMyFitness (Austin, TX) are hiring for a number of engineering roles (backend, frontend, mobile, data).

Check out our opportunities here and help millions of people live happier, healthier lives:


Feel free to email me directly: rtassano at myfitnesspal dot com.

Maluuba - http://www.maluuba.com/ - Waterloo, Ontario, Canada - Software Engineer, Infrastructure Engineer and Android Engineer

Looking for Full time/ Intern/ Willing to relocate to Watelroo.

At Maluuba, we're developing revolutionary search technology at the forefront of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) movement. No more keyword search for blue links; speak naturally and get exact results. We solve new problems every day in a fun, fast-paced environment. The atmosphere is friendly, energetic and light hearted while remaining productive.

- SDE (Java/ Mongo Db)

- Android

- Infrastructure (AWS)

You can apply by email to: vikas.gosain@maluuba.com

Oscar Health, NYC: https://www.hioscar.com/jobs/

Founded in 2013, Oscar is disrupting the healthcare industry by putting people first, not business and cost. And we’re using a consumer-focused, tech-driven approach to do so. This gives us a unique positions and creates one of the biggest opportunities in decades.

We've secured $300mil in funding, and we are rapidly expanding our business. We're looking for full-stack developers, data engineers, analysts --- really, any strong technical talent that's interested in revolutionizing healthcare.

Interested? email me: lee@hioscar.com

San Francisco | Full-Stack Engineer | Bright

Bright is a distributed solar utility for the developing world. We're funded by YC, First Round Capital, and the founders of PayPal, Sunrun, Stripe, and Twitch, and we're looking for our first engineer (full-stack) to build a platform that will enable millions in the developing world to get access to cleaner and cheaper electricity. As one of our earliest and most important hires you'll work directly with our CEO and play a critical role in building the company's DNA.

Apply: Along with your resume, please include links to any projects you've built to jonah@thinkbright.mx.

Check out www.thinkbright.co/jobs

Two Sigma | NYC, New York

We have a huge variety of positions open in modeling and engineering to help revolutionize investment management. http://www.twosigma.com/careers.html

In particular, I'm helping several teams recruit front-end engineers to work on a variety of internal and public-facing applications including Beaker Notebook - http://beakernotebook.com/

Front-end engineers can reach me at ux@twosigma.com. For other roles, you can apply directly through the careers page linked above.

Edenworks | Brooklyn, NY | VP of Software Engineering

We build aquaponic greenhouses on city center rooftops, selling seafood and produce directly to consumers. Why? Because it's super flippin tasty, we can use 90% less water and energy, and ordering, harvesting, and delivering all in the same day is a gosh darn great service. We are a team of biologists, architects, mechanical/electrical engineers, and developers looking for a VP of Software Engineering to help us automate farming.

More here: http://edenworks.org/vp-of-software-engineering

CODE Technology (http://www.codetechnology.com/) | Seattle, WA | Full-Stack Software Engineer

We're a 3-person startup looking for developer #2. Our business is collecting patient-reported outcomes over the Web. Our platform is built on Groovy/Grails, so we're looking for a developer with experience in:

  * Groovy (or some other JVM language, Java, Scala, etc)
  * SQL
Email me at justin@codetechnology.com if you're interested in making a big impact at a small but rapidly growing company.

Various Engineer positions | www.rallyhealth.com | on-site only in SF, DC, Chicago

  -Full stack (scala/play + angular)		-Full stack (C#/.NET MVC + angular)
  -Front end engineer (angular + SASS)		-DevOps engineer (AWS, Chef, MongoDB)
  -.NET release engineer (Jenkins, Nuget)	-QA Engineer (python/robot)
  -Mobile architect				-Mobile engineer
  -Site reliability engineer			-Director, IT Security
  -InfoSec engineer				-Data analyst
We're looking for lots of great people to join our team that's aiming to make all aspects of healthcare better for consumers. Our Wellness product (https://www.rallyhealth.com/our-product/) is the best wellness program on the market, Marketplace makes enrolling in insurance as easy (or easier) than TurboTax, and Connect helps find the doctor you need in your area (and in your plan).

We'll be growing a lot more visible in 2015 and into 2016, starting with a partnership with comedian Kevin Hart[1] which we're all pretty excited about.

Our Chicago office is on a .NET MVC stack and SF and DC are on Scala/Play with mobile teams as well. I can answer more detailed stack/tech questions if anyone is curious.

The benefits are great, including $0 deductible for employee health insurance (and dependent coverage isn't much more), catered lunch every day w/ snacks and drinks everywhere, and unlimited vacation (that we're heavily enouraged to use).

If you have any questions, you can email me (ryan.stelly@rallyhealth.com) but otherwise, all postings are available at https://www.rallyhealth.com/about-us/ Cheers!

(what other kinds of details do you all look for? I'll be sure to include them next time!)

[1] http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/rally-health-and-kev...

Shame that you guys aren't doing the Java tech in the Chicago office. I keep getting bugged by the recruiter, and I used to work in a similar company 2 streets up. (But I'm not a .NET dev/haven't been for a while)

Seattle, WA - REMOTE: Apsis Labs is looking to add another engineer. We are a small independent development firm located in Seattle, WA, but work as a distributed team. We have a stable client base, offer retirement and health benefits, competitive salary, and a 20-hour work week. Read more about our job philosophy here: http://apsis.io/apsis/blog/2015/04/23/work-sustainably/.

Questions, contact: jobs at apsis.io

Huh, that sounds intriguing.

What 'kind' of engineer are you looking for? Any specific platforms, languages or fields of interest? I went through the site and the portfolio consists of multiple (and very different) projects, so I'm just wondering how it works. :)

We're a pretty small software consulting agency, so we're looking for engineers that are capable of learning new technologies and adopting to best-practices in those technologies.

Ideally, we're looking for people that:

* bring expertise in at least one framework that we're likely to use[1], and

* love to start projects in a software stack that they haven't used before.

[1] Rails, django, iOS, Android, Xamarin, WPF, visual design skills

Makes sense.

I mean, I mostly work with C# and F# on the back-end, but I created my fair share of WPF apps which I vastly prefer to web front ends. I also tinker with Scala in my free time, but I don't really know much about the JVM ecosystem.

I also readily admit I know next to nothing (neither have a feeling for) the UI/UX design, which is why I usually relied on libraries like MahApps; lately I had my eye on Material Design for WPF.

Considering my contract is up soon(ish), what you're offering looks tempting. :)

All things considered, I still feel compelled to ask: do you have a salary range or is it discussed individually? Or both, to a degree?

> All things considered, I still feel compelled to ask: do you have a salary range or is it discussed individually? Or both, to a degree?

Both, to a degree. Specific salary offers are going to vary a great-deal with candidate experience. Our salary floor is $65,000 / year, and it ranges up from there. We also offer retirement and health-insurance reimbursement.

As a final bonus, you get to sign our confidentiality agreement which says that you'll keep our clients' confidential information secret!

Any prospective clients for more C++/native stuff? (Thus the type of an engineer).

Right now we don't have any prospective clients that have projects that would call specifically for C++/native stuff. We have some clients that may have problems that need to be solved with that kind of work in the medium-term future.

Ideally we're looking for engineers that have a pretty-broad skill-set, that are happy to pick up new frameworks, languages, and code-bases as necessary.

Sounds too good to be true!

We're hoping someday it won't; with the rapid pace of automation, we're going to need to rethink what constitutes a productive adult life. We're quickly moving past the point at which society needs a 40-hour work week, and it's time for business to recognize that fact.

are you able to consider applicants from Europe?

We're definitely willing to consider applicants from Europe.

The only qualification I would provide is that I don't have experience hiring outside of the US. If we decide to move forward with a hire from Europe, we'll need to work closely with a lawyer to figure out how to get all of our legal-ducks in a row.

YesGraph - https://www.yesgraph.com/ Redwood City, CA

YesGraph is hiring for machine learning software engineers.

YesGraph helps your app grow. We do social graph analysis to find your close friends. We then suggest which contacts a user should invite. Advanced growth teams at Facebook and LinkedIn have done this, and we want to bring it to every app.

We have funding from some of the best investors, like A16Z, Accel, Y Combinator, Founder Collective, and 500 Startups.

I used to run growth at Dropbox. Email me ivan@yesgraph.com

Vet's First Choice | Portland, Maine | OnSite | Full Time | Sr. Software Developer - Java/JavaScript

We are a VC backed startup entering our growth phase, our main mission is to provide online pharmacy services for Vet's in a way that helps them instead of costing them money and time.

We are looking for a Sr. Developer. The stack you will be working in is Java Spring-MVC for the rest api, mysql for the Database, and a single page app in Javascript (Ext.js currently, planned to change over). Mobile development, implementing message queuing, and rebuilding the Javascript stack in a better framework are all big technical projects coming up soon and there are ton more in the pipeline. You will definitely have the chance to explore and learn new things here. That said we really need someone that is comfortable dropping into a web stack and getting a lot done. We work out of a beautiful office in the Old Port in Portland, Maine with ocean views. It's an amazing city with great food, culture, and outdoor opportunities right outside your door. It's a great team and you will have a huge chance to make a positive impact on the company as a whole. Your opinion will be expected to weigh heavily into the technical decisions we make as an engineering team. My name is Shawn and I'm the lead developer, shoot any questions over to me at scampbell at vetsfirstchoice dot com and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks!

SwiftStack | swiftstack.com | San Francisco, CA

We build tools to help our customers build object storage based on OpenStack Swift. Our customers have big storage needs and need to store their data easily, safely, and cheaply in their own data centers. We're active contributors to OpenStack Swift, and everything we put into Swift we push upstream.

One reason I love working at SwiftStack is because it lets me see a big range of storage use cases. We've got customers using SwiftStack to store everything from backups to game assets to genomics data for cancer research.

Check out one of the things we've recently been working on: adding Erasure Codes to OpenStack Swift: https://swiftstack.com/blog/2015/04/24/behind-the-scenes-“un...

Reach out to us if you have any of the following:

  * Experience writing high-performance server software (Python/C/C++/Go)
  * A deep and abiding interest in distributed (storage) systems 
  * Vision that simplifies complex user workflows  (front end/UI/UX)
Apply at http://swiftstack.workable.com/jobs/27475, or email jobs@swiftstack.com if you have questions.

Interactive Web Developer | Discovery Channel - Silver Spring, MD or REMOTE (US-ONLY)

We are looking for an Interactive Developer to join our in-house agency team at Discovery. We are a fun, start-up minded, and immensely talented team. We have won numerous awards for our digital work, including an Emmy and a Webby just last year.

Our team develops digital products and strategies for shows on Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, TLC, Science Channel, and the numerous US Networks and international properties.

We just recently launched http://www.deadliestcatch360.com which takes you on-board the Northwestern and Cornelia Marie from the tv show, Deadliest Catch.

Apply Here: https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/12066/interactive-w...

What We Do In a nutshell, we do pretty much everything. Full service creative and production in-house. From simple key art to massive multi-platform 360 integrated campaigns, The Agency is capable of handling every aspect of production, from concept to completion… including formal account management. All seamlessly come together to tell any type of story on any platform.

About Us: http://agency.discovery.com/

Treasure Data | Mountain View, CA & Tokyo, Japan | Full-time

We are a Big Data cloud company (16 trillion rows of customer data so far) that provides data warehousing powered by Facebook's Presto query engine. Users query their data through our API (built with RoR) or web app, which we are currently rebuilding with Flux+React. If you want to build a beautiful user experience with the latest and greatest in frontend tech, talk to us!

This is a list of Engineering positions we currently have open:

  * Fullstack Team Lead (RoR, AngularJS, ReactJS + Flux)  Mountain View
  * Senior Fullstack Dev (RoR, AngularJS, ReactJS + Flux) Mountain View
  * Integrations Engineer (Java, Ruby)                    Mountain View, Tokyo
  * MPP Software Engineer (Java, Scala)                   Mountain View, Tokyo
  * Distributed Systems Engineer (Java, Ruby)             Mountain View, Tokyo
We also have these other technical positions open:

  * Data Scientist                                        Mountain View
  * Director of Sales Engineering                         Mountain View
  * Technical Support Engineer                            Tokyo
A description and full summary of the open positions is available at https://jobs.lever.co/treasure-data?by=team

We are currently hiring only for on-site and full-time and we're open to people needing Visas.

Gradescope - https://gradescope.com Berkeley, CA | on-site only

Learning has been assessed in the same way for decades: instructors give out paper-based assignments, tediously grade them by hand, and return them to students. With this process, instructors gain little insight into their students’ knowledge. Simply measuring the frequency of a specific mistake requires painstaking tallying. Answering the question “What concepts are my students struggling with?” is practically impossible.

Gradescope lets instructors give out the same paper-based assignments, but then grade them online, while keeping track of the exact mistakes made by every student on every question. This enables unprecedented data analytics: for example, we can reveal which concepts a student needs help with, or which questions are too difficult. To top it off, instructors get grading done in half the time.

Our product has been used to grade over 3 million pages of work belonging to over 30,000 students. We’ve raised a seed round, and are making our first full-time hires to join the founding team of two PhDs and professor from Berkeley CS. Over the next few months, we’re looking to expand our user base tenfold, and roll out advanced features including autograding, analytics, and more. We offer market-rate salary with generous equity.

We’re currently hiring for two positions: Full-stack Engineer UI/UX Designer

If you’re interested, email jobs@gradescope.com

Blend Labs - https://blendlabs.com - San Francisco, CA - Hiring: Software Engineers, Implementation Engineers, Data Engineer, UI/UX Designer, Visual Designer

Blend Labs is fixing the buying experience for one of the most important purchases people make - their home. Home lending is a $10 trillion vertical that hasn’t kept pace with technology, so we’re bringing banks and their customers the consumer-grade tools they deserve.

At Blend, top engineers and designers from Palantir, Google, Stanford, and Caltech have joined forces with industry experts to disrupt the archaic systems in use today. We're founded by former Palantir engineers and backed by Peter Thiel, Andreessen Horowitz, and other prominent investors.

We're a team of 38 and growing quickly. We care about helping people be productive, set a high bar for success, and focus on building a product with far-reaching impact. Of course, we also like to balance intense sprints with ping pong and scotch. We love sharing meals, brewing our own coffee, and working in our light and airy industrial office — along with dogs, motorcycles, and our eclectic mid-Market neighbors.

For more information, visit https://blendlabs.com/jobs/ Feel free to reach out with any questions - sarah@blendlabs.com

Mutually Human - Grand Rapids, MI and Columbus, OH (on-site, full time)

We're always looking for developers, but we're especially looking for a senior designer to join our team right now.

A little bit about us:

  - We write custom software of all shapes and sizes for clients all over the US.

  - We aren't limited to any specific set of technologies, which is a great
    opportunity to learn. In the past two years, I've worked with Python, iOS,
    Angular.js, CoffeeScript, QT, Node, Ruby, Rails, and more.

  - We're agile, but not dogmatic about it. Our process evolves to suit our needs.
    We pair when it makes sense.

  - We practice a sustainable pace. Late nights and > 40 hour weeks are
    rare by design. For example. last year I worked an average of 40.408 hours per

  - We run a makerspace in our building (www.grmakers.com), which gives us
    access to lots of cool stuff like a laser cutter and 3D printers.
A little bit about you:

  - You love making software, and you have experience with a variety of technologies.

  - You learn new stuff quickly. You’ve used a lot of technologies, but you’re not
    afraid to use more.

  - You believe software is written for humans, not computers.
I'm a software developer on this awesome team. If you're interested, check out our website: http://www.mutuallyhuman.com/hiring/

About us www.honest.com

Locations: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Austin

The Honest Company passionately believes in creating not only effective, but also unquestionably safe, eco-friendly, beautiful, convenient, and affordable products for babies and homes. While e-commerce direct-to-customer shipping has been our largest success, our retail partnerships are rapidly growing with our products now in Target, Costco, WholeFoods, and Nordstrom.

====================== Our stack:

-- Ruby on Rails backend for our E-Commerce Site (Python and/or Node.js experience perfectly fine) -- Angular.js and themed Bootstrap on the front-end -- Our warehouse currently runs off an in-house created Ruby server -- TDD with rspec, capybara, and jasmine tests keeping things stable -- RabbitMQ is our main queueing system -- Datastores - MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Memcached -- iOS app in the app store - Honest Baby ==================== Positions Available:

--Full-Stack Engineers (Jr., Mid. Sr.) http://thehonestcompany.theresumator.com/apply/xP2fAG/FullSt...

--Back-End Engineers (Jr., Mid, Sr.) http://thehonestcompany.theresumator.com/apply/2S988b/Senior...

Your link for backend is for a Senior position, and in regards to your requirements for the Full-Stack position: I hope no one is still "Junior" after 3 years of professional experience...

Thats pathetic that 3 years makes you senior wherever you're working at. You (or your hiring manager) need to up your standards.

Although "senior-ness" shouldn't really be counted in years but in skill, no industry should be calling anyone senior without at least 8-10 years exp.

  Swift Navigation is looking for an embedded electrical engineer
  and an esimation algorithms engineer to work with us on
  open-source (https://github.com/swift-nav/), high-precision GPS
  receivers (H1B welcome). Questions? Email Buro (mookerji@swiftnav.com).

  * Technical details:

  0. Embedded development (electronics design and schematic
  capture, embedded software, FPGA-based DSP):

  1. Algorithm design and mathematical software
  development (statistics, estimation/controls) through
  prototyping, performance analysis, and implementation on
  production hardware and web services.

  * Organizational details

  0. 13-ish people in the Dogpatch neighborhood of San Francisco,
  spread across analog/RF/digital hardware design, statistics/
  estimation/controls, (purely) functional programming, and web

  1. Interdisciplinary work, with an environment emphasizing
  effective communication, collaboration, and inclusion.

  2. Flexible working policy, relevant for those with families and

  3. Some non-traditional benefits: thoughtful management, a
  backyard with a banana tree, and a gas stove and well-seasoned

MethodExists - REMOTE - Based in Calgary, Canada

We are building out our engineering team from our startup roots. We need developers with initiative, self-starting attitude, and willingness to work in a high performing team solving challenging problems in the enterprise space.

We collect complex data sets from the field, build meaningful visualizations, and are growing in the areas of machine learning and data science. We have built a modern organization around a disruptive platform in what is an old-school space. We are happy to shake things up.

We have real long-term clients that are some of the largest companies in the world executing the most difficult projects, and they share this vision of what we are building.

If we chat and there is a fit apparent, we would put you on a paid trial project. Real-world performance are all that matter to us. You need to be able to self-start, iterate on your ideas, clean up your garbage, stay out of the weeds, and deliver business value. Concepts you should be comfortable with are test-driven development, functional programming, asynchronous and isomorphic javascript.

We are a full-javascript stack and use technologies like node.js, socket.io, React, mongoDB, d3.js.

Things that are important to us are: security, configurability, scalability, performance, reactivity, visualization and of course user experience.

We also have a position for an excellent client-facing support person.

Apply at ffab00 _ gmail com

Backstop Solutions Group, Chicago IL

Backstop Solutions is looking for a Ruby on Rails whiz. If you have any questions, email Chris Agocs: cagocs@backstopsolutions.com

Info copied from https://www.backstopsolutions.com/careers-software-developer...

Join a growing team of passionate, self-motivated, talented, and creative people with big ideas about the future of software for the investment industry. Backstop is a Chicago based company that makes web-based software applications for hedge funds and the people who invest in them. Over the last few years, we have grown considerably, won several awards, and built a lot of great software. Backstoppers take our customers and our service very seriously, but pride ourselves on not taking ourselves too seriously in the process.

We're looking for excellent, experienced software developers. Our technology stacks are heavy on the server side, Java and Rails-oriented, but that doesn't stop us from using the right language or tool to solve a particular problem. We love using Ruby to drive the browser and API tests of our Java applications, building Fitnesse suites to organize our Scala-based integration tests, scripting data loaders in Python, and even hacking at, and in, Perl5 when we're feeling retro.

Videopixie (YCS11) | San Francisco | Front-end Software Engineer

At Videopixie we are building the largest community of video creators and the tools to hire and collaborate with them online. We are backed by the co-founder of YouTube (Jawed Karim), Jason Calacanis, YCombinator, 500 Startups, and many other great angels…. and we’re growing quickly.

We’re looking for people who are smart, self managing, and fully proficient in HMTL, CSS3 and Javascript - so you can hit the road running. Experience with AngularJS is a bonus. There will be opportunities to do full stack work if interested. We use: GAE, python, S3, AngularJS, Firebase, Git, and Grunt.

We wrote and open sourced a popular file uploader - check it out: https://github.com/TTLabs/EvaporateJS As engineering hire #1 you will work directly for the CTO. You will get real ownership on specing, implementing and shipping features. You’ll get guidance and mentoring from experienced software developers.

If you like building UIs and want to help the world be creative, we have a great journey for you, and we’d love to hear from you at jobs@videopixie.com Please link to samples of anything you’ve built.



I work for Google's Cloud Platform team. I was wondering as you ramp up your eng team if you or others would like to be briefed on the latest with our offering.

Thank you, Brittany

Aclima - http://www.aclima.io - San Francisco, CA


Aclima is an early-stage company based in San Francisco that designs and deploys distributed, large-scale sensor networks to empower people with actionable environmental quality data. Our end-to-end solutions collect, process and analyze real-time streaming data from thousands of sensors, enabling a level of environmental awareness that has never been possible before. We believe our technologies can redefine the way we imagine and manage our buildings, communities, and cities, helping us improve our collective well-being. We are looking for passionate engineers to help build, scale, and improve our platform. We have no required list of skills or years of experience. Instead, we’re looking for engineers who are smart and get things done. Our engineering culture values rapid iteration, continuous improvement, and as much automation as is sensible. We work in a relaxed, purpose-driven atmosphere with flexible hours and competitive perks.

Positions open:

* Full-time Backend Engineer

- great coding skills

- solid understanding of distributed systems

Our stack includes: Python, Git, MariaDB, Cassandra, Nginx, NSQ, Redis, Ansible


If you’re up for the challenge, apply directly: http://boards.greenhouse.io/aclima

I've got a blog post from last month that may be of interest to anyone considering us: http://gc-taylor.com/blog/2015/04/02/python-and-sensor-netwo...

Oracle Data Cloud | Westminster, CO | Engineers | Full Time | On Site Only

The company I work for is looking to hire engineering talent. Here are three job descriptions in particular:

Director Cloud Services - https://oracle.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl?job=1...

Sr. Cloud Systems Engineer - https://oracle.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl?job=1...

Sr. Software Engineer - https://oracle.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl?job=1...

A couple of notes (personal notes, not the corp speak in the job reqs): This is on-site work in Westminster, about 25 min from Boulder and 30 min from Denver. Lots of java running on AWS deployed via puppet, but python, node, groovy and R are all used as appropriate. Small teams (3-7 engineers) with a fair bit of autonomy--use Rally and agile processes. Quarterly hackweeks. Forward looking engineering culture--continuous deployment, testing.

FileRight - https://www.fileright.com - Las Vegas, NV

- Front End UI Developers - Front End Application Developers (React) - Back End Java & Ruby Developers

FileRight is a profitable, fast growing company with offices in Las Vegas and San Francisco.

Think TurboTax for U.S. Citizenship or Green card applications. We created FileRight.com because government forms are confusing, the risk of rejection for making small mistakes is high and help from attorneys can be expensive. We have streamlined the immigration process with a focus on beautiful interfaces, transparent policies, modern technology, and extraordinary customer service.

The FileRight Engineering team is a small but growing group. Individual knowledge and opinions are valued within the team as a source of discussion and perspective. Visit https://www.fileright.com/pages/about/our-story to read more about FileRight and our story.

See a list of open positions here:

- https://www.fileright.com/pages/about/careers

If you think you might be a fit for either role, take a moment and get in touch.

GlobalSign is looking for Mid level to Sr Backend Software Developers located in Boston, MA - Portsmouth, NH - or Maidstone, UK

GlobalSign (www.globalsign.com) - one of the Internet’s original Certificate Authorities. Over the years we have issued millions of trusted Digital Certificates to people, servers and mobile devices for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) enabled solutions and applications. Our identity and access management portfolio includes access control, single sign-on (SSO), federation and delegation services to help organizations and service providers create new business models for customer and partner interactions.

We operate in small teams - tightly integrated with product management. In these development roles, you'll be working to build out new products and services to expand our PKI services portfolio. We're looking for individuals with solid fundamentals - exposure to lower level coding like C/C++ is important - but also looking for those who have skills to build scalable systems in higher level languages. Interest / experience in internet security and/or building high capacity backend systems is a huge plus as well. For more info, please see the posting here (note, the posting only mentions Portsmouth, but we're looking for roles in Boston and Maidstone as well):


Any questions you can email me at lancen.lachance at globalsign.com

Sandy Springs (Atlanta) Full Time - Software Development

Small team, Greenfield project... Great place to work

Requirements: a) Must be able to build great software with a fantastic team b) Must want to learn new frameworks while solving hard problems with people who share your goals c) Must crave fearlessly adding new skills to your experience while maximizing your potential d) Play games, all sorts

AnswerRocket is expanding to meet the parallel challenges of demand for our products and the drive to do new things. We are seeking a few software developers with a passion for algorithms, UX, scalability and the future. Are you a smart and flexible thinker for whom programming is second nature? You will love it here.

Currently our development environment is JavaScript (for UX, using react/flux), Python (web server, machine learning, integration) and Java (data server). We use Agile and Git.

Our focus now is the Business Intelligence marketplace, which is exploding with opportunity. We deploy in Amazon's cloud or at customer premises.

Guidelines: - 3-5 years experience as a software developer - Knows our tech stack or has long track record of learning fast - Self-teaches new technologies, but not always anxious to use them - Loves design almost as much as implementing modules and fixing broken things - Knows how to hit a deadline but also knows when and how to explain a delay We move fast and require each team member to manage priorities that are established collectively. What we lack in formality, we make up for in results.

Join us or be jealous!

Contact Mike@answerrocket.com

Coinbase (San Francisco)


Help build the future of finance, in a fast-paced startup environment in downtown San Francisco. We offer salary, benefits, meaningful equity, and free lunch + dinner every day.

We're hiring:

- Backend engineers: We're looking for experienced engineers to build systems which securely store our bitcoin, and interface with banking and other financial networks. Our backend teams work on API design, integrating new payment methods as part of our global expansion, designing secure systems to securely store bitcoin private keys, and detecting fraud and identity theft using ML. Experience with Rails + Node.js (or similar languages/frameworks) preferred.

- Frontend engineers: We're looking for forward-thinking frontend engineers to help us build new payment methods as we expand globally, improve our onboarding experience, and build real time exchange visualizations, using the latest client side technologies such as React.

- Devops engineers: We're looking for senior devops engineers to build a fully automated, stable + secure cloud environment in AWS, using technologies such as Docker, CoreOS, ELK, plus a lot of our own software.

- Security: We're looking for outstanding security professionals to help secure our bitcoin and sensitive customer data. This involves securing our production systems, development environments, corporate networks, and devices, as well as managing intrusion detection and incident response.

Campus Job (YCW15) - https://www.campusjob.com/joinus/

Campus Job is the largest marketplace for college students to find part-time jobs, internships, and full-time entry level jobs for graduating students. Everyone remembers their first job. And now, we’re helping everyone get their first job. We’re not happy unless students and employers are happy.

We're growing out our engineering team and looking for great hackers who love getting features in the hands of users. We're absolutely obsessed with our users and making the experience of finding a job better, and you should be too. We just raised our Series A and we're looking for all types of roles, including our first senior engineering hire:

- Engineering Lead (Full stack)

- Back-end developer (Python, DevOps)

- Lead iOS developer

- Front-end developer (HTML/CSS and/or AngularJS)

- Front-end developer/designer (Photoshop/Illustrator/HTML/CSS)

- Data scientist

- Product Manager

- Don't see what you're looking for? Reach out anyway!

We're based in New York City and we're tons of fun--we work with college students all day long :)

Come join us! https://www.campusjob.com/joinus/ or send your resume and Github to engjobs@campusjob.com

Thread.com (YC S12) - Software engineer who loves product (Python/Django)

London, England.


We're a startup trying to reinvent retail so men can dress well without being subject to the horrors of the high street or having to trawl through millions of items online. We do this using a combination of powerful algorithms and human stylists.

You'd be joining a small, highly technical team with a ton of startup experience (the founders have started and sold 2 companies before). You'll be one of the first technical hires and get to build and own huge parts of the product and work on the core algorithms.

One of our ancillary goals is to build one of the best engineering cultures anywhere, and we'd love you to help us do that. We launched in October and user and revenue numbers are scaling extremely quickly. We're backed by a collection of the top investors from London and Silicon Valley as well as Y Combinator.

We're especially interested in people who are interested in founding their own startup one day. We view working at Thread as a founder bootcamp where you'll learn about all parts of starting and growing a startup.

Want to learn more? Check out https://www.thread.com/jobs and you can see some of our code at http://dev.thread.com/


Help.com - Software Engineer (DevOps, Full Stack, Frontend, and Backend) - Austin, TX

Backed by $6 million in angel funding, Help.com is building the next generation of customer service software. We're looking for talented and passionate back end and front end software engineers with a few years of work experience to join our small-but-growing team at our downtown Austin office.

We are hiring full stack software engineers, a senior frontend engineer (Backbone, Angular, etc.), and a senior backend engineer (Node.js), and DevOps lead/systems engineer to join our engineering team of 7.

We are predominately in the JavaScript/Node.js ecosystem, but have developed a microservice architecture that gives us immense flexibility in our choice of languages and tools. (We've authored code in JavaScript, Java, and even Haskell.) The engineers on the team make technical decisions and have full authority and responsibility for their work. It's collaborative and challenging, and very rewarding.

In addition to competitive salary, comprehensive health benefits, and equity in an early-stage startup, you will have the opportunity to make an impactful contribution to both the product and the team. You will also get to work with some extremely talented and friendly folks who come from diverse backgrounds and experiences. We're learning a lot from each other.

Email douglas.hanna at help.com with any questions (or just to say hello). Job listings and application information can be found here: https://jobs.lever.co/help.com.

Stasis Labs - http://www.stasislabs.com - Culver City (Los Angeles), CA | INTERNS OK | REMOTE OK

Stasis Labs is a health technology company building connected medical devices. Our first product is a vital signs monitoring system for non-critical patients. We’re initially targeting middle-class Indian hospitals, and our business model is especially suited for that market. We’re starting in India but have global plans long-term, including coming back to America.

Our tech:

— Electrical engineering, analog circuit design

— C++ code on ARM microprocessors

— Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) networking

— Android app: Java, Material Design, information display

— Web: Sails.js (node.js framework which includes Express), React.js

We’re hiring engineers / programmers in all of these areas. You should be comfortable in a changing environment. You should be willing to collaborate with everyone in the team, and potentially to play a larger part in the company as it grows.

We’re very early stage, and founded by new USC graduates. We've have had a lot of success at business competitions at USC and elsewhere (competed in the Rice Business Plan Competition two weekends ago). We’re now taking this full-time and raising a pre-seed on a convertible note. We will be working out of a house this summer. Salary and equity compensation both flexible based on experience and skills. Less than 10 employees this summer.

Email us at stasislabs+hn[AT]gmail[DOT]com

Fetch Robotics - http://fetchrobotics.com/ - San Jose, CA - Full Time

Fetch is a small team of experienced engineers working on cutting edge mobile robotics. We launched publicly on Wednesday and you can now see videos of our robots on our front page!

We’re well funded and growing quickly. We’re looking for experienced and deeply talented people who want to solve real world problems.

Front End Developer (React / Backbone) - http://bit.ly/1HjmhNn

Robot Perception Engineer (lasers / vision) - http://bit.ly/1NBOVuY

Robot Manipulation Engineer - http://bit.ly/1I5rZpz

Robot Navigation Engineer - http://bit.ly/1NK5DKA

Robot Application Engineer - http://bit.ly/1IRcoHI

Our stack: Ubuntu/ROS/C/C++/Python/JavaScript

We’ve got awesome robots, a disruptive price point and we're poised for significant growth. Simply put, we’ve built something that people want.

You certainly get my vote for "most interesting who's hiring of the month"!

For what it's worth, I'd advise listing that you're also hiring a fairly technically minded BD person too. There are plenty of technologists on Hacker News who have reached their peak for software contributions and are looking to switch into more business minded areas. In my humble opinion, with the right mentoring, people with the technical background are better suited to learning sales and BD than MBAs are at learning to talk the technical talk.

ZipRecruiter - https://ziprecruiter.com - Santa Monica (LA area) - REMOTE OK for some positions

Our goal is to create the best online services for filling and finding jobs. We bootstrapped for the first four years, growing to 100+ employees. Last August, we raised $63M led by Institutional Venture Partners.

We have a number of open positions:

  - Software Engineer (primarily Python) (Santa Monica)
  - Software Engineer (primarily Perl) (Santa Monica or Remote)
  - Mobile Software Engineer (positions for both iOS and Android) (Santa Monica)
  - Front End Performance Engineer (Santa Monica)
  - Database Administrator (mysql or Redshift experience preferred) (Santa Monica)
We're growing rapidly and have a large customer base (primarily small and medium sized businesses). We have interesting problems to solve in the areas of search, yield management, analytics, scalability and new product development. If you'd like to learn more, please visit https://www.ziprecruiter.com/hiring/technology or email us at techjobs@ziprecruiter.com

Do you take remote candidates from Canada?

HomeTouch | Lead Developer (JavaScript) | London (local)

We're a care marketplace connecting people looking for home care to carers nearby. Our goal is to solve a social need that touches up to 75% of families globally - how to find trusted, affordable care for loved ones.

Since launch in December 2014, we've seen over 2,000 online care enquiries and over 1,500 hrs of care booked. Thanks to strong growth and recent funding, we’re looking for an experienced JavaScript developer to join the team as our first inhouse tech hire.

You’ll get the opportunity to shape the technical roadmap to evolve HomeTouch from a basic, transactional platform to a product customers love. You have a distributed development team of two to help you and get to input into building an inhouse tech team. The problems you’ll get to work on include everything from the algorithm matching customers with carers, planning and building new features, to enhancing payment automation and optimising the look and feel of the site. Our stack is MEAN with some additions, e.g. Redis for caching and job management.

Check out more details here: https://angel.co/hometouch-1 or get in touch at hello@myhometouch.com

Stream - Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Stream (Techstars NYC'15) is looking for an experienced Python/Django DevOps to join its development team.

Stream (https://getstream.io) is a data store for building, scaling and personalizing feeds. We’re a small team, so everyone has a huge impact. With just a handful of people, we’re already processing millions of API calls every month.

Your job at Stream is to work on our infrastructure, develop new features and run operations. If building highly scalable performance software is your passion please drop a line!


    * Experience with Python and Django

    * Monitoring/operations/admin software

    * Proven sysadmin experience on Linux distributions

    * Dedication to test driven development

    * Experience with managing complex stacks

    * AWS
Bonus points:

    * Bachelor's degree or higher in CS or related

    * Cassandra

    * Spark

    * RabbitMQ / Postgresql

   * Java / NodeJS

    * Competitive salary package

    * Choose your own dev setup

    * We support and encourage open source
If you're interested feel free to reach out here: tommaso@getstream.io

Atomic Object - Detroit, MI - Ann Arbor, MI - Grand Rapids, MI Developers and Designers - Full Time, on-site

We are a custom software design and development consultancy. We do a full range of development from high level design prototypes, down to low level firmware on embedded devices and everything in between. Want an idea of the work we do and the technology we work with? Check out our blog: our blog: https://spin.atomicobject.com/

Being an Atom: Atomic doesn't ask that you know a certain language or use a certain process. But we are looking for a certain kind of person—someone who embodies our culture and values.

Atoms give a shit about their work, their teammates, and their clients. We pull together. Atoms are generalists who enjoy learning and doing new things. Atoms are great communicators, able to work effectively one-on-one with clients and users. Atoms are product developers, working on poly-skilled teams to create the most valuable product possible with the client's budget.

Interested in applying? Check out our careers page: https://atomicobject.com/careers

Samba TV - San Francisco, CA or Austin, TX

Hiring full-time front-end engineers (HTML5, JS, CSS), backend engineers (Python, PostgreSQL), embedded engineers, data scientists, product manager, QA manager.

We started Samba TV in 2008 to with one goal: To improve the TV experience for the people who watch, broadcast and advertise on TV. Our team has deep experience in digital media, algorithms, large-scale Web engineering, big data & design.

At Samba TV, we work together to make television the best it can be.

Samba TV's technology is built into connected devices like Smart TVs, Set Top Boxes, Smart Phones and Tablets. Across phones, tablets, and TV, Samba TV delivers a personal television experience. Our data and insights are transforming the way stakeholders across the media landscape are thinking about their business. Given the dramatic growth in streaming services, connected devices, time-shifting, and multi-screen viewership, our data products solve real problems and create tremendous competitive advantage for our clients. TV advertisers and TV broadcasters can now better understand and execute media plans using our insights on viewership. From post docs and PhDs working on complex video and audio algorithms to hackers and designers working on insane web and mobile problems – we’re looking for the best and brightest. Bonus points if you don’t hog the remote.

We were recently written up in the New York Times! http://nyti.ms/1bid5Pu

For more info: https://www.samba.tv/jobs/

London, UK - Unruly - Full Time - No Remote

Video ad-tech company Unruly is the leading programmatic platform for social video advertising.

Scalability and Reliability Engineer http://unruly.co/job/sre/

We're looking for an infrastructure expert to join our extreme programming team, who will design and advocate incremental improvements to our production infrastructure. You will help us handle our ever increasing capacity and latency demands, while moving fast and delivering reliably.

As the most senior operations adviser, you will coach the development teams to help them become better at handling their infrastructure themselves. You will pair-program with developers to implement your ideas, as well as providing an expert voice in team discussions, and researching new technologies.

You must be equally happy discussing ideas and pair programming as you are keen to develop your own skills in all areas of product development. In this role you will work with a wide range of technologies from infrastructure management code, to Java application code through to datastores and networks. You’ll help the whole team embed monitoring and scaling capabilities into everything we build.

Senior Software Developer (Javascript focus)

Senior software developer to join our extreme programming team.


PacketZoom | SF Bay Area (San Mateo) | INTERN | VISA:

We're looking for interns with skill-sets (or just desire to learn) ranging from Network Protocols (TCP/HTTP/UDP based protocols etc), mobile programming (iOS/Android), Unix System level programming in C/C++ to Big data analysis and front-end technologies (HTML/JS/CSS/mysql etc.). Connect at jobs@packetzoom.com or directly with me (my user info is in the profile).

PacketZoom was started with the goal to completely change how mobile devices communicate with the cloud. We've created a tech stack and cloud service to upend the tired old TCP/HTTP stack with a more mobile friendly networking protocol built on top of UDP.

Read this for the background and our motivations: https://packetzoom.com/blog/

Discussed here on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9354279

We ran an Intern program for the first time last year with two amazing interns from Harvard and CMU respectively. One of them wrote a review:


Come join us in the beautiful Downtown San Mateo, CA for a summer of fun combined with occasional hard work and learning.. or the other way round.

Connect at jobs@packetzoom.com or directly with me (my user info is in the profile).

RINSE - www.rinse.com - Design District, San Francisco, CA

Rinse is a technology-enabled dry cleaning and laundry delivery service. We've been growing our service at an exponential rate for the past year, and our customers love us! We have a number of open positions, and have hired a significant portion of our team via Hacker News.

Rinse is hiring a senior Software Engineer to develop our functionality across the stack. We have hybrid mobile apps for both Android and iOS for our customers AND our drivers. We also have sophisticated web-based tools for our customer service team, internal operations staff, and vendors. Laundry is a surprisingly-complex logistical process, and so our customer-facing software is just the tip of the iceberg. We're solving problems like the Traveling Salesman and image classification, too. Our tech stack is approximately HTML5 / Backbone.js / Django / Python / Postgres / Heroku / AWS / Ubuntu, but we're a tiny tech team, so any newcomer will be able to shape architecture.

We'd also be interested in taking on a summer intern if the right student is still looking for an internship.

Interested? Contact sam (at) rinse.com!

Vessel - Video Focused Venture founded by founding CEO and CTO of Hulu (San Francisco, CA Full-time, Onsite)

We recently launched Vessel and are in search of entrepreneurial and seasoned engineers to join our team. Our mission is to delight consumers and content creators alike.

Our founders, former founding CEO and CTO of Hulu Jason Kilar and Richard Tom, have assembled a unique and talented team with strong experience building and innovating at places like Hulu, Netflix and Amazon. As a team, we are unusually passionate about the intersection of media and technology; we see an opportunity to improve media, particularly next generation video.

We’re a Series B startup backed by Greylock, Benchmark, Bezos Expeditions and Institutional Venture Partners (IVP).

Our tech stack includes Python, Coffeescript, Objective-C, Swift, Node.js, React, Backbone, Flask, PostgreSQL, Redis, AWS EC2, Docker. We want developers who love to code in a variety of languages, tackling every portion of the stack. If this sounds like you, check out http://www.vessel.com/careers and email your resume/profile to careers@vessel.com

Aclima - http://www.aclima.io - San Francisco, CA


Aclima is an early-stage company based in San Francisco that designs and deploys distributed, large-scale sensor networks to empower people with actionable environmental quality data. Our end-to-end solutions collect, process and analyze real-time streaming data from thousands of sensors, enabling a level of environmental awareness that has never been possible before. We believe our technologies can redefine the way we imagine and manage our buildings, communities, and cities, helping us improve our collective well-being. We are looking for passionate engineers to help build, scale, and improve our platform.

* Full-time Frontend Developer

- a solid understanding of core JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3

- experience building well-structured, modular web applications

- a passion for user-driven interaction design and delightful user experiences

- excitement about data visualization, mobile design, and responsive design

Our current frontend tools and frameworks include React, Webpack, D3, LESS, & Grunt.


If you’re up for the challenge, apply directly:


Silk - Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Local only – must be willing to work at our Amsterdam office.

Silk [1] is looking for DevOps, Front-end and JavaScript/TypeScript Engineers.

Our product lets people publish structured data on the web and makes it easy for people to query, visualize, publish and share their data. On a deeper level, our vision is to bring a structured, machine-readable web to the masses and build an amazing company around that. In many ways, we're becoming like "Github for Data".

We're working on many interesting and challenging problems, with a custom-built Haskell graph-database on the back-end and a cutting-edge Functional Reactive client-side framework in Javascript on the front-end [2]. Silk is well-funded by top-tier VCs (NEA and Atomico) and we're located in the city center of Amsterdam.

For more info & open positions: https://jobs.silk.co/

[1] https://www.silk.co/

[2] See http://engineering.silk.co/ for examples.

Localytics - Boston, MA - FULL-TIME, INTERN, H1B

Localytics is hiring engineers to help us with:

  - Delivery and Internal Tools
  - Technical Operations
  - Data platform technologies including Spark
  - Microservices on Play in Scala
  - Data visualizations with D3.js
  - iOS, Android, JavaScript
  - Ruby on Rails

About Localytics:

* We provide app analytics and app marketing services for thousands of apps on over two billion devices

* We are one of the fastest growing companies in Boston and were recently named one of the top places to work by The Boston Globe.

* We are passionate about and have deep expertise in the technologies we work with including: Rails, AngularJS, D3.js, Scala, iOS, Android, Mapreduce, MongoDB, DynamoDB, Memcache, Redis, Spark, Column Store Databases, AWS: DynamoDB, S3, SQS, EMR, ElasticCache and EC2.

* We are one of the largest Scala shops in Boston and have a passion for functional programming. Many folks here who are in the credits for the FP in Scala book.

Check out our engineering blog: http://eng.localytics.com/

Candidates of all experience levels encouraged to connect with us: jobs@localytics.com

Voxy (http://www.voxy.com) - Manhattan, NY

Voxy is an adaptive learning platform focused on teaching English as a second language. We've just entered a growth phase as our product takes off in Brazil and Mexico. We have a small tech team that needs to grow rapidly, and whoever we hire next can have a real impact on our engineering culture. We practice XP and real Agile, and have a very respect driven, peer based culture. Our team believes in real engineering, not programming. Stack wise we use Python/Django, Backbone, PostrgesSQL and MongoDB and have native iOS and Adroid apps. We have 4 senior engineering positions open at the moment. We believe in T-shaped generalists so if you're a Python engineer that'd like to learn what mobile development is all about, or the other way around, we'd love to hear from you. More details at https://boards.greenhouse.io/voxy/jobs/36509#.VUPVPNNViko

Location: San Diego, CA USA Willing to relocate: Local candidates (SoCal) will have priority. Description: DataSkill, in San Diego, is currently seeking a talented Java software development professional for Team Lead / Developer position supporting our customers. This position requires excellent written and verbal communication skills, superior technical client support skills, capable management of team members, and must be a hands-on technical professional.

The ideal candidate will have a solid understanding of Java development best practices, backend development, and interface creation. A strong understanding of database interactions and data structures is a major plus. . This effort will require a skilled developer to enable standardized and consistent processes, implementation of innovative approaches to creating advanced software solutions using Java.


Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. Minimum five (5) years of experience in design, development, integration, testing, and debugging of enterprise information systems in Linux and Windows environments. Proficiency in all layers of web applications. From front end browser to API and Rest interface development. Proficiency in multiple web systems and technologies including: UI design, Java, J2EE, Struts, JSP, JavaScript, RestFull services (JSON, SOAP) Strong logical/critical thinking abilities, especially analyzing existing database schema, application architectures, and developing a good understanding of data models. Experience developing applications utilizing software frameworks would be a big plus but not required (e.g., Ozone Widgets, Spring, Hibernate, Struts, and JUnit).

This is a full-time role with benefits, requiring location in San Diego as well as ability to travel when needed.

Permutive (YC S14) — London, UK — http://permutive.com

We're focused on understanding and recommending content at scale. We use ML/NLP techniques to algorithmically understand the meaning behind content and make sense of people's wide and nuanced interests based on their behavior. Engaging content is the future of online monetization, and our first product is an intelligent native ad engine for revenue-generating content.

We have a ton of interesting problems to solve, and we're looking for people who want the responsibility of taking some of them on and delivering working solutions. You'll want to have interests or experience in some of the following:

* Working extensively in functional languages (we mostly use Scala, some Haskell)

* Building large-scale distributed systems (we run a microservices architecture on AWS)

* Designing and implementing proprietary machine learning models and real-time personalized recommender systems (particularly Bayesian approaches, topic models, deep belief nets)

* Designing streaming data pipelines to process millions of daily events

* Rapidly designing and building frontend products

We’re a VC and Y Combinator-backed startup at the beginning of our journey. As one of our first engineers you’ll play a central role in defining our tech culture and direction, and have direct influence on product and strategy.

If you're interested, email us at jobs@permutive.com with your CV and anything else that helps us know more about who you are! Unfortunately we can't sponsor visas at the moment so you'll need to be eligible to work in the UK!

Kensho, Boston, MA (Cambridge), Stamford, CT, New York, NY: FULL TIME Software Engineers, UX or UI Designer ON-SITE-ONLY

Kensho's growing engineering team[0] is headquartered in Harvard Sq. We are making financial analysis more accessible, intuitive and beautiful through our recent partnerships with Goldman Sachs[1] and CNBC[2]

Software Engineers

We're hiring fun-loving nerds at every experience level. We look for people who a hungry to learn, figure things out quickly, and are massively productive using technology and math. To really catch our eye, we love to see:

  * Rapid, mindful coding
  * Experience at scale with machine learning, NLP, or unstructured data 
  * Charting and visualization skills in javascript 
  * Styling, polish and responsive design
While we primarily use Python (especially pandas and NumPy) and AngularJS, that is just implementation detail and you can interview in the language of your choice.

UX or UI Designers

We're looking to grow our UX and UI team. We love to see a strong portfolio in either UI (mocks and aesthetic, especially with simplifying complex data and interactions) or UX (workflow and wireframes).

A willingness to play bughouse, play ticket to ride, and shoot zombies is a plus.


[0] http://kensho.com/#team [1] https://twitter.com/GoldmanSachs/status/554680474392870913 [2] https://www.cnbc.com/kensho

Mapzen >> New York City, San Francisco, Berlin >> https://mapzen.com

Mapzen is an open source mapping lab building and supporting open data and software to promote a healthy mapping ecosystem. We support the geo community through building tools and collaborating on open source mapping projects. We believe that a healthy mapping ecosystem is one that is diverse, sustainable, and accessible to all.

We're focused on core components of geo platforms, including search, rendering, navigation, and data. We take a radical approach to working on these components—-we give them directly to you, for free.

Here are current positions:

* https://mapzen.com/jobs/developer-transit/

* https://mapzen.com/jobs/ui-engineer-sf/

* https://mapzen.com/jobs/ios-engineer/

* https://mapzen.com/jobs/android-engineer/

* https://mapzen.com/jobs/web-engineer/

* https://mapzen.com/jobs/mobile-web-application-engineer/

Pemberton Rank - Frontend developer (HTML/Javascript/CSS) - Copenhagen, Denmark / Remote

We're building a platform for productised services. Read more about our mission: http://www.pembertonrank.com/.

We're looking for an ambitious frontend developer who wants heaps of autonomy to decide the technologies we should use for the next phase of our plan.

* Start with a blank slate as we develop a completely new product: you're the frontend architect

* Experiment with incremental improvements to our existing web app to reach company goals (we A/B test everything)

* Using analytics to form hypotheses, design experiments and test assumptions

* You'll have full ownership of our frontend: recommend things we can do and technologies to adopt to drive us forward

Email me (the founder) directly with any questions at me@danielsim.co.uk

Read more/apply at http://www.pembertonrank.com/careers-1/

Send your CV and/or links to things you've built to hello@pembertonrank.com

Syapse (Palo Alto, http://www.syapse.com), a startup that helps doctors treat cancer, is hiring DevOps, UI, and Semantic Web engineers.

We are a part of the genomics-based personalized medicine revolution that's taking medicine by storm. Our customers include some of the world's most prestigious hospitals such as Stanford and UCSF, as well as large hospital chain, such as HCA, the largest hospital chains in the world: http://blog.sfgate.com/techchron/2015/01/29/syapse-brings-pr....

Yet we are still a young rapidly growing startup!

You do NOT have to be a biologist or a doctor to work for us. Instead, we are looking for a DevOps Engineer, hard-core lead UI engineer, and a Semantic Data Platform engineer. Enabling doctors to make better decisions for each patient saves lives.

Our technology stack includes AWS, Semantic Web (SPARQL), Python, Java, and heavy Javascript.

Quid (quid.com) - San Francisco - H1B/VISA welcome

Our product combines mathematical models with advanced data visualizations to help turn the world's information into high value intelligence. With a still small development team, every developer's contributions matter a lot (seriously).

We just rose a round of $39 million and have some series momentum with clients such as Hyundai, Microsoft, Samsung and the Boston Consulting Group.

Check out one an example of a network generated of news in the last couple of years: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9pqvtbs2bdzuy4e/quidnews.png?dl=0

We are looking for a variety of developers including:

* Visualization developer pushing web browsers to the limits with 10,000+ node fully interactive networks

* Full stack application developer with a Javascript specialty

* Infrastructure developers to make provisioning of entire clusters a push button experience

* Test automation developers working embedded in teams and keeping code quality and test coverage high

* And more!

Apply by emailing hn@quid.com with a resume/portfolio.

Fig - San Francisco, CA - Full Time

Fig is a new venture-backed take on crowdfunding in the most popular vertical for crowdfunding.

Fig is hiring a gamer with experience as a front end engineer. This is an opportunity to join as one of the first employees at Fig and shape the stack and the product from the ground up. We have already built much of the MVP and need someone to join us as we sprint towards an exciting set of opportunities this summer. Our tech stack (familiarity with any of these is a plus but not required, we’d rather work with fast learners!):

- Front end development in Angular/React - Yes, we unit test :-) Tests written using RSpec and ran automatically using Travis.CI

At the end of the day, we are looking for someone with some or all of the following skills:

- Rapid product prototyping - Ability to learn quickly and take on new challenges - Adapt to a dynamic startup environment

If you’re interested, contact our Head of Product, Freeman White, freeman@playfig.com. Please send us a link to one of your GitHub repos and let us know the most recent game you downloaded on Steam. We look forward to getting to know you.

Mine - NYC

Interested in computer vision, blockchain identity, and how media spreads on the internet?

Mine is hiring mobile engineers, full-stack engineers, computer vision experts, and distributed/cryptographic systems experts.


Mine is Shazam for images. It identifies images you see anywhere and reveals their story. Mine is a vibrant community of visual archeologists, photographers, and collectors with a common goal of permanently indexing the visual history of the world.

We are a small, ambitious team based in Brooklyn with recent backing from top-tier VCs in New York and Silicon Valley.

See our blog post about the Canonical Content Registry: http://blog.mine.nyc/canonical-content-registry/

We are most prominently looking for a full-stack engineer to architect our API (mostly in Rails, but we have some microservices in Go and Scala).


Uken Games is Hiring!

Uken Games in downtown Toronto is looking for talented developers to help us build amazing mobile games. In particular, we have positions available for:

Frontend Developers

Uken is looking for a talented Front End Developer (Unity) to become a core member of a game team. The role will create fun, performant mobile games in Unity, build beautiful, pixel perfect user experiences, and collaborate closely with UX designers, artists, and other developers.

Backend Developers

Help us scale our backend to enable a million concurrent players by creating the infrastructure and services (SOA) that underly all of our games. Primary tech is Rails and MySQL, but you'll be working with many more such as Docker, Redis, NSQ, websockets, Hadoop, Spark and InfluxDB.

Software Developers

Join one of our game teams to build something that millions of people will play and love. Primary tech is either Javascript (HTML5) or Unity.

About Uken

We are one of the largest independent game studios in Canada, with hundreds of thousands of players a day across mobile and Facebook.

More info including full job postings at http://uken.com

Basketball Operations Analyst

Philadelphia 76ers - Philadelphia, PA


The Philadelphia 76ers are looking to add talented new developers, software engineers, statistical analysts, and data scientists to the team. Basketball analysts will work as a part of the front office and collaborate extensively with the entire basketball operations department including President and GM Sam Hinkie. Experience in basketball is not required; analytical talent and learning easily is. The Sixers are looking for both permanent employees and interns. Most basketball analysts will work in our basketball operations office in Philadelphia but other arrangements may be possible. If you're passionate about basketball and have technical skills that you think could help an NBA team, please see the official posting and apply here: http://nbateamjobs.teamworkonline.com/teamwork/r.cfm?i=71706

If you have questions, you can reach us at bballopsjobs@sixers.com.

Swiftype - San Francisco, CA (relocation assistance)

The product you would help build powers the search experience on hundreds of thousands of websites. We're a product/engineering focused company and we're fortunate enough to be working at a massive scale. Everything is growing quickly and we need more generalist engineers to join the team.

Some recent Open Source releases from our team:

- https://swiftype.com/blog/introducing-meta-events.html

- https://swiftype.com/blog/web-server-uid.html

- https://swiftype.com/blog/objectid-columns.html

If that sounds interesting, email us at jobs+hn@swiftype.com or check out https://swiftype.com/jobs for more information.

Surfly - Amsterdam, The Netherlands - https://www.surfly.com [VISA]

We're looking for Javascript + Python engineers to work on the core of our technology which goes far beyond regular web development. Our stack includes: Redis, Varnish, Ansible, Esprima, Haproxy, Nginx. We use Python, Javascript, C and Lua.

What we offer:

  * Upto €65K + equity
  * Potentially become part of management
  * Developer focused (sitting/standing desk, multiple screens, good hardware)
  * Nice office located in the centre of Amsterdam
  * Reimbursement of costs for conferences etc.
  * We'll help with VISA and relocation
  * We'll arrange tax benefits for migrants
About Surfly

Surfly allows you to surf the web together with others. Unlike traditional screen sharing it requires no installation or browser plugins. By using a smart content-rewriting proxy we allow any website to be shared, without website owners having to change them in any way. contact nicholas@surfly.com

London Based Senior FullStack Developer


TransferWise is a VC-backed, international money transfer start-up co-founded by Skype’s first employee and backed by some of planet's most experienced innovators, including Andreessen Horowitz, Sir Richard Branson and PayPal founder Peter Thiel, we're disrupting the world of currency & international money transfer. That means flipping a gazillion dollar industry on its head and taking power away from banks and the establishment.

We’re looking for talented full-stack coders to join our London office with solid experience with both front end and back end web technologies. Not only will you build awesome product features that contribute to user growth, retention and delight, you will also be empowered and encouraged to contribute and your own ideas.

You will collaborate with product managers, UX and design experts, data scientists and other developers to work towards one unified goal - growth.

Instacart | San Francisco | Engineers, Data Scientists, PMs

Listed by FastCompany as one of the most innovative companies of 2015, Instacart is building a better way for people to shop for groceries. We're passionate about the user experience and solve incredibly hard problems every day to create an experience for our customers that is absolutely magical.

We can only do this with an exceptional blend of designers, product managers, engineers, data scientists, and our operations teams.

All of our jobs are listed here: https://www.instacart.com/jobs

More about our data science team: https://medium.com/job-portraits/the-data-team-behind-instac...

We are located in San Francisco and well-funded by some of the greatest investors in the world -- Sequoia Capital, Khosla Ventures, Andreesen Horowitz, SV Angel, and Y Combinator.

Smarkets, London. Sorry, local only.

We're a modern betting exchange, going technology first to enable proper price competition in a field of fat commissions. A small, agile, and fast-growing team, who recently broke £1 billion in lifetime trades on our platform.

Smarkets develops a reliable, low-latency, highly concurrent betting exchange based on trading exchange designs. We're also building a fast, modern web interface to allow for a smoother experience. Servicing our users is top priority.

The Smarkets platform is written predominantly on Python and Erlang, and relies heavily on asynchronous programming techniques. We use REST where we can. Life at Smarkets circles around people, version control, configuration management and automated testing. We can - and do - deploy to production several times a day.

If you like the idea of flat structure and practical engineering approach, see our jobs at https://smarkets.com/about/jobs/

PolicyGenius | New York | Director of Growth & Marketing

Every business starts with a simple question. For us, that question was: "why is buying insurance such a frustrating experience?"

Our response was: "It doesn't have to be!" PolicyGenius is changing the game by making insurance shopping faster, friendlier and more efficient for the online consumer. Shopping for insurance might never be "fun" but it certainly can be easy and enjoyable. Want to help us achieve that?

We're looking for a Director of Growth and Marketing. This role will be responsible for shaping the PolicyGenius growth story: you’ll work with the marketing team to develop and execute an online growth strategy that will become a new benchmark for success in financial services and insurance.

To learn more and apply visit: http://careers.policygenius.com/director-of-growth-and-marke...

Shyp - San Francisco, CA. Data scientist

We're looking to hire our first data scientist. We just raised $50 million from Kleiner Perkins, and we're working on allocating our fleet of drivers more efficiently. A few months ago the routing algorithm was "pick the closest available driver by distance", so there's definitely a lot of room for improvement.

We did just start logging the positions of every driver at the time of every pickup, and making guesses about how long it's going to take. Hoping you can help us make the most of this and our other data.

We have a ton of other interesting optimization problems - how/when to get pickups from drivers to the warehouse, how to optimize the warehouse, how to route packages to people once they are in our possession, etc.

Our founders are Canadian and we can help with visas. Any workstation setup you want, really generous healthcare and dental programs.

Also hiring for mobile engineering positions & a warehouse engineering lead. Contact me - burke@shyp.com

Dreamlines, Hamburg, Germany, Full Time

Dreamlines is a fast growing e-commerce company selling cruises online. Headquartered in the heart of Hamburg, we now have about 350 employees across our offices in Germany, France, Brazil, Australia and the Netherlands.

We're growing our development team of currently 15 developers and looking for PHP BACKEND DEVELOPERS. You'll be working on object oriented PHP Projects, mostly but not exclusively with Symfony 2. Other technologies in our stack include MySQL, Doctrine, Docker, ElasticSearch, AWS and HHVM. Our team is very international, so English is required and we offer German language classes.

If you're interested in finding out more or want to apply, contact Jana from HR: jana.dudler@dreamlines.de

P.S.: We're also looking for PHP Frontend Developers and ASP.NET developers! See our Jobs Page for more info: https://www.dreamlines.de/jobs-und-karriere

I can highly recommend Dreamlines. It's a great place to work.

Applied! Looks like an awesome place to work.

PrintToPeer | Calgary, Canada | Full-Stack Developer | on-site only

PrintToPeer is the first universal printing system for 3D printers, connecting them to the web. With a web interface and using Raspberry Pis as print servers, our system makes it 10x easier to use and share a 3D printer. We have challenged ourselves to redefine 3D printing, making the technology accessible, and enabling entirely new applications.

Our users have printed thousands of times, and we are expanding the platform to connect with other services. Our main objectives are to implement a RESTful API, and scale the service internationally. PrintToPeer is primarily built with rails on AWS.

We were 250% successfully crowdfunded, and have funding in place for a dev hire. You will be joining two technical founders with a love of cutting edge technologies.

https://angel.co/printtopeer/jobs | contact me at tom[at]printtopeer[dot]com

BriefMe - http://www.getbriefme.com/ - INTERN

BriefMe is changing the way people consume news. We are the first-ever news ranking system, making it easier for people to stay informed. We recently launched an iOS app on the App Store which was featured by Apple in their best new apps, and we are currently working on an Android version. We have built a robust algorithm that filters through thousands of news articles to ultimately present the articles that people are consuming now.

We are an early stage startup (<10 people) located in Boston, MA currently looking for proficient software engineers and data analysts to work on our article ranking system as a part of a summer internship. Competitive compensation will be offered for these positions.

More info can be found at http://www.getbriefme.com/#jobs

FiftyThree / NYC & Seattle / Engineers

We're the company behind:

- Paper, an award-winning iPad app for capturing freeform ideas;

- Pencil, the best-selling Bluetooth stylus for thinking with your hands;

- Mix, our fast-growing collaboration service for bringing ideas together.

And we're working hard on some Next Big Things™. E.g.:


This year, we're taking on our biggest and most ambitious challenges yet, and we're growing our engineering team to rise to the occasion.

Whatever your particular area of passion or expertise (e.g. web, backend, iOS, Android), reach out if you're interested.




RealScout - Mountain View, CA - Full-time - Full-stack (Rails) & iOS engineers

Thousands of real estate agents have chosen RealScout to help convert $20 leads into $10,000 commission checks. We amass hundreds of data points on every single property, track buyer preferences and behavior, and expose analytics and insights to agents so they can appear super-human to their clients.


Earlier this year we inked our largest brokerage deal with Sereno Group at 250 seats and we’ll double our addressable market by end of year by moving into SoCal.


We're backed by Formation 8/Joe Lonsdale (co-founder of Palantir), DCM Ventures ($2.5B under management), Ken DeLeon (#1 Realtor in the US 2012) and Matthew Moore (former EVP at Realtor.com).

Along with our recent announcement of $6m in funding, we’ve attracted some amazing people:

* Duke Fan, former VP Product of Mobile at Realtor.com * Pierre Cadzilla, one of the first employees at Trulia * Betty Kayton, former CFO of Dropbox


We value continuous improvement and having fun. We have a small team focused on shipping great product and being the #1 engineering team in real estate.

We recently upped our game by spending 3 months at Pivotal Labs in SF and our team is cranking - from engineers to design to product. We also recently launched our engineering blog: http://eatcodeplay.com.


Feel free to email me at chris at realscout.com with any questions or to apply. https://www.realscout.com/team http://eatcodeplay.com/careers

AppBrain (AppTornado GmbH) | Zürich CH or Utrecht NL | Software Engineer

AppTornado is a technology startup that provides apps to millions of Android users. AppTornado was founded in 2009 by two former Googlers. We've developed more than 30 Android apps which in total have been downloaded over 80 million times. We also develop AppBrain, a platform for discovering, promoting and monetizing Android apps.

As part of a small team you will be working on exciting and challenging problems: - Creating great mobile apps that our users love. - Writing fast and robust server code that scales to millions of users. - Building simple, intuitive yet powerful user interfaces. Our company is technology driven, and we encourage our engineers to take ownership from end to end.

See http://www.apptornado.com/jobs-software-engineer for more information or email jobs@apptornado.com

Opower is hiring! (San Fransisco and Arlington, VA)

We are looking for top notch engineers and managers to join our team on both coasts! We are a saas company, changing the way people are thinking about their energy usage, and we're just getting started!

Check out www.opower.com/careers for openings and also feel free to email me directly at heather.cassano@opower.com.

Riot Games | EU | Engineers|VISA OK Riot is actively building engineering teams from leadership level to hands dirty individual contributors. Particularly interested in quantitative traders/market store/risk store architects, J2EE Platform architects and uber low latency/ hi avail scalability focused talents, talents that have worked with NOSQL,general open source dev, Coherence, web apps, Go, and are product and end user focused engineers.[vs shiny pretty tech for techs sake only]

Agile architecture & design, software components and architecture, data architectures & distribution. focus languages can be [but not limited to] Java, C#, C++, REST, XML, JSON, a wealth of exotic database technologies. multithreading, infrastructure and connecting pieces, service middleware + micro-services.

Massively collaborative and can find passion for delivering SAAS/GAAS

This is a faily unique scenario where globally, the Company services +70M players a good proportion playing daily, and at appreciable concurrency yet we are building the European engineering presence from near scratch.

League of Legends and its global e sports ecosystem is humbled to be one of a handful of global products that doesn't require heavy handed performance marketing tactics, the community is passionate, are strong advocates and the company's internal talents, equally so about serving and providing ongoing upwards trending value to their players. Riot enjoys direct and robust conversations with its players and vicerally listens to them.

Feel free to reach out directly to me if you're curious. we are looking for entrepreneurial minded experienced engineers at this time at high mid through leadership level. If you are tired of justifying "what's the ROI on that" when you come up with a consumer focused awesomesauce solution, and If all of this sounds a lot like you please feel free to reach out: cwesterman@riotgames.com

NationBuilder - Los Angeles, CA - Full Time (Remote OK) - Database Engineer & Software Developer

NationBuilder is an online Community Organizing System built by a world-class team dedicated to empowering a new generation of leaders and creators with the tools they need to create a new world.

We’re currently hiring for someone to join our LA team to take ownership of our database systems, with a strong focus on our core PostgreSQL databases, and take our databases to a new level of scalability and performance.

If you're a developer who is seeking to build something truly important - a genre-defining new product that is already changing people’s lives. Check out what we build:http://nationbuilder.com/mission

We will relocate folks, so if you’ve ever wanted to live in LA, this is probably the best opportunity you’ll get. (And if you never considered living in LA we’ll convince you that it’s the greatest city to live in.)

Our tech stack is primarily Ruby on Rails along with some Ruby and Golang services utilizing PostgreSQL and MongoDB. Managed by Puppet.

Job descriptions: http://nationbuilder.com/database_engineer http://nationbuilder.com/software_developer

Apply: https://jobs.lever.co/nationbuilder/310ba387-e395-40b2-a73f-... https://jobs.lever.co/nationbuilder/7bfa5b81-ae69-46c7-94d6-...

Collective Health, ( http://collectivehealth.com/ ), San Mateo, CA (Full time, on-site only)

We're tackling the employer-sponsored healthcare industry (our favorite analogy is how Tesla takes on several verticals at once, such car makers, dealers as well as the oil industry). We can lower both the first and second derivative of the rising health care cost curve, nationwide. There's some compelling evidence for it, if you'd like to chat.

The company just under a year and half old. We punch well above our weight-class with experienced founders, 50+ team members (~ one quarter is engineering), and paying customers.

We've got a ton of interesting problems to solve around distributed systems, data analytics and predictions, system reliability, security, privacy and more. We're looking for experienced SW engineers up and down the stack, front end, back end, infrastructure, data, dev ops, test, generalist, etc.

Our tech stack is a mix of Go and Java components with Angular on the front end. We use a custom service bus to tie our SOA together, microservices style. We love docker, postgres, riak, automated testing, and continuos integration.

As a company, we're strong believers in transparency, trust and balance. As an engineering team, we believe good code is easy to read and should have a short "time to understanding". We expect all of our engineers to continually teach as well as learn. We also believe that everyone should write good code, yet balance that against the need to ship.


We're super proud of the company mission, engineering culture and tech stack we've put together and would love a chance to explain it all in detail!

————— Underdog.io ——— New York, New York ——— https://underdog.io —————

We’re looking to hire employee #5 (engineer #3) and employee #6 (UI/UX designer #1).

Today, Underdog.io is a curated marketplace for talent. We connect amazing people with founders and hiring managers at top startups.

We don’t charge placement fees because we’re not recruiters. We’re building technology to reduce the noise of the job search and match. We started Underdog.io because we experienced the pains associated with (1) hiring while working at top startups in NYC and (2) looking for new opportunities.

Our platform is currently live in NYC, where we work with 110 awesome startups. We’ve had to turn away one of every two companies that have tried to join the network.

As we scale, we’ll focus on building tools for candidates to organize, search, and discover new job opportunities. In our view of the future, job candidates don’t receive unsolicited outreach from recruiters and companies don’t pay placement fees for the vast majority of their hires. Job search is organized and talented candidates have more high-quality options.

We’re built with Python/Flask, Javascript/Node.js, PostgreSQL, Elastic Search, S3.

If you want to learn more about our first four months, here’s a blog post: https://medium.com/@joshuagoldstein/our-first-four-months-bu....

Email chris@underdog.io to apply.

Sorry, we can't sponsor visa candidates.

Keywords: NYC, Developer, Dev, Python, Flask, Node.js, PostgreSQL, Elastic Search, S3, https://www.underdog.io/

Lime Brokerage | NYC | | Full Time | On Site Only | Senior Engineer: Quantitative Analysis

We are looking for someone enterprising, able to quickly assimilate new technologies, and enthusiastic about the financial services industry. An understanding of concurrency and distributed computing – for example, the actor model, such as that provided by Akka – is necessary. Familiarity with statistics or linear algebra – whether applied to finance, bioinformatics or machine learning applications – is a plus.

Skills of interest: Scala, concurrency and distributed computing, Akka, linear algebra, probability, experience with financial risk analytics, web dev experience

Perks: working at an awesome company, healthcare etc., good vacation and compensation package, opportunity for growth

Please submit resumes to jvictor at limebrokerage dot com -- and feel free to include a Github URL if you have one!


Jiff - Palo Alto, CA - http://www.jiff.com/ - Ruby Engineer, Frontend Engineer (AngularJS), QA Engineer, DevOps Engineer - Full Time

Jiff is an enterprise health benefits platform that enables employers to reduce health care spending by delivering smarter and simpler benefit programs customized for each employee. We’re fully funded Series-B company currently looking to fill multiple open positions in Palo Alto. Benefits working at Jiff:

* Higher than average salaries * 100% medical and dental coverage * Unlimited and paid vacations / time off * Really fun working environment and lots of smart people

All openings are here: http://www.jiff.com/careers/

Feel free to apply to me directly at andrey@jiff.com and I make sure that your resume won’t be lost. Folks with active GitHub accounts preferred.

Hi Andrey :)

I should add that we have some world-class developers who have given public talks, maintain & contribute to some of the most popular OSS projects on GitHub, and run on the cutting edge on the frontend (ES6, di.js, Babel, Traceur, TypeScript, etc.).

We are a mobile-first company.

We do a lot of pair programming & mentorship.

We also truly are flexible with vacations - we put employees first, and have paid maternity & paternity leave, as well as flexible WFH policies.

If any of this sounds good, shoot the man an email and get the ball rolling! We're expanding rapidly (doubles to about 80 employees in the past half year) and are looking for talent who want to make a difference and leave their mark on our product, including the direction.

FreeAgent, Edinburgh or REMOTE IN UK



We're looking for software engineers and technical managers to come and work on our flagship product FreeAgent. We're a growing team of 75, based in Edinburgh but with remote staff around the UK (5 engineers are fully remote).

We have a lot of happy customers (40,000+, NPS=75!), a lot of traffic (13 million+ page views/mo), and some lovely staff to work alongside, learn from and have fun with (http://www.freeagent.com/company/about-us). We invest a lot of time in our platform (code health, scalability, security) as well as working on new features, which is nice.

Our engineers tend to be full stack, but we’re seeing people move towards more specialist work these days, such as front-end programming (we're doing a lot of React.js, primarily on our iOS app), our real-time accounting engine, data science. People play to their strengths really. Our stack is intentionally straightforward. It's sensible and sustainable. Javascript aside, we mainly write Ruby alongside MySQL, RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch, Puppet.

We are looking for UK-based full-time staff right now, but I'd also be interested to chat to UK-based freelancers interested in a longer-term contract (e.g. 6 months+).


http://www.freeagent.com/company/jobs/senior-software-engine... http://www.freeagent.com/company/jobs/software-engineer

Urthecast (http://urthecast.com) | SF, CA | DevOps/SRE Roles

We are a growing company looking to map the globe from cameras on the ISS. I'm the Lead DevOps Engineer looking to grow the DevOps and SRE teams at Urthecast. If you love space and want to come help me deal with a lot of interesting problems of scale and data collections please get in touch with me.

We pay very competitively for the area. The benefits are pretty great also.

Some things for you to think about

* We are 100% AWS

* We use sensu for monitoring

* We are going to setup a giant graphite install and have TVs all over the office for fun dashboards.

* We will be heavily using Salt for config management

* Automate everything

* We are using CentOS 6 right now and soon moving to 7

Here's the offical job description for the SRE role.


Please ping me at mzupan@urthecast.com if you have any questions.

Dash (https://paywithdash.com) | Senior Software Engineer (Rails/Generalist) | New York, NY

- Ruby on Rails, Go, PostgreSQL on AWS - Git, TDD, SCRUM - Experience building and scaling REST APIs - Experience w/ the entire stack - JavaScript/jQuery as well as ActiveRecord/Database/SQL

Dash is a new way to pay at bars and restaurants. Using your phone, you can check-in at a Dash venue, view your bill, split it with friends, and pay with one tap.

The industry and subject matter we're in couldn't be better. You are literally scaling a system and product that helps people consume more Jalapeño Poppers and Bud Lights.

Full-time, local only. Apply at jobs@paywithdash.com or https://angel.co/dash-1/jobs/58265-senior-rails-engineer

Make School (https://www.makeschool.com, YC W12)

We're building a university replacement for computer science. Students spend two years learning CS theory, shipping products and interning at a tech startup. The program has no upfront cost for students, they pay tuition through future earnings. Our founding class graduated to Snapchat, Pandora, Edmodo, etc. Our investors include YC, a16z, Tim Draper, and Mitch Kapor.

We're looking for:

Curriculum Engineer with Rails focus (SF - https://www.makeschool.com/jobs/ruby-on-rails-instructor)

Summer iOS Instructor (NYC, SF, Palo Alto - https://www.makeschool.com/jobs/ios-summer-instructor)

Roku - Sr. Software Engineer - Firmware, New Products ENGINEERING - SOFTWARE | Austin, TX, United States

The Role and Responsibilities: We are looking for senior software engineers with extensive experience in embedded Linux, system-on-a-chip (SoC) development and integration, streaming audio and video technologies, and lightweight consumer-oriented player systems such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon. This is a senior role with a high-level of visibility and you must have a proven track record of developing and porting software for new hardware platforms from prototype to mass production.

See https://www.roku.com/about/employment for more info and an application link. There are a bunch of other software engineering and QA positions there too, but this is one is specifically in my group here at the Austin office.

10to8 - https://10to8.com - London, UK - Frontend Javascript Engineer

10to8 is an online booking system that helps businesses. We are an ambitious startup, based in London, looking for a javascript developer to join our engineering team. Visit https://10to8.com/jobs/ to apply. We are passionate about cutting-edge technology and we want to make its benefits available to everyone, bringing it to places where it can have a dramatic impact and improve the lives of people.

Can you imagine a world, where no one missed their commitments? No forgotten dentist appointments, no late meetings, no last-minute cancellations or disappointing no-shows. Can you imagine if coordinating took much less effort, than organising your time now?

That world is possible with intelligent software like 10to8, which makes getting to the right place at the right time just happen. That’s the world we’re building with its customers right now.

We are looking to hire a javascript developer to join our dedicated engineering team in London. You’ll help develop new features for our web and mobile apps, used by thousands of small businesses in the UK and abroad. Our apps use a mixture of modern technologies, including React, websockets, HTML5, and BEM, and are largely asynchronous, with liberal use of AJAX. We will also soon start using React-native for our mobile apps.

You know the fundamentals of interaction and visual design; you can tell the best from the good. Above all, you can clearly articulate the reasons behind your logic.

If you are motivated, communicative and a good team player, we want to hear from you. You will play an active part in guiding the future development of 10to8 products. We strongly believe in autonomy and participatory decision-making; your code will be in production within a few days of starting.

Picmonic | Phoenix, AZ | Full Stack & Back-End

At Picmonic, we move fast, take risks, and pride ourselves on staying flexible, fun, and ferociously committed to executing each day. Picmonic provides students in higher education with a learning system of unforgettable visual mnemonic images and creative stories. Our learning system works and student feedback has been incredible, on top of the adoption we’ve experienced and revenue we’ve generated. Picmonic is recognized as one of Arizona’s hottest startups, winning the 2014 Spring Arizona Innovation Challenge and having July 31st named as Picmonic day in Tempe. Come join an innovative and fun team who are changing education for the better!


email ken.robertson at picmonic dot com

Roam Mobility (MVNO) | Wireless Space | Vancouver BC Canada

Front-End Web Developer

If you sit anywhere in the spectrum from artsy designer to hard core javascript (back-end of the front-end) we'd love to hear from you! * ractive.js, grunt, bower, metalsmith, handlebars, jasmine and all the usual web dev suspects (HTML5, responsive, CSS, LESS/SASS, etc.) * integrate with back-end RESTful services (python)


Intermediate to Senior Back-End Python Developer

If you are a full stack, devops, or straight-up back-end developer and want to work on exciting stuff in the mobile space, we have a strong team to support you. * python, flask, nginx, uwsgi stack * celery / rabbitmq * nosql/sql hybrid on postgres * RESTful web app with API first development * AWS

More info: https://www.roammobility.com/careers/devops careers @ our domain name

I am python flask developer, can the company sponsor visa? I am from India.

AdRoll - San Francisco

If you like Python, JS, C, D, Lua or Erlang, and petabytes of data, this is your dream job. AdRoll is one of the fastest growing adtech company, already producing $100M+ in revenue with a small engineering team.

Analytics is so critical to us that a large part of the stack, including our high-performance, in-memory data backend, is developed in-house in Python (Numba), Erlang, and C. Read more here



I'm happy to tell you more by email (ville@adroll.com) or over coffee in SF. PS. Btw, we write our own convex optimizers, if machine learning is close to your heart - ping me for more info.

IdeaPad.io | Palo Alto, Boston | Software Engineer Full-time or INTERN hard-core Web/mobile devs, and NLP/ML programmer. Contact: jcole@mit.edu

Whitepaper and demos: http://about.ideapad.io We're a team of MIT AI and web programmers (advisees of Tim Berners-Lee and Patrick Winston) building a shared brain for organizations and the world. Our first product is a collaborative UI for graphs that enables enterprise analytics teams to discover and visualize the patterns and connections trapped within their spreadsheet data.

We're mega-passionate about personal information management, the intersection of philosophy and AI, and connecting people with related ideas!

We are early-stage (have paying enterprise customers, investment committed) and offer sizable equity, or competitive salary.

Lead level Developer | Tubular Labs | Mountain View, CA

Principal Engineer | Tubular Labs | Canada


Tubular is about online video, we're not ad-tech or streaming. We empower creators, media companies and brands to make better content, partnership, and promotion decisions. We've reaised $20M in funding and have long list of customers.

-- Tech Stack:

  * Python
  * ElasticSearch, Cassandra, RabbitMQ
  * AngularJS, MySQL
-- Looking for:

We're looking for folks to help us in Mountain View to be part of the core team building our SAAS application. We're also looking at starting Canadian operations (Toronto/Montreal) and looking for a key first hire.

If you're interested feel free to reach out, either via our job postings or send me email: david@tubularlabs.com


Questrade is a rapidly growing online financial service firm in Canada. Our mission is to help Canadians achieve financial independence by offering our clients with great investment products, cutting edge technologies, and quality customer service throughout. We offer self-directed trading platforms for Do-It-Yourself Investing, as well as professionally managed portfolios at ultra-low fees.

---- ABOUT THE POSITION ---- As a Production Support Analyst, you will provide 3rd tier technical production support for mission critical brokerage applications and databases. In addition, you will timely investigate and troubleshoot incidents, support issue resolutions database, be involved into configuration and installation of applications. You will work with development, QA and infrastructure teams to understand applications and resolve incidents.

-- ABOUT YOU --- Your technical expertise comes from your BS degree and 3 or 4+ years of related technical experience supporting critical production systems. You possess strong Linux or Windows administration and troubleshooting skills, and have working knowledge of at least one Windows or Linux shell scripting language. You have an understanding of Sybase, MS SQL Server, or MySQL, as well as a working knowledge of networks, routers, TCP/IP and UDP protocols. Your investigation, analysis, and problem-solving skills are well-developed, and you understand change and configuration management processes. You remain focused and do not lose sight of the smaller details, even under pressure. You play well with others and understand the importance of strong organizational and communication skills with other technical teams. Have a passion for the financial services industry and FinTech? Even better!

Wanna know more? Check out this and more of our opportunities: http://www.questrade.com/why-questrade/careers

New Orleans, LA. Mid City.

Dynamic Health IT provides healthcare interoperability and certification solutions. Our focus is on turnkey HL7 solutions and ONC-certified bolt-on software for Meaningful Use, Clinical Quality Measures and Patient Portal.

We currently have two listing. One is for a .Net developer. The other is more specific for a mobile apps developer working in Xamarin.



Excellent compensation. Flexible hours, good benefits, casual friendly work environment. Great location on street car line in Mid-City New Orleans. Interns considered.

This is the first time I've seen New Orleans on a who is hiring thread!

LiveRamp | Back End, Full-stack Generalist, Data Scientist | San Francisco | Full time | http://liveramp.com/careers/

At our core we are a technology company, and we are constantly solving challenging problems in distributed systems, data analysis, massive scalability, human interfaces, and much more.

LiveRamp is the leading data onboarder, enabling marketers to unify their customer database across disparate online marketing applications and leverage it for analytics, targeting, measurement, content optimization, and more.

If you are as respectful, collaborative and driven as you are brilliant, consider joining our team. We are looking to double in size in the coming year and are actively hiring full-time engineers and interns (summer or any time of year).

Tuft & Needle | Phoenix, AZ | Full Stack & Front-End

We're disrupting the mattress industry by providing a high-quality mattress for less by cutting out the middle-man markups and scammy industry tactics. In 2013, we set out to build a better product, and a better experience than what was offered to us. Along the way, we've found a passion for creating products of value. Careers at Tuft & Needle go well beyond competitive pay, benefits, and perks (although we have all of those). We're much more than a mattress company. At Tuft & Needle, we are a collection of entrepreneurs who have come together to build something we could not have done on our own.


email sean at tuftandneedle dot com

Pippio - New York City (NYC) - Full Time (Local-only) - Senior Developer

We’re a seed-stage company hiring our core team. The founders are all alumni of Right Media, Turn, Invite Media, and Google, and in previous lives have built the first and largest Demand Side Platform (now Google’s DoubleClick Bid Manager). Now we’re attacking an enormous need we see in the programmatic ecosystem. We’re building an engineering-driven company, aiming to solve major problems for enterprise clients to help them unlock new value.

You’ll be working with: Docker & CoreOS, Golang, GCE & AWS, graph algorithms running over scaled SSD arrays, and tight latency requirements. We’re well funded, with premiere investors.


Casamatic - Cincinnati, OH - FULL-TIME, INTERN

-- About our Product --

If you’re a recent home buyer, you know that the most frustrating part of buying a home is finding it.

At Casamatic, we match you to homes, by asking you a handful of questions about the people and activities that you love. Now, imagine that you’ve found the perfect home—chances are that if it’s in a desirable area, it’ll be sold within hours. So, Casamatic notifies you of new, matched homes immediately, as soon as they hit the market. And with a tap of a button, we get you in the home, with an awesome real estate agent, in less than an hour.

That’s why, for house hunters, the secret weapon is Casamatic.

-- Open Positions --

iOS Engineer - Objective-C, Swift, React Native (your choice!) Frontend Developer - ReactJS, CSS Flexbox Backend Developer - Python/Django, Go

Contact me direct at chris@casamatic.com

Spire Global | San Francisco / Glasgow | VISA OK

Spacecraft Hardware Engineer | Spacecraft Software Engineer | Distributed Systems Engineer


Linux, C, Python, embedded systems, RTOS, microcontrollers, aerospace, hardware, EE, PCB, FPGA, etc.

Spire builds and launches small satellites (cubesats) to capture valuable data which we then offer to companies (AIS tracking, weather/climate, etc.). We’re expanding across the globe and will have 20 cubesats in orbit by the end of 2015.

We are a fast moving, energetic start-up applying agile development principles to a traditionally sluggish and overly-burdened industry (and having fun doing it).

You will never be bored at Spire!

Please email Darin@spire.com if you are interested in learning more. Previous work in satellites not required.

My hat is off to Spire. I interviewed with them but for several reasons did not do well during the interview. Regardless they were very cordial and understanding. If you are into embedded check out these guys!

Thanks Maguirre! Please keep in touch with us for future opportunities.

Pascal Metrics, Washington DC (Georgetown)

We're a healthcare startup focused on improving patient safety in hospitals.

Our software platform enables clients to detect, track, and analyze patient safety issues across hospital systems.

We're looking for a software engineer to help build out our SaaS platform.

Check us out at http://www.pascalmetrics.com

Job req: https://www.smartrecruiters.com/PascalMetricsInc/81811030-fu...

If you're interested in getting involved with healthcare, improving work culture, and tackling hard technical challenges, please feel free to reach out to me directly to chat in detail.

theo at pascalmetrics.com

We're hiring like crazy at Hipmunk in San Francisco:

* Engineers (frontend, backend, mobile)

* DevOps/SRE

* Bizdev

* Marketing

* Product Manager


* Customer service

Good pay, good benefits. https://www.hipmunk.com/jobs Feel free to ping me at the email on my profile page, or use the contact info on the jobs page there.

Connectifier | Orange County, CA | Software Engineer | DevOps

There is no way to have a bigger impact on society than to better organize the world's human capital. Each year, millions of jobs go unfilled, over half of workers are looking to leave their jobs, and $400B is spent on recruiting. We've assembled a team from Google, Amazon, Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, NASA, Microsoft Research, and Berkeley National Lab to tackle the challenge of matching individuals to jobs. Join our small, fast-growing, and well-funded team as we build the AI layer of our economy to help companies grow and individuals to take the next step in their careers.


Opsee | Frontend Application Developer | SF, Full Time, Early Stage

Opsee is looking for a talented, senior frontend engineer to be our second employee and lead development of our web application. You’ll be using your expertise in Javascript and modern frameworks to build tools developers love.

You’ll work closely with the backend team to spec and build new features, and process real-time data streams from our APIs and bastion hosts. You’ll also work with design to create a seamless and delightful product experience, and a powerful web application to notify users of problems and visualize and report on their application health and performance.

Opsee is early stage, but we're well funded and offer competitive salary, great benefits, and generous equity. Get in touch: cliff@opsee.co

Synthego | BioTech | Redwood City, CA | On Site

At Synthego, we are looking for people who want to help build a fully-automated, research facility that moves, mixes, manipulates, and analyzes molecules and cells. We're looking for badassery in the following areas: 1) software engineers - mostly Python

2) mechanical engineers

3) wet lab technicians with experience in chemistry or biochemistry labs

4) Operations folks to help setup our our automated lab

5) Anyone else who kicks ass in significant technically deep ways in an engineering or scientific discipline. In general, we have—and are continuing to—build a team of extreme technical and scientific ass-kickers, in a joyful, bullshit-free, you-own-it kind of environment. We are backed by Founders Fund, and located in Redwood City, CA

email us at join@synthego.com for more information.

HouseCanary (http://www.housecanary.com) | San Francisco, CA

We're a startup working on price forecasting for US housing markets. We're a rapidly growing team (went from 7-26 in 4 months) looking to fill the following roles:

  * Python Engineer (pandas/statistical work a plus)
  * Frontend Developer (we use AngularJS)
  * Test Automation Engineer
  * Data Scientist
For more info: (http://www.housecanary.com/about.html#section-work-with-us-a...). Some available positions are not yet listed on the site.

Email me at joey@housecanary.com to talk more.

Your data scientist position is in San Antonio?

Unite - San Francisco and Prague - Full time or Interns - http://unite.io

We're a data startup looking for engineers to join our small and highly skilled team in our new office in San Francisco. We are building powerful online advertising tools that everyone can use — not just big brands and agencies. We are growing incredibly fast — our servers handle 2000 requests per second and manage more than 700 million users (yes, that's 20% of the internet).

We are looking for experienced front-end developers and full-stack engineers. We use Angular/JavaScript (ES6) on the front end, and Java/Cassandra/Kafka/Storm/Redis on the back end.

Feel free to ping me anytime at engineering@unite.io.

DotProduct -- Boston, MA or Wiesbaden, Germany

  == 1. Senior R&D Engineer in Computer Vision ==
  == 2. Software Engineer in Mobile ==
  == 1:
We are looking for a software engineer with a strong 3D Computer Vision or Graphics background to join our R&D team. Interesting things we are working on include Real-time Image Processing, SLAM, Optimization methods, Surface Reconstruction, Meshing, 3D Scene Management.

Candidates should be extremely proficient both on a theoretical / algorithmic level and in practical implementation (mostly C++ and shader languages) of Computer Vision and Graphics algorithms.

Masters or PhD degree in CS or related fields with focus on Vision or Graphics is required, as well as practical product development or job experience.

  == 2:
We are looking for an experienced, hands-on, detail-oriented developer with strong skills in C++ and/or Java to join our application, UI and tools development.

We have a number of projects inside the company for which we are looking for support, from app development (Android, Windows, Qt) to internal tools, sensor integration and development of core technology.

  == General information:
Besides the opportunity to work in a world-class R&D team on leading mobile 3D computer vision technology, we offer a great salary, benefits and and a nice work place with top-of-the-line work equipment. Significant equity is part of the compensation package.

Our R&D team is still intimate so new hires can have a large impact on product and future developments. Both positions are local and full-time.

  == About DotProduct:
We are a team of seasoned entrepreneurs and Computer Vision professionals that brings real-time 3D capturing to mobile devices equipped with advanced camera sensors.

We are backed by Intel Capital and various angel investors. Our office locations are Houston, TX; Boston, MA and Wiesbaden, Germany (R&D). Contact is jobs (at) dotproduct3d (dot) com www.dotproduct3d.com

So, are you not hiring for your Houston location?

The Houston office is only assembly and order execution. We don't intend to build an R&D unit there.

Mi9 - Sydney, Australia - Full time and fix term contracts

Mi9 is the digital arm of Nine Entertainment Company who builds and runs Australia's highest trafficked websites like ninemsn and 9Jumpin.com.au

It's an awesome place to work - with great people and cool tech and interesting challenges. I love it. All our new sites are built in Node.js and we're always looking at how we can use new tech to make things better.

Positions available include

• Android Developer - TV

• iOS Developer - TV (6 month contract)

• Network Experience Manager

• Senior Designer

• Software Developer - Video (6 month contract)

• Software Developer - Video (Full-Time)

• Web Developer - TV (6 month contract)

• Web Developer/SEO Specialist - TV (6 month contract)

See all positions here http://mi9.com.au/careers

Come work with us :)

The linked site has 0 listings.

It appears adblock blocks the iframe through to jobvite for some reason.


Looks like it's unrelated to jobvite specifically - iframe is located on http://mi9.com.au/careers, it is referencing some assets on advertising.ninemsn.com.au and adblock is blocking because of "advertising" in the url.

Buildzoom (YC S12) - Full Stack Ruby on Rails Engineer - San Francisco. Visa ok but not H1B it's too late :(, no remote


The company simplifies the process of selecting a home improvement contractor and improving the outcomes of remodeling and construction projects. By gathering and analyzing information on 3.5 million licensed contractors and 50 million improvement projects, the company has brought new levels of transparency and accountability to a notoriously difficult industry.


In this role, you’ll be working throughout the stack to move our consumer marketplace site forward. Responsibilities will range from server configuration to front-end implementation and everything in between.

We're looking for someone that will jump at the opportunity to take ownership of product features that drive traction, which will be used by tens of thousands of users each day.

Here are some examples of problems you’ll help us solve:

* Build a clean and simple user interface that sifts through millions of transactional records, allows consumers to see the current remodeling activity in their neighborhood and engage with the contractors performing the work.

* Implement payment processing by integrating with third party providers and implementing a scheduling and tracking system to maintain transaction records.

* Enhance the accuracy of our machine learning classifier, which infers what types of work contractors specialize in based off their transactional histories.

* Apply our pricing analysis to help consumers understand the cost and value associated with their home improvement investments.

Please Apply here:


To know which visa you're eligible to, please use: http://www.jobsintech.io/visa_eligibility

Pangea | Chicago, IL | Full Time | Web (React.js), Android (Java), iOS (Objective-C/Swift), DevOps (AWS/Chef or similar), Backend (.NET/C#)

Pangea is an emerging payments company that is developing an innovative value transfer system that leverages retail, mobile and web connectivity to address the high costs and lack of transparency in the money remittance space. We aim to empower the 2.5 billion global underbanked community that have limited access to basic financial services. Pangea is 1 of 8 companies selected for the inaugural class of the Impact Engine, a venture accelerator led by Chuck Templeton, the founder of OpenTable (NASDAQ: OPEN) with guidance from world-class mentors and entrepreneurs. We're located at 1871, the entrepreneurial center at the Merchandise Mart.

Full job descriptions:

- Lead Mobile Engineer (https://gopangea.com/jobs/lead-mobile-engineer.html)

- DevOps (https://gopangea.com/jobs/devops-engineer.html)

- Android (https://gopangea.com/jobs/android-developer.html)

- Backend/Full stack (https://gopangea.com/jobs/full-stack-software-engineer.html)

Currently, our backend is mostly .NET (C#) running on Amazon Web Services (using ElastiCache with Redis, RDS with MySQL). We use git (on Bitbucket), Chef, TeamCity, JIRA, and Slack. The keyword here is ‘currently’. We believe in using the right tool for the job. Your input will help shape the future of our tooling and the business.

Developers get fully loaded Retina Macbook Pros, dual monitors and your choice of keyboard and mouse. We run Parallels for .NET/C# work and hope to move to VSCode or Xamarin for backend development when the time is right.

Segment – Engineering | SF (local)

Segment is building the analytics routing layer for the world. We transform data into over 150 different services, adding new ones every day. We’re processing billions of events each month, and maintaining the analytics infrastructure for companies like Rdio, Bonobos, and Atlassian.

Where we're at:

- built with Go, Node, NSQ, Redis, AWS - a little over 40 people, and growing actively - we <3 open source [1]

If that sounds interesting, we'd love to hear from you.

Apply: https://segment.com/jobs/

[1]: https://github.com/segmentio

Olark is Hiring Remote Backend Python Engineers, and part-time customer service in US timezones

Our collective mission is to:

- To help people make Happy Customers through personality, authenticity, and mutual understanding.

- To exemplify a positive organization by creating a safe space to speak, listen, empathize, and build each other up.

- To be active in the communities around us by learning from and sharing lessons with everyone we meet.

Learn more about our values here: http://www.olark.com/values and positions here: http://www.olark.com/jobs

Software Engineer | Atlanta, GA | PrimeRevenue

We're the industry leading solution for supply chain finance. Recognized as one of Atlanta’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For and a winner of numerous prestigious industry awards, PrimeRevenue offers a challenging, rewarding, and truly entrepreneurial working environment.

Our employees enjoy competitive compensation, excellent benefits, and flexible working conditions.

Currently hiring developers experienced in Ruby and JS. See http://primerevenue.theresumator.com/apply or email me directly at brosenblum@primerevenue.com.

42reports - Berlin, Germany; VISA

Python Infrastructure Developer - Your job is to continue automating our development and operations processes. You help built and maintain the tools to develop, deploy and run our applications on AWS.

Javascript/Frontend Developer - You help maintain and extend our frontend application (AngularJS) and are not afraid to venture into touching the backend code as well!

Backend Developer - Help developing our backend services and daemons (mostly Django and Tornado), work with many Terabytes of data in PostgreSQL.

More information at https://42reports.com/career/

Remote - Full Time - Data Wrangler - Automattic (makers of WordPress.com, Jetpack, Polldaddy, Gravatar)

We're a distributed company with employees in 39 countries. Help us influence the 23% of the web that runs on WordPress.

We're building out our data infrastructure. Each day we handle: - 3.5 Million New Posts & Comments From 196 countries - 39 Million Elasticsearch Queries In 144 languages - 33 Terabytes of Elasticsearch Data for 175M+ Unique Visitors - 0.5 billion pageviews - Millions of events streaming through Kafka, Hive, Impala, eventually Spark

No walls around the garden. Make the Open Web a smarter place.


Visidraft (https://www.visidraft.com) | REMOTE or D.C. Area

Flexible schedules, 10 days guaranteed vacation - no max vacation; equity grant (not options)

Full stack:

- Expert in C++, C#, JavaScript, Objective-C, SQL

- Created RESTful services using .Net WebAPI

- Created websites and directives in AngularJS

- WebGL usage or related framework (ThreeJS, etc.)

- Proficient using Visual Studio, XCode, SQL SMS

- Worked on iOS apps built in Objective-C and C++

- Comfortable with 3D rendering, math, and transformations

- Programmed a rendering pipeline & shader w/ OpenGL ES2.0

- Comfortable managing databases in Azure and AWS

- Comfortable using Git for source control

Computer Vision Researcher:

- Has built or implemented a SLAM system from scratch

- Proficient in C or C++

- Has used ROS

- Has worked with OpenCV or the PCL

- Mathemagician

I can't find an email anywhere, where do I send the application?

Sorry about that - edit timed out: Andrew@Visidraft.com

Disney Studios | Burbank, CA | Data Engineers

We're looking for passionate "learners" to work with on our platforms and do some interesting analysis. We're leveraging Apache Spark, Mahout, MLlib, GraphX, Kafka and other fun technologies.

The Data Services team does things like extracting media meta information from digital assets and analyzing how people are talking about/consuming content (Movies, Music & Stage).

Expecting people with strong Linux & Java; Scala, Python & R are nice to haves.


PicnicHealth (YC S14) - San Francisco, CA - Full Time, Intern picnichealth.com, demo.picnichealth.com

PicnicHealth helps patients achieve better care by centralizing and streamlining all their medical information.

We're looking for a full-stack and front-end web hackers. Ideally, we want to find an engineer who also wants to take ownership of our product's UX.

For interns, we want CS students (or equivalent) who are entering their 3rd or 4th year at school, and are able to quickly build out web applications.

We run Node and postgres on AWS, and Backbone, Browserify, and React on the client.

Checkout picnichealth.com/jobs for more info, or email jobs@picnichealth.com.

Opendoor.com - San Francisco, CA - Front-End Engineer

Work with a talented, close-knit team to change the way homes are purchased and sold. We've raised $32m from Khosla and GGV and are looking to grow the front-end engineering team.

Here are a few reasons to spend an hour with us:

1. We're doing something very ambitious that touches 2/3rd of Americans and over $20 trillion of assets.

2. We're early so you'll have the opportunity to grow, help steer the direction of the product and company and have a seat at the table.

3. Buying and selling real estate is a painful process and one of the most difficult, complex and lengthy transactions.

Email us (jobs at) opendoor.com.

IgnitionDeck - REMOTE - Based in Tampa, FL

We are a rapidly growing company that builds plugins and themes for WordPress.

We're looking to fill multiple part-time (20'ish hours) and full-time positions:

* Front-end dev (HTML/CSS/WordPress/js/jQuery/some PHP) * PHP dev (LAMP + WordPress + js + jQuery/Ajax) * Support (Currently looking to fill evening/weekend roles) * Executive Assistant

More information on the support/php positions here:


please email careers at ignitiondeck dot com and mention this posting.

PlaytestCloud - [playtestcloud.com] - Potsdam/Berlin, Germany

We're looking for a full time, on-site Community Manager / Account Manager

  * Manage game test projects
  * Maintain customer relations
  * Identify and qualify leads
  * our devs will help make your job easier

  * free coffee, drinks, beer and snacks
  * Flexible working hours
  * MacBook or iMac for work
  * see the newest unreleased video games
Contact: marvin@playtestcloud.com


Image processing and/or Machine learning engineer | Full-stack engineer



We are developing high-performance algorithms for truly big data and image processing. At the moment, we're looking for people with recent experience working with open source packages in vision and/or deep learning. CUDA knowledge is a plus. We are also open to talking to full-stack engineers who have built sophisticated and scalable systems with Java, C++, Postgres, and Javascript. We have an accomplished team with a proven record. Contact info@onutechnology.com.

Student Loan Hero - https://studentloanhero.com/ - New York, NY - Part-Time - Remote

Student Loan Hero (SLH) is looking to add to its team of writers for the SLH blog. We’re looking for writers who can offer a fresh and original take with writing that interests and excites our growing audience of student loan borrowers.


Qardio | System Administrator | Amsterdam | Full Time | On Site Only

Qardio is looking for a Linux System Administrator with experience in managing, monitoring and automating operations of high-availability, high-scalability AWS server infrastructure, and in-depth system performance tuning.

--- Qardio is an award-winning full-stack technology company offering smart heart health monitoring solutions.

Company site: https://www.getqardio.com Career site: http://careers.getqardio.com


Permanent, full-time roles in London, New York City, and Seattle.

We are hiring for a bunch of roles at the moment - you can read more about the positions (and the company) here: https://www.distilled.net/jobs/ but in short, we're a digital marketing company, specialising in organic and paid search, content, and digital PR.

The jobs - in order of those most obviously of interest to HN:

LONDON: Front-end developer with some experience (£30-35k) http://distilled.workable.com/jobs/55137


LONDON / NYC / SEATTLE: Digital marketers (range of experience) See list - http://distilled.workable.com/


LONDON / NYC: Client development / Sales consultant London: http://distilled.workable.com/jobs/54965 NYC: http://distilled.workable.com/jobs/55636


LONDON / NYC / SEATTLE: Recruitment & HR manager UK: http://distilled.workable.com/jobs/55167 US: http://distilled.workable.com/jobs/56764


We recently had an all-hands email thread where people discussed what brought them to Distilled, and why they are still here. It got many great replies (including a number talking about how people's friends had typically had 2-3 jobs in the time they'd been with us), but this one stood out:

"A combination of an informal environment, freedom, and high expectations - I wanted a place where I could be myself and grow doing/learning things that I was passionate about, while having lots of smart people around me to collaborate with in doing so. I came from a huge, strictly regimented and siloed company, and was fed up with being told "that's a great idea, but it's not your job", and Distilled seemed to be the polar opposite."

Thanks for posting Will! Here's the advert for our marketing consultant role in Seattle:


Wingspan Technology, Philadelphia Suburbs (Blue Bell)

We're looking for multiple software and DevOps engineers. If interested, contact careers@wingspan.com.

Wingspan Technology is a small, family friendly software company headquartered in Blue Bell, PA. The Wingspan engineering team is responsible for architecture, implementation, and maintenance of the company’s enterprise software products that target highly regulated industries, primarily life sciences. Current projects span the whole software lifecycle, from maintenance of industry-leading solutions to the development of new, unannounced products; some are on-premise and some SaaS.

Our engineering team has exposure to a wide range of technology; for new projects we’re using Scala, React, Solr, and Postgres, with an emphasis on functional programming techniques where appropriate. Internally we use Atlassian tools for defect tracking, continuous integration, and code reviews. Engineers involved in tier 3 support typically work with older technologies, but are able to see how real customers use their work. New engineers typically rotate through a series of projects over time. These might include building new UI features in Javascript, writing database migration scripts, or tier 3 support for a SaaS application, depending on the candidate’s interest and experience. Project selection is based around the current needs of our customers, and offers many opportunities to take ownership of projects that have real value to the company.

Rogue Research Inc. - Montreal Canada - Software Developer

Rogue Research is looking for a motivated individual to join our team of software developers to help make the next generation of neuronavigation equipment for the neuroscience community. We are looking for a software developer to work on our Objective-C / OS X / Cocoa / desktop application.

Job desc: https://www.rogue-research.com/job_openings.html Contact: cv@rogue-research.com

San Francisco, CA - Full-Time Tripping.com Full Stack Engineer ---About Us--- Tripping is the world's largest site for vacation rentals. We work with top sites to offer 2.5 million vacation homes in 100,000 cities worldwide. We’re venture-backed, growing FAST, and having fun playing in a $100B market. And we’re looking for Backend Engineers right now, so apply today. ---About You--- You’re smart, driven by logic, and passionate about finding creative solutions to complex problems. You love data and you’re obsessed with using it to make the world more efficient. You’ve always set high standards for yourself and you want to be surrounded by smart people who challenge and inspire you to play at the top of your game. We are looking for talented Full Stack Engineers to start ASAP. Tripping is a tech-focused startup, so you will have the freedom to try new things and influence the design and technical direction of the site. ---Requirements--- Strong knowledge of a modern language - PHP, Python, Ruby, Go * Strong understanding of MVC and frameworks * Strong knowledge of big data, database design, and/or search algorithms * Experience with NoSQL and/or RDBMS * Demonstrated ability to write clean, light code * Experience working with Javascript, HTML, and CSS * Experience working with XML, JSON, and REST * Experience working with queueing systems such as RabbitMQ and Beanstalk * https://www.tripping.com/careers/full-stack-engineer

PathSense is hiring a systems engineer, software engineer, and machine learning scientist in San Diego:


PathSense is building a better location stack for iOS and Android that delivers the accuracy and power efficiency needed for today's top apps.

We want to power location for 1,000,000,000 smartphones in the next year and we're well on the way with the beta customers that are engaged with the PathSense platform.

Well funded by Data Collective and others.

PromptWorks - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Local only. Relocation assistance available.

We are a development shop that focuses on software craftsmanship. Our calling is to help companies create amazing, intuitive web applications, APIs, products, and services.

Open positions:

    - Senior Software Engineer
    - Software Engineer
    - Front-end Engineer
    - UX/UI Designer
We use lots of Ruby, Python and JavaScript.

More info: http://www.promptworks.com/jobs/

Practice Director in Milwaukee, WI.

Lead a rapidly expanding team of Agile and Organizational Development experts in a truly fun and innovative company! Lead with autonomy, mastery and purpose in a highly collaborative environment.

Must have experience in growing teams of 30+ people and modern business/management techniques.

More info: http://www.centare.com/careers/current-opportunities/?cc=sho...

Or: amanda.daering@centare.com

Take a stab at our little challenge and ensure your CV gets reviewed by our team: curl http://challenge.shopcurbside.com Curbside is enabling a new way to shop, built for the era of instant mobile commerce. The Curbside app makes it easy to find, buy and pickup products at nearby stores. Curbside searches realtime local inventory across retailers and uses location-based technologies to alert stores when a customer is arriving for a pickup. Curbside helps consumers quickly get what they need and helps retailers better serve their increasingly mobile centric customers. The Curbside Merchant Console enables alerts to staff as customers arrive to pick up orders and also manages online order workflow.

Curbside’s investors and advisors include Index Ventures, Jerry Yang’s AME Cloud Ventures, Eric Schmidt’s Innovation Endeavors, O’Reilly AlphaTech Ventures, Gil Elbaz & David Waxman’s TenOneTen and Chicago Ventures.

Tech Stack: Clojure, Python, Javascript, iOS, Android, Elasticsearch

Problem space: mobile commerce, big data, search, machine learning, reverse engineering, distributed systems, location services, user experience.

http://www.shopcurbside.com/jobs • Palo Alto, Ca. • Relocation Available • Sorry at this time we cannot sponsor NEW H-1B’s, but we can transfer existing visa’s and sponsor new E3’s, TN’s, and O-1’s.

Bonanza.com in Seattle is looking for a full stack Ruby on Rails developers to continually improve the user interface, performance, feel, and other aspects of the site to make our customers happier, save time, and have more fun buying and selling on Bonanza.com.

You’ll be working in the full stack, from the mysql database up to jQuery and HTML/CSS. You should be comfortable receiving sometimes-vague bug reports, and having the doggedness to track down repro steps and make an appropriate fix. You should have the empathy to see problems from our customers’ perspectives and keep their needs in mind while building solutions. An innate sense of good UX design would be super helpful in this position.

Because we’re a small and close-knit team, attitude is a critical element in our selection process. The ideal candidate will be able to speak both "geek" and "human," and will approach problems with a "can-do" attitude.

Bonanza is a fast-growing (averaged 50-100% yearly growth over 5 years) and already-profitable company. It's fun to work for a winner.

In addition to a competitive salary and the typical bennies, we offer strange and wonderful perks like working from home every Wednesday, "Freedom February" (when we move the office to a tropical locale for the month) and on-site massage.

To apply, please visit http://www.bonanza.com/jobs

Early Stage Platform Engineer - New York, NY

Maven (https://www.mavenclinic.com) is dedicated to creating a better consumer healthcare experience. Our first product is a platform for delivering real-time video appointments with women’s health care professionals ranging from wellness providers up through MDs. We just launched last month (http://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-digital-health-clini...). We’ve got a great team, top-tier investors, and awesome momentum in a huge space that is ripe for disruption.

We’re hiring for a platform engineer to join our growing product team. This is an early-stage opportunity and you’ll get the chance to help us architect this system as it scales and we add new features. We take security, automation, and long-term thinking seriously.

- python3 (flask, sqlalchemy) - deployed to Google Cloud Platform on a docker cluster (debian hosts) w/ ansible - SQL and NoSQL (MySQL/elasticsearch) - DevOps skills a plus.

https://angel.co/maven-4/jobs/54376-back-end-developer - contact hello@mavenclinic.com for more info!

Are you able to sponsor visa for this position?

Signpost | New York, NY

A very exciting update this month!!! We’re excited to announce the close of our Series C round ($20.5MM). It will continue to spread online, but here are some highlights of the initial coverage -

     Calacanis.com - http://goo.gl/U5FBNi     
     Forbes - http://goo.gl/qJ02BD
     TechCrunch - http://goo.gl/4VXI2v
We build cloud-based marketing software that gives local businesses the power to effortlessly build and manage customer relationships.

Our platform builds customer profiles by capturing every email, call and credit card transaction. Signpost’s automated marketing engine then uses this data to drive new customer conversion and loyalty, reviews and referrals from existing customers. We empower local businesses by delivering measurable results while saving valuable time.

     Open Positions:

     Senior Software Engineer (NYC) - http://grnh.se/1odlt3

     Senior Product Manager (NYC) - http://grnh.se/6qx5he

     Product Marketing Manager (NYC) - http://grnh.se/8h3m5j

     Director/VP of Finance (NYC) - http://grnh.se/qoe71s

     National Sales Executive (ATX) - http://grnh.se/6s5cln

     Sales Representative (NYC) - http://grnh.se/7cnbpr

     Sales Representative (DEN) - http://grnh.se/q8dksv

     Sales Representative (ATX) - http://grnh.se/yphf8a

Your only software eng position there goes to a sales position with a message saying that the position you were trying to view is no longer open.

Sorry about that jraines! I've updated the link in our post - http://grnh.se/1odlt3

Komponant - Bangkok/Remote - CTO/Cofounder

Komponant (Techgrind Incubator W15 batch) is seeking a Cofounder/CTO to help us create a new music application, SING. To create vocals, music producers still have to resort to traditional, costly, time-consuming, uncertain methods. SING will enable them to create perfect vocals in the box, eliminating the need for singers, hardware equipment and live rooms. It will also open mind-blowing creative possibilities. Together we can make a big impact on the music industry by introducing a disruptive innovation. We will work together to specify, design, and build our first product, SING. Your skill sets : - Core OO language skills (C++) - required - Web-app front-ends & back-ends - a bonus - Experience in Text-To-Speech technology - a bonus - Experience in Audio Engineering & Signal Processing - a bonus You also need to be able to find elegant solutions to complex problems, and to have a strong interest for music/music technology. You will get the chance, if so desired, to work in a rewarding environment in central Bangkok (work permit included). Your application will be considered regardless of where you live. Remote collaboration and company retreats on a Thai tropical island sound just great! This is your chance to grow, learn, and drive innovation. More info, demo, and contact: www.komponant.com

* Full Stack Engineers * DevOps Lead

TeachersPayTeachers - http://www.teacherspayteachers.com (TpT) New York, NY

We're building out a new engineering team at an established startup in Ed-Tech. First, a little bit of who we are:

TpT is the world's first and biggest online open marketplace where teachers buy, sell, and share original educational materials. Our community of over 3 million active teachers connects and shares knowledge on the site every day, and has generated over $100 million in sales of some of the best, original, most creative classroom resources.

Where you come in: although the company has a lot of users and strong reputation, only now are we building out our NYC engineering team to build out TpT's future. We're looking to build a tech dream team that'll be our core. This a green field opportunity to set the engineering culture and how we organize ourselves going forward while maintaining an app at high traffic and still growing!

I'm putting together a 'dream team' so to speak of engineers who will be the core of our NYC team. The site is a monolithic architecture of PHP/MySQL/NGINX and we're breaking it down into SOA.

Application for all three positions: http://grnh.se/l56nvo

or shoot me an email scott at teacherspayteachers.com

Anyone Can Learn To Code | Chicago | PT Marketing Manager

Anyone Can Learn To Code is ranked among the five leading professional web development coding bootcamps by Tech Cocktail. Our students emerge from a broad range of backgrounds and are all invested in pursuing ambitious futures in web development. ACLTC is a part time full-stack web dev program so that students retain their full-time jobs while studying weeknights and Sundays. We’re now entering our second year in Chicago and will begin our first cohort in San Francisco this Fall.

We are now seeking a Marketing Manager that will coordinate all online marketing efforts. This is a part-time contract position that has potential to develop into a more permanent role.

The Marketing Manager will lead and develop various marketing strategies not limited to:

Manage social media accounts Handle marketing our events and meetups Create, plan and execute email marketing campaigns Excellent communication, professional and interpersonal skills required. Must be self-motivated and a self-directed professional, requiring minimal supervision for successful execution. 3+ years experience in marketing and teamwork.

For more details and to apply - https://angel.co/anyone-can-learn-to-code/jobs/65185-marketi...

TrueServer B.V. - Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Frontend/Backend developers - http://www.true.nl/over-true/vacatures/vacature-developer/ (english version at the bottom)

True is one of the key players in the Dutch hosting market and rapidly growing on the areas of Managed Hosting and Cloud Hosting. True exists for over 15 years and has extensive experience in hosting mission critical applications, focused on the management of e-commerce and enterprise web application solutions.

Your job will be to create and support applications and services that will be used by the whole organization, from a Ticket interface to the customers to creating our own Virtual Platform.

We have a API-first design with many microservices, distributed computing, exposing a RESTful API which is then consumed by the frontend, using either AngularJS or ReactJS.

Job requirements:

- Experience in building applications with the following techniques (in order): PHP (Symfony2 & CakePHP), HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript (AngularJS/ReactJS), Git, Shell script, MySQL, Memcache, Redis.

- Experience in building applications with the following techniques would be nice: Vagrant, Ansible, NodeJS, GulpJS, Coffeescript, Golang.

- Extensive knowledge of OOP, Design Patterns and clear notion about the maintainability in regards to Unit Testing, MVC, CI & DRY.

Agent Inbox | Fort Lauderdale, FL | Senior UX/UI Designer

Agent Inbox is a design-driven real estate application that is transforming the way real estate agents communicate and schedule. The application has created an easy to use scheduling and showing process for all parties through a secure mobile messaging platform, route planner, and an agent-to-agent scheduling system. The result is an exceptional tool kit designed for the way real estate agents work.

You will be joining an amazing team: one of the top Realtors in South Florida, 2 of the top 100 Ruby on Rails contributors, a market research expert, a seasoned startup operations veteran, and 3 additional senior engineers. Our design foundation comes from the world-class designer behind Desk.com, Bitl.ly, Heroku, Grooveshark and more, so you will be building upon an incredibly well organized and high quality product. Our development team is entirely remote, but you should be local.

As our UI/UX Designer, you will be at the forefront of our product team, moving ahead of the rest to determine what we need to work on. You must be excited to challenge your assumptions and prove ideas with data; everything we do is an experiment, but decisions are made pragmatically.

Apply here: https://agentinbox.workable.com/j/B620BDDF57

Rafflecopter.com | Beautiful Boulder, CO | Senior Infrastructure Engineer OR Web UI Engineer | Semi-remote OK, Local preferred. http://jobs.rafflecopter.com

We're a small team providing giveaways as a service to bloggers and brands across the globe. We are a fully-bootstrapped and profitable company with multiple developer co-founders.

We're looking for talented and motivated engineers to join our team and build a great platform together.

Data Scientist | Companybook | companybooknetworking.com | Full Time | On site | Oslo, Norway

As a Data Scientist you will work with TBs of structured and unstructured data and apply state of the art Machine Learning and Data Mining techniques on it. You will have the central position in the dev team since all Companybook's products depend on massive amounts data. You will be involved in all phases of the development: from the analysis and design to the implementation. As a Data Scientist you will have the ability to shape the future all our business by adding intelligence to all our data products.


- Advise the dev team on all aspects of Machine Learning and Data Mining - Select the most appropriate ML tools and techniques for solving particular data challenges - Transform and convert unstructured data set into structured data products - Train and build machine learning models to meet business goals - Collect, process, cleanse, and merge raw data from a wide variety of structured and unstructured sources.

Skills & experience


- MS (PhD) in Computer Science, Machine Learning or Statistics - Strong theoretical background and practical experience in machine learning and information retrieval - Strong working knowledge of all core ML techniques: clustering, regression, classification,.. - Excellent written and verbal communication skills.


- Search Ranking - Java/Hadoop/MapReduce

Contact: jobs@companybook.no

http://500px.com, Toronto Downtown, Fulltime

We value small teams, engineering-friendly culture, beautiful design and getting things done. Our technology stack includes: RoR, Go, Backbone/Marionette, Elastic Search, Chef, AWS, Hadoop, Python for Machine Learning. Check out https://github.com/500px, http://developers.500px.com/.

We are looking for:

  - Senior/Intermediate Web Developers to help us solve 
    scalability challenges, build beautiful UI/UX, improve
    search and rating algorithms, implement machine learning 
    and vision solutions.
  - Senior DevOps Engineers to help us grow our infrastructure, 
    build new tools and automation, provide expert advice on 
    building robust systems at large scale, and work with cutting 
    edge technologies like Docker and Kafka.
  - Senior/Intermediate Mobile Developers to help us build 
    500px iOS and Android mobile products for capturing, 
    editing, licensing and engaging with beautiful 
What we offer:

  - hard technical challenges
  - competitive salaries
  - flexible work hours
  - unlimited vacation
  - free lunches
  - medical insurance
  - computer/laptop of your choice
Apply here: http://500px.com/jobs

"unlimited vacation" ... yeah we all know how well that works out

I don't. How have you seen it work out?

It doesn't work. It makes something that should be explicit into an implicit thing.

Where do you draw the line? Can I take 2 months holiday leave? No? That doesn't sound like unlimited to me, so let's not call it that.

Hubrick - Berlin, Germany - Senior Frontend developer - Full time or freelance for about 3 months https://hubrick.com/job-detail-front.html

Hubrick is a platform for everyday internet-based activities, including streaming, shopping, socialising, and information browsing. It's one part premium content provider, two parts fun and engaging, and three parts synergetic, rewarding and sociable.

We’re looking for a great full-time Frontend Developer to build, structure, grow and scale Hubrick.

Your skills:

  - You completely control HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript
  - You are an expert in one or more modern web development frameworks such as react.js, backbone.js, angular.js or ember.js, etc.
  - You never stop learning, are curious, use new technologies and want to contribute.
What you get out of it:

  - Work in a startup with other professionals initiated by an experienced team.
  - Have the opportunity to shape our product from scratch
  - Participate in architecture decisions, complex development tasks and challenging projects.
  - Work in our new and cool offices in Berlin.
Technologies we use:

  - Front end: Isomorphic ReactJs, Fluxible, NodeJs. Gulp, Less.
  - Back end: Java microservices.
Please write to jobs@hubrick.com

Diane von Furstenberg - DVF.com - New York, NY

We are a luxury fashion brand, based in New York City, and an Internet Retailer top 500 website. I'm looking to grow our e-commerce team and have two open development roles: E-commerce Web Developer & Junior Front-End Developer.

For the e-commerce developer role, I'm looking for someone who can work with our platform (Demandware) to integrate with external systems, optimize performance, and help us build a better shopping experience. Previous experience with Demandware is great, but I'd like to talk to folks who have experience on other platforms (ATG, Magento, Hybris, Shopify).

For the junior front-end developer role, I'm looking for someone who can work with our creative, merchandising, and content teams to build out new shopping features in HTML, CSS, Javascript.

More information & application information is here. Please mention HN if you saw this!

- E-commerce Web Developer: https://authenticjobs.com/jobs/24292/e-commerce-web-develope...

- Junior Front End Developer: https://authenticjobs.com/jobs/24291/junior-front-end-web-de...

Metail (Cambridge, UK) - Senior Graphics Engineer, Senior Frontend Web Engineers, Big Data Engineer - Full time, Contract - On-site only

Metail builds technology to allow people to try on clothes when shopping online. We are a well funded startup and growing to meet our ambition.

At the moment we have several full-time and contract jobs at Metail's engineering offices in the centre of Cambridge, UK:

- Senior Frontend Application Engineer (Frontend Javascript, CoffeeScript, Backbone, Single page web apps) - both permanent and contractors.

- Senior Graphics Software Engineer (3D Visualisation, Direct3D, OpenGL, C++, C#)

- Big Data Engineer (MapReduce, NoSQL, Clojure, Cascalog, AWS) - both permanent and contractors.

We also have an Operations Manger role available in our London office.

You would be joining a highly focussed technical team in a startup that is working with customers around the globe (Latin America, Europe, Far East). We enjoy the technical challenges of our day job and often socialise together in the evening. Cambridge itself is a great place to live and has a large tech community.

Unfortunately we are not in a position to help with visas, so we mostly need great engineers who are already eligible to work in the UK.

If you are interested, you can get more details at http://metail.com/jobs/ or apply by email to jobs+hn15@metail.com.

Mountain View, CA

Senior Software Engineer, Desktop Client

Raptr, Inc.

Raptr develops software to help game players get the most out of their games. Our flagship products are used by tens of millions of gamers around the world.



We are looking for outstanding, highly motivated Senior Engineers to join our team.

The ideal candidate has strong experience building desktop applications. You write high quality, tight and efficient code; know what it takes to ship a solid application to millions of users, and how to support those users; have excellent communication skills, love solving complex problems, and are also looking to provide a voice in product design and direction.

Required Qualifications:

  5+ years of experience in design & development of desktop applications
  BS/MS degree in Computer Science
  Strong Computer Science fundamentals
  Experienced in programming C/C++ or Python
  Tools / Frontend GUI development
  Experience in object oriented design & programming
  Creative thinker who thrives in a small-team environment
Bonus Qualifications:

  Avid PC gamer
  Qt development experience
  Experience with agile development
Please contact Chris at chris_jobs@raptr.com if you're interested

Yandy.com - Phoenix

Yandy is the leading provider of sexy lingerie and halloween costumes with a track record of incredible growth. We are looking for outstanding back-end software engineers to join the Yandy.com development team and help us build and improve our industry leading website, apps and fulfillment platforms.

Our stack consists of PHP, Javascript, PostgreSQL, Redis, Elastic Search running on Ubuntu, Laravel and GitHub.

Fun, high energy and entrepreneurial work environment, good benefits, competitive pay.

Contact Aras at aras@yandy.com

OrgSync - Dallas, TX - Software Developer, Operations Engineer - Full time - On-Site Only

## About OrgSync

OrgSync is a higher-ed platform focused on creating an online campus community. We help students get involved, admins get organized, and campuses get meaningful information from their data. Founded in 2007, we now serve hundreds of institutions with millions of users around the globe. We have an exciting and relaxed culture that values team members' contributions and dedication. Come be a part of our team!

## Development Environment

Our platform is a balance between cutting-edge and production-solid. We aren’t afraid to try new things, but they must support our millions of users. The platform is primarily a Ruby on Rails app, with additional services crafted in Clojure, Node, and more. On the front-end, we’re big React fans, and we have iOS and Android mobile apps. We’re fully hosted on AWS with a matching Docker stack for local development.

## Positions

Software Developer - http://www.orgsync.com/company/careers/software-developer

Operations Engineer - http://www.orgsync.com/company/careers/operations-engineer

Mixpanel (YC S09) | San Francisco, CA

Mixpanel is growing very rapidly - 13 people at the start of 2013, 36 by Jan 2014, 120 at the beginning of this year. Currently 170.

On the financial side, revenue is growing apace and we were recently valued at $865M by a16z.

We are hiring for many engineering roles:

  * Product engineering manager - lead a team of product engineers, building everything from APIs to user facing products
  * Lead iOS engineer - lead our iOS efforts; we build crazy things that dig deep into iOS internals
  * Product engineer - mostly python/js/less; lots of work building tools to interact with and visualize data.
  * Systems engineer - mostly C/C++/Python; lots of work on scaling, reliability, and infrastructure. This team works on our custom datastore, written from the ground up in c/c++.
  * Site reliability engineer - this is a new team, built to improve reliability and performance across our infrastructure. We have > 1K leased dedicated machines, mostly running the datastore.
  * Machine learning engineer - come help us build predictive analytics. We have 1 brilliant person working on this now, but need more.
You can find more info about what we work on at https://code.mixpanel.com, and more info about the jobs at https://mixpanel.com/jobs.

If you're interested, send me an email at tim@mixpanel.com and I'll point you in the right direction.

Ruby on Rails Developer

U.S. only - remote available depending on experience)

20spokes - Chicago,IL

Who we are

20spokes is a small and growing web development agency in Chicago. We work with a large variety of clients, from launching a new web app to expanding an existing business with a new mobile app. We're looking for #4 to join our team and help us to continue to grow!

Who we want to hire

A talented full stack Ruby developer who wants to help us build great projects.

- 2-5 years of experience as a mid to senior level engineer. - Ability to develop a feature from a concept - Understanding and experience with other web technologies such as Sass, Javascript, Rails, Postgres, React, Backbone - Team player who is respectful and looking to contribute - Pragmatic in making decisions - Passionate about learning and enthusiastic to share with the rest of the team

Why should you work with us There's a ton of great places for developers but we stand out as the little shop with great ideas. You'll have the opportunity to directly impact 20spokes. We're small with you joining as #4. Fridays are open days to contribute to our own products that are in use now, work on open source, write a blog, and more. We invest in the people who join us. Your time is also very important to us. We don't want our team to be in the office late at night but out enjoying their lives.


Clara Labs (https://claralabs.com/, YC S14) - San Francisco, Engineering, Full-Time

Clara is building the simplest possible interface to getting work done. Every person on our team is involved in the thinking that creates their work - full stack in the broadest sense of the term. This means identifying, owning, and driving projects to completion.

We believe shipping early and frequently builds better products. An extreme example: we scheduled thousands of meetings entirely manually for our first Clara customers before building any software at all.

Accepting human dependency is the fastest way to building useful machine intelligence. The failure of intelligence products to date has fundamentally been a failure to build trust. It is the consequence of unreliability and lack of focus (think: Siri). Conversely, Clara has delivered a highly reliable, focused, and useful natural language interface from day one.

We’re looking for frontend, backend, and machine learning engineers to join our early team. Check out our full descriptions for each role [1], and feel free to ping me directly at stephen@claralabs.com if you have any questions!

[1] https://jobs.lever.co/claralabs/

Verbling | San Francisco | Full-time | Engineering (Node.js, React, iOS)

Full listings at https://www.verbling.com/jobs (summary below)

Verbling (Y Combinator) is helping the world learn foreign languages.


Javascript is crucial to Verbling. We use Node.js on the backend and a Backbone/React-based framework on the front-end. Looking for someone who's excited about getting their hands dirty in all part of the stack.

Requirements: Experience in Node.js; front-end JS development, preferably in a framework like Backbone, Angular, etc. Bonus: interest in spoken languages, open-source contributions, experience in NoSQL; MongoDB, Couch, redis, or similar; React.


We’re looking for someone who is not only well versed in iOS development, but also has a strong understanding of good UX and isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty in backend code.

Requirements: Experience developing, releasing, and maintaining native iOS applications in both the App Store and Enterprise Distribution; Deep knowledge of Objective-C, Cocoa, and Xcode; Experience collaborating on software projects and working in a team environment; i18n experience; Strong debugging skills; Knowledge of algorithms and data structures Bonus: Open-source contributions; Experience in Android development. VISA ok

Control Group, NYC - http://www.controlgroup.com

Hi, I'm a software engineer and a team lead at Control Group. I am not in HR, and I'm definitely not a recruiter.

We build hybrid physical/digital experiences for clients, with an emphasis on shared spaces, such as transit, museums, retail, office space, airports, and more.

One of our most exciting upcoming projects is LinkNYC: http://www.link.nyc/ http://www.controlgroup.com/linknyc.html

We're turning the city's pay phones into free gigabit wifi hotspots. And we're looking for people who are excited about the opportunity to work with us to help change the landscape of New York City.

Job descriptions can be found here: http://www.controlgroup.com/careers-embedded-android-develop... http://www.controlgroup.com/careers-android-developer.html

Note, the physical requirements and circumstances of the project require on-site work.

Drop me a line at benjamin.haas@controlgroup.com if you're interested in learning more, and I'll also try to do my best to answer questions here.

West Hollywood, CA (or Remote) - Talenthouse, https://www.talenthouse.com/collaborate

At Talenthouse, we're building a platform that is home to the world's most creative people; Musicians, Filmmakers, DJs, Fashion designers, Painters, Digital artists, Photographers, and more.

We want to help artists grow, find new audiences, and make money by doing what they love.

Our platform is a social network for creatives where they can connect, get inspired, and also collaborate with brands who want to engage with the artistic community.

We are on a journey to build the largest platform of our kind. Our bar for quality is high, and we take pride in our work (both user facing and behind the scenes).

Primary Stack: jQuery/ReactJS/Angular/Less; Scala/Play2.0, PostgreSQL; Mac/Linux friendly

We are looking for a senior frontend engineer to help us build an amazing user experience for our platform's users. In this role you would be working with our existing frontend technology stack - jQuery/ReactJS/Less on our public site, AngularJS/Less on our admin site - to build new features in collaboration with our backend engineers.

Perks: Flexible vacation and sick days; Health/Dental/Vision; Quiet, spacious, comfortable working environment; Free coffee and snacks; Flexible work hours, remote-working friendly; 401K and Stock options; 15 paid vacation days

To apply, email jobs@talenthouse.com

Slice | http://careers.slice.com/featured-jobs/ | Palo Alto | FULL-TIME| Software Engineering, technical lead, data science, sales and marketing

Slice is building one of the most powerful e-commerce data sets in the world from email receipts. We're challenging assumptions and transforming businesses along the way, and we’re just getting started.

Slice was founded by Stanford GSB professors and entrepreneurs who have built, sold, and taken multiple companies public. Last year Slice was acquired by Japan's largest internet company, Rakuten. As a result, we offer the best of both words: a start-up mentality with the backing of an established global company.

We are a curious, creative team of people who love to solve fascinating, challenging problems. We foster a culture of learning and thrive on continuous improvement through teamwork to build better products and a better company.

We are growing rapidly and hiring world-class software engineers, data scientists, data analysts, sales directors, sales, and marketing communications managers.

Website: http://careers.slice.com

Company video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY8OKR85KMk

Please send resumes/portfolios to sean+resumes [AT] slice.com and mention the HN Who's Hiring thread when applying! Thank you!

KnowledgeHound (knowledgehound.com) | Chicago | Full Stack Engineer

WHY WORK FOR US? Because the team is incredible. A-players on the tech, design, and business side. Tons of talent without blustery egos or corporate politics. Every day is a joy. Because we build a great product. Our design and engineering is head and shoulders better than our competitors and we work with the latest technologies. Because it’s the perfect time. We’ve got Fortune 500 clients, serious revenue, and investment, but we’re still small enough that we want you to own substantial parts of the product, technical organization and the business as a whole.


Expert with:

   - At least one backend language, ideally PHP or Python
   - At least one backend framework, ideally Django
Serious experience with:

   - JavaScript and at least one JS framework, ideally AngularJS
   - DevOps (automation tools, ideally AWS too)
   - Version control
   - Automated testing
Bonus points if you have:

   - Experience using and tuning ElasticSearch
   - Experience leading Agile/Scrum teams
Beyond the purely technical, any great candidate will have excellent communication skills and dedication to personal growth, learning and teaching others. Email me and tell me how you learn & get better at your craft.


Scalus, San Francisco, CA: Product Designer

What You Will Do

As a designer at Scalus, you will work across the entire design stack. You'll be wireframing concepts, designing polished visuals, and gathering user feedback. You may even find yourself designing a t-shirt, event material, or a landing page if it interests you!

We work as a team, but play to our individual strengths to produce the best possible products. Product development at Scalus is design-driven, so your work will have a huge impact on our company. We believe good design is the only way to satisfy our customers' needs.

Who You Are

- You are experienced in designing highly interactive web experiences.

- Your work is equal parts functional and visually appealing.

- You have a powerful portfolio that you're excited to show us.

- You test your work pre- and post-launch to ensure that your designs are working for users.

- You design details down to the pixel, and can communicate with developers to see your vision realized.

If you've read this far and you're excited to take on a new challenge, then Scalus is the place for you! We're interested in a local or someone willing to relocate.

Salary range $100-$140K, 0.1%-0.33% Equity

Apply: http://www.jobscore.com/jobs2/scalus/product-designer/chhWlS...

NYC - CloserIQ https://closeriq.com/

CloserIQ is the network connecting top sales talent to venture backed tech startups.

We are looking for Talent Advisors to help engage and onboard top sales talent to the CloserIQ network. Previous B2C sales or recruiting experience is preferred.

Apply here: https://closeriq.com/company/closeriq

Placemeter – New York, NY or Paris, France – Computer Vision Engineers FULL TIME

APPLY HERE: http://grnh.se/1yvxfb

We are looking for computer vision engineers from entry level to experienced level, to extend, develop, and maintain our algorithm stack.

  + You will design the next generation of computer vision algorithms
  + You will optimize and deeply understand these algorithms and scale them
  + You will design and maintain the quality assessment tools required to make sure
  our algorithms perform well
We use computer vision at a massive scale, on a large number of rich and ubiquitous video feeds, to understand what is going in in the physical world in real time. We measure how busy places are, what people do, how fast cars go, and much more. We offer that data to developers, citizens, cities, and retailers, radically changing the way they interact with the physical world.


Placemeter uses computer vision algorithms to create a real time data layer about places, streets, and neighborhoods. Placemeter’s technology gives businesses, cities, and people the ability to take a place’s pulse. APPLY HERE: http://grnh.se/1yvxfb

Nano Magnetics | Toronto Area, ON | Rails, Android, generalists

Nano Magnetics is at the cutting edge of magnet innovation. Driven by a mission to enhance people’s interaction with magnets, Nano is pioneering new ways to merge magnets and technology.

We are a small team of people who have to wear multiple hats every day. Everyone is expected to have an opinion, contribute and be accountable for what they do. You take charge of your time, your knowledge and your work. We encourage transparent communication and asking questions.

Ideal applicants should have a passion for technology, interactive and web trends, and a general curiosity for magnets.

- Full stack engineers, Rails Your first project will be rewriting one of our social media style platform sites from the ground up in Rails. You will should be versed through the full stack and handle the front and back ends. A sense of design would also be helpful.

- Android Developer (drivers, application) Your first project will be working with the android kernel and drivers to accommodate specific features for hardware we are developing internally. Your work will introduce new functionality that will be exposed to the application level. Familiarity through the entire software stack will be invaluable.

Even if you don’t fit into any of these roles, please get in touch. We are actively searching for general talent to build out our team.

Shoot me a line to discuss at david@nanomagnetics.com and mention you saw this on HN.

REMOTE would be considered for the right candidates with an office drop in schedule.

CodeHS | CS Curriculum Engineer | San Francisco

Want to help change the face of computer science education around the world?Join the CodeHS team as a curriculum engineer. As a curriculum engineer, you’ll be responsible for helping to create curriculum and build the tools around it. You’ll be responsible for projects from end-to-end: You’ll make the videos, the exercises, the lessons, the quizzes, write the autograders, and build tools to make it all work better.

We’re planning to make courses for the high school level and beyond, so extensive familiarity with many programming languages and web development is required. You are someone who could be or already is a professional engineer, but really wants to write curriculum too.

You like to bring creativity to your job every day, and likely have experience teaching programming, either at the high school or college level. You will have creative freedom to create the best possible learning experience for students.

Why should you work at CodeHS specifically? We are a small team working on a big problem. We already have a program that students and teachers really love, and we’re making it better every day. You’ll have an opportunity to make a big impact on education. Thousands of students will take your courses.

A few more details: We work in SOMA, near lots of public transportation, get lunch every day, provide health benefits, and have great team activities like a monthly hackathon and weekly team recess (yes, to play games, juggle, learn new skills, etc).

If this sounds like a role you’d be interested in please apply at codehs.recruiterbox.com

RJMetrics - Philadelphia, PA http://rjmetrics.com/jobs

We're hiring for software engineers, devops, analysts, designers, business development, sales, and account management.

Some more about us:

At RJMetrics, we inspire and empower data-driven people with powerful hosted software. Hundreds of high-growth e-commerce and software as a service businesses use our analytics platform to collaborate and make smarter decisions using data. RJMetrics is backed by some of the most successful technology investors in New York and Silicon Valley, but we are Philly born and raised. We are located in the heart of Center City Philadelphia in convenient proximity to all major rail lines.

We are a growing team tackling big problems: - We want to transform large datasets more efficiently - We want to push the envelope of possibility for in-browser data visualizations - We want to make complex data questions easy for anyone to understand - While we currently work with tools like PHP, Clojure, AngularJS, MySQL and Hadoop, we are looking for candidates who can identify the best tools for a given job and quickly adapt. Prior experience with these technologies is not a requirement.

The life and responsibilities of an RJMetrics developer include: - Source control using git - Continuous integration and deployment via our one-click build-and-deploy system - Milestone and issue tracking with github and Trello - A commitment to preventing tech debt and tackling the root causes of issues - Comfortable working conditions and access to the best tools money can buy

Levels Beyond - Denver, CO, Software Developers May 1, 2015

We’re looking for Software Developers who want to have engaging, challenging, and rewarding software experiences. We are looking for you if you like to solve tough problems and you value working on a team, sharing ideas, and delivering good software. Responsibilities Be a responsible engineer and team member Write good, smart code which solves our customers’ business problems Take ownership, be responsible for your successes and failures Be Pragmatic, use the right tool for the job and balance design with delivery. Experience Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or equivalent; some of our best have degrees or education in other, non-related fields. At least 3+ years of JEE experience developing successful web applications for clients. Worked in an Agile environment, with more than just a small amount of TDD experience. Strong working knowledge of relational databases. Familiarity with PostgreSQL a plus. Experience working with text based search engines. Lucene and Elasticsearch a plus. Experience working with NoSQL databases. Familiarity with MongoDB a plus. Experience in Spring, or other DI frameworks, and Tomcat. How to Apply Send your resumé to jobs@levelsbeyond.com

IFTTT - San Francisco

IFTTT is looking for engineers to help build the next generation of its platform. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to the core architecture of one of the web’s most innovative and exciting services. You’ll get to work on challenging technical problems alongside a small but driven group of developers, and play a key role in shaping both the product and team culture.

IFTTT’s mission is to help people to create connections between the services and devices they use every day. We’ve built a system that enables users to set up simple “if this, then that”-style recipes, which allow activity from one web service to trigger activity in another. The current system supports over 150 unique services and runs hundreds of millions of recipe-handling tasks per day, and we plan to dramatically expand on our flexibility and scalability. Under the hood, this translates to building a platform that can talk to and move data between virtually any API you can think of, all in realtime and at massive scale.

We're well funded, and we work hard to do right by our employees. New hires at IFTTT enjoy competitive salary and equity, full benefits, and a flexible vacation policy. Much more than that, we offer interesting, deep projects and an amazing team experience. We operate on the philosophy that the best job perk is fantastic teammates, and to this end we’ve assembled a staff of intensely curious, well-rounded, talented people who happen to be great engineers. We’re hoping you can be the next one.

Visit https://ifttt.com/jobs for more information.

Pandora | Oakland, CA | Backend java developers at all levels, prefer noSQL database XP and multi-threading XP

Do you love music? Want to see your work impact the lives of hundreds of millions of people? If so, our music engineering team at Pandora could be a fit! This team works with the data of our 250+ million users to maintain and improve our listeners' experience. We're backend Java engineers, are highly visible within the org, and make a direct impact on our product by partnering with our scientists and product managers analyzing huge amounts of user data. We owned Pandora's integration with Google NOW and are generally working on interesting and exciting tech.

We deploy on Linux, code primarily in Java, use Python for scripting, Postgres for traditional DB and Redis for noSQL DB solution, interact with Hadoop/Hive (so any exposure to big data tech is a plus).

We're based in Oakland (and love it here) and have a very flexible remote work environment combined with a more traditional onsite setup. A good example: the team I work on is in the office M-TH 10am-4pm and Friday is an unofficial everyone work from home day. WFH because of kids, pets, doctors appts, etc. is normal and expected; this is not your normal clock-punch corporate environment.

Competitive comp, equity packages, bonus structure, good benefits, 40 hours of paid volunteer time each year, and all kinds of other work/life oriented perks come with our full time gigs. Happy to talk to anyone who is even remotely curious about this (or other engineering roles)! We're hiring!

Contact: adoyal@pandora.com for more info!

*NOTE: We do work with visa and sponsorship needs, but are looking for candidates who are interested in FULL TIME, ONSITE roles here in the SF Bay area. Relocation package provided. :)

San Francisco, CA - Jobr - Senior Software Engineer - http://www.jobrapp.com

Jobr is the leading mobile-first jobs application combining a Tinder-style interface with a Pandora-like recommendation engine. We were founded just over a year ago, and all key metrics are growing 100% MoM. We’ve raised $2M in funding from a group of strategic investors and advisors including the Tinder founders, Redpoint Ventures, Lerer Ventures, Lowercase Capital, and Eniac Ventures. Our platform now has over 1M jobs across virtually every industry and covers the entire US and Canada, and we’re planning to expand further later this year.

We’re looking for a hungry, analytical Software Engineer to help us continue to move quickly and scale engineering operations. You should be comfortable in all parts of the stack, from writing CSS to querying databases to managing instances.

* All major systems are written in Go, accessing data in MySQL with a Redis layer

* Redis MQ for message queueing

* Skala data processing in Spark

* Job search via Elastic on Found

* Mixpanel for tracking (track everything)

* Table tennis - for stress relief and friendly competition

We treat employees like founders, compensate very competitively, have a really cool office space, and just generally like each other.

Send over an introduction if you’re interested! intro@jobrapp.com

intro@jobrapp.com delivery status notification (failure)

Hey, sorry about that! We switched away from that email address recently, but I just reactivated it. Feel free to resend that email and it'll go through, or you can email me directly - hari@jobrapp.com

Originate - San Francisco, Los Angeles, Orange County, NY, Las Vegas, Boston

We are a team of nearly 150 hackers, designers, venture pros, and entrepreneurs. We invest Software Development, Design, and Strategy in exchange for equity in startups. Tech stacks are mostly Scala, RoR, Node.js, iOS, and Android, but our primary hiring criteria is being smart and understanding software development at the highest level.

* Engineering - Experienced & Entry Level * Dir of Engineering roles in NYC, Boston and SF * VP of Engineering located in SF, NYC or LA * Creative - Visual Designers, UI/UX specialists, User Researcher

Check us out...https://angel.co/originate or http://www.originate.com/ ======

I've been an Engineer here for 12 months, here are a few reasons why it's the best job I've had: * Extreme flexibility when it comes to time off, working from home, etc. * The smartest, most driven team I've met. * Engineers can have an impact on every part of the organization. * 20% time to work on your own startup, of which you retain 100% ownership (seriously, this is better than google's 20% time!)

Are you hiring software devs for the Vegas office?

Yes we are :)

Slant - San Francisco, CA - FULL TIME

Slant tells people what they should buy. Our vision is to own the consumer experience for discovering products and deciding which one to purchase.

We’re currently a small team of three: two experienced developers and a “non-technical” founder whose last job was building satellites for NASA. A major revision to the current product is in the works, but you can see a live version here: www.slant.co. Some info on our investors/advisors: https://angel.co/slant

Our tech Backbone-based front-end, with improvements to allow it to run on both client- and server- side, and as both a single- and multi- page app. RESTful backend written in functional Coffeescript on Node.js, with a temporal postgres database that allows for rewinding to a previous state. The codebase is written in Coffeescript, Jade, and Stylus. Entertaining git history. Gratuitous use of Monads.

We're a multidisciplinary team, so we'd love to hear from full-stack/frontend/backend engineers as well as designers familiar with html/css. We're optimizing more for hiring someone talented, rather than for a specific role. If you’re interested in learning more, email me at stuart@slant.co

ANYWHERE USA - Nvent - Nventdata.com

Nvent is currently looking for several Big Data Hadoop Architects, Software Engineers and Infrastructure Engineers for full time positions as a consultants with Nvent. If you want to know more, send me an email back and let me know. Then we can set up a time to chat and I can tell you all about Nvent and the open roles. If you don’t have an updated resume, that’s ok, we want to know more about you and what you can bring to the team. We can work with you on getting your resume together. Must be willing to travel every week to the client site as needed, all travel paid for by Nvent.

Open Positions:

   1. Infrastructure Automation Engineer and DevOps
   2. BigData and Hadoop Software Engineer
   3. BigData and Hadoop Architect
   4. BigData and Hadoop Sr Architect
   5. Big Data Hadoop ETL and Data Pipeline Software Engineer or Architect
   6. BigData Specialist: Realtime Streaming Software Engineer or Architect
   7. BigData Specialist: Cascading Software Engineer or Architect
   8. BigData Specialist: NoSQL Software Engineer or Architect
   9. BigData Specialist: Enterprise Search (Solr/Elastic+Other) Software Engineer or Architect
   10. BigData Specialist: Apache Spark Software Engineer or Architect
   11. BigData and Hadoop Infrastructure Administrator
   12. BigData and Hadoop Infrastructure Architect
   13. BigData and Hadoop Infrastructure Sr Architect
  14. BigData Specialist: Hadoop Infrastructure and Security Software Engineer Architect
Contact me: Managing Partner CTO/Steve Morin smorin@nventdata.com OR Kendall Battleson Director of Recruiting 843-213-1049 kbattleson@nventdata.com­

Product Hunt (YC14) - Lead Product Designer - San Francisco or close by.

Product: www.producthunt.com - Imagine if reddit and the appstore would have a baby - that's Product Hunt

Vision: Nowadays the tools and knowledge to build awesome things are available to everyone online. The only thing stopping people from reaching a significant audience is distribution. We want to enable people worldwide to build awesome stuff and be able to reach the right people.

Right now we are a mix between reddit and the appstore but On the long run we want to rethink how new products get launched and distributed in general. At the moment our main focus is tech/startups but we are expanding into other areas like games, books soon and more in future.

Role: We are looking for a product (not just visual) designer who wants to have a say in how this could happen.


* You have a very strong visual design background (web and mobile)

* You have a very strong product thinking background

* You can write basic frontend code (nice to have)


More infos on that role: https://angel.co/product-hunt/jobs/55058-senior-ui-ux-design...

If you are interested feel free to reach out to me directly (andreas%%producthunt.com) or submit via AngelList - whatever is easier for you :)

GoPro | San Francisco | Full Time | On Site Only | Senior Backend Engineer

Come work with us!

You will:

* build massively distributed, scalable, durable, and fault tolerant communication systems and backend services for millions of software and hardware clients

* be obsessed with performance, code quality, and test quality

* be coding in whatever language/framework/platform it takes to get the job done right

Sweet skills:

* distributed messaging and real-time/stream data processing systems such as Apache Kafka, Storm, Spark, etc.

* experience engineering for embedded devices (you understand resource limitations of them)

* experience handling large amounts of inbound and outbound data on distributed platforms

* experience with multiple types of datastores (SQL, noSQL/KV, the ether)

* experience with machine to machine communication protocols/platforms/languages (MQTT, TinyMQ, XMPP, CoAP, cups connected with a string, etc.)

This Job: http://newton.newtonsoftware.com/career/JobIntroduction.acti...

All Jobs: http://gopro.com/careers

London, United Kingdom - Osper - https://osper.com

We provide a real prepaid debit card for young people aged 8-18 so they can make their own decisions with money: in shops, online, at cash machines, and abroad. Over 10,000 families have already signed up to the service and we will be growing enormously this year.

But we not only help young people buy dolls and save for bicycles - we are building an awesome technology team that eliminates legacy code, keeps the bug rate tiny, and stays small and joyful. We are doing this by adopting techniques like pair programming, test-driven development, and continuous deployment. You can read more about our plan to be awesome on our tech blog http://tech.osper.io. We want to meet and work with smart technical folks of all sorts - from server-side devs to sysadmins, mobile coders to testers, security analysts to data crunchers - but right now, especially interested in QA experts who are obsessed with automated and exploratory testing for mobile devices.

We are willing to arrange relocation to London for the right candidates. Sorry, we're not ready to take on remote team members at this time.

Welocalize | Los Angeles CA (Santa Monica)

Full Stack Developers, Product Owner

Our goal is to build a great engineering culture in our Santa Monica office:

- pair programming - support for refactoring, throwing away prototypes - experimenting with new technologies - budget for conferences and other self directed professional development - support for hosting events, giving talks, etc - support for contributing to open source projects

We've built a prototype that has generated a lot of excitement: we're using data science to match workers to task and find risk in our supply chain early, when we still have time to fix it.

Now we want to carry the concepts into an application that will be the bridge between client translation projects and thousands of workers in hundreds of countries around the world.

Right now our stack is python and javascript but we're open to other tech choices at this stage.

Come design the engineering culture you want to live in and help us reinvent the translation industry.

Positions are full time with benefits. Looking for people willing to work in our Santa Monica office on a regular basis, though of course hours are flexible and some working from home is great.

For the product owner role, experience with systems like oDesk, Uber, or online dating sites might be relevant. This is a critical role helping to bridge between several stakeholder communities (clients, workers, supply chain managers, project managers) and our development team. Some travel will probably be useful to engage with stakeholders.

Who's the contact for these positions? Your jobs page doesn't list anything in the LA area.

STORYWORTH (YC, seed) | San Francisco, CA | Full stack web engineering lead

StoryWorth (www.storyworth.com) is a service that makes it super easy to record family stories. We're launched and have paying customers. We've been covered in the NYT and recently swept the RootsTech Innovator Challenge.

NYT: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/16/business/preserving-family... RootsTech: https://familysearch.org/blog/en/storyworth-sweeps-rootstech...

We're a team of 4 – technical founder (myself), community, marketing and iOS eng. You'd be joining us as the full stack web lead, taking over development of new features from me. Our stack is Python (Tornado) and Mongo on Heroku (+Stripe, Twilio, Mailgun...).

This role is for you if you're a generalist looking for a lot of responsibility on a small team, and want to work on a meaningful consumer product with a real business model.

If that sounds like you, get in touch at nick@storyworth.com.

The Climate Corporation (San Francisco, Seattle, St. Louis, Full time, Intern) - http://climate.com/careers

Climate is using Clojure to build weather and agronomic models to help farmers maximize their profit while reducing their impact on the environment.

====== Why I love it ======

– Climate is making a huge impact in the agricultural industry.

– I am surrounded by super smart people who all share an attitude of openness and mentorship.

– I work with some of the top scientists in the fields of climatology, agronomy, data science, and remote sensing.

– I build large-scale systems that process and serve trillions of pixels of satellite imagery.

– I am using 20% of my time to work on a brand new product within the company just for the fun of it.

– I release open-source Clojure software as part of my job.

===== Who we’re looking for =====

Engineers of every kind. Our positions are listed here: https://hire.jobvite.com/j?bj=oTPo0fwQ&s=Hackernews_Satshaba...

If you apply through that link you should get priority.

I am really excited about the work I've been doing, I am happy to talk in length about it over email at skhalsa@climate.com. If you are interested, please email me directly at skhalsa@climate.com.

Ruby on Rails and Django Developer

Remote position: US candidates ONLY

Compensation: $60,000 - $80,000 (Depending on experience), benefits, and paid vacation

Reply to: jobs@cyanna.com (Please include GitHub username)

These are the skills we expect you to have: ● Ruby ● Rails ● Python ● Django ● JavaScript ● HTML ● CSS (SASS) ● jQuery (Backbone.js or Ember.js a plus) ● SQL (PostgreSQL a plus) ● Git ● API development ● Browser compatibility issues ● Deployment methodologies (e.g. Capistrano) ● Database/query optimization

Engineering Internships – Summer 2015 - Sauce Labs (San Francisco, CA)

Sauce Labs makes testing awesome. Developers from startups to Fortune Global 1000 enterprises use our cloud-based service to automatically or manually test mobile and web apps on 350+ browsers and platforms.

Our 10-16 week internship program provides interns with the ability to explore and improve upon their interests in a growing start-up environment. Interns should be passionate about problem solving and using computer science fundamentals to collaborate with managers of their team and contribute directly to our product.

We have multiple disciplines within our Engineering team:

Ecosystems & Integrations

- Contribute to open source projects in the automated testing space, including Appium

- Learn how to pitch and give technical talks at meetups or conferences

Web Development

- Actively contribute to the Sauce Labs user experience that enables customers to be successful at test automation

- Gain full exposure of the web stack all the way from the frontend, APIs to the backing database

- Power our front-end development with exciting technologies such as Angular.js, Backbone.js, WebPack and Grunt


- Currently pursuing a Bachelor's or above in Computer Science, Engineering or equivalent experience.

- Software development experience using Python.

To apply, send us your resume, a quick introduction and links to your projects at: recruiting@saucelabs.com

Tint (http://www.tintup.com) — San Francisco (SOMA), CA - INTERN

Looking for Summer Engineering Intern, with full-time possibilities after



Tint's mission is to help organizations drive deeper relationships with their customers through social media. We are a group of 23 engineers and customer happiness heroes with a profitable, sustainable business and a great working environment.



• on the position: https://jobs.lever.co/tint/87af6c15-46fa-4b3a-91e6-f7a84f6ca...

• on Tint company culture: http://www.tintup.com/about

• on our profit sharing: http://www.tintup.com/blog/restructuring-your-sales-commissi...

• on a few of our customers: http://www.tintup.com/clients


BENEFITS (besides the competitive salary and equity...)

• Profit Sharing - We split 20% of all revenue made over payroll and fixed costs and distribute it among the team.

• Team Transparency - We calculate compensation based on a formula that we all agree on. Cap table is made available to all employees. Business financials are known by all teammates.

• Personal Autonomy / Consensus Driven Culture - We foster consensus-driven rather than top-down decision making when it comes to important business decisions.

• Customer Driven Culture - We're very in-tune with our customers and they love us. For example, we decide what features to build based on surveys we send directly to customers.

• Personal Development Program - A monthly stipend and program designed for self-improvement. Every month, we individually choose goals to accomplish and are given a stipend to accomplish them.

APPLY HERE: https://jobs.lever.co/tint/87af6c15-46fa-4b3a-91e6-f7a84f6ca...

KnowledgeHound (knowledgehound.com) | Boston Engineering Intern

Deploy real-world code to production week one. Develop code and your skills. Spend some time in the sun, working in Boston and Cambridge.

WHAT WE DO: We build KnowledgeHound, a data search and exploration tool, on top of some fantastic technologies. We've got a real product, real revenue from Fortune 500 clients and real investment. We're looking to add some more interns & developers to that mix.


   - You believe that work doesn't need to be all consuming to be productive and fulfilling,

   - You are committed to getting better at your craft every single day (tell me how you do it!),

   - You want to get your hands dirty in a real code base (sorry, powerpoint doesn't count as work here),

   - You thrive on flexibility not micromanagement and

   - You've built something real (class or side projects or previous internships are great examples)
WHAT'S THE SUMMER GOING TO BE LIKE? We've got a backlog of new features/bugs, and we're overhauling one of our major systems. We want you to join hands with the rest of our tech team and deliver production code. Just like everyone else, you'll pull a new bug/feature from the queue, work with anyone else necessary (e.g. our world-class designer, Joe) and put together a pull request. I'll be a personal resource and I'm dedicated to learning and to teaching. If you hit a snag or don't know the best way to do something, we'll work on it together.

We are a collaborative team. We count on everyone to think critically, bring ideas for improvements and champion those ideas. In other words, "We do pay you to think." Be a part of designing our product and our business.

WHERE IS THIS PLACE? I'm currently our entire Boston office (there are another half a dozen of us at the home office in Chicago and one on the West coast). On that account, we don't have a permanent office here yet. I'm planning to spend the summer working from co-working spaces, coffee shops, home, and places in the sun. I like to alternate between working surrounded by great people and taking a full day somewhere quiet to knock out some "real work" (writing code). If that sounds better than the cube farm, email me (john@knowledgehound.com).

Anyone Can Learn To Code | Chicago & NYC | Lead Web Development Instructor

Anyone Can Learn To Code is the only immersive part-time web development bootcamp in the country that makes its students job ready. After its success in Chicago, it has begun national expansion starting with a new course offering in San Francisco in Fall of 2015. ACLTC has also been recently ranked one of the five best code bootcamps in the world by Tech Cocktail. While our stack includes Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, AngularJS, SQL, and Git, we first and foremost train our students to be engineers who can learn any new technology. Our graduates are proficient in creating APIs and SOA systems, along with dynamic AngularJS clients that consume those APIs. Classes are held from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00pm on Sundays.

You are the right fit for the Lead Instructor role if you are both an educator and developer who cares to make a difference in people’s lives as you help them to launch new careers in web development. You should have a minimum of three years of web development experience, a successful history as an educator/mentor, and have the skill of effectively communicating technical concepts in plain English.

If you fit the bill, we want to talk to you. From a development standpoint, you should have significant experience with: Ruby Rails HTML/CSS JavaScript SQL Git

To apply, please check out our posts on AngelList: https://angel.co/anyone-can-learn-to-code/jobs/65380-lead-in...

Aidin | NYC | LOCAL

Software Engineer Aidin is looking for software engineers who are passionate about delivering value and providing solutions that improve the lives of our users and empower our client communities. We want people who take pride in designing, building, and maintaining the products they deliver, and are constantly seeking to master the skills that make this possible and learn new ones in the process.

At Aidin, you will touch on every aspect of our technology stack, and your opinions and decisions will directly affect our technical direction. We're seeking engineers who have experience building and maintaining high-quality Ruby on Rails applications and have excellent knowledge of Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Unix, deployment, performance, debugging, refactoring, design patterns, and other programming practices and tools.

Comparable programming languages and frameworks are regarded equivalently. Experience with front-end frameworks and server-side JavaScript is a plus. Knowledge of object-oriented design (or functional programming) is also a huge plus.

We honor diversity and encourage creative thought. We're committed to building an environment that challenges you, but allows you to have fun in the process.

If our goals align with how you'd like your career to grow, please feel free to send us an email with your resume or career summary/portfolio. A link to your GitHub profile, blog, or anything that you've built or that represents you would be a fantastic addition.

Apply: http://www.myaidin.com/careers.html

Customer Support Engineer | Sauce Labs (San Francisco, CA)

Join the Sauce Labs Customer Support Team and work with customers big and small who are changing the way software development is done. If you love solving problems and helping people, then read on!


- Help customers solve technical problems, answer questions about the product capabilities

- Reproduce customer issues and determine where the issue is (Sauce Labs Cloud, Selenium/Appium, the network, language or platform configuration, the customer’s test script)

- Collaborate internally with Development Team (provide feedback, file bugs) and Sales Team (respond quickly to high priority issues)


- At least 6 months as a developer or supporting developers

- Programming experience with at least one of the following languages: Javascript, Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, C#

- Proficient at the Unix/Linux command-line

- Knowledge of HTML, Javascript

- Experience working with customers, comfortable working with developers

- Intrinsic desire to help customers (and the patience to do so)

- Experience with Selenium and/or Appium is a huge plus

For the full job description and to apply, please visit: http://hire.jobvite.com/CompanyJobs/Careers.aspx?c=qDz9Vfw0&...

Webflow (YCS13) is hiring across the board: Engineering, Sales, and Community.

Over the past year, we've grown our community of developers and designers by hundreds of thousands, and we're gearing up for a complete relaunch of the product that will really change the way people build for the web. Check out our jobs page at http://jobs.webflow.com [1] or shoot me an email at bryant[at]webflow[dot]com if you're interested in learning more!


Backend - Build powerful data-driven applications in node.js and Go. Handle massive amounts of traffic and build scalable systems. We also use mongodb, redis, Docker, OpenResty, nginx, and lua. Explore new technologies like Amazon Kinesis, and InfluxDB.

Frontend - Be at the forefront of what people can do in the browser. We're transitioning everything to React.js - there is no better place to flex your Flux muscles than at Webflow. (Check out our design tool to get a feel for what we're achieving with React.js: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/interactions?preview=18d...)

Sales/Marketing/Design: Check out our jobs page!

[1] http://jobs.webflow.com [2] https://preview.webflow.com/preview/interactions?preview=18d...

Civis Analytics | Chicago, IL | https://civisanalytics.com

Civis is building cloud-based products to help organizations do data science better and easier. We create technologies that empower organizations to unlock the truth hiding in their own data—transforming them into smart organizations that are ready to thrive. We help organizations solve their biggest problems with Big Data.

A few of our open positions:

Devops Engineer - http://bit.ly/1P30uit Senior Security Engineer - http://bit.ly/1anABtS Systems Engineer - http://bit.ly/1GCZQkn Full Stack Software Engineer - http://bit.ly/1Hn3As1

Civis is hiring Software Engineers, Data Scientists, Product, Sales, Marketing managers, and more. View all of our open positions at https://civisanalytics.com/careers

OnDeck Capital | New York City | ondeck.com - “We’re making waves in the world of small business”

Holla HN! OnDeck is hiring for a veritable plethora of tech roles. We’d be much obliged if y’all’d give us a look.

Solutions Architect: http://grnh.se/yajn2k; Senior System Administrator: http://grnh.se/c0utp8; Director of Infrastructure Operations: http://grnh.se/rf28lj; InfoSec & Compliance Project Manager: http://grnh.se/ge47dl; Senior Platform Engineer: http://grnh.se/r0qh1k; Senior Software Engineer - Core Team: http://grnh.se/5pqao1

More…!: https://www.ondeck.com/company/careers

We can't wait to hear from you... Really. DO EET NAO!

Edit: Formatting

Traackr | Boston | Sr. Software Engineer | 100k - 130k + equity

Our mission is to build trust and transparency between brands and people. We work on a ton of interesting tech: search (Elasticsearch/Lucene), NoSQL (MongoDB), queuing systems (RabbitMQ), content processing pipelines (Apache Camel), APIs (Scala/Spray.io), email notification apps (Node.js), Ansible, AWS and that's just to name a few.

We are looking to inject new DNA into our team, learn some new tricks from the people that join us and maybe share a few tricks of our own. You'd be working on our backend distributed data processing systems and search engine technology.

If you are looking for a 9 to 5 gig, you won't be happy here. If you are looking for a challenge, a seat at the decision making table and want to be empowered to take ownership, you should check us out. We have an open vacation policy: no-one will bean count your time off, just make sure your team is taken care of while you are sipping Piña colada somewhere tropical. Our office is located in the stunning WeWork space in downtown Boston (https://www.wework.com/locations/boston/south-station), an easy commute from pretty much anywhere. And if you need to work from home part of the week, that's ok too. Lots of us have kids and do just that.

If you're interested, we'd love to chat. Check out http://traackr.com/careers/ and/or ping me at gstathis [at] traackr [dot] com.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

♫ Radeeus (http://radeeus.com) | iOS Engineer | Full Time | New York, NY

Love music? Love Cocoa? Meet Radeeus! We’re pushing the limits of iOS to create the best social music listening experience possible. Listen to all of your music from different services in one place, and together with your friends.

We’ve closed our Series A and we’re looking to expand our team! With an all new design, media architecture, and support for more services we’re ready to go from proven prototype to mainstream product. We’re a team of 6 now, looking to add another iOS engineer who can demonstrate their passion for the platform.

With offices in Manhattan, our perks include generous equity, Spotify premium accounts, Jukely Unlimited passes, and whatever tech you need to do what you do best.

♫ If you’re interested in helping make the new Radeeus for iOS a reality, say hello at jobs@radeeus.com ♫

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Benbria (http://benbria.com) — New York NY, Ottawa ON, SF - Multiple positions — VISA, INTERN

We are looking for full stack Node developers, data scientists, and interns (starting around Sep 2015). We have various openings across the US and Canada. We will help with your visa process and your relocation.

Benbria builds customer engagement solutions for large enterprises. Our product, Loop, is changing how businesses and consumers interact with each other. We are looking for developers to join our new NYC office. You will be working with some of the largest enterprises and organizations in the world and have the opportunity to positively impact the lives of many.

We use and enjoy the following: Node.js, CoffeeScript/JS, Backbone, Mongo, Cassandra. You'll be joining our small team and helping us enhance the product by designing and implementing new features.

Who are we looking for?

  * Strong JavaScript knowledge, Node.js, CoffeeScript, Backbone.js
  * Front-end web development knowledge (HTML5/CSS3/JQuery)
  * Web development & full stack experience
  * Preference for simple, elegant solutions to complex problems
  * A history of getting things done

  * Experience with scaling web applications
  * Experience building fault-tolerant systems
  * Redis, MongoDB, Cassandra, RabbitMQ, Erlang
We also have multiple other job positions available. To find out more or to apply, please visit: http://benbria.theresumator.com/apply

Company: International Systems Research Co. (ISR)

Location: Tokyo

Visa: support offered

Roles: Software Engineers. Java, security(SSO, PKI, SSL, authentication protocols), TDD, Continuous-Integration, JavaScript, UX, Android, iOS.

Job Descriptions: Develop CloudGate, a cloud based SSO that offers secure access for business users to cloud services without sacrificing productivity.

About the company: ISR was established in 1993 in Tokyo, is a certified Google Enterprise Partner (GEP) and sponsor of FIDO Alliance.

Email: javier at isr.co.jp

Trakstar — Senior Rails Engineer (Full time, on-site) — Seattle, WA


Who we are

Trakstar designs the best HR technology software in the world. From our office in Seattle, we are revolutionizing the employee performance appraisal software business. Nearly everyone who gets a W-2 has a performance review, and we are changing the way companies manage employee performance.

We’re a bootstrapped, profitable and fast-growing business. We craft friendly software with a strong focus on UI/UX excellence, ease of use and a strong support team to help our customers.

Our unique office (a converted 1920’s auto showroom) is located in the heart of Capitol Hill at Broadway and Pike. We hope you enjoy shuffleboard, foosball and kombucha on tap from our kegerator.

About you

We’re looking for an experienced Rails Developer with a passion for best practices to join our core team in Seattle. This is an opportunity to work on a small team of skilled, creative developers / designers who value writing amazing software using an agile development process.

Qualified candidates will have

Rails, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, HTML, CSS experience Unit testing (RSpec) experience Published gems / plugins on Github 5+ years professional software development experience Excellent communication and collaboration skills Benefits

Health, dental & vision insurance Ownership (stock options) 5 weeks paid vacation (yes, 5 weeks)

Point | Palo Alto, CA | Software Engineer | existing H1B VISA holders welcome

Point (https://point.com) takes the biggest single asset that most folks have in their lifetime - the home - and makes it liquid, divisible and tradable. Point's first product lets homeowners "sell" fractional equity in their home. There are no monthly repayments -- instead, homeowners get a tax-deferred lump sum now and the investor “exits” when the homeowner sells the property.

We’re using Rails and will build services in Go as we scale. The ideal candidate is comfortable with back-end design + implementation, has the potential to be dangerous on the front-end, can build micro-services, and is thoughtful about product and design.

Andreessen Horowitz led our initial 3M seed in January; Bloomberg, Greylock, Ribbit Capital, SV Angel and a few others also participated. We're super-early -- five folks as of last week -- and looking to build an exceptional team that wants to change how folks think about homeownership. If you are passionate about a ground-zero engineering role with us, would love to chat, contact eddie@point.com with your info!

PipelineDB (YC W14) | Systems Engineers and Frontend Engineers | San Francisco | Full time | jobs@pipelinedb.com

We're on a mission to build a new type of database for a modern world in which information is constantly moving, and moving fast. PipelineDB runs SQL queries continuously on large volumes of streaming data, giving companies the capability to easily develop scalable, realtime applications and services using only a familiar SQL interface. No application code is required. This inherently involves solving a lot of big problems, many of which are novel. We’re looking for creative engineers who appreciate the value and freedom of choosing their own projects, approaches, and working with other top talent in a low distraction, streamlined work environment. Our small team has backgrounds from Berkeley, MIT, Facebook, Locu and AdRoll, and we're all doing exactly what we want to be doing: building a groundbreaking new product out of thin air. As an early stage engineer you'll ultimately own a very large part of the product. Which part of the product you take charge of depends on where your interests are, but there are several different potential areas of focus. You'll be entrusted to make sound architectural decisions as well as implement your vision effectively. We are well funded by top investors including SV Angel, Susa Ventures, Data Collective, Paul Buchheit, and more. If you’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this, please send your resume and a quick blurb about yourself to jobs@pipelinedb.com.


* Full medical/dental/vision insurance * No set work hours--work when you feel smart * Choose your own setup * No vacation policy other than that it is strongly encouraged * Large equity ownership

Sauce Labs - San Francisco - Core Services Engineer

We're looking for backend hackers to help us scale our massive cloud of Windows, Mac and Linux virtual machines. If you're, like me, bored by all the media sharing rails/django/express webapps out there and want to solve complex problems, like horizontally scaling a highly available backend service, shoot me an email at santi at saucelabs. We're looking for SENIOR engineers with experience and interest in distributed systems. DevOps is a smaller part of what we do, but experience is a plus.

About Sauce: Sauce Labs is a SAAS+E2E series C startup in the bay area. We provide an automated testing cloud service so other companies don't have to build their own Selenium or Appium grids. We pride ourselves about our values and transparency (https://saucelabs.com/our-values). Oh, and a nice to have these days: we have a real business model!

About the Team: Our CORE team is currently 8 people and we plan to grow in a controlled fashion this year, hiring only excellent people who are excited about what we do. Most of the team is in SF, with some members in EU working on a re-location. We build a highly available service that runs thousands of customer Selenium tests in real time using VMs hosted in our own infrastructure. We own all our hardware and we collaborate tightly with our Ops team to manage it.

About our Stack: Sauce Labs runs on a Python + Twisted stack and we're currently discussing technology changes to take it to the next level (Go is a clear option). We use KVM, LXC and VMWare for virtualization, MySQL, Redis, Ansible and other fine tools.

I wanted to let people know that the person with possibly the most credibility for developing young, startup talent in the state of Virginia announced just now he's available for hire - Spencer Ingram.


He started http://hackcville.com/ at the University of Virginia, developing young talent as a non-profit without taking a salary ever. Many important people including Alexis Ohanian has repeatedly praised his work, including here http://hackcvillemedia.com/2015/04/29/making-world-suck-less.... Anyone hiring and especially hiring young (21-25 year old talent) should consider putting him on contract immediately.

(if this does not belong on this thread someone let me know and I'll remove it, but it seems like it does to me.)

I'm a University of Virginia student and entrepreneur and the value of Spencer cannot be placed into words. Hackcville is an integral part of making UVA the bustling entrepreneurial hub that it will soon be.

Weft - http://weft.io - Cambridge/Boston, MA (office is in central sq.) -- LOCAL/ON-SITE ONLY

   ====== What we do =========
We're the single source of truth in logistics -- we track every boat on the water, every plane in the sky, and every truck on the ground so that we can know everything that's going on in the logistics world. We do a lot of analysis and optimization, too. We’re working in the largest, least sexy, most invisible industry in the world — 90% of everything has been on a ship at one point in time. The problem -> Lots of inefficiencies in the supply chain! One of our customers spends $400mm/year shipping empty containers, another spends $80mm/year on late fees. Lots to optimize! How we fix it -> We track everything in the supply chain and make predictions and recommendations as to what our customers should do!

   ===== How we do it ========
Web/data stack -> clojure/scala/python + postgis/redshift/redis/rabbit + ruby on rails + hadoop/EMR/Spark/Docker (we’re a SOA shop)

Mobile -> iOS, android, mobile web

Algorithms -> a dizzying mixture of oldschool and newschool techniques... think ML, Neuro-AI modeling, and statistics

   ====== And the rest =======
We've got some very interesting partners and customers (ranging from CPG companies and telcos to enterprise software providers to regional and international logistics companies). We also have some top tier investors (a16z, atlas)! Looking specifically for:

- Big Data Tech Leads (framework and language agnostic, think DevOps meets InfraOps meets Big Data meets Data Science)

- Lead Full Stack Senior Engineer (framework and language agnostic as well, but we're Rails+Angular+Foundation and Node.js too)

If this sounds interesting, please shoot us an email at mike@weft.io! We've also got detailed job descriptions posted on AngelList (https://angel.co/weft/jobs/)

Please rephrase your future postings to include "local" or "on-site" instead of "no remote".


Please rephrase your future comments to include "r3mote" instead of REDACTED.


Sure can do.

Open edX -- REMOTE (Worldwide), OpenCraft

Consultancy specialized on the edX project, and hiring to handle increasing demand. edX is a free software project, used by various universities and companies to run online courses. See edx.org, class.stanford.edu, france-universite-numerique-mooc.fr for examples of edX instances.

It's a large Python/Django codebase, with good code standards and architecture (a lot of the edX engineers come from MIT). You would work on different clients contracts using the platform. The clients list/references include Harvard, edX themselves, the French government, and various startups & universities currently running their own instances, or looking to create one. Tasks are varied, from developing custom features for specific courses (XBlocks), customizing instances, developing generic platform features, deploying instances, working on both client/server sides, etc.

A large part of your work would be published as free software (edX is released under the AGPL license, which requires clients to release modifications under the same license), and you would also contribute to the free software project, pushing some of your developments upstream through pull requests, contributing features, documentation or help on mailing-lists.

You would be able to work remotely from where you want, as long as you have a good internet connexion. : )

Stack: Python/Django, Ansible, AWS, Debian/Ubuntu, JS, HTML/CSS, MySQL, MongoDB

Applying: Email jobs@opencraft.com with: your github account, a short explanation of why the role interests you (no formal cover letter, please :) ) and a list of links to free software contributions you have made.

Do you happen to have any open positions for techie non-programmer education / social sciences people? -Thanks.

Not at the moment I'm afraid - we only recruit developer profiles this time. But we might in the future!

Are you also looking for remote interns this summer?

Not at the moment either no - this is for a more long-term position.

Curiosity.com (https://curiosity.com) - Frontend Developer - Chicago, IL

Email: andy@curiosity.com if interested

Want to build mobile and web apps that people all over the world use every day to have fun learning? We’re using backbonejs, reactjs and everyone deploys to production every day. We're 18 people (5 backend and 4 frontend engineers). $6M Series A funded and growing.

At Curiosity.com, we’re a startup of passionate learners, strong engineers and designers executing on our mission. And we’re bringing the best learning content to the world. Our audience spans over 200 countries and is growing at a rapid pace. 2015 will be a year of exponential growth for us.

Who You Are: Software generalist at heart that has developed deep expertise in building products that users love.

Need experience in: Javascript HTML5/CSS3 Python (nice to have) Jinja (nice to have) Flask (nice to have)

Qualifications: Must be familiar with OS X/Linux 2-5+ years of experience with web development Strong understanding of OO programming Must know MVC pattern

Only applicants with code samples and/or a GitHub account will be considered.

Email Andy O’Dower, our Head of Product andy@curiosity.com to learn more and apply.

San Francisco: the vision of Alpine Data Labs is to make data science so straightforward that it becomes a tool for business users as well as data scientists. Alpine's data-mining software scales to huge datasets, but it is driven through a simple graphical interface. We deliver on the promise of Hadoop, Spark and big data by providing a collaborative and intuitive visual environment for teams to quickly create and deploy analytics workflows and predictive models.

We are a well funded, rapidly growing startup backed by major venture firms. Our customers include Bosch, Sony, Morgan Stanley, and GE.

1) Platform Engineers: http://jobsco.re/19TQM1n

2) Applications/Front-End Engineers: http://jobsco.re/1DvTIi9

3) Data Science Engineers: http://jobsco.re/1bUp5qw

4) Senior Data Science Engineers: http://jobsco.re/19TRxr3

5) Big Data Integration Engineer: http://jobsco.re/1NHaQAW

6) Data Science Advisors: http://jobsco.re/1bUphpv

7) Technical Writer: http://jobsco.re/1DvUBas

If you have any questions, please email me: emily@alpinenow.com.

RoR System Architect - Cognii - Boston, MA

Cognii is an ed-tech startup that creates the Siri like virtual learning assistants. Its natural language processing technology enables automatic assessment of essay answers along with qualitative feedback for personalized self-paced learning. More info at http://cognii.com

We are seeking full-time engineers for research and development of our real-time natural language processing system. For the back-end, we are looking for an experienced Ruby on Rails developer who can also do some front-end. Some of the responsibilities include:

• Design and update the secure scalable web service API

• Data pipeline workflow optimization

• Write scripts and tools to analyze the usage data and create a dashboard with visualizations


• BS or MS computer science or related discipline

• 2+ Years of experience working in back-end web services with RESTful API

• Programming experience with Ruby on Rails, Sinatra or other web frameworks

• Proficiency with Databases, Ruby, Python, Shell scripting, Git, AWS EC2

• Server design and configuration with load balancing

• Interest in education or natural language processing or machine learning is a plus

Compensation will include a significant amount of equity along with a salary.

Please submit your application with latest CV to jobs@cognii.com

Fitbit, Inc | Boston and San Francisco | on-site only

Boston jobs include full-stack web software engineers, iOS, Android, firmware, and miscellaneous other jobs, 21 in all: http://hire.jobvite.com/m?3efqghwV

San Francisco has over a hundred open positions. Some of them are site engineering: http://hire.jobvite.com/m?3Goqghww mobile engineering: http://hire.jobvite.com/m?3aoqghw0 hardware engineering: http://hire.jobvite.com/m?3pqqghwh and more.

I've been a Principal Software Engineer at Fitbit since November 2013 (previously Senior Software Engineer at Google) and Fitbit is an awesome place to work. The company culture is fantastic. The people are great to work with. The Boston office feels like a startup because it's relatively small (40 people), yet we're well-funded and secure. Everywhere I go people tell me they love our product or know someone who loves it and talks about it.

In Site Engineering, we're using jQuery, Bootstrap, underscore, Handlebars, Backbone, Stylus, Buster, Selenium, requirejs, and Highcharts on the front end, with new technologies introduced as needed. We're only using node as part of the build system for now. The back end is tomcat with a lot of Spring and Hibernate in front of mysql. Some big data projects I'm aware of also use Python. Beyond that, check job listings to know what tools might be used.

PennyMac (http://pennymacusa.com) Moorpark, CA (Ventura County)

PennyMac is a leading national mortgage lender and servicer. Our Capital Markets Technology group is looking for local, on-site developers to help develop and support our pricing and best-ex systems. We are a small team of dedicated developers who are always looking for better ways to do things. We are currently in Moorpark, CA but are planning to move to Westlake Village, CA by the end of the year.

Our technology stack includes:

- Ruby/Rails

- Front end awesomeness with Netzke* and ExtJS

- PostgreSQL

- Python (for some backend services)

- Clojure (experimental right now - may replace some Ruby background processing jobs)

Here is a link to the official job description (good reading if you are having trouble sleeping): https://rew12.ultipro.com/PEN1012/JobBoard/JobDetails.aspx?_...

You can apply on-line at the above link, or e-mail me at eric.litwin@pnmac.com if you are interested.

*We are the sponsor of Netzke development (http://netzke.org/)

SidePrize - Atlanta, GA or Remote - Lead Developer


SidePrize sits somewhere between traditional fantasy and daily fantasy sports. You can think of us as a bridge between the two. We partner with fantasy sports platforms and leagues to provide additional game types, real-money contests and payments.

We're looking for someone to lead our backend development efforts. The challenge at hand is building a solid integration with our partners using a combination of APIs and scraping.


* Experience writing and maintaining web applications, specifically back-end (server-side).

* Experience with the Ruby programming language and/or the Ruby on Rails web application framework.

* Great writing and communication skills. One or more members is often remote, being able to communicate by writing is of critical importance.

* Good requirement-gathering skills. Starting with a problem and working from there to understand how the problem can be solved is a valuable skill.

* A strong interest in sports.


* Experience maintaining the front-end of web applications (HTML/CSS/JavaScript).

* A strong interest in fantasy sports and sports statistics.

* Experience building fantasy sports or similar applications.

If you're interested, send an email to adam@sideprize.com.

Mirror | San Francisco | Software Engineer, Interface Engineer (Web, QT), Product Designer

Mirror is a smart contracts platform. We are leveraging blockchain technology to provide hedging and risk management tools that are more accessible, affordable, and globally available than their contemporary counterparts, and with minimized counterparty and clearing risk. Our vision is to realize the promise of the Bitcoin blockchain as a global, decentralized, cryptographically-assured fiduciary system. Headquartered in San Francisco, we are making peer-to-peer contracts, available to everyone everywhere.

We have raised $12M and are assembling a team with capabilities in cryptocurrency, cryptography, distributed systems, functional programming, cross-platform desktop application development, comprehensive software assurance, and design to build new kinds of financial platforms and decentralized p2p markets. If this interests you please contact us below and reference this post.

Details: https://angel.co/mirror

Apply: https://jobs.lever.co/mirror

What are the killer advantages of using a distributed ledger for storing contracts as opposed to centralised ledgers?

Are you going to spin up an altcoin or are you planning to try and stuff your contracts into Bitcoin transactions?

We have no plans to support any coins other than Bitcoin, though our platform is being built in a way that it could if any gain similar adoption and acceptance as Bitcoin. We'll leave that to the market. And our platform writes only the multisig transaction to the blockchain, the irl data and everything else is offchain, client and mempool only.

Decentralized, p2p ledgers are thus far good at a subset of contracts in which no off-ledger is enforcement is required. Aka, they're good at cash-settled (bitcoin-settled) contracts, in which all parts of the contract creation, joining, settlement, and clearing can be cryptographically enforced, and a real-world legal system is not required to guarantee ownership transfer.

For example, if you want to sell the title to your house or car, if there are problems or disputes the real world isn't going to recognize some title transfer deal done on the blockchain and you'll have to resort to the irl legal system anyway. But any kind of pure financial contract is potentially game.

Medallia - Palo Alto, CA - http://engineering.medallia.com

Medallia is hiring engineers to build our micro-service platform. World-class companies (Apple, Mercedes, Nordstrom to mention a few) use Medallia to create awesome customer experiences. Our platform is already used by hundreds of thousands of people every day, but we need your help to handle the next 10X of growth.

Dividing our codebase into independent micro-services will make it easier for new engineers to get up to speed, enable much faster deployments of new code (by the engineers themselves) and make it easier and cheaper to scale with much better resiliency.

Despite the popularity of micro-service architectures, and plethora of available frameworks, there are still many unsolved problems (especially around RPC performance, storage and freely moving processes around) in operating at scale in production. We not only want to solve these for ourselves, but share our findings and tools with the wider community.

We are using a blend of the best tech out there: Docker for containerization; Aurora/Mesos for data center / server management; CEPH for fully redundant storage and putting it together in a way we haven't seen anyone else do. We held a tech talk about it at a recent Docker Meetup:


Please send me a note at kristian@medallia.com if any of the above sounds interesting to you.

Kristian Eide, Software Architect

ReadMe.io (YC W15) - San Francisco - Local

We're looking to make our first hire! Come help us change the way developers consume APIs and code libraries. We're looking for front/backend developers with a huge product focus to help shape our company.


TripleLift - http://triplelift.com/ - New York, NY - Full Time

We're looking for all types of engineers to help scale our tech. We've found our product market fit and are growing quickly. I joined 18 months ago when we were 13 people are now over 50 and just moved into a new office space. We're currently focused on scaling our tech so there are lot of opportunities to do interesting and challenging work.

Our core product is a native advertising ad exchange that allows publishers (website owners) to ditch banner ads in favor of native ads that will allow them to design their sites the way they want without having to worry about monetization from the beginning. When they are ready they include a bit of JavaScript and we will dynamically resize/crop ads and leverage their existing HTML and CSS to make sure the ads fit with the look they're going for.

There's a lot of interesting work we're doing with computer vision, high performance networking, as well as quantitative engineering to help build out our bidders.

Feel free to email me at dgoldin@triplelift.com with any questions!

Coin | San Francisco | Software & Firmware Engineers

We are a consumer electronics company focused on creating things that make life better. Our flagship product, Coin, is a connected device that allows you to carry fewer cards in your wallet with security and utility beyond what a plastic card can offer. We recently started shipping Coin to our hundreds of thousands of pre-order customers and have big plans for the future.

Founded by a payments industry expert out of PayPal and a Stanford rocket scientist, the 40-person team behind Coin has a passion for building products that improve and fit seamlessly into your life. We believe that even a minor change in thinking can reap big rewards. Join us at the intersection of software and hardware as we strive to make people’s lives (and wallets) a little simpler and smarter.

We are hiring for: Mobile Developer - Android or iOS Platform Developer - Ruby Embedded Software Developer - C

To apply or find more info on our open positions, check out our jobs page <http://hire.jobvite.com/m?3XhWghwc> or email me directly: allison@onlycoin.com.

Arena Solutions - http://arenasolutions.com - SF Bay Area | Full-time

We pioneered SaaS-based Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), which helps manufacturing companies build better products.

At Arena, we're an open office culture with many breakout collaboration rooms. We offer a great work/life balance with perks - we a have basketball & soccer league, fully stocked kitchen full of snacks & drinks, and cornhole, ping pong, and shuffleboard table. We also like to build great products.

We're hiring a web application developer: http://www.jobscore.com/jobs2/arenasolutionsinc/senior-web-a...

If you'd like to join us, you can check out our other open positions at http://www.arenasolutions.com/about/jobs/ & feel free to drop me a note at ninja -at- arenasolutions.com

Job Title : R&D Software Engineer

Soliton invites applications for an R&D Software Engineer in a group specializing in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. Recent projects have included obstacle detection on mobile platforms, object detection/classification and 3D reconstruction. We are looking for exceptional candidates who have a sense of ownership and have the necessary grit to make successful research products. The candidate must have good understanding of basic mathematics (linear algebra, statistics, probability and good understanding of fundamentals of computing (Algorithms, Data Structure, OS Fundamentals). The ideal candidate will also have strong development skills on *nix platform and ability to prototype very quickly.

Required Skill sets 1. Good understanding of Image Processing and Computer Vision with projects to back the same. 2. Strong programming experience in C++ 3. Knowledge of at least one prototyping/scripting language : MATLAB/Octave, Python or R. 4. Good understanding of Algorithms and Data Structures. 5. Good knowledge of basics: Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics. 6. Good written and verbal communication.

Great to have skill sets. 1. Android development experience (SDK and NDK). 2. Knowledge of functional programming. 3. Winning/International level participation in ACM ICPC, IOI, TopCoder, CodeChef etc. 4. Winning/International level participation in Physics or Math Olympiad. 5. Open Source Contribution. 6. Top tier peer reviewed research publication in applied math areas like Algorithms, Computer Vision/Image Processing, Machine Learning or Optimization. 7. Link to your projects, github etc.

Job Location: Bengaluru,India


NYC - DailyBurn

* Lead iOS/Mobile Engineer (http://www.jobscore.com/jobs2/dailyburn/lead-ios-developer/d...)

* Fullstack Developer (http://www.jobscore.com/jobs2/dailyburn/full-stack-web-devel...)

DailyBurn is a fitness and nutrition company based in Midtown Manhattan. We'd like you to come join our multi-discipline engineering team to build software on a wide array of platforms and technologies.

We really are a fitness company, we have our own well equipped gym in the office and offer a gym membership budget for all employees.

Everyday we get messages from users sharing the changes they've made in their lives not every company can say the same. If fitness is an area of interest for you this is a great place to get involved in changing peoples lives.

If it sounds interesting to you get in touch with me directly: paul@dailyburn.com

Geostellar | Martinsburg, WV | Full-Stack Software Engineer | REMOTE(US) Full-time

Are you tired of the world's reliance on fossil fuels? Do you want to have a positive effect on the environment for future generations to come? Join the team at Geostellar as we bring the joy of solar power to every rooftop in America and make the world a better place in doing so.

The world is ready for the solar power revolution, help us bring it to them!


- Raised over $17M+ to date

- Cash-flow positive

We offer:

- Stable-hours 7am-4pm PST

- Competitive Compensation (Salary + Equity)

- Flexible Time-off

- Hands-on Experience with all parts of the Web Application stack

- Paired-Programming

- Completely Remote minus quarterly meet-ups

Current Technology Stack - Ruby-on-Rails 4, PostgreSQL, HTML/HAML, Javascript/Coffe-script, BackboneJS

We are looking for individuals with experience building scalable applications with Ruby-on-Rails 4 and PostgreSQL and have a strong understanding of Object-Oriented Software Design Principles.

https://geostellar.com https://www.linkedin.com/company/geostellar

Send your resume to jobs [ at ] geostellar [ dot ] com with "HN Software Engineer" in the subject

PlayFab (http://www.playfab.com) Seattle, WA

PlayFab is a Backend-as-a-Service for video games. Our mission is to power the future of games by providing developers and publishers with the best live game operations platform in the industry. We offer competitive salaries, stock options, 100% employer-paid health insurance and a focus on getting stuff done (no Foosball tables here).

Director of Engineering We are looking for an experienced, results-driven Director of Engineering to mentor and grow our engineering team under the technical direction of our CTO. This is a critical role with enormous impact on the long-term success of PlayFab, and our expectations are high.

DevOps Engineer: Help us in our mission to automate everything by continually improving the deployment and monitoring (both internal and customer facing) of our AWS-based service, using tools such as CloudFormation, Salt and Elasticsearch.

Sr. Software Engineer (SDK): Help us build SDKs for every game platform (iOS, Android, PC, XBox, PlayStation etc.) that make it a joy for developers to make better games by using our service.

London, UK - Pusher - https://pusher.com/ - Full time - No Remote

The current Pusher product is a multi-tenant distributed system that allows our customers to deliver billions of messages to their connected users. We operate at massive scale, and this informs and affects everything we do.

Our engineering team is based in London. We are looking for engineers who will thrive in a challenging environment, working on interesting problems. Our team is small but growing, and we value people who can contribute not only individually, but in the context of the team. Our engineering team is also heavily involved in operations, so you need to know how to deploy, monitor and maintain a large production system. We wrote our code in Ruby (Main legacy language) and Haskell.

Our software stack is built around Linux, Ruby, Haskell, nodeJS, Redis, MySQL, Git, Puppet and Go.

We are currently looking for:

* Platform Engineers to continue improving and scaling our core real-time infrastructure. More info on this position at https://pusher.workable.com/jobs/52789.

* A Project Manager to sit at the heart of our Growth Team and help us collaborate well together on the right projects to affect the company's success. More information on this position at https://pusher.workable.com/jobs/59081

You can learn more about our company on https://pusher.com/about.

Please rephrase: "Full time - LOCAL"

Galvanize, Inc. (http://www.galvanize.com) San Francisco, CA | Denver, CO | Seattle, WA

We are looking for a data scientists and software engineers with teaching experience to join our instructional team.

Practical, industry-based education is hard to access in the exciting and growing field of data science and software engineering. Galvanize has a tight-knit team of established professionals, educators, and community builders that are creating pathways into industry’s most demanding data science and engineering teams.

We are growing our instructional staff across all of our campuses. Our instructors train technical professionals with programming experience to solve real-world problems utilizing innovative educational techniques. We’re looking for passionate educators and practical problem solvers with demonstrated flexibility and curiosity.

Join us in building the world's hub for education in data science and software engineering.

Interested in working at Galvanize? Apply here: https://jobs.lever.co/galvanize

Human API - Redwood City, CA & Vancouver, BC http://humanapi.co/

== What you will build ==

Human API is the easiest way to integrate health data from anywhere. Users can now securely share their health data with any application or system, regardless of how that data was recorded, processed or stored. As an engineer on our team, you'll tackle the challenges that arise as we build a large-scale system for data processing and distribution.

== About us ===

We're a small, product-centric team focused on opening the world of health data. For us, life is all about moving fast, crushing hard problems, and enjoying the journey. Our investors include a16z, Eric Schmidt, Blue Run Ventures, Max Levchin, Scott Banister, and Alex Payne.

== Open roles ==

You can read more about the Dev Ops, Full Stack, Front-End, Sales, and Marketing roles here: http://humanapi.co/company/join We'd love to hear from you even if you don't "fit" one of the job specs -- we hire for people not roles. andrei@humanapi.co

Neumitra - physiology of daily brain health - Boston, MA at South Station/Leather District

Full-time for embedded, mobile (iOS and Android), and full stack applications from physiological data.

At Neumitra we're building medical electronics to measure and manage you and your world. We're data scientists by training in neuroscience, aerospace, and genomic engineering. We're focused on physiological data toward continuous brain health for optimizing our lives.

We're hiring data-driven engineers including embedded firmware, mobile, and web applications, back-end and front-end technologies. Our stack runs from the body to servers. We use machine learning and statistical learning techniques to build personalized and population health technologies for daily brain health.

We're also hiring mechanical and research engineers who love to iterate on technologies based on user interactions and feedback. We appreciate experiences and enthusiasm for building unique tools that have a meaningful impact. Our mission is to solve global questions of brain health and performance.

We've had great luck finding amazing people here. Please say hello@neumitra.com!

Backend Senior Software Engineer (python) * Data Engineer * Data Scientist | SAN FRANCISCO

We have an opening for a senior level data engineer who is entrepreneurial and passionate about leveraging big data and search technologies (e.g Hadoop, Machine learning, Natural Language Processing, Web Crawling) to build out a unique product that will transform how businesses are able to analyze relationships in their network to uncover new opportunities. We're looking for fast learners who can get their hands dirty, quickly; who know when to duct tape and when to have 100% test coverage (think like a hacker, ship like a pro); who don't mind being wrong occasionally; and who are intrigued by the overall space we're in. You'd be single-digit employee and have a significant opportunity to influence our culture and growth, as well as immense impact on the product itself.

For the past 12 months we have been heads down building Node and running a successful private beta. Now we're looking to build out our core engineering team that will shape the foundation of our company. We are a stealth startup comprised of ex-Google, IBM, and Salesforce players and backed by a reputable list of investors including NEA, Mark Cuban, Felicis, and Dave McClure. Here is a recent article written by our CEO which speaks to the evolution of network intelligence and our ability to harness this data to transform the way business gets done: http://recode.net/2015/03/31/the-network-intelligence-moveme...

Are you interested in hearing more? Looking forward to hearing from you.

Email falon@node.io

Sprout - http://sproutatwork.com - Toronto, Canada

Role: Full-stack JavaScript Developer (Angular, PhoneGap)

Sprout is seeking for a super smart, talented and energetic full-stack JavaScript developer to join our growing product team! You will play a key role in supporting Sprout’s mobile development using latest web and mobile development technologies and frameworks. You will do this by working closely with other product team members bringing new services and capabilities to life.

If you’re passionate about changing today’s workplace culture, love to code, enjoy helping a team create great work – you will love working with us at Sprout! You will be involved in the full life cycle development from start to finish and responsible for:

- Designing and implementing features for Sprout's hybrid mobile applications for Android, iOS and other mobile platforms

- Owning end-to-end features (including design, development, testing, etc)

- Identify process inefficiencies and find ways to save time on tasks through automation As an ideal candidate, you have:

- Developed or substantially contributed to the development of mobile apps using Phonegap

- 3+ years of experience developing in Javascript (not jQuery), HTML5 and CSS

- Experience with AngularJS and Ionic (preferably) or another similar framework

- Can do, positive attitude - Bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer, software engineering or relevant proven experience and knowledge Passion about wellness, fitness and transforming current workplace culture

You can apply by email to: wj.bae@sproutatwork.com

Coho Data (http://www.cohodata.com) - { Vancouver, BC, Canada | Cambridge, UK | Palo Alto, California | Bangalore, India }

We’re building a high-performance scalable Enterprise Storage system. We’re a well-funded startup (a16z, ignition) with a strong Engineering culture and a growing team, a customer-proven product and sales ramping.

We hire very strong systems software developers. A number of our staff built the Xen hypervisor and we publish academic research, most recently at USENIX OSDI’14 and FAST’14.

Primarily a Linux shop.

Hottest position: - Software Engineer - Storage Core

Other roles: - Storage Systems Hacker (C, git, python, bash) - Software Engineer with Networking skills (OpenFlow) - Test Automation Development (our test system is ... awesome) - Optimization and Profiling (C, valgrind) - DevOps (debian, python, buildbot, git, bash)

Unsurprisingly, we highly value caffeine and beer.

If you’re interested, please head to our website to learn more about us and our open roles, we'd love to hear from you: http://www.cohodata.com/jobs

Are these positions still open ? I saw them for past few months. Last month sent a resume, yet to receive rejection mail :p

San Francisco - Full Time - Marketing Director

ePantry makes it easy for busy consumers to make good choices for their homes and families. We are the leading subscription-only platform for natural consumer products. The $1 trillion CPG market is less than 4% online today, and we are shaping the transition to ecommerce.

Our team of 20 is backed by prominent consumer and technology investors. ePantry is one of 1,000 B Corps, companies that prioritize social, environmental, and community goals as well as profit.

What you’ll do

• Work closely with the CEO to determine overall marketing strategy, channel mix, and priorities • Build and manage sophisticated email marketing programs • Drive feature roadmaps and prioritization to achieve your goals – you will not find a more supportive engineering team • Own the numbers, and report directly to the CEO and Board on the growth we’re seeing • Build your team as we grow

What we’re looking for

• 4-10 years in metrics-driven consumer marketing • Experience developing and implementing consumer-facing marketing plans that drive value and build positive brand affinity • Ability to manage cross-functionally, and experience working with technology teams, Board members, and industry leaders • A desire to build something that matters

What you get

• Competitive compensation and excellent stock options • Exceptional healthcare, vision & dental • Unlimited vacation – we care about results, not face time • A beautiful office in Cow Hollow, with a stocked fridge, and great vibe (and puppies!) • A team of totally bought in A players that will help you hit your goals and grow professionally • The chance to create something that leaves a lasting and positive impact on the world

Paessler AG | Nürnberg, Germany | Sysadmins (many!), Software Developers, Pre-Sales Engineers, Data Scientist, and others

Our network monitoring software is used 24/7 by 150.000 customers around the globe. We develop, sell and support this product from our head quarters in Nuremberg and have several offices abroad. And we keep growing!

German language skills required.

Sysadmins: http://www.de.paessler.com/company/jobs/technical_support_en...

AJAX Developers: http://www.paessler.com/company/jobs/ajax_software_developer

Pre-Sales Engineer: http://www.de.paessler.com/company/jobs/presales-engineer

More: http://www.de.paessler.com/company/jobs/

Addictive Mobility | Front End Web Developer | Toronto

APPLY NOW - https://www.linkedin.com/jobs2/view/41675142 (mention HN when applying!)

About us

Addictive Mobility is a successful, rapidly growing company, with expanding offices in Toronto, New York, Vancouver, London and Dubai. We’re one of the most innovative companies in Toronto, and one of Canada's fastest growing startups. We increasingly exceed the needs of our diverse client base, including major, well-known retailers and internationally recognized agencies in the US, Canada and the Middle East.

About the role

We are looking for a web developer well-versed in JavaScript to help us build a next-generation dashboard for mobile advertising. The role will focus on developing our front-end single page application built on top of Backbone, Marionette and React. There will also be opportunities to work on our back-end, a Node.js-powered API. You must be have experience building non-trivial JavaScript-powered web apps. Web pages with some scripting does not count.

We are located in Liberty Village in downtown Toronto.

About you

- You want to work on exciting projects with only the latest technologies and modern techniques - You understand IIFEs, function scoping, context switching, and know "the Good Parts" by heart - You’re not afraid of asynchronous code - You make use of new HTML5 features, but also know how to fall back gracefully - You lint your code with JSHint / JSLint - You believe in Atwood's Law

If you do not fit the above descriptions, you need not apply.

do you offer relocation?

WillowTree - www.willowtreeapps.com/careers Charlottesville, VA

Do you want to develop best-of-class web applications for a wide array of projects and platforms?

Do you want to work directly with developers and interact with clients instead of through project managers? Do you want to continuously learn about new technologies, frameworks and patterns as they emerge?

If you’ve answered yes to a few of the above questions, we’d like to talk to you.

Doist - http://doist.io/ - REMOTE - Senior Android Developer

We’re looking for a passionate Android developer to join our awesome team. You will be joining our 4-person team of developers, collaborating with them as well as working independently on various Android development projects. Most projects will be related to the mobile development for Todoist for Android (ranked last year by Google as one of the 40 best apps in the Play Store).

Required qualifications include: 2+ years of professional Android development or an impressive portfolio, experience with Android Studio, deep awareness of the Material design guidelines, familiar with Git, passion for what you do, and responsiveness and good communication (in English). It’s a bonus if you have experience in JUnit / Espresso and/or the Gradle build system, and if you’ve contributed to open-source projects. We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact me directly at amix@doist.io if you are interested.

If you refer a developer and we hire this person we'll gift you the new MacBook (worth about $1299).

Brigade Media | San Francisco, CA

ROLES: Senior Data, Software Engineer-- Senior Web, Software Engineer-- Principal Engineer-- Senior iOS, Software Engineer-- Infrastructure Engineer-- Director of Engineering, Data and Messaging

ABOUT US: Brigade is an early stage startup working on solving a fundamental human problem: how to build and sustain an effective democracy. The same democracy that enables life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for us and those around us. We want to use technology to create a vibrant and responsive democracy in which citizens build movements that influence policies, elections, and the world around them. Silicon Valley heavyweights Sean Parker, Marc Benioff and Ron Conway have participated in our Series A ($9.5M) and we're filling a few key roles to tackle some of the biggest problems facing our society.

Our engineering team is building (alongside native Android and iOS apps) a modern web app using React.js with JSX, webpack, CommonJS, ECMAScript 6, Sass, Ruby and other technologies that help us move fast.

TO APPLY, visit www.brigade.com/jobs (Be sure to mention the job board in application)

The Muse (YC W12) - NYC - Full-time

Who we are The Muse is your ultimate career destination, offering exciting job opportunities, expert advice, and a peek behind the scenes into fantastic companies and career paths. We believe that you can and should love your job--and be successful at it--and we provide the tools to make that happen.

We are hiring for a variety of engineering roles: Backend Engineer, Data Scientist, Fullstack Engineer, Growth Engineer, DevOps, Front-End Engineer/Designer, User Experience/Product Management at all levels. Apply here: https://www.themuse.com/jobs/themuse/engineering-team

We are also looking for a VP of Engineering - https://www.themuse.com/jobs/themuse/vp-of-engineering

If you're interested in learning more, check out https://themuse.com/

Avigilon – Full Time - Local - Boston, MA (currently in Billerica but moving to Somerville in the next several months)

Avigilon is defining the future of protection through innovative, end-to-end surveillance solutions. Delivering the world’s best protection, Avigilon’s industry-leading HD network video management software, megapixel cameras, access control and video analytics products are reinventing the security market.

Avigilon is based in Vancouver with an office in the Boston area focused on research and development. The Boston office is team of 25 engineers looking to double this year.

We are hiring people with strong C++ skills, embedded, video (h.264 compression, streaming and storage), iOS, android, UI/UX, automation and testing.

If interested or for more information I can be reached directly at christopher.kopec [[at]] avigilon.com or to apply online our positions can be viewed here: https://careers-avigilon.icims.com/jobs/search?ss=1&searchLo...

Mango Health | San Francisco, CA | Mobile (iOS or Android), Data Engineer, Backend (Django)

Mango Health makes mobile apps that help consumer end users remember to take their medications on time and build healthy everyday habits. We are looking for mobile developers to join the iOS team, the Android team, or work across both teams according to the engineer's skill set. We are also looking for a mid-level backend engineer who is comfortable with Django, and a senior backend engineer who is interested in the opportunity to own the architecture of the data pipeline and to help us scale as we grow.

I'm 1 of 2 people on the Android team. Please contact me: ari@mangohealth.com




Are you able to work remotely?

Iterable (https://www.iterable.com) - San Francisco, CA

Come join Iterable. We are bringing the growth hacking tools that consumer Internet companies like Twitter/Facebook build internally to other e-businesses. We aim to build the best user growth engine on the planet. It's crazy how messaging and email usage are changing, but the technology and capabilities haven't caught up to the 21st century. Our team of hackers and thinkers is from quant finance/Twitter/Google, (we built large parts of Twitter's growth systems). One of our top level goals is to build a uniquely fun and growth oriented company culture. We pair program, design together, and generally create a learn-and-teach environment here. If you're interested in coming on board, you can help with some challenges we face:

  - Scale our messaging API 
  - Design and write performant, beautiful, asynchronous interfaces 
  - Write software to build machine learned user models 
  - Make data visualizations for our email and user data 
  - Design an immutable deployment infrastructure for our platform
Some aspects of our culture that make us different:

  - We are all very focused on self improvement 
  - Our company has egalitarian and transparent values (work when you want, on what you want) 
  - We are chill and empathetic people 
  - The company is completely transparent
Technologies you'll work with:

  - Scala
  - ElasticSearch
  - Postgres
  - Redis
  - AngularJS
  - Play Framework
  - RabbitMQ
You'll get to work with us at our office at 5th and Market in San Francisco. If this sounds like an interesting and fun opportunity for you, please email me: girish at iterable.com

SmartGift | New York (NYC) | Senior Software Engineer | on-site preferred, but REMOTE for the right person (with occasional travel to NYC)

We're building the next generation of gifting and we're looking for a senior full-stack web engineer to help us.

If you like working fast, building REST APIs that will be used by millions and creating complicated e-commerce systems, we want you. You'll be given responsibility, freedom, challenges, and the chance to determine your workplace. Not to mention, we offer more equity than you could get at most places.

If you think of technical debt like a curse that will come back to haunt your future self, contact me (Matthew Davidson) at matthew at smartgift.it.

If you're looking for a little puzzle to do, write a code snippet (in any language) that converts the word "hiring" into decimal Unicode points and then concatenates their decimal representations back into a string. Use that string as an email address to apply (E.g., the word "hey" would be 104101121@smartgift.it). Be sure to attach the code snippet as well as a cover letter and resume.

London, UK - Permanent, full time, on-site. Lumi - https://lumi.do

Lumi is a personalised news reader. We learn your interests automatically from the get go and recommend you articles that we think you'll love. Lumi was created by the founders of Last.fm

We are always interested to talk to great developers, but right now we are really keen to expand our mobile team. Currently, Android is our principle focus, but we'd be very interested to talk to mobile generalists specialising in any platform.

If you are London based, feel free to come and say Hi at Silicon Milkround next Sunday.

To apply, either launch a CV at jobs@lumi.do, or get in touch personally if you'd like to chat first (details in my profile)

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=done.lumi https://lumi.do/about/jobs/app-developer

Typeform | Spain, Barcelona | Full-time | Developer & Others

Typeform is rapidly growing and looking to expand on all fronts with excellent people behind the product.

Help us build the create the most beautiful and user-friendly forms in the world!

As a engineer at Typeform, you will have a lot of freedom to chose the right technology for the right problems.

The majority of our stack consists of NodeJS, Go, Ruby and PHP.

See our full stack here: http://stackshare.io/typeform/typeform

We are mostly looking for developers of all sorts but we also have other positions open:

    * Content Manager
    * Social Media & Communication
    * Head of Marketing
    * Customer Advocate
    * Other general positions
We are looking for people that has a ability to solve problems with their own thinking, take steps as individuals and want to expand their own knowledge.

Apply here: http://www.typeform.com/jobs or send me a email at victor@typeform.com

Our homepage: www.typeform.com

While we more or less know the compensation situation for US, it would be helpful to state salary ranges for such places as Spain.

Bottomline Technologies | http://bottomline.com | Portsmouth, NH or South Portland, ME | Architect | Onsite Only

Bottomline Technologies (NASDAQ: EPAY), headquartered in beautiful Portsmouth, NH, is a global industry leader of cloud-based payment, invoice and digital banking solutions. Our solutions are used to streamline, automate and manage processes involving: payments, invoicing, global cash management, supply chain finance and transactional documents. Over 10,000 organizations throughout 77 countries, trust Bottomline to meet their needs for cost reduction, competitive differentiation and optimization of working capital.

The Software Architect will interface with the development team for the purpose of design and planning, implementation, integration and support of our products. This role is responsible for determining the integrated software architecture solutions that meet performance, usability, scalability, reliability, and security needs. In addition, the architect is expected to research and recommend technology to meet application requirements.


    Technical review of proposed client software architectures
    Work with development managers on implementation and integration work estimates
    Custom JEE application design and architecture
    Custom JEE application implementation and implementation team leadership
    Application performance testing, recommendations and tuning
    Design, lead and perform custom JEE application solutions throughout dev lifecycle
    Maintain a baseline of IT/JEE industry knowledge to advise on technical trends 
Apply at https://home.eease.com/recruit2/?id=9491081&t=1

Course Hero, located in the San Francisco Bay Area (Redwood City, CA), is looking for a Software Engineer

Course Hero is creating a platform where students and experts can share and access great academic content they need to succeed at any time, from anywhere. Today, millions of students take advantage of our educational resources including study guides, flashcards and tutors.

Course Hero is looking for an experienced MVC engineer and architect to join our growing team. You'll be expanding our core applications architecture, lead new product architecture and a team in software design & development, and help us scale as we go global.

As compensation, we're offering a competitive salary, stock, full benefits, 401k, regularly planned team events and outings, Free Friday lunches, endless snacks & drinks, plus on-site amenities including a day spa, full-service cafe, and free membership to a 7500 sq ft fitness center.

For more information, visit: http://www.thesourcery.com/jobs/911

Okta - Great colleagues. Seasoned executive team. Funding from World Class VCs.

Whether you work for Okta's engineering, sales, marketing, business development or customer success team, one thing is certain - you'll find colleagues that will engage, inspire and challenge you. We're a passionate group of people who believe that cloud architecture is here to stay. And our laser-like focus on customer success and technical/operational excellence has enabled us to be a leader in identity management.

It's a fast-paced, agile work environment and we need the best and the brightest to help us change the world. Building and selling the future of IT is no small feat - you love challenges, work hard, play nice with others - and if you know your way around a ping pong table, that doesn’t hurt either.

We are on Glassdoor's best places to work for 2015.

Positions: https://www.okta.com/company/careers.html

Shoot me a line to discuss at vimarsh.karbhari@okta.com and mention you saw this on HN.

Paytm Labs - http://paytmlabs.com/ - Toronto

We are part of Paytm, India’s largest mobile commerce platform - http://inc42.com/tag/paytm/ We have partnership with Alibaba, the world's largest e-tailer (bigger than Amazon+Ebay) - http://inc42.com/buzz/alibaba-enters-india-buys-25-stake-pay...

We are building the next generation mobile commerce platform that will support over 100 million users. Every piece of technology that we build and libraries we use will have to perform at Internet-scale.

Are you someone that looks for the hardest challenge? More details here: https://jobs.lever.co/paytm/07eb725f-77d2-4061-bbdf-d721a34b...

HumanGeo - http://thehumangeo.com - Washington, DC - Technologists/Developers

HumanGeo creates innovative geospatially oriented products and solutions for government and commercial clients. We usually get to work on blank slates to build large scale databases and applications. We also like to brew beer and play Mario Kart.

Citizenship required.

> Citizenship required.


> Technologists/Developers

Can you add a job desc please.

Bina Technologies | Redwood shores, CA | Software engineers, DevOps

We code to cure! At Bina, we have a passion for improving lives by accelerating the science of personalized medicine. This is where Life Science meets Computer Science.

The science of interpreting the genome is an exciting work in progress. Next-generation sequencing and genomic measurement technologies are providing us with unprecedented visibility into the origins of health and disease. However, the main challenge is enabling the analysis and management of massive datasets being produced by scientists and researchers around the world.

If you have no clue about genomics, don't worry, none of our software engineers did before they joined Bina. you can learn the basic from this meetup we gave: http://www.slideshare.net/amirhkiani/code2cure

To apply, visit our website at http://www.bina.com/openings or email careers@bina.com

Nomiku | San Francisco | Engineering, Design, Marketing | Full-time / Internship

    - Full-Stack Developer
    - iOS Developer
    - Mechanical Engineer
    - Junior Graphic Designer
    - UI/UX Designer
    - Part-Time Video Editing Intern

    We are building a new team to focus on our eattender.com
    sous vide app. You will be one of our first software 
    engineering hires. 

    Nomiku (YCW15) is changing the way people cook by 
    making great, restaurant-quality food easy. In fact,
    Nomiku is used by the best restaurants in the world. 
    From our humble office and production space in the    
    Mission district of San Francisco, we are making the 
    best cooking tools the world has ever seen, and making
    them accessible to everyone.  Our kitchen churns out new 
    recipes daily, and we regularly consult with top chefs 
    and food scientists on producing better quality food. We 
    have family meal served daily and share food together all
    the time.

Course Hero, located in the San Francisco Bay Area (Redwood City, CA), is looking for a Senior Software Engineer

Course Hero is creating a platform where students and experts can share and access great academic content they need to succeed at any time, from anywhere. Today, millions of students take advantage of our educational resources including study guides, flashcards and tutors.

Course Hero is looking for a Sr. Software engineer who can hit the ground running. Our engineering team releases code every day to millions of people, so we're looking for someone who can take on challenges, build new features, and iterate quickly.

As compensation, we're offering a competitive salary, stock, full benefits, 401k, regularly planned team events and outings, Free Friday lunches, endless snacks & drinks, plus on-site amenities including a day spa, full-service cafe, and free membership to a 7500 sq ft fitness center.

For more information, visit: http://www.thesourcery.com/jobs/793

Python Technical Trainer, Enthought, Austin, TX https://enthought.com/company/careers/

Enthought, a global leader in scientific and analytic software, training and consulting solutions utilizing the Python programming language, is seeking a talented Python instructor with a passion for learning and teaching and solid experience in using Python for scientific computing / data science applications. The position will be based out of our downtown Austin office and you will travel both domestically and internationally to teach Python to scientists, engineers, analysts, and data scientists across a range of industries. Please see https://enthought.com/company/careers/python-technical-train... for more information. To apply, please email your resume to jobs@enthought.com.

Course Hero, located in the San Francisco Bay Area (Redwood City, CA), is looking for a Software Engineer

Course Hero is creating a platform where students and experts can share and access great academic content they need to succeed at any time, from anywhere. Today, millions of students take advantage of our educational resources including study guides, flashcards and tutors.

Course Hero is looking for a software engineer who can hit the ground running. Our engineering team releases code every day to millions of people, so we're looking for someone who can take on challenges, build new features, and iterate quickly.

As compensation, we're offering a competitive salary, stock, full benefits, 401k, regularly planned team events and outings, Free Friday lunches, endless snacks & drinks, plus on-site amenities including a day spa, full-service cafe, and free membership to a 7500 sq ft fitness center.

For more information, visit: http://www.thesourcery.com/jobs/792

Network Locum, London (http://www.networklocum.com)

Network Locum is an online marketplace matching doctors with healthcare providers looking to fill gaps in their rota. We're on a mission to take the power out of the hand of recruitment agencies and eliminate waste from the NHS by freeing up the data.

Our technology stack comprises mainly of interconnected microservices in Python and Django communicating over Redis, with some Angular.js giving our front-end a bit of dazzle. It’s quite cool.

What we believe in * Getting stuff done * Testing quickly and often * Making informed, data-driven decisions * Lean principles and Agile + Scrum project management * Developers spending their time doing what they do best: developing * Cultural fit is as important as raw technical skills are

We have an office in Shoreditch which our team of 12 works out of. If you’d like to join us and be challenged on a daily basis, while having fun with great people, then shoot us your github profile to michael@networklocum.com

Apptentive — Data Science + Android — Seattle, WA

Our goal is to provide better communication between businesses and their customers through in-app interactions, including messaging, surveys and notes (and, yes, ratings prompts too). We have open-source mobile SDKs for iOS, Android and Cordova (https://github.com/apptentive).

We're looking for a fairly experienced data science person with a background in natural language processing and machine learning and familiarity with related processing and visualization tools.

We're also looking to for someone with Android expertise to fill out that half of our mobile development team (currently we're two iOS-specialzed devs and one Android).

Finally we're looking for a couple of people with sales experience, but I don't feel qualified to summarize those, so check out our jobs page for more info: http://www.apptentive.com/jobs/

Senior Front-End Engineer (Bend Oregon, Remote) (full time)


You know the future of the web: front end applications built on top of fast versatile APIs. You want to build technically challenging, well designed applications that are easy to use and allow the user to accomplish things they wouldn’t otherwise be able to. You know when to use a library or framework and when to build from scratch to achieve the best results.

Modern technology and delightful experiences are at the heart of Manzama and you’ll be a core part of defining the architecture and engineering the front end experience. You’ll get the freedom to execute on your vision and build online experiences from concept to implementation, with an incredible team to help you every step of the way. You will be a very large part of a small team.

At Manzama, you will: • Lead the development of the front end of our web app to delight our customers. • Work closely with other developers to design and implement new features and functionality to help our users manage their information overload and discover business-critical information. • Commit and deploy high quality code regularly • Create libraries and APIs that enable modular, extensible design • Optimize the code and deployment to create a fast and efficient user experience
 We’re looking for people who are: • Highly skilled in Javascript • Experienced with production MVC Javascript applications • Experts in HTML and CSS • Experienced with writing well tested code • Knowledgable of web development best practices
 Brownie points for these: • Familiarity with Python/Django • Experience with JS frameworks such as React, Angular, Ember, and Backbone • Experience with CSS pre-processors  (SaSS, Less) and other frontend build tools (Yeoman, Bower, Grunt)

Alation (http://alation.com), Redwood City, CA

Looking for UI and data Software Engineers, DevOps, Demand Marketing, and Sales Development Representatives. VISAs welcome, though we can't relocate international candidates right now.

Alation is democratizing access to data by tackling one of the most universal challenges in analysis – the challenge of context. We analyze petabyte-scale data warehouses at companies ranging from eCommerce to online radio to improve the way data is accessed. Alation has brought together an incredible team of engineers, designers, and executives from Google, Apple, Oracle, IBM, one-man startups and top schools. Just announced: a $9m Series A, and our customers include eBay, Square, and Hipmunk.

We've got a great product in a huge market with the right people for the job, and we have a hell of a lot of fun. Come join us!

http://jobs.lever.co/alation or contact joanna.leon@alation.com

Instructor, Web Development Intensive – Philadelphia and New York City- Full Time 3-month Position


The New York Code + Design Academy has been teaching web development to professionals since 2012 with locations in New York City and Philadelphia.

We’re inviting applicants to apply for the position of Senior Instructor for our Web Development Intensive class, a 12-week long full-time program beginning in June. Classes are being offered in New York City and Philadelphia.

Candidates should be well versed in HTML, CSS, JavaScript/JQuery, The terminal, Git, GitHub, Ruby, Sinatra, Rails.

This is a 3 month engagement with the possibility of further teaching pending performance. For more information, check out http://nycda.com/careers/#IntensiveInstructor

To apply: Email jobs@nycda.com. Please include your resume and links to your github, portfolio, and/or web applications that you have worked on!

relayr @ Berlin, Germany - Senior backend developer (Scala) - Full time - https://relayr.io/jobs

A platform for the Internet of Things, connecting smart devices to each other, and to app developers. We’ve created three easy tools (Platform as a Service, SDKs and a Sensor-Kit – the WunderBar) which allow developers to quickly program Internet of Things solutions, with sensor data to create applications for their physical surroundings. We use Scala for our backend (with some stuff in Node.js). We don't expect you know Scala, we are looking for a strong developer who has already established themselves in another language.

The Mission:

  - Design and implement new features for the backend 
    (Scala, Rest Services, Akka, Postgres, Cassandra, RabbitMQ, etc.) 
  - You will be involved in designing features, not just implementing them.
  - Help building data streaming / analytics infrastructure.
  - Work on scalability / performance problems.
Your Desired Skills:

  - Minimum 3-5 years experience on challenging server-side projects, 
    ideally on JVM platform.
  - Some expertise in building real-time distributed systems & services, 
    ideally experience in big data systems (Kafka, Spark, Hadoop).
  - Experience in REST API development.
  - Experience with SQL and NoSQL databases.
  - Good level of English.
We will

  - Listen to and value your opinion
  - Value and respect you as a person
  - Make mistakes, break stuff, learn and move on
  - Operate in a non-hierarchical open fashion
  - Ask you to work on latest technologies
A small and growing team where your influence and skills will be needed, recognised and rewarded.

Please write to jobs at relayr.io

Boston Globe Media - http://bostonglobemedia.com/careers - Boston, MA

In engineering & IT we're hiring:

- Full Stack Web Developers - PHP / JavaScript / Advanced WordPress

- Front End Web Developer - BostonGlobe.com

- Data Security Specialist

- Senior Systems Administrator

But we're also hiring for data science & analytics, product management, design, marketing, and more.

Since the Boston Globe separated from the NY Times, we're making big moves within the world of news and media. We have the challenges and innovation-focused mindset of a startup, backed by the resources of an established company, and the credibility of New England's most trusted brand.

We're hiring top-tier developers, product managers, UX designers, and content directors to build, brainstorm, and grow new products. If you want to help shape the future of journalism, check out our open jobs and see if one is right for you:


Open Energy Market - Surbiton (UK) - Full Time - Remote OK

We are looking for a junior Full Stack Developer to join our unique, disruptive, start-up working in the Energy trading sector.

About Open Energy Market

Based just outside London in Surbiton (Surrey), the Open Energy Market is the first and only marketplace for buying commercial energy. Founded by two experienced entrepreneurs, our technology is re-defining the commercial energy space. Since our launch in October 2013 we have built an impressive portfolio of clients and partners, providing technology based solutions for large scale energy buyers. Our clients are some of the largest household names in the United Kingdom including restaurant chains, supermarkets and national brands.

For more information about us and what we do, head to https://openenergymarket.com.

About You

You will have a SOLID knowledge of core programming skills, Clean Code, TDD and automation. Our technology stack is .Net MVC, SQL Server and Azure and you will have demonstrable skills in each of these areas. In addition you should have a good working knowledge of web development standards such as Html, JavaScript and CSS.

As our second Full Stack developer you will have the opportunity to help drive the technology and processes that underpin the business. From day one you will be responsible for the development and support of our core applications and deploying them to the Azure hosted environment. You will be a confident developer who is at ease discussing requirements with the rest of the business and who is passionate about the design and testing of new features and changes.

To find out more about us email jobs at openenergymarket dot com and we'll get straight back to you.

Omniata - http://omniata.com/careers/ - San Francisco or Helsinki - Full Stack Engineer - Full time, visa

Omniata enables the entire digital organization - marketers, product managers and data scientists - to run their business based on data. It creates an integrated view of consumers across devices, providing tools to optimize the user experience in real-time. Omniata integrates analytics, CRM, engagement and A/B testing platforms into a single all encompassing solution.

We are looking for a talented full stack engineer to help us take our service to the next level and change how our customers view their business critical data. As such, we hope you have keen interest in big data, data visualization & building modern web interfaces and REST APIs.

You will work alongside product managers, business analysts, designers and other engineers to spec up and implement new parts of our service. This will involve writing code for both browser and server, which interfaces with our back end event data store.

As a full stack engineer you will be responsible for creating the front end of Omniata's service that allows our customers to make the most of their data. You’ll need to have the ability to quickly go from a set of wireframes and requirements to a working web app while taking customer needs and changing priorities into account.

Knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript is required. Familiarity with AngularJS is a plus. Experience with any server side web stack such as: Java, Rails, Node as well as any Python or PHP framework is also assumed.

To apply, drop a one line email with a link to your LinkedIn or GitHub profile to careers-sf@omniata.com or careers-hl@omniata depending on whether you're applying to San Francisco or Helsinki.

BabyList - Oakland, CA

BabyList is making it easier for expecting parents to prepare for one of the biggest events in their lives. These parents-to-be look to us to help them make decisions about what to buy for their baby and where. We have an extremely engaged user-base, we’re growing quickly, making real money and building new products that will take us to the next level.

Frontend Developer - Lead the development of our website. Obsess over user-experience, A/B testing, code maintainability and page-speed. Our stack is Ruby on Rails, MySQL, and Backbone/CoffeeScript/Javascript.

Why should you consider BabyList? We offer: - fascinating work that users actually notice and love

- extremely smart, diverse team

- actual work/life balance

- benefits of an early stage startup (autonomy, fast pace, many hats...), without the risk of the an early stage startup (i.e. our revenue is paying for our growth)

- great office location - Old Oakland neighborhood (3 blocks from 12th street BART)

- we're a team of 8. Everyone has a big impact and is great at what they do.

If you’re interested in hearing more, email me at natalie@babyli.st

London, England. Little startup with a mighty heart. We are a sharing community for students and people who need their skills.

This is a summer internship position. Local is preferred but we will work with remote. We are redeveloping a platform which didn't do our original concept justice. While that happens, we have happy users to keep serving and we need to keep growing. The ideal candidate would have very strong selling skills coupled with the ability to do any job a tiny start up like ours could need; we don't always know what that could be so a ton of imagination, enthusiasm and initiative are needed and welcome! Think 'Swiss Army Knife'!

This is a paid position. If you are remote, we would prefer if you are not more than BST-5 away.

If you strongly feel that this could be you, we'd love to hear from you, by email to satya AT sesquis DOT com with:

Your GitHub profile. Please point out anything you are particularly proud of, your Résumé, and why you feel you are right for this job.

Thanks so much for reading this, we'd love to hear from you!

Airphrame -- San Francisco

Drone startup hiring full stack web developer.

We’re looking to hire a Full-Stack software engineer with solid foundational programming skills and at least 4 years professional experience and has built several large web apps using different front end frameworks.

--Interesting Technology-- Scala Backend. Technologies include http4s, Slick, Postgres, PostGIS Statically typed languages front end. (ie. typescript) AWS skills a plus. Linux System Admin a plus. Devops skills a plus.

--Interesting Business-- At Airphrame, www.airphrame.com, Our goal is to deploy a fleet of fleet of flying robots, potentially 10,000’s across the world, that are constantly updating geophysical data (such as 3D point cloud sets) for mapping platforms, environmental & civil engineers, and other business who can utilize such data. We’ve been in business 3 years, have recently raised 5M serA, and have paying customers who love us. In the present, our data is invaluable to maintaining utilities infrastructure (dams, powerlines, highways, rail, etc). In the future, robots (for delivery, cars, etc) will depend on good mapping data to navigate the physical world - and we will be an essential part of that.

--Interesting People/Place-- We’re a small and highly skilled group who prefers working with top talent than at a big company. Founded by three engineers: Mechatronics, Unmanned Systems, and Software, you’d be in the first 10 employees. We have a young environment with offices in MidMarket SF and a robotics laboratory (aka adult treehouse) in Oakland.

APPLICATION PROCESS Please send an email to: jobs at airphrame.com, subject: [Position Name] Please include github account or code samples Career Page: http://www.airphrame.com/careers/

Company: Postmates

Location: San Francisco

Visa: offer visa transfers and green card sponsorships

Roles: Software Engineers (backend, front-end, Android, iOS, data, generalist)

Job Descriptions: check out our website at https://postmates.com/jobs

About the company: Founded in 2011 and located in San Francisco right next to Caltrain, Postmates is transforming the way local goods move around a city by enabling anyone to get any product delivered in under one hour. Our revolutionary urban logistics and on-demand delivery platform connects customers with local couriers, who purchase and deliver goods from any restaurant or store in a city. With the largest on-demand delivery fleet in the country, we currently operate in 22 cities across the country and continue to expand each month. We are well-funded by Spark Capital, Founders Fund, and Matrix Partners (full list below), and our Series B was raised earlier this year. We also just announced major partnerships with Starbucks and Chipotle.

Airphrame -- San Francisco

Drone startup hiring full stack web developer.

We’re looking to hire a Full-Stack software engineer with solid foundational programming skills and at least 4 years professional experience and has built several large web apps using different front end frameworks.

--Interesting Technology-- Scala Backend. Technologies include http4s, Slick, Postgres, PostGIS Statically typed languages front end. (ie. typescript) AWS skills a plus. Linux System Admin a plus. Devops skills a plus.

--Interesting Business-- At Airphrame, www.airphrame.com, Our goal is to deploy a fleet of fleet of flying robots, potentially 10,000’s across the world, that are constantly updating geophysical data (such as 3D point cloud sets) for mapping platforms, environmental & civil engineers, and other business who can utilize such data. We’ve been in business 3 years, have recently raised 5M serA, and have paying customers who love us. In the present, our data is invaluable to maintaining utilities infrastructure (dams, powerlines, highways, rail, etc). In the future, robots (for delivery, cars, etc) will depend on good mapping data to navigate the physical world - and we will be an essential part of that.

--Interesting People/Place-- We’re a small and highly skilled group who prefers working with top talent than at a big company. Founded by three engineers: Mechatronics, Unmanned Systems, and Software, you’d be in the first 10 employees. We have a young environment with offices in MidMarket SF and a robotics laboratory (aka adult treehouse) in Oakland.

APPLICATION PROCESS Please send an email to: jobs at airphrame.com, subject: [Position Name] Please include github account or code samples Career Page: http://www.airphrame.com/careers/

Reorg Research fast growing financial media/technology company looking for developers. Looking for senior and junior developers to work in our Manhattan office. http://reorg-research.com/jobs.php?title=PHP%20Developer

Email rjones@reorg-research.com if interested.

Insight Catastrophe Group (Operations Engineer, REMOTE or Jersey City, if you like)


The Insight Catastrophe Group is a portfolio manager and risk adviser that specializes in innovative solutions to improve the profitability of property and casualty insurance companies. Our software platform leads the industry in usability, customizability, and quality and depth of analytics.


We're looking for an Operations Engineer to help modernize how we deploy and manage our platform. Our ideal candidate loves getting their hands dirty helping people in order to build tools to solve their problems permanently. You can't be scared of Windows, Linux, Docker, Chef, PHP, ColdFusion, Shell scripting, Python, Ruby or anything running on the JVM (but you don't have to love them either).


You can apply at https://icg360.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0hwx7, or email me at alec.munro@icg360.com for more details

Nickel | Palo Alto, CA | iOS Frontend Developer

Our attitudes and behaviors around money are formed early on and via our parents. That's a tall order for most parents. Nickel is giving parents the superpowers they need to raise money-smart kids.

Longer term, our vision is to disrupt financial services by focusing on people rather than money.

We're early stage (pre-launch) and we're well-funded.

We're looking for a lead iOS developer with exceptional skills in UI implementation.

We're building in Swift because it's awesomer. A penchant for functional programming would fit right in.

Here's more about the role: https://angel.co/nickel-2/jobs/63215-ios-developer

Here's more about Nickel: https://angel.co/nickel-2

Here's our web site: http://nickel.co/

Reach out with questions or to apply: work@nickel.co

Trello (NYC, Remote)


* IT Engineer

* Site Reliability Engineering Team Lead

* Windows Mobile Developer

* Product Designer

Zenefits Hottest startup of the year http://www.zenefits.com/jobs SF bay area/Canada VISA/Remote

This is Radhakrishnan working as Software engineer at Zenefits, San Francisco USA. We are building a kickass engineering team in SF to work on hard and totally new kind of technical problems. We are disrupting the whole Heath Insurance industry which is taking off in US now by providing free software.

We have penetrated only 0.6% of the market. This is without considering international growth and upselling to big companies.

We are looking for engineers who can take a concept from inception to market. The process is extremely autonomous, with little to no, management. You are the PM, tester & developer, building full-stack, who coordinates with our in-house designers. Our revenue model is one of the best in the world and we have seen the hyper growth like no other company in the world.

More info: http://techcrunch.com/2015/01/14/zenefits-financials/

Startup of the year 2014: http://onforb.es/1IoK3aU

Our Tech Stack: Website running on Django/redis/RabbitMQ/Celery. Backend: Python/AWS

We're hiring for engineering offices in San Francisco, CA, USA and Vancouver, Canada

For more info: https://www.google.com/#safe=off&q=zenefits

To apply for job: www.zenefits.com/jobs To learn about the company and challenges: rad@zenefits.com

Workiva | Denver, CO | Interaction Designer (Mid /Sr) | Full-Time

About Us Workiva is reinventing financial and managerial reporting. Our cloud-based applications enable real-time collaboration for the most important and challenging reports, including SEC filings. The easy-to-use interfaces and controls, specifically designed for financial professionals, make the Wdesk product platform the top choice of the most influential organizations in the world.

About You Interaction Designers (IxD) at Workiva are responsible for designing and prototyping superior user experiences across the entire product suite. IxDs work closely with Customers, Engineers, Product Managers and User Researchers to discover, validate, design, prototype, test, and iterate on products that ship continuously.

What You'll Need You have some serious design skills, and the track record of shipping user driven designs and experiences that have delighted your users. You are obsessed with creating great products that enrich and improve the lives of real people. You enjoy utilizing the best methodology to fit the problem, from sketching and whiteboard to bending the Lean Canvas to your will in order to validate opportunities that are quickly translated into the product backlog.

Your safe place is in front of Illustrator/Sketch, where you can quickly produce wireframes, user flows, lightweight personas, mockups and production ready assets. You also possess truly inspiring communication skills, and are constantly iterating on your communication methods to be as effective as possible.

View full posting: https://www.workiva.com/content/interaction-designer-3

Website: http://www.workiva.com

CS Disco (csdisco.com) | Houston, TX | Operations engineers

Disco, a Bessemer-funded legal technology startup in Houston, TX, is always looking for skilled technical support persons to join our elite support team. Both daytime and nighttime shifts are available.

You will do a combination of direct customer support on high level technical problems and programming/scripting to solve customer issues (often involving large amounts of data and/or textual metadata files).

Programming language of choice unimportant, as long as you rock at something. Impeccable English communication skills also required.

We are working on solving some very big and important problems (including machine learning to automagically classify legal documents), and our founders include a Y Combinator graduate and the youngest-ever Harvard Law graduate, as well as some of the top operations engineers, software engineers, and data scientists anywhere. We work hard and play hard.

Please message us directly at jobs@csdisco.com, and let us know why you might be a good fit for Disco!

Mountain View, CA

Contastic (getContastic.com) is an IDG-Accel/Lightspeed funded company building a recommendation engine that uses ML/NLP to automate sales (customers include Splunk, Epic Games, and Proterra).

Join us to pioneer the science of sales by analyzing millions of data points to figure out what makes a sale happen. As research engineer at Contastic you will be responsible for the design and implementation of the machine learning engine that powers our content recommendations. You will lead our efforts to decipher the data we have. This position reports directly to the CEO.


Experience writing production quality, performant code in at least one language Advanced Degree from top tier Engineering School Deep expertise in ML, NLP or AI

Nice to Have: Experience with email/CRM data sets Familiarity with PHP/Python Enterprise SaaS experience

Apply at https://angel.co/contastic/jobs/40242-research-engineer

SUSE is hiring for 88 different positions. 52 in Engineering. (REMOTE OK², CAN OFFER VISA, RELOCATION SPONSORSHIP)

- Nuremberg, Germany

- Prague, Czech Republic

- Beijing, China

- any SUSE location globally or home office

We have positions open for Docker developers, Kernel engineers, Java/Linux developers, Ruby hackers, Rails developers, OpenStack engineers, and QA engineers. SUSE is a 20+ year old company providing a rock-solid enterprise Linux distribution. You can see where we lead here: https://www.suse.com/promo/suse-leadership.html

What do we offer:

- Direct contact with representatives of free/open source software projects worldwide.

- Regular hackathons (Hack Weeks) and workshops on the company, department, and team levels.

- Five weeks vacation. (¹)

- Contributions to pension insurance or capital life insurance. (¹)

- Other common employee benefits (food coupons, health care, sports and cultural activities). (¹)

- Free beverages. (¹)

- We know how to party.

- We celebrate success.

All job postings are available here:


¹ Reference for the example benefits is the office in Germany. They may vary across hiring locations.

² Please note that not all positions are available for remote workers and still relocation may be preferred.

Microsoft - Redmond, WA

We have several positions in my team which builds developer tools for programmers and data scientists. Almost everything we do is open source.

3 positions available for building tools for Python & R. Ideal candidate has a background in building IDE's (editors, debuggers, profilers, etc.). 4+ years exp required. The products/environments are: Visual Studio on Windows, VS Code for mac/linux/win. As an example of what we build, see: http://pytools.codeplex.com

2 positions for building an IPython/Jupyter service. Ideal candidate has a background working with similar technologies and/or large scale services. 4+ years relevant exp required. The dev env is Linux, docker, node. As an example, see http://tmpnb.org

1 Intern position available for working on a project related to the above products.

If interested, pls send your resume to smortaz over at microsoft.com.


Is this python for data science as well, or just sticking with general programming?

Hi. Both! Though focus for next release++ is data science. Think Python+R in Visual Studio and "Visual Studio Code" (the newly released cross-plat lightweight IDE), w features that are relevant to data scientists and technical computing types.

By the way, can you say if we will see better scripting support (python or r) for excel? :p

Also can we have support for Rpy2 or some kind of python -r ffi please????

Sounds super cool! I like the new Microsoft :)

iHeartRadio | Tribeca, New York City

We're hiring senior engineers to complement our already world class engineering team. Specifically iOS, Android, Web (React, Node), Scala.

Also looking for superb test automation engineers.

See more detail on openings at: http://jobs.iheart.com/

Feel free to reach out to jobs@iheart.com with any questions

Verdigris | Mountain View, CA | Full-time [VISA]

Imagine a world where buildings are smart enough to be responsive to your energy usage needs; a building that comes alive and responds to its occupants. What was once considered impossible or cost prohibitive, advancements like Big Data and machine learning technology and the rise of Internet of Things (IoT), we can now actually make buildings smarter by being able to monitor every inch of your building efficiently at unprecedented levels.

Verdigris is a fast growing startup whose mission is to sustain and enrich human life through responsive energy intelligence. Our patented technology separates devices through unique patterns in electrical signals, learning to recognize them as devices: from huge HVAC systems down to smartphones and space heaters — all in real time. We utilize smart sensor hardware, data science, distributed networks, and modern web technologies to bring the highest levels of energy understanding to our customers.

We value process innovations, transparency, embracing challenge, seeking feedbacks, and getting proof to make decisions as heart of our core cultural values.

We are seeking talented, passionate engineers like you to join our team of engineers who care about making an impact to the success of our mission and passionate about energy sustainability and climate change.

We are currently hiring for these positions:

• Web Developer - Frontend developer

• Professional ME - Building engineer

• Hardware EE - Board developer

Verdigris Careers FAQ: https://goo.gl/tQOkUd

Visit us at http://verdigris.co/company/careers to see the job listings

LegitScript - Portland, OR and Dublin, Ireland

We fight fake pharmacies with ruby!

We make the online health product sector safer and more transparent for individuals and businesses. We analyze and report on rogue online pharmacies and dangerous health products. Our services include monitoring, investigative reports, online pharmacy certification, and health product classification. Our mission includes protecting consumers from fake cancer cures, cosmetics that contain mercury, "all natural" supplements that contain dangerous pharmaceuticals, and illegal online pharmacies that fake their certifications and sell prescription medications to anyone who asks. Our clients include Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Visa, Twitter and the FDA.

We have open positions for software developers in both Portland and Dublin, and are also looking for a full time DBA.


General Assembly | http://ga.co | Boston, on-site only | Contract or Full-time | Web Development Instructor (JS, Node, Angular)

We teach people to level up in their tech skills or make a career change to something they love in tech, business, or design.

We're looking for people who love teaching and specialize in Javascript to be instructors for our 12-week web development bootcamp in late June. The program runs for 12 weeks with 2 weeks of training and planning beforehand, so the position is 6/8 - 9/11.

Major topics: Javascript, Node, Express, Hapi, Firebase, HTML/CSS, AJAX, jQuery, Ruby, Rails as an API, Postgres, Angular. Many curriculum materials already exist, but you should be prepared to create your own too. Some examples of student final projects: http://gallery.ga.co/

Many of our instructors have worked as developers for a while and want to try something different, particularly mentoring students (who are an incredibly dedicated bunch). Teaching is challenging, rewarding, and deeply meaningful to all of us here, and students consistently say that taking our bootcamp course has been one of the most transformative experiences of their lives.


- You have at least 2 years of experience as a web developer

- You've worked with Javascript/Node/Angular and perhaps Rails

- You have a knack for explaining how code works to someone who's just starting out

- You enjoy teaching and being a mentor to others

- You're kind, respectful, and enthusiastic

- You can't wait to share your knowledge and skills with our students!

Interested? Email anna.tsykalova@ga.co.

[London - F/T - not remote]

At Mixlr, we’re currently looking to meet great developers with a background in one or more of Ruby, C/C++ and Linux server administration.

Mixlr is a simple way to share live audio. Over 40,000 live broadcasters and millions of listeners use our platform every month, and the use cases go far beyond music: our service is used by politicians, journalists, teachers, podcasters, concert-goers and many more.

Our main web applications are built using Ruby and Ruby on Rails, but we have also built in-house native mobile applications for iOS and Android, and a cross-platform broadcast app in C++ for both Windows and Mac.

We are a small team and to help build and maintain our service, we invest in building great internal tools, monitoring systems and backend processes.

Keywords: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Puppet, Nodejs, Websockets, Redis, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, streaming media, Java, mobile, devops.

For more information drop us a line. jobs@mixlr.com


CopyCopy, London, UK | REMOTE or ONSITE | UX/UI Designer & Marketer

CopyCopy is a young, cosy, startup on the cusp of launching a groundbreaking consumer productivity app. We urgently require a UX/UI designer to beautify and improve the UX of our multi-layered product and also undertake many marketing activities.

The ideal candidate would be comfortable knowing/learning how to:

• Mock up beautiful compelling usable designs

• Implementing new UI for web and mobile apps (Android and iOS)

• Undertaking user research both with on-site interviews and via data-driven analytics

• Perform obvious marketing tasks (can be learned on the job).

Brownie points if:

• You're not afraid to learn desktop UI (Qt QML)

• You're comfortable with Git and other such geekery

• You've been involved in a tech product launch

• You're a British citizen (simplifies tax for us)

Remote applications are fine as long as you're located +/-3 hours from London (GMT) timezone but we're very happy to have you on-site in our London office.

Will consider shorter term or longer-term contract or employment for the right candidate.

Just email a CV to jobs@copycopy.cc

Quartzy (YC W2011)- Accelerating Science in Palo Alto, CA (www.quartzy.com)

Quartzy is working to change the tools scientists use to manage their labs from post-it notes to something a little more in line with the world class research they’re doing. We are well on our way to radically changing the way a $100B industry does business.

We are looking for exceptional engineers. What you build will impact hundreds of thousands of scientists on a daily basis. You’d join a closely-knit team that works hard and has fun doing it.

Tech we work with: php(laravel), mysql, ember-js, redis, beanstalk, nginx, vagrant.

Front-End Developer: http://grnh.se/76onl2

Full-Stack Engineer: http://grnh.se/s4q63l

If you’re interested or would like to chat about the positions, shoot me an email - jane.eisenberg@quartzy.com

We also have a handful of ops positions open that you can check out here: www.quartzy.com/careers

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Senior Systems Engineer - White Plains, NY

LLS is dedicated to curing blood cancer.

We're looking for a Senior Systems Engineer with experience in the following:

- Strong in Active Directory

- Office365

- Desktop imaging and software distribution (Altiris/KACE/etc)


- Cloud backup/restore

- Security and patch management

- SSO (Okta/Onelogin)

- Powershell experience preferred

- SQL experience preferred

Competitive salary and benefits. Some remote work may be possible.

Email hn-jobs@lls.org if you're interested.

San Francisco, CA | Web Developer (frontend, backend, sql)

Brain Health Registry

We're working to accelerate the development of cures for brain disorders by driving down the time and cost of finding research participants through an innovative online registry.

Seeking a developer who excels at Javascript & UX/UI and is no slouch when it comes to backend or SQL. Bonus points if you know our stack (C#/MVC/Azure), but experience with any similar stack is a-ok. Should be smart, get things done, and have some fun.

We'll be building dashboards, apis, and ever more features on the registry and backend portals. Opportunities to work on data analysis (we use R & Python).

Decent salary, solid benefits, awesome coworkers, laptop, stunning location (Lands End)

Email the pertinent details to derek@brainhealthregistry.org


Your link is broken. I think this one is the same thing: https://careers.stackoverflow.com/jobs/employer/Brain%20Heal...

Also, is Remote an option?

Doh! That was the backend link. That's the position. Here's the proper link: https://careers.stackoverflow.com/jobs/86788/web-developer-b...

I'm open to remote and have floated the idea. Willing to press the issue for an great candidate.

Senior Android Developer - London, UK


We're developers of the world's most popular smartphone fitness games, including Zombies, Run!, Superhero Workout, and The Walk. We specialise in creating experiences that weave together storytelling, gaming, and the real world.

Our games are genuinely innovative, and they make the world a better place - we have literally thousands of emails from players telling us we've changed their lives.

We're looking for an Android developer with 2+ years of experience to help us push the limits of what's possible with games that combine the digital and physical worlds. If that's you, email hello@sixtostart.com and visit http://www.sixtostart.com/onetoread/2015/senior-android-deve... for more info.

Dallas, TX: Core Engineer, Cloud Application

At Brainspace (http://brainspace.com), our goal is to meaningfully connect the world. Our groundbreaking core technology is transforming the way people find and connect knowledge and people.

We work in Ruby, Java, and some Clojure, building complex systems with high scalability in the cloud.

Things you’d be doing:

    * Participate in the design, development and deployment of products,
      features and enhancements
    * Build high-performance, scalable applications and APIs
You are a great fit if:

    * You think doing analytics in real time at web scale is a fun challenge
    * You want to work someplace where cookie-cutter off-the-shelf solutions aren't
      good enough.
    * You are willing to dig into Java, NLP, and machine learning. And are not
      afraid of ElasticSearch, Scala, Clojure, or whatever it takes to make great
      things work at scale.

    * Expertise in engineering world-class web applications that scale
      from hundreds to thousands of users and beyond
    * Experience with the AWS toolkit (EC2, S3, Elastic Beanstalk, etc) or similar
    * Familiarity and experience with modern search architectures
    * A level of comfort amidst flying nerf darts and RC helicopters
You love to ship code, have a strong sense of ownership, and an entrepreneurial spirit.

We offer:

    * A great company culture. We work hard and play hard!
    * A challenging objective with great opportunity to technically accomplish
      things you never thought you could
    * Competitive Salary, stock options and a 401k
    * Generous vacation policy
Sound interesting? Let's talk. Drop me a note — adam at brainspace.com

Private Internet Access | West Hollywood, CA or REMOTE | Ruby on Rails & DevOps Engineers


We're one of the world's leading VPN service providers and are looking for Ruby on Rails engineers and DevOps engineers to help us manage our growth and build out new features. Our stack is completely Ruby-based, so the ideal DevOps candidate should be comfortable with Ruby scripts.

We're a remote team (unless you happen to be based in the LA area, in which case you'd want to come work from our beautiful office in West Hollywood hills), and all of our collaboration happens over Slack and Trello, with the occasional email.

Email jobs@privateinternetaccess.com with your resume, a link to your GitHub (or some other site where we can see your code), and what makes you interested in our company. Don't forget to mention you're from HN.

MPA Healthcare Solutions | Chicago IL

Member of the technical team – Software Engineer

MPA is looking for a software engineer to join our small but growing development team. Our team has three primary responsibilities:

1. Supporting and maintaining existing code for building and applying predictive models.

2. Importing datasets from a variety of sources and preparing them for use in modeling.

3. Supporting the research work of our clinicians (which is usually directed toward extending or improving the methodologies employed in responsibility #1).

Skills & Requirements

* Experience in analyzing information, software algorithm design, software design, software debugging, software development fundamentals, software documentation, and software testing

* Demonstrated experience translating business needs and requests into functioning software

* Ability to grasp broad concepts, an acute attention to detail, and the capacity to translate between the two

* Ability to meet deadlines, work within project timeframes, and to quickly adapt to changing business needs

* Strong verbal and written communication skills and organizational skills

* Excellent problem solving skills

* Comfort with and capacity to work in a semi-structured environment

Experience with the following is strongly desirable but not required:

* Healthcare related database experience (e.g. Billing, claims, and registry data)

* Background in statistics, using and creating mathematical models and working with other analytics

* Experience with SAS or R

* A degree in Computer Science, Statistics or a related field

To apply, please send an email to hr@consultmpa.com


Chattanooga, TN Full time - on site

Bellhops has been exploding in popularity because we’re solving a problem that every American has had: moving. We’ve decided to attack this industry that hasn’t seen innovation since Henry Hohnsbeen invented the clipboard. We’re changing that by building a great organization of problem solvers who are at the top of their game. We're a hard working team that has a great time together.

Join us at our Chattanooga, TN Headquarters. The city is home to the first municipal gigabit network in the nation, and was described by Outside Magazine as the best outdoor city in the country.

Tech: Python/Django Developer, DevOps Engineer, Sr. Front End Developer, Mobile Developer (iOS and/or Android) Marketing: Digital Advertising Specialist (with SEM and SEO background)

Contact: careers@getbellhops.com Apply at https://getbellhops.com/careers/ and angel.co

VMware - Palo Alto, CA - Full-time Data Architect for Product Analytics

We are looking for a Chief Data Architect to lead the architecture and design of our Data Analytics Infrastructure.

If you have experience building end-to-end back-end data infrastructure (ingestion, modeling, processing) that uses scale-out architectures to deal with large amounts of data and numerous access patterns, we would love to have you in our team!

You will design v1.0 data infrastructure for product usage analytics with the most appropriate technologies to suit existing and to-be-discovered customer use-cases. Knowledge of Hadoop and Hadoop-related projects, NoSQL and MPP databases is very important, and so is a passion for building great software systems.


TubeMogul|Emeryville, CA (SF Bay Area)

TubeMogul is the global leader in software used by brands and agencies to plan, buy and measure their brand advertising. By reducing complexity, improving transparency and leveraging real-time data, our platform enables marketers to gain greater control of their video advertising spend.

We're looking for engineers with experience working on large-scale, distributed systems.

Some of the roles we're hiring for:

Web Application Architect: http://bit.ly/1E29MlR Principal Software Engineer: http://bit.ly/1KAexbQ

You can also check us out at http://www.tubemogul.com/company/about-tubemogul/careers/

Email me if you're interested at michelle.galan@tubemogul.com

http://www.stryd.com, Boulder, CO | Intern | iOS Developer

Athlete Architect is a multidisciplinary team that is enthusiastic about the future of wearable technology for athletes. Out of this passion, we've developed the world’s first wearable power meter, Stryd, for runners that provides insight into their running technique and performance.

For the iOS development, we use Swift primarily. But we want you to have deep understanding of Objective-C and the best practices of iOS programming. Good sense of design is bonus.

We also want you to be an endurance runner, or a triathlete, or at least to have passion about running.

Relocate to Boulder during the internship is required. But you know what? If you like running, this is pretty much your dream place. You get tons of opportunities to run and train with LOTS of elite athletes who are Stryd ambassadors here.

If interested, please send an email to stryd@stryd.com

San Francisco, CA & Amsterdam | Full Time | On site | Famous

DevOps Engineer Full Stack Software Engineer Framework Engineer Designer (Amsterdam) WebGL Engineer Office Operations Manager Controller Product Manager Technical Program Manager


We're working on many new projects this year. Watch a short video here: Famous.co

We're hiring for front end, back end, full stack, devops, QA - you name it and every team is hiring.

Glimpse into our SF office: http://techcrunch.com/2014/11/18/tc-cribs-famo-us-the-startu...

Amsterdam office: https://famo.us/blog/famo-us-creative-opens-amsterdam/

Feel free to msg me here or at m (@) famo.us if you have questions.

Lendable - https://www.lendable.co.uk/ - London, UK

We're taking the opportunity to build a 21st century financial institution, from scratch. After retail (Amazon) and media (Google), finance is the last great intermediating industry, and the one best suited to being conquered by a tech company.

Our first product: the world's fastest P2P lending platform, powered by real-time automated credit decisions and risk pricing.


We're looking for a developer to own/rebuild the front end of our platform (Choose your own stack!). Beyond that, there are smart uses of behaviour tracking we can extend, plus want to continually improve our user journey.

Job listing on our site: https://www.lendable.co.uk/content/jobs/front-end-developer/

Mixmax | Web or Cloud Engineer | San Francisco | https://mixmax.com

We're a growing, tight-knit team looking for a full-stack engineer.

Mixmax is a communications platform that brings the power of the web to email. With Mixmax, anyone can build an interactive app that works in all email clients. We’re 8 months old, launched a Gmail add-on a couple of months ago and are growing extremely fast. Here's our Twitter wall of love - https://twitter.com/MixmaxHQ/timelines/560278179810533376 - and we recently won at Launch Festival - http://www.launchfestival.com/. Already thousands of customers depend on us for their daily productivity. We have an A++ list of investors that previously backed companies like Twitter, Heroku, Lyft & Square.

We’re an incredibly mission-driven, diverse and fun-loving team. We value personal and professional growth equally and have built multi-million dollar products together in the past. We're based in downtown SF.

Current tech stack: Node.js, Express, Meteor, Redis, Mongo, Handlebars

Check us out at mixmax.com. Email hello@mixmax.com and let’s grab coffee!

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Bridj is hiring an iOS Mobile Engineer in BOSTON,MA


Company Description: Bridj is your everyday transportation system that adapts in real-time to where you live, work, and play. Powered by data, we use a network of express shuttles that offer efficient and flexible trips that are as dynamic as the city you call home. We’re revolutionizing mass transit by connecting travelers directly with their destinations. We fill the void between traditional transportation and expensive customized solutions.

Job Description: You are a mobile first, mobile only developer, are passionate about user centric development in an Agile environment, and want to put your skills to work solving some of the most difficult and important transportation problems.

https://www.futureadvisor.com - http://nyti.ms/X3N7r2

== Experienced infrastructure engineer, San Francisco == (CONTRACT OR FULL-TIME)

FutureAdvisor is an automated investment manager backed by Sequoia Capital. We help our customers cut their investment fees, avoid excessive risks and save on taxes, so that they and their families will face better choices down the road. We have grown 40x in the last 18 months, and manage $600 million in assets for thousands of customers. We also help families save for college, for free.


We're seeking an infrastructure/DevOps engineer. Your job will be to keep FutureAdvisor running smoothly. It might be deploying and maintaining server clusters on EC2, building tools to automate our deployment pipelines or designing and implementing a new piece of the request pipeline. Your job will be to make FutureAdvisor as fast and reliable as possible. You'll work on building out more tools to manage and track our server cluster using AWS technologies like EC2, S3, OpsWorks, and VPC.

Skills you'll need:

    Experience working with AWS
    Experience provisioning and maintaining VPC instances on AWS
    Knowledge of service oriented infrastructure
    Knowledge of working with Linux and Bash scripts
    Experience w/infrastructure mgt tools like Chef or Puppet
    Bonus Experience launching Ruby on Rails apps

Watsi, San Francisco

Watsi is a global crowdfunding platform that enables anyone to directly fund healthcare for people around the world.

    “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”
We’re a team of developers, designers, doctors, and marketers working at Watsi because we believe that everyone, everywhere deserves access to healthcare. We move fast, take risks, and come to work every day excited about building an organization that matters more than we do.

We’re looking for a full-stack developer to join our six-person team in San Francisco. The ideal candidate is an experienced, product-focused generalist who wants to use their skills to bring healthcare to the world. Some of the technologies we use: Rails, Backbone.js, SCSS, Postgres, Redis, Sidekiq, Heroku, RSpec, and Jasmine.

If you’re interested in learning more, please send whatever info you have (linkedin, github, personal site) to jobs@watsi.org.

Position: Full stack engineer (Backbone / Node.js)

Location: SF

Company: Localize.js (https://localizejs.com/). We're a fast growing, engineering-focussed company building tools to simplify website localization and translation. We're redefining how companies localize web applications.

You'll have control over large parts of our product and can meaningfully impact our direction. You'll receive a huge equity grant alongside of a competitive salary with full benefits.

Apply: Email jobs@localizejs.com


We're looking for engineers who really shine in two or more of these areas:

— Experience with our stack (Node.js, Backbone.js, MongoDB, Redis, AWS, Handlebars, Less)

— Familiar with native browser APIs (ability to interact with DOM w/o jQuery)

— Understanding of MVC patterns

— Basic UI design skills

— Experience with early stage companies or building products from the ground up

— Interested or experienced in marketing, distribution, sales;

— Fast learner, autonomous, inquisitive, analytical

Tempo Automation -- San Francisco, CA


Front End / Back End

No one went to engineering school to write boring e-commerce websites. Come help Tempo Automation build the future of manufacturing robots. We are hiring engineers number four and five as front end and back end developers. These two engineers will assist us in building robot infrastructure and putting a user interface on the robot. No robotics skills are required. Candidates should roughly have the following skills:

* College degree in CS/CE/EE or equivalent experience.

* Good python back-end chops -OR- decent front end JS skills.

* Flexible software generalists are our preferred applicants.

* We're a Linux shop, so candidates must be able to navigate a command line.

* Experience with MongoDB, OpenCV, iPython, Pandas, Numpy, and similar packages are a big plus.

Please send a resume and a portfolio of past work to katherine[at]tempoautomation.com.

mPath - http://mpath.com/careers - Palo Alto / San Francisco / Remote

mPath is a new type of productivity app for businesses. Most people don't need all of their business data on their phone – just the pieces that matter to them. With mPath, regular folks can modify the app for their needs (without coding). All of this takes between a few minutes and a few hours. We connect to existing data sources like Salesforce and Box.

Right now, we have a small but very talented team. We're looking for a few more folks:

1. iOS Engineer - Swift/Objective C

2. Startup CTO - full stack engineering leader

3. QA Automation Lead - build a testing program

4. Devops Engineer - Docker, AWS

5. Web Services Engineer - Dropwizard, Phoenix

6. Web UI Engineer - Sinatra and React

Check out our careers page or ping me if you want to know more. http://twitter.com/asagray

Redox - Burley, ID - http://redoxchem.com (interns welcome) The site is ugly, we know. That is why we are looking a great designer to come help us build a better world.

Redox is company growing tremendously fast in the plant health area (think fertilizer) and needs an amazing designer who would be willing to come help us grow. We would prefer you to be in Burley, depending on experience we could be flexible. This position will be helping us with both print materials as well as all our digital assets - new marketing websites, new intranet, and cool new iPhone/iPad app.

The plant health industry is a $185Bil industry world wide and we making major inroads into much bigger players because of some of the a number of key patents that we hold.

If you need more information or would like to apply, please contact us at it@redoxchem.com. We would love to talk.


  AdGear - Rails Application Developer - Montreal, Canada
  AdGear - Operations Systems Developer - Montreal, Canada
  AdGear - Analytics Developer - Montreal, Canada
  AdGear - Mobile Developer (SDK component) - Montreal, Canada
AdGear is a digital advertising technology company providing platforms and services for digital media innovators such as publishers, advertisers and media agencies. We operate a full-stack advertising platform enabling our customers to innovate with formats, audience data, reporting, pricing and distribution strategies.

For more information, complete description of roles, and details on applying, please see http://adgear.com/company/careers/

Please make sure to CC lp at adgear.com with your email to jobs at adgear.com so we know you're from HN :)

Tolq.com | Amsterdam / The Hague, Netherlands | Developer, Frontender

Tolq.com is a young, fast growing startup, working hard on making translation of websites as easy as a couple of clicks.

Our solution is a javascript snippet placed in a website. After the client places an order via our platform, they are served with a translation by professional translators. We provide both the interface for the client as for the translators.

Our backend is mostly written in Rails frontend by React. We also have some Node parts lingering around, some Clojure and generally, we're very open to trying new things.

We are a easygoing, flexible startup. We value autonomous, creative work where you grow with the company. You can work from anywhere as long as you enjoy what you do and love creating beautiful code.

See http://www.tolq.com/jobs for full details and contact information.

Virtulus | Cambridge, MA | www.virtulus.com

We're building a location-based, smart mobile search engine that delivers the right information at the right time and place, without having to switch between a hundred different apps on your phone to get the information you need. In some sense we want to become a search engine that can search "inside apps" by indexing content within APIs. Co-founders are both MIT EECS PhD graduates.

Please write to us for more details: info@virtulus.com

We're looking for

* back-end engineers who have a passion for location-based services and huge graph databases. Our software stack uses Python, Flask, MongoDB, Neo4j, Redis and running on AWS

* front-end engineers with a good sense of design and experience developing iOS native apps and/or responsive HTML5 apps

Prefer Boston area candidates, but we will also welcome exceptional candidates from the Bay Area (the founders may consider moving the company there in the future).

Level Solar - Boston / Cambridge MA / NYC -- http://levelsolar.com

Level Solar is a residential solar installer. We are a startup, one year in, and already have hundreds of installs in the Long Island area. Our HQ is in NYC and we have a software team growing in Cambridge MA. Some examples of project directions include:

- automating key parts of the lead to sale process

- mobile development on internal apps

- mobile development on external (customer-facing) apps

- (IoT) home automation and data collection

- We are additionally looking for a Salesforce.com Administrator

We are looking for a few awesome contributors. Please respond if you are experienced in object-oriented programming and mobile development. Please also mention if you've worked with sales automation, solar, or projects in the internet of things space. Please reach out to jim <dot> wagner <<at>> levelsolar <dot> com.

Software Developer - Houston, TX - Permanent, Direct Hire

Are you a software developer with a passion for technology? If so, we are interested in speaking with you. Pariveda Solutions is experiencing tremendous growth in our Houston, TX office. We are looking for software developers who have 4 to 8 years of experience who want to be challenged and continue to grow with a our structured career path. We are seeking additional skills in one or more of the following areas: Mentoring junior developers Leading small teams Involved in work estimations Involved in resource management or resource planning Design experience

We offer the best of consulting (working with different technologies, industries, clients, teams, and projects) without the hassle of living out of a suitcase (10-15% travel outside of Houston).

If you are interested, please send your resume with contact information to shanna.wright@parivedasolutions.com.

ZeroCater, San Francisco

The marketplace for company meals. We help companies feed their employees by sourcing food from awesome local restaurants and caterers. We’re profitable, doing 10s of millions in yearly sales and growing quickly.

- VP of Engineering https://jobs.lever.co/zerocater/9488d8f8-4697-4c14-9528-6375...

- Full Stack Engineer ($100k - $150k, plus above market equity) https://jobs.lever.co/zerocater/4a587a80-c04f-4f74-88f9-d9c8...

- Product Manager https://jobs.lever.co/zerocater/79e4b5f9-f67e-4422-8836-3f80...

NO remote, NO visa

There's a misspelling on the Full Stack Engineer post: "You appreciate good design, wether it is a clean API or good UI."

Fixed. Thanks for the catch!

Lyft - https://www.lyft.com/jobs - San Francisco, CA With the tap of a button, passengers in need of a ride are instantly connected to nearby drivers. We currently operate in 65+ cities all across the country, and with your help, we’ll take Lyft worldwide! If growth excites you, this is the place to be!

We're looking for: - Software Engineers - Android Engineers - Product Managers - iOS Engineers - DevOps Engineers - Data Engineers - Data Analysts - Senior Web Developer - Lead Product Designer

Stack: AWS, MongoDB, PHP, Python, Go, AngularJS Interested? kiana a/t lyft d/o/t com. Open to coffee/tea or whatever to discuss. Incredible team, top medical & dental, open vacation policy, 401k, catered lunches, snacks, dogs, equipment, Lyft credits, support Visas, etc. -----

Embedded Systems Engineer | Shift Labs (YCW15) | http://www.shiftlabs.com | Seattle, WA

Help change medical devices. We're looking for an immediate electrical engineer with embedded systems knowledge to help improve Ebola patient care, and improve safety for Ebola health workers.

· Expert at embedded software development · Expert at electronics circuit design, testing, and PCB layout (digital and analog) · Experience with electronics design for manufacture, dealing with suppliers, including putting together electronics manufacturing packages to get production quotes. · Capable in ultra-low power design · C and C++ experience

Learn more at: http://www.shiftlabs.com/jobs.html To apply, email jobs@shiftlabs.com

Drivy, Paris - Backend Engineer (Ruby, Rails...) / Fullstack / Android Developer

Our goal is to replace car ownership by a better service: shared cars available at every corner will offer the flexibility and proximity of ownership without the burden of maintenance. We already have a significant traction and rank #1 worldwide on the market of peer-to-peer car rental, but we believe the adoption should be 100 times larger in just a few years.

We're currently looking for Backend, Android and Fullstack engineers to join our tech team in Paris. Positions are detailed here: https://en.drivy.com/jobs

If it sounds like something interesting to you, please contact me directly via marc+jobs@drivy.com

_Please note that the position is in Paris, France. We might consider remote work in the future, but we are not ready to accept it just yet._

Engineering @ Handy | New York, NY

Handy is an on-demand cleaning and home improvement service platform that has quickly become the dominant player in the industry.

We are looking for talented engineers with a diverse skill set who:

         *Love to solve complex real-world problems
         *Enjoy implementing new technologies
         *Want to work with an accomplished and inspired team
         *Are eager to be a part of a fun company culture
We are looking for:

         * Full Stack Engineers (Senior & Mid-Level)
         * iOS/Android Developers (Senior & Mid-Level)
         * Senior Data Engineer
Bonus points if you're down with:

         *Ruby on Rails
Please apply @ https://www.handy.com/careers or email recruiting@handy.com

Connexity - Camarillo, CA (Los Angeles area)

Are you a talented software engineer ready to make a huge impact in a medium-sized business? We work at a scale where seemingly small improvements can have a big impact. You'll be working right in the heart of the profit center.

Our division of Connexity works in online display advertising through RTB, and run 50 to 100 million impressions each day. Our total transaction volume is between 5 and 10 billion per day. You've probably got our cookies in your browser, and we've served ads on nearly every site you've ever visited.

We're primarily looking for someone to contribute to our Rails app. It's used to administer hundreds of advertising campaigns across hundreds of publisher sites. It's not just boring CRUD. It's the heart of our display advertising business. The business folks will know you and have a tremendous amount of appreciation for your work.

This role is a great way to learn advertising tech as well as other tools. In addition to the conventional Rails work, you'd get hands on experience with Redis, Hbase, PostgreSQL, and Scala. Several on the team started in the Rails app and have moved into other areas of interest (low-latency RTB bidder written in C or sophisticated reporting and optimization). Not really possible to get bored around here unless you're a boring person.

Our team is sharp and works well together. We enjoy perks such as paid lunch, a 9/80 schedule (to get every other Friday off) and unlimited vacation; the culture of our team recognizes and respects the importance of your non-work life. Also, Ventura county is a pretty nice place to live/work. If you've got Rails or other relevant web app experience, that's a good start. More importantly, you'll be eager to learn display advertising inside and out.

Unless you prefer to start with a HR-oriented chat, you can reach me (a lead engineer on the team) at david.larsen@connexity.com.

Boston, MA - Full stack developer - SessionM

SessionM is the market leader in mobile-first digital loyalty and engagement solutions. Thousands of leading brands work with us to establish one-to-one relationships with their audiences, increase customer lifetime value and identify key consumer segments for personalized insights, remarketing and acquisition initiatives.

We are looking for individuals with strong backgrounds in developing dynamic high volume mobile and web applications with a mobile first approach. Ideal candidates are passionate and experienced web developers building consumer services ideally with experience in Ruby, JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS.


If interested email eng-jobs at sessionm.com

Switzerland, Zurich | Full-time | DevOps, Front-end, and Back-end.

This might be a very exciting, well-paid opportunity if you can get a Swiss work permit (= if you are from the EU). We're a Swiss software shop that is re-building an existing e-commerce solution from scratch. Our young, motivated web-team is looking for DevOps, Front-end, and Back-end people. One of our teams is currently using the following tech-stack:

- Python/Flask

- MongoDB

- Elasticsearch

- RedHat and Docker

- Gulp

Other teams use other technologies (e.g., Php, Java and even C#; currently, we are looking into NodeJS and React).

We look for people who can reason about technology and contribute with their ideas.

Contact me for further info: iwang at fastmail . net

I myself moved to Switzerland only recently. My experiences living and working here can be found on medium: "Eight reasons why I moved to Switzerland to work in IT" http://goo.gl/EIX4UX)

Robinhood (www.robinhood.com) - Full-Time in Palo Alto, CA

Data Infrastructure Engineer - We're seeking an experienced data infrastructure engineer to architect and build our real-time data analytics and event pipeline.

iOS Engineer - We’re looking for an experienced iOS engineer to help build the Robinhood iOS app, for both iPhone and iPad. This is truly a next-generation trading app that takes advantage of all the newest iOS 8 features, while featuring a highly custom UI. Extensive experience with CoreData, UIKit, and RestKit is a big plus.

Web Engineer - We are seeking an experienced frontend web engineer to help build the Robinhood web app, for both desktop and mobile. The product features real-time, live-updating data and context-dependent interfaces, so you’ll be building a very rich client-side web application.

Please send resumes to careers@robinhood.com with subject line HN:[Title of Position]

New York City - Moat San Francisco - Moat

Moat is a growing analytics startup with products in two core areas:

1) Analytics

Moat Analytics analyzes content and advertisements for many of the most trafficked websites on the Internet. We give customers metrics like ad viewability, attention and user engagement. We were one of the first companies to begin measuring viewability and we helped make these metrics a standard in the online ad industry.

2) Search

We scrape the Internet for online ads. This allows us to give advertisers, publishers and adtech companies an overview of the entire online ad ecosystem. This is hugely valuable information - our customers can see their competitors' ad campaigns, find prospects by seeing the clients of similar sites or see trends in the industry before anyone else. We have a free product, moat.com and a premium product, Moat Pro.

Both technical and non-technical openings can be found at jobs.moat.com

Transitmix | San Francisco | Front-end and Back-end Engineers


We're rebuilding urban planning tools -- the stuff cities use to plan the streets, zones, and transit. We launched a better bus route planning tool in January and already have 28 cities using it plan their transit networks.

We're hiring for two roles:

- Software Engineer. Someone to dig into bus optimization algorithms, wrangle gps and ridership data, and manage geospatial web services. You'll have a lot of leadership around this and we're flexible about the language (our existing codebase is ruby and python).

- Product Engineer. Blend javascript and design to build great UIs. We've put a lot of effort into building an easy, beautiful app for a complex domain, and you'll be in charge of keeping that standard.

Email us at jobs@transitmix.net

Bigleaf Networks | Portland, OR | Lead Software Engineer

We provide internet redundancy and optimization, keeping businesses connected to the cloud across multiple ISP connections. Our proprietary platform uses Software-Defined-Networking technologies to provide seamless failover and dynamic application prioritization.

We need someone to join our team to handle:

• Software Projects: You'll be responsible for driving the development of new systems, features, and bug-fixes; coordinating people and resources to ensure projects are done excellently and on-time. You’ll lead the technical development of our software and systems forward, navigating challenging projects and complex decisions.

• High-availability software design, development and deployment: Our customers purchase our service to improve their network reliability and performance. In this role you'll carefully brainstorm, design, build, and deploy systems that are fault-tolerant, efficient, fail gracefully, and solve problems in creative ways. You should have the ability and vision to solve challenging business needs through artful and scalable software and system designs.

• Troubleshooting: Our software has to run efficiently, and our network has to run almost flawlessly. You'll spend time diagnosing problems in code and with Linux system integration, testing code updates, and helping with network operations, all to ensure our customer's don't have to think about their internet (because it always works).

• Linux Systems Development: We run a software-based network that relies extensively on Linux. You will help ensure that these systems are designed and implemented in a scalable and reliable manner, with appropriate security measures in place.

For more details see http://www.bigleaf.net/careers/

If this sounds of interest to you, please email me at joelm@bigleaf.net

Baatna | Gurgaon, India | CTO/ Full Stack Developer / Co-founder

Baatna is an android app that lets you borrow stuff instantly by shouting out your need to your neighbours, friends and people in your surroundings.

We are a team of passionate entrepreneurs working on this disruptive concept in the sharing space and has been getting huge interest from investors and other entrepreneurs working in the P2P domain.

We work out of an incubator in Gurgaon along with the support and guidance from plenty of successful mentors and angels.

We are looking for some awesome tech visionaries to come onboard.

Check out the full details here if you're interested- https://angel.co/baatna/jobs/64526-cto-full-stack-dev-co-fou...

OR for further discussion, just drop us a mail at - poras@baatna.com

Society of Grownups | Brookline, MA (Boston)


We're a startup focused on promoting financial literacy, with a mix of in-person classes and a suite of online tools ranging from virtual classrooms to financial plan generators. We do all of our content development in-house, and are looking for talented engineers to help us reach grownups nationwide.

We're specifically looking for a senior engineer who wants to take a mentorship role, helping our team become better Javascript developers, through functional programming concepts and automated testing. You should have experience with other languages, but with a deep knowledge of Javascript.

Want to know more? Send an email to careers@societyofgrownups.com, or reach out to me directly via the address in my profile.

PolicyGenius | Brooklyn, NY (New York, NYC)


We're looking for full-stack and front-end engineers who like Rails and React to join us in our Williamsburg office overlooking the East River.

About PolicyGenius:

We're a digital insurance broker for the self-service consumer. Insurance is confusing and filled with sleazy sales folk who try to sell you things you don't need. We're all about educating the consumer to help them determine what kind of insurance coverage they need and then to help them find the best deals on insurance.

Want to know more? Check out https://www.policygenius.com or https://angel.co/policygenius/. Or just email me at josh@policygenius.com and I'd be happy to answer any questions

Zenefits - http://www.zenefits.com/ - HQ in San Francisco, CA, Zenefits is being called one of the fastest growing SaaS businesses ever. We provide free cloud HR software to any business below a thousand customers, and make most of our money selling health insurance.

• San Francisco, CA - Software Engineer, full stack (Full Time) - Python, Django, JavaScript, and CSS. 2+ yrs exp.

• San Francisco, CA - UI Engineer (Full Time) - JavaScript, Ember.js, CSS, and MVC with Django.

• San Francisco, CA - Lead Application Security Engineer (Full Time) - 5+ yrs exp.

• Vancouver, BC - Senior Software Engineer (Full Time) - Python, Java, C++, OOP, XML/JSON, REST API, Agile, Git. 5+ yrs exp.

More info on these openings: http://www.zenefits.com/jobs

American Reading Company - http://www.americanreading.com - King of Prussia, PA - Software Developer

We’re looking for an in-house software developer who can help us maintain and grow our online performance management system, SchoolPace. Schools use SchoolPace to do online formative assessment with students, report on student progress, and use data to drive the instructional process. SchoolPace was built using PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. The SchoolPace infrastructure includes web servers, API servers, and database servers that run on Linux.

More Information: http://www.americanreading.com/about-us/careers/#SoftwareDev...

Apply: hr@americanreading.com

PiinPoint (YC W14) - Waterloo, ON, Canada - Software Engineering & Marketing

We're a spatial analysis web software for retailers to place optimal new locations. We're currently hiring a Full Stack Developer and a Head of Marketing.

Full Stack Developer: https://piinpoint.com/index/careers#posting1

Head of Marketing: https://piinpoint.com/index/careers#posting3

We want to keep the team located here in Waterloo rather than having remote employees at this point. Technologies that we work with include PostGIS and Python for analysis with a focus on machine learning to predict sales, and React with the Flux design pattern for the frontend with Leaflet maps.

Software Engineer

Kira Talent (www.kiratalent.com/about/) - Toronto, Canada


Our mission is to help schools predict their most successful students. We're used by almost half of the top MBA programs across North America, and are quickly growing in engineering, undergraduate business and science programs.

Applicants complete timed and written assessments created by the school, that test non-cognitive competencies like leadership, creativity and empathy. Admissions teams can then better evaluate students and build a stronger program overall.

We've raised over $3M of financing, and are growing our engineering team in all areas (full-stack web, infrastructure, etc).

Here's what we're working on: - architecting and building global infrastructure to scale our video recording and streaming - workflow features that help admissions team assign applicants to certain reviewers, and manage their reviewing teams - capturing analytics data about how our users use the product, and making decisions internally - data trumps everything!

Here's what we use: Python (Django), JavaScript (jQuery, RequireJS, FlightJS), MySQL, Celery, RabbitMQ, Wowza, AWS, ActionScript.

You’d be a great fit to our team if you have: - 2+ years of software engineering experience in production - Proven yourself as an A+ engineer through great work results, interesting hobby projects, open source contributions, or superior academic results - Deep experience with multiple programming languages including Python, C, Java, Ruby, JavaScript

Since we’re a small team (you’d be #16), we have lots of fun together! We host bi-weekly lunch & learns, beer o’clock on Friday afternoons, board game nights every few weeks and have done tons of activities outside of work (i.e. wine tasting, cottage retreat, etc).

My name is Konrad, and I'm one of the founders! Send me a note at konrad@kiratalent.com if you're interested!

Windsor Circle http://www.windsorcircle.com/ - Durham NC

- Python Developers

- JavaScript Developers (Backbone/Marionette)

- QA Engineer


We're hiring developers to join our funded startup (in 2014 we closed a $6.25M Series B) to help us build and expand our market leading Retention Automation Platform.

Our tech stack includes Python, Pyramid, and PostgreSQL on the backend and Backbone.js/Marionette on the front end. This is an exciting opportunity to get in on the ground floor with salary and stock options while working with cutting edge technology.

Telecommuting is available 1-2 days/wk with the rest of your time spent in our awesome downtown Durham, North Carolina office.

More info here: http://www.windsorcircle.com/jobs

Ruby Developer, Shoreditch, London. Local only.

Oscar Music are looking for a talented ruby developer.

We provide a hosted music streaming service, web site and mobile apps for our customers to white-label. We do this with a lot of ruby code (but not really rails), mysql, puppet, debian, some couchdb, sphinx and git.

We work in Shoreditch, in an office with lots of character and friendly people. We get to work on interesting new tech and keep ourselves very busy. We're a small team, and there is a lot going on, so whatever your current skills, you'll definitely be learning new things here. We've also got some interesting new work in the pipeline.

If you are interested in finding out more, check out the job spec and the company at http://mediasp.com/jobs.html and please get in touch.

Polycom, Inc. | Full-time | Austin, TX

Polycom helps organizations unleash the power of human collaboration. More than 400,000 companies and institutions worldwide defy distance with secure video, voice and content solutions from Polycom to increase productivity, speed time to market, provide better customer service, expand education and save lives. Polycom and its global partner ecosystem provide flexible collaboration solutions for any environment that deliver the best user experience, the broadest multi-vendor interoperability and unmatched investment protection.

Looking for Automation Engineers, Software Engineers, Android UI developers, and more! Feel free to apply directly http://careers.polycom.com/ OR email me directly: mackenzie.spykerman@polycom.com

Healthify | New York, NY | http://healthify.workable.com/

Healthify is looking for a full-stack web developer with expertise in Ruby and Ruby on Rails and a frontend web developer who is excited to help us deliver modern UI/UX to an industry and population in dire need of it.

We are working on real problems affecting the lives of populations that have been forgotten and marginalized by the tech industry for far too long. You will help define how the healthcare market delivers on the promise of reform and have the potential to lower the trillions of dollars we spend on healthcare. Your programming will have an immediate and dramatic impact on countless lives and organizations dealing with social needs.

Our job site is healthify.workable.com Our website is healthify.us

Postdoctoral Fellow/Scientist/Software Engineer in whole-cell modeling - Mt Sinai School of Medicine, New York NY

The Karr lab in the Institute for Genomics & Multiscale Biology at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine is seeking talented, ambitious individuals to develop cutting-edge dynamical models of human and bacterial cells. Despite the explosion of experimental data, we do not comprehensively understand how phenotype arises from genotype. Our approach is to develop computational models which predict how behavior emerges from the molecular level by integrating diverse data into a single model. Our goal is to use models to make medicine more precise and personalized by predicting disease progression and drug responses. We are also using our models to engineer bacteria. Our research is highly interdisciplinary involving computational modeling, software engineering, data visualization and curation. We have close collaborations with several experimental groups to build and test our models.

Responsibilities: The candidate will be responsible for developing human and bacterial whole-cell models for precision cancer medicine and synthetic biology. This will include expanding the scope of whole-cell models, incorporating new sources of high-throughput genomic data, and improving the accuracy of whole-cell models. The candidate will work closely with experimental cancer collaborators at Mount Sinai, as well as with Luis Serrano's laboratory at the Center for Regulatory Genomics in Barcelona, Spain.

Desired skills/experience: The ideal candidate has the following skills. Applicants with deep experience in related fields are also encouraged to apply. - Deep experience in dynamical and genome-scale modeling, software engineering, data visualization, and databases; - Strong knowledge of biology, physics, mathematics, and computation; - Several years experience in computational systems biology is a plus; - Excellent object-oriented programming skills in Python, MATLAB, and JavaScript; - Ability to learn new skills and concepts; - Excellent oral and written communication skills; and - Abilities to work independently and within a team effort.

More information: Please visit our website (http://research.mssm.edu/karr/join.html) or contact Jonathan Karr (karr@mssm.edu).

How to apply: Please send a cover letter indicating your research and career goals, a CV, and 2-3 letters of reference to Jonathan Karr (karr@mssm.edu).

CareerVillage.org | Palo Alto, CA | Product Manager I'm the founder of a non-profit tech startup that crowdsources career and college advice for low-income students. We're sort of like StackOverflow, for careers, for low-income youth. We've raised a round of funding recently and I'm looking to bring on a product person to help us build mobile apps based on the successful website we already run, and take our entire platform to the next level of user delight (especially for the students). Apply by emailing us at the email address on the bottom of every page of our website :)

p.s. This job is PERFECT if you're looking to do something with real social impact and PURPOSE! p.p.s Please don't contact us if you're a recruiter. We're looking for direct applicants only at this time. Thanks!

TheSquareFoot - New York, New York - FULL-TIME and INTERN - LOCAL

== The Company == We're a technology-fueled commercial real estate brokerage bringing commercial leasing (a $30 billion/year industry) into the 21st century.

You'll work on our search application (http://www.thesquarefoot.com/ny/new-york), help with our broker digital assistant, TourBot, and contribute to our sales presentation tool, TourBook. We've built these with Ruby, Rails, and with a generous helping of CoffeeScript.

You'll be joining me (the new lead software engineer) and the three other developers and designers, here in our Manhattan office and alongside the rest of our dozen-strong team.

== The Positions == Complete listings and descriptions are available on our Careers page (http://www.thesquarefoot.com/jobs), but I've highlighted the ones most relevant to HN below:

* Senior Software Engineer (http://www.thesquarefoot.com/jobs#openJobsSeniorEngineer). You'll work on the website, primarily, with an emphasis on the front end. Strong design implementation skills will be a big plus.

* UI Engineer (http://www.thesquarefoot.com/jobs#openJobsUIEngineer). You'll work with our lead designer on implementing the web and mobile UI for TourBot, our digital assistant for brokers. (It's not quite Jarvis, but we're working on it.)

* Design Intern (http://www.thesquarefoot.com/jobs#openJobsDesignIntern). You'll work on both digital and print marketing materials, along with work on blog posts, newsletters, and social media campaigns.

* Data Analyst Intern (http://www.thesquarefoot.com/jobs#openJobsDataIntern).

* Product Lead.

You can reach out to me, personally, (hn at thirdtruck dot org) or contact us directly (hr at thesquarefoot dot com). Looking forward to working with you!

Evertoon - San Francisco - Engineer with 3D Games Experience - $100k-$150k with founding-team level of equity

Hiring an engineer with games-engineering experience. Bonus if you worked on a mobile game or with Unity3D.

Evertoon lets users create 3D animated videos by taking regular text and automatically turning it into a movie with avatars acting it out, in just a few minutes. YouTube has proven the vast demand (and money-making power) of online video, but most uploads are still webcam monologues. Evertoon takes it further by allowing users to create a visual world with interesting avatars, animations, and personalized photo backgrounds.

You will be part of a small team with experience from Disney, Moonbot, and Google.

Job description: http://evertoon.com/jobs/games

Email jobs@evertoon.com!

MeetMe - New Hope, PA (near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) - ONSITE - http://www.meetme.com/apps/careers

See all public openings here: http://jobvite.com/m?3SzvEgwl

About Us: MeetMe is the leading social network for meeting new people in the US with over 1 million DAU. We've been around since 2005 as myYearbook, rebranding in 2012 as MeetMe. We've launched other apps such as Focal, Choosy, Charm, and Unsaid in the past, and are looking to continue adding more standalone apps in the future.

We use a wide variety of languages, generally using what makes sense. C, PHP, Python, JavaScript and Node.js, and native iOS and Android development are the most common. MeetMe is a fun place to work. We hold a yearly developer retreat, as well as regular company-wide hackathons. We have a book club, board game club, and we even have a game room. And our summer hours last all year round.

While we aren't a new company in the time scale of the internet, we still know how to have fun. We just get the benefit of not having to kill ourselves working 12 hour days. =) This means you'll enjoy actually going home on time! We have many openings, both technical and non-technical. Here is a list of positions we are currently looking for:

* Senior Android Developer

* Senior iOS Developer

* Senior Database Administrator (PostgreSQL DBA)

You can apply directly here: http://jobvite.com/m?3SzvEgwl

Or you can contact me at jlotito@meetme.com. I'm a developer, so feel free to ask specific developer-type questions.

You can also check out our Engineering blog here: http://engineering.meetme.com

Vimeo | NYC | Full-Time | On-Site

SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEER (Linux, AWS, Google Compute, & Python or PHP) https://boards.greenhouse.io/vimeo/jobs/61310#.VVDwXtNVhBc

ENGINEER, FRONT-END (JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, SASS, & PHP or Python) https://boards.greenhouse.io/vimeo/jobs/50525#.VVDw09NVhBc

(Sr.) ENGINEER, IOS (Obj-C, Swift, Cocoa, MacOS) https://boards.greenhouse.io/vimeo/jobs/29391#.VVDxMdNVhBc

Please email Samer Zaben at samer@vimeo.com if interested.

XOEye Technologies | Nashville, TN | Software Engineer

We are hiring at XOEye Technologies! We're looking for exceptional software developers with an appreciation for pioneering technology and experience building robust enterprise systems to scale. We're looking for expertise in any of the following areas: Java, Groovy, Grails, Javascript, Node, UX, network security, and network protocols relating to real-time video / audio communications. Contact me (jsharpATxoeye.com) if you'd like to consider joining our talented team of engineers at a well-funded, dynamic, Nashville-based technology startup that's bringing advanced wearable solutions to businesses today!

While we do split time between telecommuting and our Germantown office, local candidates are preferred, in order to maintain our small team culture.

Birmingham UK DevOps Engineer, Cloud Talis is a fast growing SAAS enterprise software company that is changing the way Universities globally engage with their students, and we are now looking for a DevOps engineer to work closely with our Development team on ensuring that we have the best tools for the job and we automate as much as possible.

Our infrastructure can range from big data tools such as Hadoop, Cloud services such as AWS and tool sets like Puppet, Ansible and Chef, but its really about that ability to work with the development team and build streamlined processes that enable faster and better systems for everyone. REQUIREMENTS

Strong Sys admin skills in Linux and cloud systems - AWS especially

Good experience with scripting tools, Python, Ruby, PHP

Good experience of databases especially MongoDB or other NoSQL systems.

Proven experience of working with automation of infrastructure especially in a 24/7 SaaS environment

Knowledge of Puppet, Chef, Ansible, and the HTTP protocol.

A problem solver, able to get to the root of a problem


Although our offices are based in central Birmingham, all of our roles allow a degree of home working depending on specific requirements as set by your peers and reports.

100% employee owned – every employee shares in the value of the company through our options scheme Flexible working hours and location – although we are small we have people on three continents and at many locations across the UK. Transparent reporting – every team communicates progress weekly to everybody – and you are free to ask questions or make suggestions. Hack events every quarter – for the whole company not just dev – our latest projects included a custom-built arcade machine, internet-enabled milkbot built into our fridge and hacking the walls with custom graphics. Beautiful Grade II listed offices in the heart of the Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham. Learn more about what it is like to work at Talis. Careers.talis.com

WebAction | Downtown Palo Alto, CA | Big Data Platform Engineer (Java), UI Engineer (HTML/CSS/JS/Backbone), UI/UX Designer


WebAction is a Big Data Analytics Platform providing end-to-end real-time, streaming analytics. We mask complex, scalable analytics behind a visual, interactive web-based experience and a familiar declarative SQL-like language. Today, our end-to-end product is used to solve some of the toughest analytics challenges at large Telco, Finance, Retail, and Cloud companies.

Big Data Platform Engineer (java): Using open source tools like ZMQ, Elasticsearch, and Kafka in harmony with platforms built-in house you will build cutting edge data processing infrastructure

Senior Front-end Engineer: http://chj.tbe.taleo.net/chj04/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?o....

Front-end Engineer: http://chj.tbe.taleo.net/chj04/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?o....

UI/UX Designers: We don't have a job post up yet, email me at john@webaction.com if you are interested! Bonus for you design unicorns who use code to build prototypes

WebAction is founded by a team of Silicon Valley executives with a track record of creating multiple successful enterprise products including WebLogic (now Oracle WebLogic) and GoldenGate software (now Oracle GoldenGate). We've raised north of $11m since 2013 and our advisors/board have done amazing things like creating the Apple logo and founding one of the top VC firms in Silicon Valley. With every product release, we delight our customers and engage new ones at an ever-growing rate. We're based in Downtown Palo Alto, minutes away from the caltrain, philz coffee, and everything you need to make your work life convenient and comfortable.

# Lead Mobile Developer

Fusionbox is a software development agency located in beautiful Denver, Colorado. We are committed to the open source community and we're serious about architecture and design at every level of the stack.

We've built our name on Python development and security, but now we are looking for an experienced mobile developer to support our clients more fully.

## Job Description

You will be in charge of the iOS stack, working closely with the backend engineers and the designers to deliver top-quality products to clients. Ideally you are also fluent in Android application development.

At Fusionbox we open source anything not core to a client's business. Our rule is: if you've used a piece of code in more than one project, it's time to open source it. So you'll be tasked with maintaining your open source contributions.

Finally, you will be expected to have opinions. If you see some aspect where Fusionbox could be improved, whether it be in the engineering process or in the way the company is run, patches welcome. You understand iOS conventions and best practices and are willing to defend them.

## Requirements

We are looking for an iOS developer with at least 3 years of software development experience. You don't have to be an expert in all of the following subjects, but if you feel comfortable with about half and you are interested in learning about the other half, please get in touch.

  * Experience with RESTful integrations
  * At home with version control
  * Understanding of relational databases and data normalization
  * Knowledge of software security, including common attacks and how to prevent them
  * Love of open source
  * A need to do things The Right Way®
You would like to get paid to write open source software.

For more information, contact info@fusionbox.com

Please do not contact us if you are a recruiter or outside of the United States.

BaseCase: Berlin, Germany (REMOTE, VISA)

Our primary product is a sophisticated web application which allows non-developers create interactive presentations.

We're looking for talented developers. Our technology stack is Javascript / jQuery / HTML5 on the front-end, and Python / MySQL on the back-end. But you don't need experience in our stack - we know a good developer can learn on the job.

We can support REMOTE workers, and are willing to assist in obtaining a work VISA for Germany if required.

We have been profitable for several years, so we can offer very competitive salaries, with stock options.

If this sounds interesting, please contact careers@basecase.com.

Some relevant background videos:


Diarmuid Glynn / CTO / d.glynn@basecase.com

Sauce Labs (San Francisco, CA)

About Sauce Labs: We are a tight-knit team working to transform how software testing and development gets done. Our platform makes Selenium testing, JavaScript Unit testing, manual testing, and mobile application testing hassle-free. Sauce lets you test your mobile and desktop web apps instantly across 350+ OS/Browser platforms & debug easier with videos and screenshots.

We are currently looking for:

Core Engineers

Software Engineers (Full-Stack Web)

Software Engineers (Mobile R&D)

Senior Software Engineers (Core)

Senior Software Engineers (Web Frontend)

Senior Software Engineers (Web Backend)

System Administrators

Senior Systems Engineers, Operations

Solution Architects

Senior Ecosystems Engineer

If you’re interested in joining Sauce Labs and would like to learn more, please visit: https://saucelabs.com/careers

Managed by Q (https://managedbyq.com/) - NY, NY

Q was founded a year ago. We’re creating smart solutions for office management, and we’re growing at an insane pace. We’re a small team so there’s huge impact. And we’re making a difference in the lives of our field operators (cleaners and handymen) and the communities we serve.

Our stack includes Django, React, MySQL, Node, iOS, Android. We’re hiring frontend engineers, backend engineers, mobile engineers, product designers, product managers / leads, and a CTO / SVP Engineering.



Reach out to tyler @ managedbyq.com with any interest.

Say Media - Software Engineers, UI Engineers (San Francisco, Portland OR), DevOps (San Francisco, Portland, REMOTE)

Say Media is building a platform for digital magazines. This year we're scaling from 50 million page views to 500 million. Come help us do this.

Say is well funded and a fun place to work at, with great work/life balance. We're looking for good engineers who enjoy learning new technologies. Our platform is Python based with an Angular front end, but it's okay if you don't have experience with these yet.

I'm not a recruiter, just a programmer who enjoys working at Say. You can see our jobs at http://www.saymedia.com/jobs, or email your resume to me and I'll pass it to the right person (email in profile).

Note: due to the wait for H1B visas we aren't considering international candidates, except for REMOTE DevOps.

VSCO (Visual Supply Co) | Oakland, CA | Software Engineers

(Can help with visas. Relocation provided.)

VSCO is an art and technology company empowering people everywhere to create, discover, and connect. Our goal is to honor art and artist while fueling a worldwide creative movement through innovative tools and experimental projects.

We're the people behind VSCO Cam, Grid, Journal and Film. We also acquired Artifact Uprising late last year to help get images off of your device and into your world.

We are looking to grow our engineering team with thoughtful, passionate and curious engineers who want to make an impact in the world they live.

We're hiring across our engineering team: DevOps, Full-Stack, iOS, and Android.

Apply at http://www.vsco.co/careers or email me directly: aidan@vsco.co.

iRobot (http://www.irobot.com) - Bedford, MA (just outside of Boston, MA) and Pasadena, CA

At iRobot we make robots that truly help people. Our robots help people save time by cleaning for them, save hassle by being remotely present for them, and save lives by putting themselves in harm's way.

We have great work-life balance (including half-day Fridays during the summer so you can spend extra time with your family on Friday afternoons) and interesting problems to solve.

We blend cutting-edge research and practical engineering to build useful and affordable robots.

We're looking for smart engineers who are easy to work with. You should want to help people with products you create, but a robotics background is NOT required. (I had no robotics background when I started at iRobot.)

iRobot is looking for software engineers, here are a few of our 20+ job openings:

* Embedded software engineers: We're hiring for "big embedded" (C++, Linux, and big cpus) and "small embedded" (C, bare-metal, small cpus). If you have good OO skills (C++, Java, etc.) but no "embedded" background that's okay too - shoot me an email and we'll chat.

* Java software engineers

* iOS and Android software engineers

* Software engineers for vision, navigation, and mapping

* Test engineers

Check our jobs site for all positions: http://www.irobot.com/us/Company/Careers.aspx

Email me directly if you'd like to know more: csvec@irobot.com

Please email even if you're not sure if you're a match; I'm always happy to talk to other HN'ers!

PS: We have hired people from these "Who is hiring?" posts, thanks to HN for this service/forum.

Are you open to remote/non-us applicants?

Miami, FL, USA - Junior PHP Dev Internship - CEM Partners LLC | INTERN, VISA

About US We are Miami (FL) based company working in the online retail industry (ecommerce). We manage several niche market online shops using the PrestaShop CMS. We are small team 4 people and mostly french :)

About the Mission We are looking for a junior PHP / mysql developer for specific small missions like :

Improving front end Catalog import/export API integration like paypal, adwords, analytics... Custom dev for homemade back office About you You need to have experience in PHP/mysql.

Knowing PrestaShop is a plus !

When / How long ? ASAP - 2 to 4 months

Please apply here: https://techmeabroad.com/offers/junior-php-dev-internship-at...

Atiim - Full Stack Developer - Boston/Cambridge, MA

Join an exciting early stage startup for a chance to define and build the SaaS product from the ground up. You’ll have opportunity to drive technical definitions, architectural choices and cloud deployments. We aren't looking for years of experience but rather for passion, intelligence, ability to get things done, and high integrity. If you like challenges and have a passion for making great impact on businesses, we invite you to check the description below and get in touch with us.

Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Nginx, Varnish, Redis, JavaScript, Angular and Bootstrap – all on Linux on a popular public IaaS or PaaS.

More info at https://venturefizz.com/node/43838

[Netherlands] Hoppinger, a full service internet development company is looking for a number of people in Rotterdam. They're expanding. Look here http://www.hoppinger.com/bureau/vacatures/frontend-javascrip... for more vacancies! Please name me (Marthyn) as your referral, as an employee i get a bonus for getting new people ;).

I work on ruby projects, but they do all sorts of development, also in Haskell for example so also apply if you're interested in that!

you can send me marthynolthof[at]hoppinger.com an email if you're interested!


Frontend Javascript dev Visual (UX) designer Drupal Dev

nice company lunch, beer on friday, location at the water, great company to work at.

Chicago, IL -or- Remote | Full Stack Developer | ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is a platform focused on email, marketing automation, and sales for small businesses.

We are looking for a talented full stack developer to join us as we extend our marketing platform and work to scale with our quickly growing user base. We work primarily with PHP, MySQL, jQuery, and Ember.js.

While we have an office in Chicago, we are looking for the best fit whether you are near Chicago or a thousand miles away. We have people in the United States, Canada, Belgium, & Australia. Decent time overlap with the CST timezone is preferred.

More details & apply at: http://www.activecampaign.com/about/employment-developer.php

Splunk (http://www.splunk.com/) - Shanghai, China - Full time - Frontend/Backend Dev Engineers and QA Engineers

Splunk makes machine data accessible, usable and valuable to everyone.

We are a small engineering team in Shanghai and are currently hiring with lots of engineering positions open.

Detailed information for some positions: http://www.splunk.com/view/SP-CAAAGK3?jvi=oOtz0fwA http://www.splunk.com/view/SP-CAAAGK3?jvi=oktz0fw6

If you are interested, feel free to reach me via [sni (at@) splunk (dot.) com]

Big Human - New York City (Union Square) - Front-end Developer

We're looking for an experienced (4+ years) front-end developer. We're an agency that works with a wide range of clients from Time Inc to the Winklevoss Twins to small startups you've never heard of. We're all Javascript all the time - Express and Backbone/Marionette power almost all our sites.

We need someone who has a deep understanding of CSS, HTML and Javascript (not just jQuery), uses pre-processors and Grunt/Gulp. If you've worked with Backbone and Marionette before, that's a real plus.

For more info and to apply: http://www.bighuman.com/#/careers/ or email me directly, james@bighuman.com

Giant Swarm - Operations Engineer, Software Engineer, Front End Developer, Support Engineer - Cologne, Germany or Remote (for reals)

Here's a video: https://vimeo.com/126613045

We're a German based infrastructure company provide microservices hosting, support Docker containers, and can run your application in a wide variety jurisdictions depending on the levels of trust you need for your particular use-case. On the hunt for a devops loving individuals who wants to work on the next generation of cloud services. Intercloud operations FTW.

Review our job openings and apply here: https://angel.co/giant-swarm/jobs

Also, we love beer.

Saatchi Art| Santa Monica, CA| Sr. Software Engineer (backend)

Saatchi Art is the world's largest online art gallery, connecting people with art and artists around the world. We are looking for a talented senior back-end engineer to help build new features and tools to power our next-generation marketplace platform for art.

Stack: nginx, PHP(Laravel, Zend), Mysql, Couchbase, Solr/Lucene, Node.js, Ruby/Grape/Rails, Redis, & AWS a-plenty (SNS,SQS,Dynamo,RDS).

We are dedicated to helping artists across the globe find homes for their works, to help them make a living by pursuing their passion, to help introduce folks to the world of emerging art.

See more about the position here: http://www.saatchiart.com/careers

Node.js Developers @ Car Throttle (https://www.carthrottle.com/jobs/) - Full-time, London UK

We're a funded media/tech startup based in London building a media platform product that connects publishers and communities. We run one of the largest automotive community websites online (http://www.carthrottle.com) and have a unique approach to building media properties.

We're hiring software engineers to join our small but growing product team as we re-architect our website and API to handle big traffic and rapid user growth.

Email jobs+engineering@carthrottle.com for more information or to apply.

Tech: Node.js, AWS, MySQL, Redis, nginx

Rackspace, Inc. - San Francisco, CA - Software Engineer

  ------ Who We Are ------
We are the Cloud Metrics team at Rackspace.

We run a metrics-as-a-service API.

We created the Blueflood open-source metrics engine and API (http://blueflood.io).

We make it easy for developers to store and scale their metrics.

  --- Software Engineer ---
Focus on time-series data and make Cloud Metrics a world-class engine for metrics of all shapes and sizes.

Scale Cloud Metrics' infrastructure: help our large and growing Cassandra cluster run as smoothly as possible.

Engage the growing open-source community around time-series data and metrics analysis and visualization.

Optimize Cloud Metrics' deployment, continuous integration and testing processes.

  --- More Information ---
To apply, just shoot us an email:

* hiring@blueflood.io

Job Posting:

* https://uscareers-rackspace.icims.com/jobs/12755/software-de...

Useful links:

* http://docs.rackspace.com/cmet/api/v1.0/cmet-devguide/conten...

* http://blueflood.io

* https://github.com/rackerlabs/blueflood

Leaf - Tempe, AZ and Austin, TX

We're building a business intelligence platform for todays farmers. We think the farm management system is broken, and that we can use contextual awareness and data science to automate much of the system for farmers, and fit it into their natural workflow. Leaf is focused on two things: strengthening the spirit of farming and the sustainability of the farm.

We were founded by Stanford Alumni with decades of industry experience, and are on pace to be cash flow positive within our first 6 months.

We are hiring frontend (Javascript), backend (Python w/ some Go projects in the works + Postgresql), iOS (primarily Swift), and full-stack engineers! We are four full-time engineers right now, and in a paid beta with some truly awesome farms!

Email us at joeyr@leaf.ag

Fusionbox (www.fusionbox.com) -- Denver, CO

Python/Django Software Engineers

YOU: You are passionate about open source and like to try new technologies. You do not necessarily come from a traditional computer science background, but you have achieved mastery and you are particularly well suited to engineering. You are a self-starter and learn easily. You would like to get paid to write open source software.

US: Fusionbox offers custom software development solutions to a wide range of clients using new technologies. Fusionbox is a place for talented people who are serious about engineering. We are committed to the open source community (https://github.com/fusionbox) and Pythonic sensibility.

Having a hard time finding out how to apply. How should I reach out?

Zaption (http://www.zaption.com) || San Francisco, CA

Full-Stack Web Engineer (Node.js, MongoDB, Knockout.js) || Full-Time

Zaption is an education-technology startup that's fixing video learning. Teachers and trainers use our web app to turn online videos (from YouTube, Vimeo, etc) into interactive learning experiences that engage students and deepen understanding. We're a very small (6-person) team that is funded, growing, and has real customers and revenue. We're looking for a dev who's interested in education, besides being good with JavaScript, having some experience with Node.js/MongoDB, and being able to wrangle HTML/CSS.

If you're interested, email charlie@zaption.com

Funding Circle, San Francisco

We're (seriously) building a better financial world! Our marketplace approach gives small businesses a fast, simple, and fair way to get the capital they need to continue to grow. We've lent over $1B globally, recently completed a $150MM funding round, and are investing heavily in technology.

We primarily develop in Clojure and Ruby (not so much Rails). We can do TN visa and H1B transfer and are focusing on growing our on-site team at the moment.

It would great to talk to people interested in working in Clojure(Script), React, Angular.js, and Mesos for frontend, backend, data science, or infrastructure roles to help us build a collaborative, professional, and diverse team.

You can reach me at rob@fundingcircle.com if you're interested in learning more.

Medidata, New York and elsewhere http://rolp.co/RaB67

We're helping fix the clinical trial process, getting treatments to market faster and cheaper, and we're always hiring for a variety of positions.

Videotape - Austin, TX or Houston, TX

Hiring an iOS (Objective C) developer to join our development team.

Videotape is a social video app that is in development and is gearing up for release in the next couple months (I'll be able to say more privately when we talk). We're looking for someone full-time, with the option to work remote or locally with a sponsored visa.

We have an incredible team - each of us with backgrounds of success in a variety of areas. We're aiming very high with this app, with a long-term marketing strategy, plans for release of features and monetization strategy.

Joining the team now, you would have the opportunity to make your mark on the product and build awesome stuff.

Contact us at info@videotape.co with links to your past projects and a little about yourself. Thanks!

nxt> - Princeton, NJ & New York, NY - FULL-TIME - ENGINEERS


Clojure, ClojureScript, Storm, Semantic Web, Prolog, Datomic, Cassandra, Om

We are building a system that takes fuzzy human language financial regulations and transforms them into something computable: rules. Rules are then executed against billions to trillions of triples and all information (raw and inferred data) are presented in a UI that gives the user tools to navigate, manipulate and analyze linked data.

The conceptual heart of the system is a set of semantic web standards that allows us to formally model data and rules. The technical heart is Datomic, Storm, Clojure, ClojureScript and Om.


CITYMAPPER (LONDON, UK). https://citymapper.com Full time software engineers in London. (We will consider relocating exceptional candidates.)

Recent HN post! (help us solve the problems mentioned) Citymapper is what happens when you understand user experience https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8238260

We're building one of the most important apps on mobile, an urban transport app built on the back of open data, to help navigate and use cities.

We're a VC-backed startup (Balderton, Index, Greylock, Connect) based in London with a team with backgrounds from Google, academia and startups.

We're looking for great people first and foremost, but especially the following roles:

- Platform engineer. Be responsible for our infrastructure in the cloud, shape the tool chain, and ensure that the moving parts of our system can communicate, so that we can expand to all the cities in the world.

- Routing. We're reinventing getting from A to B in the world of mobile, multi modal and real-time data.

- Android and iOS developers. We're reimagining mobile interfaces and developing all the features that we dream about. You care about the "little big details" and know the grotty implementation details required to make things work across a range of devices and future platforms.

- Data pipeline/data science/analytics. We're building an omnivorous transport data processor that fuses together loads of data sources, and a psychic city brain.

- Software engineers. We're looking for great engineers to solve a range of other big problems, including search, data analysis, natural language processing. We use a lot of P Python, and some C and Java.

If interested, please contact me at emil@citymapper.com or apply at https://citymapper.com/jobs.

PlayStation R&D Europe - London, United Kingdom - Full Time - Senior Web Developer

The DevNet team is responsible for helping PlayStation developers and publishers at all levels- from concept to testing to publishing and reporting. We're currently looking for a Senior Web Developer to not only help us both improve existing portals, but also help innovate to make the process quicker and easier for them.

There are more details on our job posting page: https://www.playstationjobs.co.uk/vacancy/1098-Senior-Web-De...

If you feel like you're a good fit for this role, don't hesitate to apply via our job board.

Intercom! https://www.intercom.io/

Hiring for many different types of roles in SF and Dublin.


Emotient - San Diego (Full Time / On Site) http://emotient.com/

Hiring cloud ops (AWS mostly / onsite massive GPU cluster). Hiring C/C++ backend SDK development (ML background)

Our dev team is python/angular and our research team is C/C++/Matlab. Located near the UTC mall.

Emotient is the leader in emotion detection and sentiment analysis based on facial expressions. The company is at the vanguard of a new wave of emotion analysis that will lead to a quantum leap in customer understanding and emotion-aware computing.


Yuzu / Mountain View, California / DevOps Engineer Yuzu is a digital education platform from that breaks down the barriers between students and knowledge by enhancing the everyday learning experience. For students, Yuzu combines a next-generation reading and note-taking experience in a simple app, with access to a catalog of rich and immersive content. For educators, Yuzu makes it easier than ever to engage students with inspiring course materials. For everyone, Yuzu makes learning more friendly, organzied, and enjoyable. Acces Yuzu on your iPad or Windows 8 device, or online with your computer. Check us out at www.yuzu.com To learn more about the DevOps Engineer role, email jmorse@yuzu.com

Potato are hiring project managers, Django, front end web, iOS, and Android developers plus UX designers across our offices. Freelance & fulltime available.

We're a 5yr old, 85 person agency based in London, UK with offices in Bristol, UK & San Francisco Bay Area. Our clients include Google, PayPal, Skype, a number of startups and other agencies such as BBH & Mother.

Our work spans (and sometimes defies) categorisation. Recent interesting projects include tracking an Antarctic expedition, organising the world's artworks, mapping DDoS attacks and Syrian regime defections, and aiding rapid collaboration inside companies.



Technical Cofounder Near Oakland, CA.


We’re looking for an ambitious, full-stack javascript developer to join our team.

The product is a database in the cloud. But, it’s not for applications, it’s for people.

Instead of apps storing people’s data, people bring their own personal database for apps to use. That's this database.

Apps can read and write data to it, and multiple apps can be connected to it simultaneously.

The owner of the database can disconnect it at any time, without losing their data, and finally use one set of data everywhere.

It’s a paradigm shift. Once you open this door, tons of neat things are possible.

If this sounds interesting to you, please contact me.

https://www.servant.co austen @ servant.co

Aerohive Networks - Portland, OR - www.aerohive.com

Aerohive Networks (www.aerohive.com) just opened a new engineering office in Portland and we are looking for front end developers to work on our JavaScript development toolkit which will be used for all of Aerohive’s applications.

You will also be working on data visualization for our big data applications, so the role is a great mix of feature development and building/enhancing a JavaScript library.

A little bit about our company, Aerohive Networks is competing alongside companies like Aruba networks, Cisco, etc and winning. Now we’re expanding into the big data aspect of networking, where we are innovating and taking enterprise web applications to the next level.

To apply - please email me at vrao@aerohive.com

SeatGeek — New York, NY — Full Time — We're a search engine for tickets and live events.

Web Engineer — We're looking for someone who loves building for the web. Everything else (professional experience, where in the stack you fit, the languages you've used) is up for grabs. Details here: http://seatgeek.com/jobs/web_engineer/

Marketing Coordinator — We're looking for someone who's bright and analytical. Experience not necessary: https://seatgeek.com/jobs/marketing_coordinator

Isocline - Austin, TX - Software Engineer for High Performance Computing and Modeling

We are looking for two people - one interested in neural networks and one interested in GPS.

We are developing microchips that yield a 10-1000x improvement in performance & energy-efficiency compared to digital ASICs, GPUs, and FPGAs. We are a bootstrapped company and are fully funded through mid 2016. Patents pending.

C++ experience is required!

$70K – $150K Salary

0.5% – 1.2% Equity

Full Job Description: https://angel.co/isocline/jobs/38767-software-engineer

Company website: http://isoclineengineering.com/

> C++ experience is required!

Guess that's why I didn't hear back last month.

Sorry, I try to reply to everyone

Also, if you're still in school or just graduated, make sure to include your GPA, even if your experience is amazing.

Maybe it was an AngelList hiccup. I find their "application" process odd.

rem0te from Europe for the right candidate?

Umbel — Austin, TX

Umbel is building the infrastructure by which companies own, control and access their consumer-centric data. Our platform enables customers to leverage their data rights and create tangible business value. We take employee satisfaction and growth seriously. We also expect a lot in return. We are currently seeking top-notch talent to join our fast-growing and dynamic engineering organization at several positions:

* Python Developer

* Go Software Engineer

* Lead Technical Project Manager

* Internal API Engineer

* Cassandra Database Administrator

* Data Scientist (Analytics)

More information about Umbel and the opportunities we have available: https://www.umbel.com/engineering/?source=Hacker+News

Blendle | Utrecht, the Netherlands | Operations/Backend/Frontend/iOS/Android/Business

One year ago we launched our pay-per-article startup Blendle in the Netherlands. The goal: put all newspapers and magazines in the country behind one (quite sexy) paywall, and make it so easy to use that young people start paying for journalism again.

Right now we're focusing on scaling internationally.

We use Ruby, Node.js, Redis, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, Ansible, Sinatra, Clojure, React and more Ruby. We're playing with Go, Elixir and Spark amongst others.

If you're interested feel free to reach me at jurre[at]blendle[dot]com.

Job postings (in Dutch): https://blendle.homerun.hr

Boston, MA, USA: Software / Robotics Engineer at LabMinds

Boston, MA, USA: Instrumentation QC Associate at LabMinds


"LabMinds Revo will revolutionize one of the most thankless but critical tasks in wetlab biology." - PI & Customer at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Revo automates solution preparation for wet labs, a repetitive process using up 1,000,000h of researcher time every day, replacing a 30min procedure with two clicks on a smartphone.

Revo in action: http://www.labminds.co/video/solution-preparation

Full-time | Phoenix, Arizona

GiftcardZen.com - we buy and sell numbers. Funded. 20 people. We're the fastest-growing company in Arizona.

Looking for:

Developers: RoR, Heroku (see Stack below), Communications Lead, Data-driven Marketer, iOS & Android developers, Go-getter / Intern & Account Managers.

Our stack: We use Ruby on Rails backed by a Postgres database running on Heroku. Because we're constantly outgrowing our systems, we are moving to a service-oriented architecture, both by moving process to service objects within our existing app, and creating microservices which run in separate applications.

All positions are full-time, in our gorgeous new downtown office where developers have both windows/light/views and also doors that close. ;)

How to apply: hiring@

Addepar is hiring a Security Engineer. On-Site only in Mountain View, CA

This engineer will be responsible for reviewing our current code and future code, suggesting improvements to ensure that we are using secure engineering best practices, implementing security mechanisms in our software, finding security bugs and potentially fixing security bugs that have been discovered. If you review code through the eyes of a hacker and have a passion for building with a security bent, we’d love to tell you more!

Here is the job listing : https://jobs.lever.co/addepar/7d09481c-d1f4-4271-a385-95f0e9...

Remote contracting jobs at Sakurity for excellent security consultants (web app pentests). Contact info@sakurity.com

What are you good at? Programming languages you can (fluently) read, frameworks you worked with?

Examples of bugs you found, bounties you received. Ideally, please demonstrate your blog posts with interesting exploits, share your write-ups: what's most important is the way you think.

Your hourly rate, availability and payment options (Bitcoin is preferred). Try to estimate a blackbox pentest of, say, twitter.com: how many hours, total cost, what scope will be? Please impress us with your write-ups, explain the way you work and tools you use, you can even send a sample of code with a bug and we will try to understand it!

I'm genuinely curious why, from your side, you prefer bitcoin?

Because it's quicker and no fees? And I get paid in it too.

IBM - Austin, TX - Front End Developers (all levels)

At the nexus of engineering and design you will be instrumental in bringing industry-defining software products, cloud services and web applications to users around the world. You will play an integral role in building the next generation of advanced technologies in cloud, mobile, cognitive computing, big data, analytics and social software. If you’re interested in making a global impact by delivering innovative user experiences – we want to hear from you!

Please visit https://www.ibm.com/design/careers.shtml for more information, or email redesign@us.ibm.com

Next Century Corporation – www.nextcentury.com - Columbia, MD Next Century Corporation was recently featured on “60 Minutes” and Forbes Magazine for its work on a team that created a search engineer used to combat the world-wide scourge of human trafficking: http://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2015/04/17/darpa-...

Reputed to be a “Google killer,” by Forbes, the tool “Memex” is already being used by law enforcement to arrest those carrying on the trafficking of human beings; and letting the oppressed go free.

Our mission is to create software that saves lives and protects our country. While our chief customer is the intelligence community, but we also work on some un-classified work like Memex and products like WISER: http://wiser.nlm.nih.gov/

Also Ozone Widget Framework: https://www.nextcentury.com/our-technology-solutions/data-pr...

o Neon Framework: (http://neonframework.org) o SIGHTT: (http://www.sightt.com)

The company was founded as a direct result of the terrorists attack on 9/11. We’re passionate about our mission to save lives.

By hiring very selectively, we have had a direct impact on the world totally out of proportion to our small size of 120 software engineers. Most of our positions require the TS/SCI and polygraph clearance. If you don't have, we can get. If you’re a US citizen and wished you had the feeling the work you’re doing is really important, you should write the recruiting team at Next Century: Katie.casey@nextcentury.com Joe.poplawski@nextcentury.com Romina.nally@nextcentury.com

Gotham Dream Cars | Full-stack Developer (Rails/JS/HTML/CSS) | Part Time | Remote

So this is a bit of a different kind of gig/company. Not Silicon Valley. Not even really tech. But cool :)

GDC (http://www.gothamdreamcars.com) is an ultra-exotic car rental company. I started it about 11 years ago and have built it organically to a multi-city company renting out some of the coolest cars on earth.

A few years ago I dove headfirst into the tech side of things, taught myself to code, and built our entire tech stack myself - and it now runs the whole company. But I'm focused on other things these days and don't have the time to maintain / continue to develop the site, so it's time to bring someone on board to handle it.

It's not the most world-changing stuff -- essentially a CRUD app with a consumer-facing front-end and admin-facing back-end for managing the fleet, booking reservations, doing light CRM, billing, logistics, etc. But it's incredibly satisfying to work on -- every feature directly helps the employees in the office work more efficiently, helps the cars get booked more often, and helps our customers stay happy. It's step-by-step replacing manual processes and has a huge impact on the company, employees and customers.

If you're looking for some satisfying part-time, remote Rails/Frontend work and are interested in directly improving an interesting business that deals with Ferraris and Lamborghinis, this might be ideal for you. There's zero overhead here -- if you have an idea for a feature, you can go ahead code it up and push it live that day.

You don't have to be a senior Rails or JavaScript expert - you just have to be better than I am ;) (I'm a solid intermediate.)

There's a long list of fun features on my to-do list, so the first few weeks/months would be more involved as you bang out updates and get things caught up, then it would transition to maintenance, new features, new ideas, etc. over time.

A bit about our stack and some of the tasks at hand:

* Rails (currently on 3.2, moving to 4.x)

* MongoDB (but that's gotta go, so we're moving to Postgres)

* Stylus for CSS

* Haml / Slim for HTML templates

* JavaScript (currently mess of jQuery - TBD which framework we'll move to)

* Git-based workflow

If this sounds interesting/fun, take a look at the site, shoot me an email (contact info in HN profile) and we'll discuss.

SF-Based Company: Heavybit seeks a FT onsite event manager with 5+ years experience to help design and plan developer community events and rally the community. If you've got a background in tech event management, developer evangelism and/or community building we're looking for you. We can do H1-B transfers + Greencard transfers.

About Heavybit: Started by Heroku founder James Lindenbaum, we're a 9 month program for developer co's like RainforestQA, KeenIO and Iron.io.

Job Listing: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs2/view/60157128?trk=biz-overvie...

Housekeep - London, UK - Lead Developer - Full-time - on-site only


We're a young, funded startup with a lot to prove in the domestic cleaning market. You would be one of the first technical employees. Your job would be to do anything it takes to improve and extend our customer site, our operations systems, and our phone apps.

As a result, we're looking for candidates that are excited about joining a very small team where they can make a huge difference. We are building technology to streamline every part of our business, and growing fast as a result. There's a lot of real-time routing, scheduling and time management involved in coordinating all the work we do. And there's a lot of skilled UI work to be done across our member's site and operational web app, to help our staff manage everything that's happening.

The role

We need an experienced, motivated, full-stack developer. Experience in any element of our stack is a big plus, but a willingness and ability to learn fast is even better.

You would be working across:

- Our marketing website

- Our members application, where customers can set their cleaning schedule

- Our routing/scheduling web application for our operations staff

- Our phone application for cleaners

These are built in: - Python / Django

- Bootstrap, Knockout, Backbone

- Phonegap / Angular

- PostgreSQL, PostGIS

We are a small, tight-knit team, so your personal qualities are just as important as your software experience. We want to work with other flexible problem-solvers who aren't afraid of a challenge.

Apply directly to gareth.lloyd@housekeep.com. I'm not fussy about what you send, but if you highlight some repositories where I can read code that you're proud of, I'll take your application seriously.

Compensation: £competitive + options

NYC - Full Time - Full Stack Engineer

Tailor Brands is combining combining design and technology to make the world a better-looking place. We've helped hundreds of thousands of people create their own logos and brands through our automated process.

We're looking for someone to join us with 2+ years of experience shipping production-level code (ideally having some experience with Ruby, Rails, Ember). Our office is located in New York, NY (23rd and 3rd). Drop us a line if you're interested or need a new logo ;)

For more info: https://www.tailorbrands.com/jobs/positions/developer.html

Splice | Santa Monica, CA | JS developer - iOS/OSX developer

Splice is rapidly changing the world of music by offering free cloud version control, backup, collaboration and distribution to artists. Our backend is in Go and our frontend is JS (Angular) and our apps are in ObjC and C#. We are looking for a talented JS developer and a passionate ObjC/Swift developer to join the team and help us shape new user experiences for musicians.

https://jobs.splice.com or email me, matt+hn@splice.com

Extremely talented team, ocean view, adjustable height desks and a bunch of really awesome office perks (daily awesome breakfast being one of my favorites).

Beaker Notebook (NYC) is hiring front-end (especially Angular) and full-stack to work on an open source data analysis and visualization tool.


Don't use that taleo, it's buggy garbage. I spent 5 minutes trying to fill out the form and it ate it.

sorry it wasted your time. alas taleo is not my choice :(

you can just email a resume and cover letter to me and i will take care of it.

Codeship - Senior Engineer, Full Time, Boston, Vienna or remote in Europe

Codeship is a continuous delivery service. We're running tests and deployments for thousands of teams and are growing quickly. We're currently a team of 18 and have more than doubled over the last 6 months.

As a developer tools startup we're putting a lot of effort into a great workflow with testing, code reviews and obviously continuous delivery. We've written a lot about that on our blog at http://blog.codeship.com

You can read more here: https://codeship.com/jobs

Datanyze - San Mateo, CA | Product, engineering, sales and everything in between!

Jon from Datanyze here. We grew our ARR over 500% in 2014 and our headcount 10X in the last year. We just released a new product into the market (http://venturebeat.com/2015/04/29/datanyze-give-us-your-sale...) and the response has been amazing. We're looking for talented people to fill many roles and would love to hear from you! Email me directly at jon@datanyze.com with your resume, etc. for more information.

Streamable - https://streamable.com

Brooklyn, NY


Streamable is a new video platform that makes it super easy to upload and share videos. No intrusive ads, no comments, and no signup required -- we're focused on putting content first and foremost. Some perks:

- Small, tight-knit team pushing daily to millions of users

- Competitive salary, full benefits, and generous equity grants

- Awesome location in the center of Williamsburg, Brooklyn NY

- Higher engineer-to-user ratio than any of the major social networks


We're looking for a software engineer who will own the video upload and encoding product. Bonus points if you can recite FFmpeg commands in your sleep. Please contact me directly at armen@streamable.com.

Kinsa | New York or San Francisco

Full Time iOS, Android, UI/UX, QA, Data Science, Machine Learning

Join our team of world-class entrepreneurs, engineers and designers in building the world’s first real-time map of human health and the worlds smartest medical thermometer.

Work at the intersection of hardware and software design and technology to push the limits of global health. See your hard work on store shelves, and in the hands of delighted consumers. Get ready to be inspired to do your best, every day.

Sound exciting? Check out our current openings at https://www.kinsahealth.com/working-with-kinsa/

Vurb - San Francisco, CA (H1B OK) - http://vurb.com

We launched in February on the iTunes Store ("Best New Apps") - http://techcrunch.com/2015/02/26/mobile-search-david-vs-goog... We also won TC Disrupt and raised over $10M with a small team

WHAT WE DO: Vurb is creating a single app mobile search and sharing experience - partnering with services like Yelp, Foursquare, Rotten Tomatoes, etc. Rather than jumping between different apps to find something, we're delivering a cohesive experience in one place - an app you'll use every day.

INVESTORS: Max Levchin, Drew Houston, Naval Ravikant, CrunchFund, Redpoint + others.

APPLY IF: You are looking for a rapidly growing small team and the opportunity to take on significant responsibility and ship quickly. Examples of challenging problems that you could help us solve include:

- Manage and index millions of objects around places, events, movies, etc with blazing fast read-write access

- Develop search relevance and content discovery infrastructure on millions of objects and TB’s of data

- Develop mobile apps for not only scaling app performance but architecting the app to support a growing number of services and verticals


* Full-stack Engineer / DevOps - generalist opportunities across the stack: backend, frontend, devops. JavaScript, node.js, backbone.js, AWS

* Mobile Engineer - iOS / Android engineers (2+ years experience)

* Search / Data Scientist / Data Engineer - search, classification, ranking, ML, graphs, data crawling/processing. Advanced CS degree required.

* Product Designer - UI/UX

* Growth Lead - experienced growing consumer products.

INTERESTED? http://vurb.com/careers | jobs@vurb.com

Fundera - New York, NY - Full Time - Front-end/Full-stack Engineer

Fundera is an online marketplace for small business loans. We simplify the process of shopping for multiple small business loan products and offers (think Kayak), and let you both submit multiple applications and compare your offers all in one place.

We've just done a major rebuild in React.js and now have a React.js/Webpack-powered front-end on top of a Rails backend. We're looking for a passionate front-end engineer with serious JavaScript skills to join the team and help us deliver the best product possible to small business owners.

If you're interested, shoot me an email - rohan[at]fundera.com . Thanks!

LaunchKit | downtown San Francisco

We're looking for versatile full-stack web developers interested in JavaScript frontend development using skit, a unique frontend framework we built that was on the HN homepage a few weeks ago. (http://skitjs.com/) The developer should be comfortable adding to an existing REST API written in Python, using Django 1.7, Postgres, and Redis.

Job listing: https://angel.co/launchkit/jobs/61325-versatile-full-stack-w...

Jana - Boston, MA, USA Full-time

Eighty-five percent of the world’s mobile users are on restrictive pay-as-you-go plans. Some must work three hours to pay for one hour of connectivity. They can’t afford to use your app. Help make the mobile internet free for the next BILLION.


Tech we use: Python/Flask, Android, hadoop, Cassandra, Redshift, Amazon Web Services

We're hiring: https://jana.com/careers Software Engineers Content Marketing Associate Product Manager

if you have questions, please reply and I'll try to answer them as I see them :)

CheapTheatreTickets | London (Shoreditch) | Full Stack PHP Developer - [£40K - £55K]

Looking for a personable,and ambitious developer who wants to work for a small company (team of 6). You are looking to have great responsibility (like Superman) and are not simply a small cog in a big corporate wheel (like Clark Kent).

We need a full stack PHP developer (who has a preference to backend) to enhance our existing code base and develop some exciting new features from scratch, including a large backend datastore and CMS.


Booking.com | Amsterdam | Data Scientists

We are looking for the data hungry, analytically thinking and business focused Data Scientists to join our versatile teams at Booking.com. We need a Data Scientist - general: http://grnh.se/tvaxh7, a Senior Data Scientist: http://grnh.se/rpavt7 and a Machine Learning guru: http://grnh.se/2prwsm. An extensive relocation package to the beautiful city of Amsterdam is provided.

Dextro - NYC - Three open positions, full time - dextro.co

Distributed Systems Engineer (DevOps/Architecture and Data Warehouse Dev) and Computer Vision Scientist

Work with us to enable the next generation of apps, robots, smart devices, and visual data analytics tools. We’re not tied to a particular language; our backend is built in Python, Ruby, CUDA, and C++.

As a member of our rapidly growing backend team, you will architect and own whole new services that enable our product to be smarter and faster, and you'll push the core Dextro API forward with the help of our vision scientists.


NSFWJobs : Seattle : on-site only

We have several development and sysadmin positions, but in particular we are looking for lead developers and engineering managers.


Best company video I've seen in a while! Who should contact about your Lead opening?

Double Stallion Games - http://dblstallion.com/ - Montreal, QC, Canada

We're a small independent games studio, currently comprised of a single dev team but looking to grow. Our last game is mobile (iOS, Android, etc.) but our next one is PC and console (PS4/Xbox One).

We're looking for a generalist programmer role. Mostly gameplay, but there's all kinds of systems, UI, and AI to put together, as is the nature of a small team. We develop in Unity and C# so ideally we want someone who's comfortable with that, but anyone who is smart and willing to learn is great too.

WeSpire - Boston - local only - $100k-$120k

At WeSpire we’re trying to save the world one sustainable habit at a time. Everyday, people miss the little opportunities to live healthier and be more fulfilled at work, so we exist to fix that by suggesting, tracking, and rewarding better actions at home and in the workplace.

We’re a Ruby on Rails web application but we’re looking to expand into new technologies. We’re looking for senior javascript engineers with experience in single page applications and senior full stack ruby engineers.

To apply email dan@wespire.com with your resume and link me to some cool applications you have built (bonus points for apps in angular, ember, or react).

Amsterdam & SF | Full Time | On site | Famo.us

WebGL Creative Engineer && UX/UI Designer

www.famo.us/jobs Open source JS framework building a team in Europe: Watch a short video here: Famous.co

Glimpse into our SF office: http://techcrunch.com/2014/11/18/tc-cribs-famo-us-the-startu.... Amsterdam office: https://famo.us/blog/famo-us-creative-opens-amsterdam/

Feel free any questions: art (@) famo.us

2U partners with preeminent institutions of higher education to deliver rigorous, selective degree programs online to students globally. By blending live face-to-face classes, dynamic course content and real-world learning experiences, 2U’s No Back Row™ approach ensures that every student can experience the highest quality university education for the most successful outcome.

We Are Currently Hiring For:

- Front-End Developer: http://bit.ly/1AqYcjw

For a full list of 2U job opportunities, please go to: http://bit.ly/W0zF6G

Full Time, Remote Front End and Back End Developers

Our company is devoted to providing the best possible work to our clients and maintaining a fun, thriving environment for our team. We offer opportunities for career growth and training and the best profit sharing bonus plan in the industry. You will work side by side with top talent to improve your skills and advance the company as a whole. Team members enjoy regular Friday lunches, weekly yoga, paid gym membership, and special company events, like BBQs, paintballing, and Laker games. We offer comprehensive medical, dental, vision, and life insurance.

Please visit: www.coalitiontechnologies.com/careers

Beer/Wine Industry | Philadelphia, PA / Burlington, VT

Vermont Information Processing is seeking more devs to help us continue to lead the way in business solutions for beverage suppliers, distributors and retailers. We work with the largest brewers to the latest craft sensations.

Positions available:

- Java web services dev for our growing service-oriented architecture

- Xamarin .NET/C# dev for cross-platform mobile apps

- Full stack dev (PHP, JS) for our middleware and everything around it

VIP is an Employee Owned Company (ESOP) with a long, successful and profitable history. So the phrase "act like an owner" is actually reality here.

The Philly branch office is located just north of the border in Trevose.

Contact michael (at) vtinfo.com

Brooklyn / New York / NYC - Full Time - iOS, Android, Frontend, Rails

VHX (https://www.vhx.tv) is hiring in Brooklyn. We are passionate about the technology that powers video, and building tools to help video-makers grow a business online. We've helped publishers sell everything from films to TV shows, comedy specials, fitness lessons, educational content, and more.

=== Positions ===

- Senior iOS Developer

- Senior Android Developer

- Senior Frontend Developer

- Senior Rails Developer

Read more at https://www.vhx.tv/jobs and please reply to this comment if you have any questions!

Taser | Seattle | Local - relo available

We're leading the charge in developing body cameras and other wearable devices for law enforcement. We have opportunities in mobile, embedded systems, backend services, and other areas I can't talk about publicly.

Here's a good writeup from The Atlantic on what we're up to: http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/04/the-bi...

Get in touch if you'd like to learn more. Email is in my profile.

Chicago, IL. http://vokal.io

Backend Engineer - Python Developer

Frontend Web Engineer - HTML, LESS, Javascript, Angular, Grunt


Vokal is an industry-leading digital experience agency specializing in mobile application development, responsive website development, user experience design, and branding in an interconnected world. We are redefining the expectations of what value mobile can create through our success in enterprise mobility management, digital development, and mobile experience design innovation.

Magoosh -- Berkeley, CA

We’re looking for our third full-stack developer to help build the future of test prep.

Magoosh’s Engineering team is small, but we have a huge impact! We already help millions of students around the world study and prepare for their standardized tests with our popular web and mobile apps, and more are signing up every minute.

From day one, you’ll own projects and contribute directly to code running in production and we highly value collaboration, positive feedback, and mentorship.

Read more here: http://magoosh.com/jobs/junior-developer/

Crayon — Full Stack Engineer & Front End Developer/Designer — Boston

$100k - $130k, above market equity

http://www.crayon.co/gigs/ http://blog.crayon.co/post/113260722405/are-you-crayon-mater...

Crayon is a marketing design search engine. It's the new way for marketers to get great ideas. We're just 3 people right now (2.5 of us are engineers) and we're building the early team.

How much can I pay you to stop shooting "What's Crayon?" across my screen every time I load a page? :)

Freelance Front-End Developer (HTML/CSS/PHP)

London Review of Books. London / remote http://www.lrb.co.uk/jobs

FYI. Just saw the above advertised on their website.

Mapudo - Düsseldorf, Germany - Full Time Backend Developer, On-site

Mapudo is bringing the metals supply industry online. We are the first company offering a market place for metal suppliers to automate their sales process and serve small customers and small orders at lower cost than ever before.

We're a small but well funded team, looking for an experienced backend developer to join us in building a state of the art web application in Symfony 2. We test our software, build continuously, search with ElasticSearch, deploy to Docker containers and are in close contact with our users.

To find out more visit www.mapudo.com or email us at career@mapudo.com

Remote - Contract - Dev Ops

We're looking for a devops contractor to build a long term relationship with. We build organizing software for progressive not-for-profit organizations: http://www.controlshiftlabs.com/

Experience working with Terraform, Packer, Chef, Amazon Web Services.

Looking to improve our automation, security and reliability as we grow.

We're a globally distributed team so you can be located anywhere that allows you to overlap with normal business hours in the US east coast.

Send me a note with a cv and why you'd like to work with us. nathan@controlshiftlabs.com

Blueberry Mag |New York City| COO BlueBerryMag is a new start up set to transform the media industry. Think Vice but with a regional focus. With large backing from an established media Leviathan - BlueBerry's somewhat secretive project will bring original reporting and teams of local journalists to cities across the US.

We’re serious about proper journalism and hard hitting news. We like our editorial to be fun and lighthearted and don’t take ourselves too seriously.

We are hiring a COO to launch our first US office in NY, experience in media, startups and rolling out US city teams preferred.

Apply to Peter through editor@blueberrymag.com

Narvar | San Mateo | Noida | Onsite Only | Fulltime | Frontend Engineers | Java Developers We're an early stage start-up working towards improving customer experiences and maximizing customer lifetime value for businesses through a smart, engaging, and technology-and analytics-driven approach to supply chain using open APIs, SaaS technologies. http://corp.narvar.com/jobs/ or email me directly daya@narvar.com

We will do Visa/GC transfers Please make sure you meet the min experience for each location :)

Mediaburst | Manchester, UK | Senior .NET Developer

We are looking for a passionate .NET developer to join us here in Manchester’s Northern Quarter.

You'll be joining our development team to work on Textburst and Clockwork. Both these products are already used by thousands of businesses around the globe, with more signing up every day.

We're a relaxed place to work, with plenty of perks and a decent tech stack to work with.

Check out the full details here if you're interested: http://www.mediaburst.co.uk/jobs/ or email hello@mediaburst.co.uk

UX/UI Designer at Mozilla Foundation, Remote for the right candidate or in Toronto, Vancouver, San Francisco, Portland and NYC; note we can only hire for this position in the US, Canada and UK.

Come join a world-class team of designers who care about making the world a better place. Just submit your portfolio – that part is pretty important. Show us what you can do. Longer posting here: https://careers.mozilla.org/en-US/position/oCLY0fw5

Contact @cassiemc or cassie@mozillafoundation.org

By "Remote for the right candidate (...) US, Canada and UK" - do you mean work VISA valid for those jurisdictions? (I can work in the UK as I have a Norwegian passport -- but it's not clear if you'd be able/willing to consider me for this position)?

Those are best understood as two separate statements. Re. remote, we'd prefer to hire in the cities mentioned as those are where our current team members are located, though will definitely consider remote for someone who has the right skills to do this successfully (experience doing it, great communication skills and flexibility, above all an exceptional portfolio).

Separate to that, we are only able to hire within the jurisdictions mentioned, so for your situation you would have to reside in the UK (by my understanding). If you were willing to relocate, great, please do apply!

University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh Scotland | HPC Systems Administrator - Must be eligible to work in the UK

We are looking to employ a Linux systems administrator to work as part of the team who support the Archer UK national computing service (www.archer.ac.uk). The candidate should ideally have several years Linux experience, be familiar with monitoring tools such as nagios, have experience of visualisation and be proficient in a scripting language such as perl/python/bash.

Full job information can be found here:


Downtown Manhattan NYC VISA Saks Fifth Avenue Sr Front and Back End Application Developers We have a friendly, forward looking tech lab style environment. Most of the work that you’ll do will involve either adding features to one of our commerce sites, or helping to build out the platform on which they’re running. You’re encouraged to use whatever tools (editors, IDE’s, etc) you are most comfortable with. We work to keep meetings to a minimum, so that people can focus on getting their work done. 80/20 Summer Hours Discounts Careersatsaks.com or nicolette_nelson@s5a.com

Coverfox.com | Mumbai, India

Positions Available:

- Frontend Javascript Developer

- Python/Django Developer

- Technical Architect.

* India's fastest growing insurance buying platform. We are venture capital funded, product focused and customer centric startup.

* Engineer founders, believe in disruption by technology.

* Challenging work with a lot of space to learn new tech such as reactjs, golang, rethinkdb etc.

* Great work environment, flexible work timings. You will join a team of energetic developers who love to learn new things, work hard while not forgetting to have fun.

* Competitive salary plus benefits. Relocation assistance available.

Mail deepak AT coverfoxmail.com with your resume/linkedin/github. No recruiters please.

One & Only | Toronto/Waterloo | Software Developer

Very early stage startup in the 3D Printing space with prototypes and proof of concepts complete. Looking for development power to launch to market. You'll be paid with your share of the pie using the "Slicing Pie" equity sharing model. Web development experience is necessary; preferably responsive and full stack knowledge to incorporate a 3rd party API and payment (PayPal) API. Minimum 10 hours / week, Part time, Contract OK. Local developers preferred. Please email direct to alex at oneandonlyjewelry dot com

NYC - CloserIQ https://closeriq.com/

CloserIQ is the network connecting top sales talent to venture backed tech startups.

We are looking for an enterprise sales associate to bring on more corporate clients to CloserIQ's sales recruiting platform. The ideal candidate has a at least 1 year of consultative, enterprise sales experience and familiarity with modern tech sales tools.

Apply here: https://closeriq.com/company/closeriq

Karma Labs, Inc. - Los Angeles, CA

We're hiring a full time full stack javascript engineer. Express/restify on the back, React on the front. MongoDB and Redis.

Employee number #7 (counting the founders), Engineer #3 (counting the CTO). Ideally this position will grow into leadership but can stay pure code if that is your thing.

Karma is launching technology that unifies your online reputation and lets you use across the sharing economy (Craigslist, Airbnb, eBay etc). Fun stuff, if you like javascript.

If you'd like more info, hit us up. hello AT havekarma{dot}[com] with "Hacker News Job" on the subject.

Nimblelight - Philadelphia, PA



We’re looking for a professional with a solid foundation in web development. The ideal candidate is excited about technology, is well-versed in PHP (though ASP.NET experience is totally welcome), can wrangle database queries with SQL, and communicate back and forth with the front-end via AJAX. This is a full-time, on-site position.



- Competitive Salary

- Comprehensive Healthcare Plan

- Company lunch and happy hours

- Gorgeous working environment

- Working with awesome people

- Paid time off for holidays

- Paid sick or personal days

- Every day is "Casual Friday"

CallHub (callhub.io) | Bangalore, India | Software Developer

We are looking for a Django and python developer to join our core development team in Bangalore. We build delightful telephony applications for businesses and communities. We are profitable and growing fast. We have more than 200 customers across 11 countries and have sent more than 2 million messages.

We offer market salary and stock options. See our values and more details here, https://callhub.io/jobs/

Email: augustus@callhub.io if you are interested.

REMOTE or in Cologne, Germany

Eyeo, the company behind Adblock Plus, is looking for web developers and Android developers: https://eyeo.com/en/jobs

We're in the middle of changing the world of online advertising for the better, and there's a lot of work to do.

Apply at jobs@adblockplus.org if you're up for this, we'd love to hear from you. Please include a list of your most notable open source projects or contributions - we're an open source project, so that'd be a very big plus.

Curalate www.curalate.com (NYC, Seattle or Philly) FT Fullstack engineers

WHO WE ARE: Curalate is the leading marketing and analytics suite for the visual web and a partner to more than 500 of the world’s most-loved brands. We’re a passionate team of visual thinkers, makers, and storytellers dedicated to helping brands create authentic connections with consumers through images. And we’re building something really powerful.

Much like the brands we work with, our people are nothing short of inspiring – and we’re looking to grow our team. If you’re scrappy, creative, curious, and FUN, then we think Curalate could be the place for you.

WHAT YOU'LL DO: Join our team of 17 in tackling some of the gnarliest problems out there at the intersection of computer vision and big data.

You'll be expected to dive into our stack and toolkit, and start shipping code on day one. We're not hiring code monkeys; you'll be given substantial feature ownership, and we'll expect you to contribute product ideas as well as code.

OUR STACK: We're not language zealots; we believe in using the right tool for the job, and are comfortable with a polyglot codebase. That said, today we lean on:

Languages: Scala, Javascript Frameworks: Storm, Lift, Scalatra, Akka Infrastructure: AWS Databases: Cassandra, MySQL (RDS), DynamoDB, Redis, Memcached Front End: jQuery, Bootstrap

(Production experience with any of these technologies is not required. However, candidates will, at a minimum, want to have experience with an object-oriented language like Java, C++, or C#).

ABOUT YOU: Although experience with our existing technology stack is great, we're much more interested in hiring developers with exceptional problem solving skills, creative out-of-the-box thinking, and comfort with quickly learning, evaluating, and deploying new technologies. While we're not looking for any specific industry experience you should have at least two years of experience and come prepared to join a fast-moving team. Above all else, we're looking for others who are as excited about the potential in this space as we are, and who will be willing to join us in moving fast and breaking things as we execute against that vision.

Shopa - London (only), UK

We work with different technologies in the backend: RoR, Go, Scala (the less) trying to create the next social shopping platform.

The positions open for the engineering department at the moment are:

Android Developer Backend Developer Principle DevOps Engineer / Head of DevOps Product Designer Product Manager - Content Product Manager - eCommerce Product Manager - Social

More info: https://shopa.com/i/jobs

Send me an email if you are interested in apply or you want more details: agonzalez AT shopa _DOT_ com

Okta Inc - SF, CA We are defining Identity as a Service. Think login with Facebook but for business applications. People who use products such as Adobe Creative Cloud, log into Okta, when "logging into" Adobe.

Looking to hire for a variety of positions: https://www.okta.com/company/careers.html#okta-positions

Personally, I would love to get someone on our new Analytics and Reporting team. Send me a resume or any inquiries at rgupta@okta.com

HubSpot is hiring for software developers & designers in Cambridge/Boston and Dublin.

Looking for front-end (React, Backbone, ES6/CoffeeScript) and back-end (java, hbase, kafka, hadoop) developers who enjoy working in small teams that own significant parts of our products. Developer autonomy and responsibility are what fuels our product culture. Our marketing & sales platform help small businesses grow.

More on our team, culture and roles: http://product.hubspot.com/

Acelio bridges the gap between applications and infrastructure. Since applications can only perform as well as the infrastructure they run on, truly reliable performance can only occur when cloud infrastructure is more responsive to the needs of developers and their applications. Acelio software removes and prevents resource contention among applications from the infrastructure without being invasive to applications.

We are looking for talented engineers.

http://acelio.com/ or jobs@acelio.com

FixStream - San Jose, CA - Big Data/Software Engineer, Data Scientist, Field Engineer


At FixStream we’re building an advanced operational analytics and visualization platform which gives leaders and practitioners the ability to see, troubleshoot and plan complex cloud data center environments in ways not possible before.

Detailed Job descriptions


Codero Hosting - Overland Park KS and Austin TX

Codero is looking to hire a Front End Engineer well versed in the art of Javascript. Experience working with Angular, ember, backbone would be desirable.

And if you know how to handle PHP and/or Python that would be a huge plus. We want those that are highly motivated and can knock out high profile projects.

Check out our job postings on: http://www.codero.com/company/careers/

Or feel free to email me your resume, tmartin@codero.com

Outbound (YC W15) - https://outbound.io

San Francisco, CA | on-site only | relocation possible.

Looking for server/devops engineers to be engineer #3. We write Go and AngularJS. Store data in MongoDB. Use Firebase, AWS, Twilio, Mandrill, Mailgun, Sendgrid, APNS and GCM.

You will be in the ground floor and responsible for building the foundation of our system. No legacy systems to support. Come in, design and then build.

We're funded, have paying customers and very good growth.

Email travis[at]outbound[dot]io if you're interested.

Showpad - Full Stack for Analytics products. Series B, exponential growth, revenue > investment.

I had an interviewee tell me he "likes to rock out with my cock out" this week... so don't do that.

Caplinked - Los Angeles, CA About Us ----------- For info on our company: http://angel.co/caplinked Competitive salary and benefits. Telecommute is ok, though if you are in Los Angeles or nearby that would be better. Front-end: React, Angular Back-end: Ruby on Rails, Postgresql, AWS, node.js We're looking for a senior full-stack engineer that has some devops chops. Please email me at jonny@caplinked.com if you have any questions!

GoldFire Studios - Oklahoma City - Full Time

We are a game studio focussed on building communities around games. We've built a web gaming platform with over 300,000 users and are now looking to expand both our own game offerings and open our platform to other developers. We've been around since 2008 and are profitable.

If you are interested in building the next generation of online games and gaming services, check us out at http://goldfirestudios.com/jobs.

REMOTE - DataStax Test Engineering and other positions

DataStax engineering is distributed and hiring numerous positions, including some test engineering (automation) positions for my group. We use Python, Clojure, and Javascript - most of the automation is currently in Python. There's also a lot of Java in other parts of the company.


Booking.com - Amsterdam, The Netherlands; VISA

My employer is always hiring for tech-related jobs on location in Amsterdam. Relocation assistance is provided, further details at https://workingatbooking.com/department/technology/

I work as a Senior Developer there in backend infrastructure and would be happy to answer any questions you may have or otherwise help you along in the hiring process. My E-Mail is in my profile.

Booking.com | Amsterdam | JavaScript Frontend Developer | VISA

B.responsible Translate requirements and mockups into fully functioning features using JavaScript and HTML/CSS Continuously look for ways to improve Booking.com and implement A/B tests Take ownership of sections of Booking.com's desktop, tablet and mobile web sites


Are you guys hiring junior front end or js developers at the moment? Specifically someone with no professional experience but is smart, has basic skills and is a quick learner.(I'm teaching her at the moment and she really wants to work in Amsterdam)

Chengbao - Hong Kong - http://chengbao.com.hk/

Want to move to Hong Kong? We make high quality web and native apps related to security and privacy. We have an awesome office, a great international team, and we are growing fast.

We have the following positions available at our office in Hong Kong:

UI Designer/Frontend Developer

UX Designer with Awesome Writing Skills

Senior Android and/or iOS Developer

Senior Software Developer (Ruby)

Senior QA Engineer

Systems Administrator and DevOps Expert

Drop us an email at jobs@chengbao.com.hk or leave a comment if you have any questions. :)

Expedite Financial, San Francisco (and remote)

We're building a modern mortgage bank. Currently a seed-funded team of 16, 7 engineers with 3 Ph.D's. - Harvard/Stanford/Duke/Michigan

    back-end: scala, rails, neo4j, postgres
    front-end:  rails, angular, react, coffeescript, sass
    dev-ops: chef, ec2
http://expeditefinancial.com/jobs (or email me - kevin@expeditelabs.com with subject "HN")

* Django or Node.js Experts -- San Francisco

Textur is an automated data pipeline. We collect unstructured data from a variety of sources and automatically build and maintain a relational data warehouse in near real time.

We are hiring web backend engineers to own a UX that involves rich interactions between a web application and our customer's data pipeline. The product this dev builds is a UX that directly interacts with tens of billions of events per month.

Interested backend devs, please send github & linkedin links to: helen [at] textur [dot] com.

GoDaddy - http://www.godaddy.com - Sunnyvale CA

Rails Software Engineer

GoDaddy is building out an experience for Web Pros (https://www.godaddy.com/pro) which helps technical freelancers and agencies connect with and manage small business clients.

We're looking for someone experienced in Rails (we're on 4.2) and embraces full stack development.

We do accept candidates with VISAs.

Email lwang@godaddy.com if you're interested.

Starting tomorrow, you can access top contract/freelance jobs at Hired! Go to Hired.com, select your interest in "contract" opportunities and let the companies come to you.

Main Street Hub // Austin, TX // email: brandon.beck@mainstreethub.com

We are looking for a few experienced software engineers (especially front-end engineers) to join our small but growing R&D team in downtown Austin. Within engineering we are a passionate group of people who are extremely interested in building the software that helps our customers around the country thrive in their local communities. We’re a really small team (currently 13 people) so you’ll have plenty of say around how we develop software going forward.

We are currently in the process of modernizing our software platform to be more modular and truly data driven. Our goal is to use data to make sure that we provide the right content to the right consumer at the right time. We’re building our internal API using REST based services implemented in Java, and while our front end is currently implemented in PHP, we are migrating away from that. Some of the technologies that we’re using: Dropwizard, Swagger, Flyway, AngularJS, Bootstrap, CloudFormation, Troposphere, and Ansible. All new engineers get company provided downtown parking, flexible work hours, 100% of their health insurance premiums paid for by the company, the ability to build their own work computer, and access to our kitchen with plenty of drinks and snacks. We’re looking for individuals only so please NO RECRUITERS OR AGENCIES (seriously, your emails will just go into the trash folder so let's save each other's time). In addition we’re looking for full-time employees who are already in Austin, TX or willing to relocate.


Founded in 2010, Main Street Hub is the CRM for Local. We offer an integrated social, web, and email marketing solution designed to help merchants get more customers and keep them coming back by spreading word of mouth, extending their customer service, managing their online reputation, and leveraging the Main Street Hub’s merchant network. Main Street Hub was recently named #73 on the Inc. 500 list (http://www.inc.com/profile/main-street-hub) of America’s fastest growing companies and the 2nd fastest growing company in Austin. Please see our website (http://www.mainstreethub.com) for more information.

Tophatter - Engineering, Backend Rails & Full Stack | Palo Alto (local)

We're a rapidly growing mobile commerce platform, think eBay but live. 3mm+ mobile app downloads. We started in 2012 and we're experiencing 100% year over year growth. Funded by leading SV investors.

Compensation is competitive with a benefits package and as much paid time off as you need. We offer catered lunch daily via EAT Club, subsidized Equinox gym membership, and subsidized public transit/shuttle.

You can reach me directly at jared at tophatter.com.

LedgerX - New York, NY (Manhattan). Local or remote.

We are building regulated bitcoin infrastructure for Wall Street, which will be launched once our application to the CFTC has been approved. We have built a bitcoin options exchange and clearinghouse platform, which, upon approval, will give U.S. financial institutions a legal and regulated way to access promising bitcoin technology, as well as bitcoin derivatives.

Our backend technology is based on Python, C++ and ZeroMQ. We are looking for software engineers.

Send email to zach@ledgerx.com.

Rocketmiles — Senior Developer (Java/Grails), Front End Developer (Angular JS), Designer (Visual or Product)

Rocketmiles (recently acquired by Priceline) is looking to grow our in-house development team at our headquarters in Chicago, IL.

We're looking for several experienced backend developers (Java/Grails) and one front-end developer (angular.js).

Rocketmiles helps frequent travelers be heroes at home and vacation faster by accruing loyalty miles or points just for booking hotels.

Interested? Please email me directly. jordan@rocketmiles.com

The stuff you guys are doing looks awesome!

MarketInvoice // Software Engineers // London, UK

At MarketInvoice we've built a peer-to-peer funding platform to provide businesses with working capital. We've funded over £380m to date. We're VC-backed (same backers as Spotify) and we're growing fast. We're on the look out for Software Engineers to join our talented engineering team.

.NET stack.

Find out more here: https://marketinvoice.com/careers

Do you hire remote developers? www.ledenboek.be/ENG is created by me for example (demo option below)

Sorry, on-site only right now...

Synaptive Medical | Toronto, Ontario

Innovative and fast paced medical device start up in the neurosurgical space.

We do software, hardware, and science. I'm particularly interested in finding more scientific developers (image processing, physical modeling, numerical analysis, machine learning, etc.) with industry experience, but our needs are broad - have a look.

Some job descriptions at http://www.synaptivemedical.com , more are likely to post soon.

A huge amount of scientific computing, modeling, and image processing work is based in open source tools and primarily developed in Unix environments. Many of your roles emphasize a desire for candidates with prior C# and VS experience. Can you elaborate on whether it's possible to work from Linux on your team, or is out-of-the-box Windows experience also required?

There is an emphasis on .NET experience for application development as our production software stack is mostly based there (at least the bits that aren't embedded). So yes, having some experience in this environment is a plus.

For more R&D positions, this balances against experience with libraries and techniques, and we have done some dev work on linux, etc. for these reasons.

For the position(s) I most care about at the moment, significant industry experience would easily trump platform familiarity, but obviously that might not be true for all openings. C++, particularly modern C++, experience would be a plus too, as would familiarity with a range of numeric and image processing libraries and the like.

Any chance for rem0te for C++ devs?

Booking.com | Front End(JavaScript) developer | Amsterdam

We are looking for experienced frontend/javascript developers to join our international team in Netherlands. You will have the chance to work on one of the largest e-commerce websites and influence millions of users worldwide. An extensive relocation package to the beautiful city of Amsterdam is provided. Apply directly via our web-site http://grnh.se/q1m0fv

Sparkcentral | San Francisco | Sr Software Engineer & QA Engineer Sparkcentral is expanding its young and motivated team to help build the future of customer service. We've developed a platform which allows customer service teams to reduce response times, increase engagement, and improve the customer experience. http://www.sparkcentral.com/careers or email taek@sparkcentral.com

Los Angeles CA - KEYPR

We're redefining the guest experience at hotels worldwide! With our mobile app, guests check in and go straight to their room. With our web app, hotels get real-time metrics and tools to track.

We're looking for front-end, back-end, mobile, and embedded/firmware engineers. We use Python, Node.js, Angular, iOS, Android, Clojure, and C. If you like to solve challenging problems, please email me at charles@keypr.com. Please include your GitHub profile and links to code or any relevant work.


New York, NY

Confide - https://getconfide.com

We are looking for people to join one of the hottest start-ups in NYC. Confide is an off-the-record mobile messaging app that's targeting professionals and business people. We combine end-to-end encryption with disappearing messages to encourage private, unfiltered and efficient communication. And we’re backed by some of the best early-stage investors in the world. As one of the first employees of Confide, you will be involved in every aspect of our product development, from start to finish.


Job: Full Stack Engineer

Our engineers:

* Have a computer science background

* Sweat over every little detail while also iterating quickly

* Build robust systems and delightful products

Ideal candidates:

* Have 3+ years of full stack web development experience

* Have experience building complex JavaScript applications

* Love learning new technologies and tools

* Are passionate about doing the best work possible

* Are awesome human beings


Job: iOS Engineer

Job: Android Engineer

Our engineers:

* Are passionate about providing a great mobile experience

* Sweat over every little detail while also iterating quickly

* Build robust systems and delightful products

* Are sociable and work well with others

Ideal candidates:

* Have 2+ years of iOS or Android development experience

* Love learning new technologies and tools

* Are passionate about doing the best work possible

* Would give an arm and a leg to go to WWDC or Google I/O

* Are awesome human beings


More info: https://getconfide.com/jobs

Email us: jobs@getconfide.com

Eaze | San Francisco, CA | Node Engineers At Eaze, we're building the future of marijuana delivery. We're only 8 months old but are by far the largest in the space and recently raised a $10MM round in funding from significant Silicon Valley VCs.

We're rebuilding our application on a Node/Angular/Ionic stack. We're currently looking for more Node engineers to join an already strong team with contributors to top open source projects.

Email shri(at)eaze(dot)com if you're interested.

Delighterr | Fremont | Lead full stack engineer Delighterr is stealth startup with cal founders and seed funding from top silicon valley ex-ceo. we are looking for a lead full stack engineer to develop our offering working closely with pilot customers. We are looking for engineer with passion to develop scalable web apps using PHP, Node.js, Python or Ruby, jQuery, Angular.jsm, HTML5/CSS3, MySQL, integrations with RESTful APIs. contact baker@delighterr.com with your info.

Callinize | Austin | Infrastructure Engineer

In the time it took you to read this sentence, we’ve processed thousands of phone events. And we’ll process millions more this month. We want your help to scale to trillions.

We are looking for a backend software developer to assist with scaling automation and continuous deployment


HandStack | SoMa, San Francisco, CA (remote, intern ok) | Mobilize thousands. Fast. | handstack.com

Are you passionate about politics, community organizing, activism, or connecting people?

HandStack is Meetup + Trello. We provide an unprecedented ability to mass-coordinate people for political campaigns, events, projects, and causes.


We'll be part of a SF accelerator in June-Sept. Looking for developers with experience in one of the following: Ember JS, Firebase, and Cordova.

Reach out to jess (at) handstack dot com. We're happy to chat!


Full-Stack Dev: https://weworkremotely.com/jobs/1554

Some stuff you'll work with:

* PHP, MySQL, JavaScript

* Integrate with our in-house and third-party ad servers (SOAP, REST APIs)

What we expect:

* Self-starter - no micromanagement at BSA

* Excellent communication

* US only [but 100% remote from anywhere in the US]

+ everything else in the job description, just wanted to add some more info here.

Lumos Point of Sale | San Diego, CA | Sales / Marketing / Biz Dev

Fresh startup with a fully features and WORKING iPad point of sale with a integrated e-commerce engine that helps businesses sell online and in store from a unified database.

Funded. With a dev team in Toronto, sales and marketing in San Diego. Moving into kickass new office space soon. We are on a hiring spree.

http://www.lumospos.com brad (at) lumospos.com

Senior Web Developer | New York

Looking for a proficient and experienced web developer for a dynamic no-code environment in the knowledge engineering and functional programming space. Primary role is advanced web development. Skill set should be able to include Java, Scala, SQL and web servers.

Details here: http://www.neotalogic.com/careers/senior-web-developer

HERE maps | Berkeley, San Francisco Bay Area | Web Developer / Tools Engineer

Nokia HERE is a global leader in the mapping and location intelligence business. HERE Reality Lens (https://realitylens.here.com) utilizes advanced reality capture technologies to collect, process, and publish petabytes of street-level, aerial, and indoor spatial data to customers in over 72 countries around the world. These software and data services, the sixth largest on AWS, allow users to visualize high-resolution 3D panoramic and oblique imagery while interactively measuring, mapping, and modeling.

As Web Developer / Tools Engineer, you would help Reality Lens execute on our product vision, create great products, and share a great work environment.

You will:

- Create Canvas/WebGL and DOM-based solutions integrating 2D maps, 3D imagery and LIDAR point clouds.

- Design and implement web-based tools for managing live operations and other shared platform services using a Node.js technology stack.

- Integrate software with HERE platforms, processes, pipelines, and products.

- Design data models for SQL and NoSQL databases and caches. (MySQL, MongoDB, Redis).

Please have:

- Experience with Cloud Computing platforms and Linux (e.g., Amazon AWS).

- Experience with HTML/CSS/JavaScript/TypeScript using client-side frameworks such as Angular.js, server-side frameworks such as Express, and full-stack frameworks such as Meteor.

- Experience modeling and implementing scalable and robust data storage in any of MongoDB, DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL.

- Experience achieving quality and user satisfaction metrics for customer facing web applications.

- A thorough understanding of all things HTTP, including patterns for RESTful design, scalability, and security.

- Good computer science fundamentals including an understanding of data structures and algorithms, their runtime and storage complexities.

Please check out our job post at http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/sof/4990198312.html .

The New York Times | NYC | Javascript Developer

Our E-Commerce Team is agile, lean and looking to expand our frontend team with experienced JS devs.

Send your resume to: kim dot gardner at nytimes dot com


Check out our open source code: https://github.com/nytimes/

Or check out other jobs here: http://developers.nytimes.com/careers/

healthfinch, Software Engineer - Madison, WI - jobs@healthfinch.com

Join our modest development team and change the way the health care industry works! We’re scaling to more customers, integrating with a broad range of medical systems, and building out capabilities that will impact the day-to-day lives of thousands of doctors, nurses, and other heath care practitioners. We work with Ruby and Javascript on our current apps, but believe in the philosophy of using the best tool for the job.

Minimum Requirements - A minimum of 3 years experience working as an application developer or software engineer - Interest in working with a small development team at a start-up - Proficient oral and written communication skills History of collaborating well with other developers and stakeholders - Experience with modern web development including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Knowledge of SQL and modern RDBMSs like Postgres, Mysql, SQL Server - A good understanding of MVC design patterns - An interest in perfecting the practice of healthcare through more usable IT!

Bonus Points for These Skills - git, Ruby (or other dynamic language), Ruby on Rails, RESTful web service, development JavaScript, RSpec, Cucumber, jQuery, Cache and MUMPS - A GitHub profile you can send us

Myntra.com - Bangalore, India - Full Time - Multiple Positions

We are hiring across the board. Architects, AVP/VP/SVP EMs, Engineers, Product Managers, UX Designers - interested in working with one of the hottest startups in India? Shoot me an email (under my profile) with your resume.

PS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvSXjN7vrwg This is where you'll be working :)

Folks in the bay area - we are looking for leadership roles AVP+ in engineering and product. You must be willing to relocate to Bangalore.

Listrunner (YC s2014) - San Francisco.

Improving doctors' workflow and communication in hospital.

Looking for:

- Senior backend engineer (experience in sys admin, devops, writing clean and robust code, security, compliance.)

- Frontend / Fullstack designer (systematic about understanding the core problems, user research, wireframing, UI, html/css)

Our stack is Python / Postgres / Angular / React


Contact me directly phzbox at gmail

My company CircleBack Lending is hiring for a lot of positions : PHP Dev, Sysops, DB Admin, QA, UI, Data Analyst and more. Full Time in Boca Raton, Florida.

The ads for these jobs has not been made yet, so I can't link to the description for each. email jobs@circlebacklending.com https://www.circlebacklending.com/jobs.php

Tech: PHP, MySQL, Laravel, Unix, Bootstrap, Selenium

iSEC Partners/NCC Group - San Francisco, Seattle, Austin, New York City - Job Title - Security Engineer

Like the old adage goes, April showers bring May jobs.

That was lame, but our jobs and client engagements are not. If you love security and research, iSEC/NCC just may be a perfect fit for you.

At iSEC, part of NCC Group, you will spend most of your day thinking about security systems and how they can break. This is a very creative job that gives individuals a lot of freedom to be clever while learning new technologies at a very fast pace. Typical engagements will pair you with another experienced security consultant who you will learn from and teach along the way. Engagements are usually 2-4 weeks long. In a year, you will be exposed to 15-20 products and technology stacks. Your work will typically initiate person-months of security improvements in products millions of people use. You will have access to senior engineers/architects and your findings/ideas will be heard by senior decision makers. You will have enormous impact in making the software people use safer. All of our consultants are also security researchers, with dedicated research time.

We like to let our research speak for itself: https://isecpartners.github.io/

Check out all of our career opportunities here: https://www.isecpartners.com/about/careers.aspx

We're always looking for folks passionate about what we do. We'd love to hear from you!

Upstart (Palo Alto)

We take a radical approach to lending by using nontraditional data to evaluate borrower creditworthiness. Our goal is financial fitness for all. We're 30 person team and we're looking for 1 or 2 few full-stack engineers passionate about building robust systems and moving fast.

Technologies: RoR, AngularJS, Django/Python, Postgres, Redis, RabbitMQ



Zesty (YC W14) | San Francisco, CA (or remote) | https://www.zesty.com/jobs

We're hiring Rails and Ember engineers.

If you’re interested in building the kind of back-end systems that power Uber and Lyft, Zesty is a way to get in on the very ground floor of an engineering team with similar challenges. You’d be one of the first 5 engineers to join and would work closely with our founders.

Wiredcraft (http://wiredcraft.com/) -- One of our offices: Shanghai, China

We build products at the intersection of technology around data. Lots of data visualization, big data and infrastructure. We work with large organizations on challenging problems (the World Bank, the United Nations, CNN) OR on our own products (mostly developer tools, things like http://devo.ps or http://sweepboard.com).

We are a multicultural team with French, American, British, Chinese, Korean, Dutch and Finnish colleagues. We are about to settle a third office in NYC this year. We work a lot with Javascript (node.js, AngularJS), Python, occasionally Go and Erlang. Lots of single page apps, APIs and infrastructure automation.

- Sales director (freelance + FT); You would be involved with the following sales responsibilities: -Scale our existing sales channels, -Develop new sales channels, -Build up new partnerships, -Develop new business opportunities, Keep in mind that we provide both services and product, both of which you would likely get a chance to help us with.

- Project manager; We're looking for somebody to help us lead and ship our projects and products. http://wiredcraft.com/jobs/project-manager/

- Designer director; you have design chops, understand technology (HTML/CSS...) and do more than nice pictures (content,strategy,color,theory,...). http://wiredcraft.com/jobs/design-director/

- Online marketing intern (Shanghai or NYC); we'd love some help with growth hacking our products and marketing our services like there's no tomorrow. http://wiredcraft.com/jobs/online-marketing-intern/

Drop me a line at job@wiredcraft.com, or go to https://wiredcraft.typeform.com/to/GG4GQz

Wiredcraft (http://wiredcraft.com/) -- One of our offices: Shanghai, China

We build products at the intersection of technology around data. Lots of data visualization, big data and infrastructure. We work with large organizations on challenging problems (the World Bank, the United Nations, CNN) OR on our own products (mostly developer tools, things like http://devo.ps or http://sweepboard.com).

We are a multicultural team with French, American, British, Chinese, Korean, Dutch and Finnish colleagues. We are about to settle a third office in NYC this year. We work a lot with Javascript (node.js, AngularJS), Python, occasionally Go and Erlang. Lots of single page apps, APIs and infrastructure automation.

- Sales director (freelance + FT); You would be involved with the following sales responsibilities: -Scale our existing sales channels, -Develop new sales channels, -Build up new partnerships, -Develop new business opportunities, Keep in mind that we provide both services and product, both of which you would likely get a chance to help us with.

- Project manager; We're looking for somebody to help us lead and ship our projects and products. http://wiredcraft.com/jobs/project-manager/

- Designer director; you have design chops, understand technology (HTML/CSS...) and do more than nice pictures (content,strategy,color,theory,...). http://wiredcraft.com/jobs/design-director/

- Online marketing intern (Shanghai or NYC); we'd love some help with growth hacking our products and marketing our services like there's no tomorrow. http://wiredcraft.com/jobs/online-marketing-intern/

Drop me a line at job@wiredcraft.com, or go to https://wiredcraft.typeform.com/to/GG4GQz

LemonStand | Vancouver, BC | Web Designer

We're growing our design and development and are looking for a junior Web Designer to round out our store themes and be a hero to our customers building stores online.

You can post your blossoming portfolio and resume to:


Or, email me directly at bruce@lemonstand.com

On-site only.

Resurvey. Petaluma, Calif. & Portland, Maine. Remote (U.S.) welcome. Contract, initially.

We're bringing video collaboration to businesses. Techstars alum, initial customers in a single vertical, relaxed but performance-based culture.

Design hypermedia APIs, build web and native apps. HTML, CSS, JS, BaaS, document-oriented databases, security, AWS, Win7+, OS X, iOS, Android.

Email links to projects you've worked on and a bit about yourself to people@resurvey.io.

Twenty20 - Los Angeles, CA

We're looking for a senior/lead mobile developer to come help us change the world of stock photos.

I'm our internal recruiter; feel free to reach out to me at john@twenty20.com.

Here's the job description: http://twenty20.theresumator.com/apply/Y6eZhv/Sr-Mobile-Soft...

BlockScore (YCS14) - Intelligent ID verification (https://blockscore.com)

We build APIs and products that help companies fight fraud and automate cumbersome compliance requirements.


eBay Enterprise/Magento - Culver City, CA - Site Engineering - Local only - Full time

Magento powers 26 percent of all eCommerce sites in the Alexa Top One Million Sites list; more than any other eCommerce platform.

Join the team that delivers high quality websites for eBay Enterprise. Our oldest site is http://magento.com - our newest site (just launched) is http://ebayenterprise.com.

From developing new back-end features to pushing the envelope of front-end dev, our team has massive freedom to innovate and explore things that are interesting to each dev.

Our tech stack is mainly Drupal/PHP. You don't have to be an expert in Drupal, but CMS experience of some kind is preferred.

To get an idea of how we work, read this blog post: https://medium.com/@entendu/how-we-built-the-imagine-2015-si...

If you're interested, ping me @entendu and we can chat. The team will also be at DrupalCon LA if you're going!

TaskRabbit: TaskRabbit is one of the early pioneers of Sharing Economy (2008) and still going strong! We are a small, close-knit team team trying to help people get stuff done (and helping others make a living).

We've got full-time roles open for Android, iOS, and Backend engineers (all roles in SOMA San Francisco)


Spreemo | New York City | Senior and Junior Software Engineers

Spreemo, newly funded healthcare marketplace in FiDi (downtown Manhattan) in New York City (NYC). Looking for junior and senior full-stack Ruby on Rails developers. Good pay, environment, and team. Help fix healthcare by providing transparency in both cost and quality.


Yeplive | San Francisco, Toronto | Video Systems Engineer

REMOTE is perfectly fine.

We're a super-early, pre-launch livestreaming startup looking for a video systems engineer. Someone who's familiar with streaming and scaling H.264 video over protocols including HLS and RTSP, to potentially millions of viewers. Experience with loadbalancing, autoscaling and the like are preferred.

Reach out to me at colin@yeplive.com for more info or to apply.

Codelitt Incubator | REMOTE or Miami | Software Engineer

You'll work on several different products, lead engineering, and product direction. Great benefits.

Requirements here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NUnRji1Lhd33_j5hpr4eL9yL...

Contact me directly at cody@codelitt.com

Software Developer/Salesforce consultant | Leeds, UK | Full time, permanent, mostly on-site

A young, 30-ish-strong consultancy in central Leeds. Strong focus on Salesforce work, but we also have MS Dynamix, Data/BI and AWS practices, so you'll have some variety. Salesforce experience not required. We're also looking for data analysts.

If you're interested, shoot me an email at vilius.vaivada@alscient.com.


Captain Up - Local, Remote - Tel Aviv, Israel

Looking for developers to join our team at Captain Up (https://captainup.com/). We do: Ruby, node.js, MongoDB, Redis, iOS, Android, among others. Our game mechanics and engagement platform serves millions of users. Interesting challenges and a good team. Ping me almog@captainup.com

Paperspace (YCW15) | NYC | Full Time - DevOps

We are building a large scale virtual desktop infrastructure built entirely for the web. We are looking for local (on-site) engineers to help us architect a challenging distributed system. Especially looking for people who have worked with CloudStack/OpenStack/Virtualization/XenServer

email me directly, dillon@paperspace.io.

Also looking for developers working with WebRTC/C++

FastSalas | Sao Paulo, Brazil | on-site only

Asp.NET MVC, EF, Angular, SQL Server

Fastsalas is a community marketplace for people to list, discover, and book professional spaces around Brazil. Whether a meeting room, training space or convention center, FastSalas connects people to unique professional spaces.

https://fastsalas.com/ - atendimento@fastsalas.com

Bolt - San Francisco - Full time - https://bolt.com/

We're hiring:

- Platform Engineer (Backend / Ruby Engineer)

- Bitcoin / Blockchain Engineer

- Designer

- Infrastructure Engineer

- Infrastructure Security Engineer

- Product Security Engineer

Join us to spark the next generation of digital payments. More details on each position here: https://bolt.com/jobs

Red Badger- London- Full Time

Red Badger is looking for a talented full stack developer with strong Ruby/ Node.js. React.js would be a bonus.

We build beautiful software with bleeding edge tech for great brands like Fortnum & Mason and Sky.

We are lean, agile and like to do things properly.

Sound interesting? Send us your CV, Stackoverflow profile, Github, code, portfolio and anything else you think we might be interested in to jobs@red-badger.com.

REMOTE - Help Scout, a help desk software company, is looking for a Software Engineer (Java + Solr). 75% of the team is remote and we work hard to support a remote team culture. Please check out the job description and apply here - https://help-scout.workable.com/jobs/51883

Codecademy - http://codecademy.com - NYC

We're building a way for people to learn employable skills. We're always looking for engineering talent and I think we have a long road ahead of us.

If you're interested in building an education platform using tech like ReactJS, ES6, Golang, and Rails, reach out to me! artur@codecademy.com

Translation Exchange | Los Angeles & San Francisco | Backend & Frontend engineers, UX/UI Designer

We're a small venture-backed team working on an advanced localization platform for mobile & web applications.

Email jobs@translationexchange.com if interested.


DoubleDutch - www.doubledutch.me - San Francisco, CA

We’re looking for talented engineers to join our team! Check out our website; take a quick look at us and see if there are any job openings you want to apply to. We’ve got an agile team of engineers here who are solving challenging issues such figuring out the best way for us to scale. Below is a bit out our company… _______________________________________________________

At DoubleDutch, we build social mobile event applications. Our aim is to build a highly adopted and engaging application for the attendees of conferences. By using the app as a tool to learn about attendee interests and intents, we provide analytics and tools to the organizers and (and soon to be) exhibitors of the events to help them use data to understand and affect the outcome of their event.

We were recently voted one of San Francisco's top 10 companies by Forbes, recently raised $19 million in funding, and are continuing to accelerate our growth. Last year we powered ~1500 events, and are estimating powering 5000-7000 events this year.

All Jobs - http://doubledutch.me/jobs.html Android Developer - http://doubledutch.me/jobs.html?nl=1&jvi=oyNYXfw0,Job&jvs=Ha... Data Engineer - http://doubledutch.me/jobs.html?nl=1&jvi=ohp8Zfwx,Job&jvs=Ha... DevOps Engineer - http://doubledutch.me/jobs.html? nl=1&jvi=oWFw0fwR,Job&jvs=Hacker_News Engineering Intern - http://doubledutch.me/jobs.html?nl=1&jvi=oniPZfwd,Job&jvs=Ha... iOS Developer - http://doubledutch.me/jobs.html?nl=1&jvi=ovNYXfwX,Job&jvs=Ha... Software Developer - http://doubledutch.me/jobs.html?nl=1&jvi=oGNYXfw8,Job&jvs=Ha...

Tracks - Video Conversations (Miami Beach, FL)

Looking for iOS Devs, Android Devs, Backend Devs.

More about us: Currently in Beta, about to close out our seed round. Tracks is a video messaging app that brings together the joy of speaking face-to-face with the freedom to talk whenever you like.


Emails are not going through on seth@getontracks.com

Senior Ruby on Rails Developer

COMCAST -- Philadelphia, PA

* Looking for an aspiring Rails ninja, with 5+ years experience

* Be a part of building the next generation TV platform, X1

* Solve really interesting problems at 30+ million user scale

* Comcast is a fast-growing company, with a startup feel, and a GREAT place to work

* Competitive salary with great benefits

* Join a fun team that works hard and plays hard! :)

* Think Comcast is evil? Come change it!

contact jerzygangi at gmail dot com for an interview

encircle.io | Ahmedabad | Front end Developer

encircle.io is an exciting technology start-up developing platform to build IoT Experiences. We are based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Our journey has begun with the thrilling Beacon technology that fits very well with our vision of a multifunctional Sense-Connect-Cloud platform. Our Proximity Platform help Retailer Brands, Museum and Event organizers to deliver context-aware, most relevant content and in-location experiences for improving their customer engagement and influencing customer behaviour to drive more loyalty.

We’re agile, with an aggressive roadmap. So, We need you to lead or contribute to design and development of front-end of our platform. If you join us, the work will not be work anymore, It’ll be all fun and have a pride to be part of something big.

You Have :

- A deep familiarity and experience with Angular JS, Java scripts, HTML 5, CSS 3.

- Working knowledge of the general web front-end landscape, trends, and emerging technologies.

- Startup-culture mind state and flexible to work in agile and collaborative environment.

- Passion and dare to build something great. Love designing web interfaces and understands basics web UI components.

You Do :

- Visualize and design interactive web interfaces for our web part of product which meant to be used by our brand customer.

- Client-side coding to integrate front-end app with our cloud REST web services.

- Collaborate with the team to define features for our next generation platform for connected things.

- Imagine. Implement. Iterate. Improve; Get things done.

Apply at https://encircleio.recruiterbox.com/ OR directly email to career@encircle.io

Milq (milq.com) - TORONTO

Milq is the best place to discover and collect culture.

We're a well funded consumer startup located at Bloor & Avenue Rd. We're looking to add three exceptional people to our team:

SENIOR FULL STACK ENGINEER: familiarity with nodeJS, mongo and redis.

ANDROID ENGINEER: a least two years of Android development experience.

LEAD DESIGNER: mobile-first design methodology.

Send us an email if interested: careers@milq.com

goBalto.com - Full Stack Software Engineer and DevOps/Site Reliability Engineer - San Francisco, CA (Near Embarcadero/Montgomery Bart Station)

Technologies we use - Node, Angular, Ruby, Rails, Postgres, Github, AWS, Chef, Ansible

Not Just Another Social App - we’re building a meaningful product with the potential to speed the delivery of new medicines to market. Right now it can take over a year to start up a clinical drug trial, and our team is building software with the goal of bringing that time down to a matter of months. By working with us you'll have a direct impact on helping real people get medicine that could potentially save their life.

Agile Bones - A collaborative team of 10 engineers, we emphasize code reviews, testing, daily standups, retrospectives, etc.

Email jobs@gobalto.com with any questions. H1B VISA friendly. Job listings can be found here: http://www.gobalto.com/careers.html

BackNine Insurance and Financial Services - Los Angeles - http://back9ins.com

BackNine simplifies the selling of insurance by allowing insurance brokers to quote, apply, plan, and summarize their insurance.

We are looking for a smart and creative front end or full stack engineer. Full time and in house.

Please email reid@back9ins.com

PipelineDeals - https://www.pipelinedeals.com - Philadelphia, PA or remote

PipelineDeals is looking for Senior Engineers. Our engineering team is based in our Wayne, PA office (Philadelphia suburb), but remote applicants are more than welcome.

An overview of engineering at PipelineDeals:

- Work with a smart, highly functioning team of developers who care about learning and bettering themselves. - Our team champions learning, bettering yourself, and teaching to the rest of the team.

- 20% of your time is investment time. One day a week, you'll invest in yourself, learning about new technologies, working on open source, or side projects that help the company.


- Excellent benefits package

- Competitive, better-than-market salary

- As part of our core values, we go on a fantastic company retreat each year. This is a very important part of our company culture, and is always a blast!

- Reimbursement for conferences or meetups you would like to attend, books you want to buy, screencasts you want to watch. Buy the hardware setup you want.


- Must have at least 3 years of experience working directly with ruby, either with a company, or via open source. Past contributions to open source projects, or maintaining your own, are looked very highly upon.

- Extensive Javascript experience. We utilize client-side Javascript frameworks, so knowledge of any of these is a big plus.

- A strong understanding of relational SQL databases, and query optimization. We use MySQL and Postgres.

- Willingness to learn every day, and to share what you learn to the team. Learning is a core value of our Engineering team.

- Experience with operations is a big plus. At PipelineDeals, Engineers are also in charge of the operation of our Production site. Previous experience with configuration management, AWS, and other operations related tasks are a big plus.

More info here: https://www.pipelinedeals.com/careers/senior_rails_developer

To apply, please send your resume / Github profile to careers@pipelinedeals.com. Thanks!

edo Interactive - London/Chicago/Nashville - http://www.edointeractive.com/

Both based in London:

- Senior Data Analyst / Modeller - own our EU predictive models (mainly in SAS, also translated to R / Hadoop ecosystem) and contribute to our analytics product roadmap

- Data Analyst with specific European retail market knowledge (drop me a line for details; if we're not in your country yet, we might be next year)

Other locations at http://edo.theresumator.com/

We're a 100-person funded startup providing an easy way to personalize offers and make them automatically available through credit or debit cards and mobile devices. We work with major national advertisers, and with 180+ banks and top card issuers including Visa Europe.

Apply or ask questions at jennifer.berk at edointeractive.com - say you came from HN.

ShareRoot - Lead Developer - Berkeley, CA

We work with: Python, Django, Nginx/uWSGI, AWS, jQuery, Backbone.js, Jade, Sass, Gulp.Js, Java (Android), Objective-C (iOS) https://angel.co/shareroot/jobs/18378-lead-developer

reddit - Lovely San Francisco, CA

For the first time, reddit is building product! We have numerous mobile and web projects underway. We're looking for mobile engineers, data engineers, infrastructure engineers, front-end engineers - you name it. Please check the listings here: https://jobs.lever.co/reddit

reddit is #9 on the web (if you count page views) with 7B last month. Ellen Pao is our CEO and Alexis Ohanian is back as Chairman. We're a small, diverse, close-knit team (around 70 people), that values collaboration and creativity. We have unlimited vacation days, provide free breakfast and lunch (there is such a thing), and pay for things like the gym and your mobile phone bill. We recently raised $50M from Sam Altman (YCombinator), Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia Capital, Peter Thiel, Ron Conway, and Snoop Dogg.

I've applied to the iOS software engineer position and haven't heard any thing yet. Is there a direct email I can send my resume to?

Recurly (www.recurly.com) - Full Time in San Francisco & Boulder

We're growing fast and hiring a bunch of engineering talent:

- Front End Developers

- Support Engineers

- Sr. Ruby Developers

- Ruby Technical Leads

- Lead Systems Engineer

- Payment Rails Engineer

More info on our jobs page: https://recurly.com/jobs/#positions

Anyone with questions can contact: rich@recurly.com

Please if you are offering internships, write out intern in all caps or else searching the page becomes very difficult. These posts need to become standardized or else finding relevant posts takes three times as long, because posters will use the words "internet" and "internal" et al very often.

Agreed, but I usually search for "intern " and "internship ", with a space after.

What if there is an s or a period? Wildcard regexp doesn't work in the browser, unless you install add-ons.

Microsoft | Seattle | Principal Engineer / Architect

The Application and Services Group (ASG) is looking for a passionate and influential Principal Development Engineer and expert in cloud computing and cloud services. As a leader you will have experience building and delivering scalable web services and data platforms. You will have expert understanding of cloud service architecture and experience delivering services at scale.

Your role in the CTOs office of ASG will involve designing and delivering next-generation experiences that take the cloud for granted. In this role, you’ll deal with internet-scale systems, unique distributed graph problems, and have the opportunity to influence scenario and interface design at the ground level.

Ideally you’ll have a deep understanding of how the Web works, including Content Distribution Networks (CDNs), security best practices, networking, and how search engines and web-scale indexes work. You’ll need to be comfortable programming at all levels in the stack, and be knowledgeable from the UI all the way down to distributed consensus protocols such as Paxos.

We are looking for passionate, energetic and collaborative developer interested in having influence across ASG and across the company. Candidates for this impactful role should enjoy solving complex problems, designing and developing distributed systems and services, working across the company with key stakeholders, directly improving customer experience, security, performance, and reliability of scalable cloud systems.

At Microsoft we are structured around a single strategy to create a unified family of devices and services. The Application and Services Group is the central hub for this strategy, and the CTO’s office is driving key aspects of this work.

A successful candidate will have: - 10 + years of Industry experience in developing and implementation of cloud services at scale - PhD, BS/MS in Computer Science or equivalent industry experience - Demonstrated CS fundamentals, fluent in systems development, multi-threaded programming, strong experience in architecting systems at scale - Demonstrated technical design, problem solving and debugging skills

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other protected status.

Baltimore, NYC, San Fran, and London, UK - RedOwl is hiring sales leads, acct mgrs, sales engineers, and data scientists. Please email careers@redowlanalytics.com with the position you're interested in and your resume!


#Principal Engineer / Architect, Microsoft, Seattle

Microsoft, in the the Application and Services Group is looking for a passionate and influential Principal Development Engineer and expert in cloud computing and cloud services. As a leader you will have experience building and delivering scalable web services and data platforms. You will have expert understanding of cloud service architecture and experience delivering services at scale.

Your role in ASG’s CTO’s office will involve designing and delivering next-generation experiences that take the cloud for granted. In this role, you’ll deal with internet-scale systems, unique distributed graph problems, and have the opportunity to influence scenario and interface design at the ground level.

Ideally you’ll have a deep understanding of how the Web works, including Content Distribution Networks (CDNs), security best practices, networking, and how search engines and web-scale indexes work. You’ll need to be comfortable programming at all levels in the stack, and be knowledgeable from the UI all the way down to distributed consensus protocols such as Paxos.

We are looking for passionate, energetic and collaborative developer interested in having influence across ASG and across the company. Candidates for this impactful role should enjoy solving complex problems, designing and developing distributed systems and services, working across the company with key stakeholders, directly improving customer experience, security, performance, and reliability of scalable cloud systems.

At Microsoft we are structured around a single strategy to create a unified family of devices and services. The Application and Services Group is the central hub for this strategy, and the CTO’s office is driving key aspects of this work.

A successful candidate will have: - 10 + years of Industry experience in developing and implementation of cloud services at scale - PhD, BS/MS in Computer Science or equivalent industry experience - Demonstrated CS fundamentals, fluent in systems development, multi-threaded programming, strong experience in architecting systems at scale - Demonstrated technical design, problem solving and debugging skills

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other protected status.


We're still hiring, but our office is already twice as big (and it has beer taps, poker table and arcades!)

hiQ Labs, SF (SoMa). We're using data science and an agile stack to disrupt HR. Well funded, great product, magic sales team == a customer list Sterling Cooper would envy.

Still early enough to make your mark and be there at the cusp of exponential growth. Help us scale up our big data, back end, and UI/UX.



JibJab (Marina del Rey, CA)

We're hiring for a bunch of engineering roles. For full details and to apply checkout our job board - http://careers.jibjab.com

- Android Engineer

- iOS Engineer

- Lead Software Engineer

- Software Engineer, Flash

- Software Engineer, JavaScript

- Software Engineer, Web Applications

- Database Administrator, PostgreSQL DBA

- Systems Administrator / DevOps

Bromium | Cupertino, California | Cloud Server Developer


If you're interested, please reach me at arunkoshy[at]rocketmail[dot]com

# Position

Senior full-stack functional web engineer to join fast-growing education startup that changes how over a million young students learn math.

Our mission is important to us, and we want it to be important to you as well: hundreds of thousands of kids learn math using Front Row every month. Our early results show students improve twice as much while using Front Row than their peers who aren’t using the program.

You’ll be one of the first engineers on the team, which means you’ll have an immense impact on our company, product, and culture; you’ll have a ton of autonomy and responsibility; you’ll have equity to match the weight of this role. If you're looking for an opportunity to both grow and do meaningful work, surrounded and supported by like-minded professionals, this is THE place for you.

Front Row is one of the very few organizations in the world that use Haskell in production for most of their systems and is an active member of the Haskell community, including the Commercial Haskell Special Interest Group.

## Must haves

- You have experience doing full-stack web development

- You understand networking and have experience developing distributed systems

- You have experience with RDBMS

- You have functional programming experience

- Extreme hustle: you’ll be solving a lot of problems you haven’t faced before without the resources and the support of a giant organization. You must thrive on getting creative in order to get things done

## Very nice-to-haves

- You have existing familiarity with a functional stack (Haskell / Clojure / Scala / OCaml etc)

- You're comfortable with the Behavior-Driven Development style and Continuous Delivery

- You have worked at a very small startup before: you thrive on having a lot of responsibility and little oversight

- You have worked in small and effective Agile/XP teams before

- You have delivered working software to large numbers of users before

- You have done system and network administration and are comfortable working in the Linux environment

- You have implemented deployment strategies for cloud infrastructure

- You have experience scaling distributed systems and designing large scale web backends

Drop us a line at jobs@frontrowed.com

The RealReal - San Francisco, CA

Looking for a Platform Engineer to work our next generation platform. Experience building REST APIs in Ruby and/or Go is required.

Apply at: https://www.therealreal.com/careers/1F23F16459

Emakina | The Netherlands | Team lead/ Architect .NET (C#, ASP.NET,(X)HTML, CSS, Javascript/JQuery, SQL, Demandware)

We build complex e-commerce platforms, innovative applications and activation campaigns. Easy going, come as you are company with Dutch office in AMSTERDAM.

Send your CV to kathelijn [@] emakina .nl


Benzinga -- is getting massive amounts of new traffic and we need some more team members to help us handle all the new visitors - full-time in Detroit, MI.

      ☆☆☆ Lead Front-end engineer
      ☆☆☆ Senior Django Developer 
      ☆☆   Senior Drupal Developer

   Quick Stats
      ★ Customers include TD Ameritrade, Microsoft, Yahoo
      ★ 20 million+ monthly readers
      ★ 1000s of subscribers to our private Marketfy trading communities

We're a financial media company, a poor man's - lest we say everyday man's - Bloomberg competitor, and a financial product SaaS all forged together into a powerful trident that is attacking the high seas of Wall Street in a relentless pursuit of transparency. And conquer we shall! We've grown 100% quarter over quarter all last year and another 100% just in the last month. Our team has surged to 30+ people and the waves of revenue washed together to form a rushing roar with just one of our products going from nothing to $200k/month in under a year.

Being a media company we find our way into all kinds of cool stuff. Our office is furnished with things like a $3000 high-end bed that was sent to us to review. We got to talk to and get pictures with Warren Buffett and Lloyd Blankfein (CEO of Goldman Sachs) when they came to Detroit.

But, you interject, finance is one of the toughest startup seas to sail upon! The old boys club runs an ironclad ship with no visible decks for boarding. Avast! We've built a battering ram of a business in just a few short years that has pummeled its way deep into the heart of Wall Street. Old Ironsides has warmed itself to Benzinga and once a taste the thirst cannot be quenched.

And if you happen to trade or invest yourself you'll find us inside almost all of the major brokerages in the US. So, where do you fit in this rigging, you swashbuckling scalawag? Well, our team is crazy ambitious, motivated, and experienced with shaking shit up. If you know your tech, and want on deck this is the place to do it. Your exact technical background and language of choice doesn't matter as much as your motivation and your ability to adapt quickly.

Why be a ninja when you can be a pirate? This ship is forging a new course, send an email to careers@benzinga.com to board! Email us now: careers@benzinga.com

Check us out: http://marketfy.com and http://benzinga.com

If you're looking for jobs in SF, why not grab lunch with them? We just launched Lunchcruit a few months ago, give it a try:

Zenpayroll - http://www.lunchcruit.com/zenpayroll

TubeMogul - http://www.lunchcruit.com/tubemogul

Autodesk - http://www.lunchcruit.com/autodesk

Crowdbooster - http://www.lunchcruit.com/crowdbooster

Bannerman - http://www.lunchcruit.com/bannerman

ProtonMail - http://www.lunchcruit.com/proton

Apportable - http://www.lunchcruit.com/apportable

WePay - http://www.lunchcruit.com/wepay

Kiunsys is hiring Java/PHP developers for improving INES Cloud, the platform for managing urban mobility processes in the Smart Cities market.

Location: Pisa, Italy


NEW YORK, Developers + designers http://www.Voyat.com

Looking for: - a skilled sysadmin (mysql,linux) (must have VISA) - Core Javascript developers (must have VISA) - a UI designer (must have VISA) - a design Intern (3 months) (VISA or EU)

e-mail: bob@voyat.com

Atlassian | SF or Austin |Full Time

Team Lead - Bitbucket Sr Python Developer - Bitbucket Sr Systems Engineer - Bitbucket (SF only)

Please email cmcgrath@atlassian.com if interested.


Brandfolder.com | Fulltime | Denver, CO | Senior Fullstack Developer (Ruby, Javascript, Go)


Blacklane - Berlin, Germany

- Software Engineers: iOS, Android, Web (polyglots are welcome)

- UI/UX Expert, mostly for mobile

Company helps with relocation and Blue Card (working visa) for non-eu citizens.

If you want to talk to engineers (preferable): timo.roessner (at) blacklane.com or alexey.denysov (at) blacklane.com

If you still want to talk to HRs: career@blacklane.com

Naritiv (Techstars S14) - Los Angeles

We're the first MCN (like Maker Studios) exclusively for Snapchat. Always looking for amazing full-stack engineers (rails/js) that love to build products.

More info here: https://naritiv.com/jobs

Baltimore, San Francisco, London, UK, and NYC - RedOwl is hiring Sales Leads, Acct Mgrs, Data Scientists, and Sales Engineers. Please email careers@redowlanalytics.com if you're interested!


Shuddle - iOS & Android engineers - San Francisco, CA

We're looking for engineers to build out our mobile apps and architecture as we expand our family-oriented transportation service from the Bay Area to the rest of the nation.

Contact rob@shuddle.us with resume/links/interests/jokes/wisdom

Uber - San Francisco, CA - http://bit.ly/1ED5x3m

We have numerous open positions in engineering, product, and data science.

Come help us solve hard problems! You also get free Uber credit!

Feel free to email me for more info: <my hn username>@uber.com

MEED FAIR: If you are from one of top 28 schools on our list or representing elite companies from our whitelist, you can participate in this largest online career fair.


Agate Group | Sacramento California | Software Engineer

We are a group of web developers that specialize in Salesforce (Apex) development and are currently expanding and looking for developers who are willing to work locally or semi-remotely. contact eric@theagategroup.com for more detail.

Hired. Connecting people with opportunities. Rails, ElasticSearch, interesting data, eight worldwide offices, growing quickly. https://hired.com/careers or email directly, hiten@hired.com

Principal Software Engineer - Full Time | Burlington, MA | Arcadia Solutions (http://www.arcadiasolutions.com)

Arcadia Solutions is an EHR data aggregation and analytics company that helps our clients (generally provider networks and health plans) use their data to identify opportunities to reduce medical expense and improve care provided to patients - especially those most in need of medical interventions.

The web application is written in AngularJS with a Rails API and MSSQL back end. We're also using CoffeeScript, Sass, D3.js, Rspec, Capybara, Jasmine, and Redis. The team in place consists of four Engineers who have been working with Angular for about 18 months and Rails for anywhere from 18 mos - 3 years. We started development on the application in November 2013 and worked/learned alongside three consultants from thoughtbot for the first six months (thru initial launch). In the time since we've continued to enhance the product, which is rapidly emerging as a leader in the market.

In 2015 we expect to spend some time focusing on scaling the product - it's currently deployed to fifteen clients of varying sizes, but we expect to add a handful more (and thus, many new users) to the application each month this summer. Based on what's near the top of our product roadmap, we're also expecting a few complex data modeling challenges. While the team in place is definitely up to the challenge, we'd love to add some technical leadership to the team. As such, we're hoping to find someone with experience on Rails and Javascript frameworks (preferably Angular), experience scaling enterprise applications, and a commitment to testing/quality.

Some perks of the position include a flexible schedule (WFH when you need to, work late one day/leave early the next, etc), dedicated investment time (work on trainings, side projects, open source, etc. for at least one day/month), snacks, pet-friendly office, company-sponsored events (we just spent a long weekend in Stowe, VT), and kick-ass teammates (at least we think so)!

You can apply for this position at the link below, or feel free to reach out to missy.carroll [at] arcadiasolutions.com with any questions.


Hope to hear from some of you!

qipp.com | Freiburg, Germany | Backend, Frontend

We're a small but experienced team creating a mobile web application to bring your home into the digital world: https://www.qipp.com/ALLTHINGS-%7C-HOME,74.html

We believe happy developers will produce better code, prefer efficiency over long working hours and value our free time as much as we take pride in our work.

If you're a Back End Developer who likes Docker, PHP and MongoDB or a Front End Developer with a hang of AngularJS and Mobile Web Apps, please get in touch: https://www.qipp.com/Jobs,90.html

CouponDunia is hiring Frontend Developer | Mumbai , India


move.in | Director of Engineering | Mumbai, India | Full Time | On Site Only

move.in is creating India’s central real estate platform. We’re pre-launch, but have already designed our market-entry product, raised investment from prestigious investors, and assembled a team of veteran entrepreneurs who have previously built successful tech companies in the space.

Our engineering team is growing, and we’re looking for a passionate Director of Engineering with strong technical capabilities to lead all our software engineering operations.

If you’ve already led an impactful engineering organisation before and are interested to know more, email us at talent@move.in. We’d love to meet you.

Executive level compensation packages available.

AeroFS, Palo Alto, CA careers@aerofs.com https://www.aerofs.com/careers

We're hiring for software engineers across pretty every single part of the stack you can imagine.

'every single part of the stack' - with 6 positions listed....

BetterWorks | Palo Alto | Fulltime Senior Fullstack Engineers https://boards.greenhouse.io/betterworks/jobs/25738

orangecaffeine, Sunnyvale CA

We help companies with mobile and big data strategy, planning, and execution. Our clients include large billion dollar corporations, mid-market as well as well funded startups. We work with a distributed team of iOS / Android / Web engineers, UX designers, and data scientists on a full time basis as well as freelance basis.

Learn more at www.orangecaffeine.com.

If you’d like to work with us, please join our talent community by expressing interest in an area of your expertise here: https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/?company=OrangecaffeineInc


Heads up, you posted in "Who is Hiring" thread, not "Who wants to be hired".

Goodreads, the social network for readers and book lovers!

Seeking iOS, Android, Front End Web, Web Infrastructure, and General SWEs. https://www.goodreads.com/jobs

Ruby skills a plus!

HotelTonight - we are changing the way you book hotels last minute and 7 days from now, and we need people like YOU!


OpenSignal - London, UK (Full time, permanent, visa sponsorship available for exceptional candidates)

At OpenSignal we're using mobile apps to tap into the smart phones we're all carrying around with us to build up global crowdsourced sensor networks. Our first sensor network is for wireless signal [1] where we are building a global database on the coverage and performance of wireless networks (both mobile + WiFi) on a scale that has never before been possible. Our second sensor network is WeatherSignal [2], which uses the barometers, thermometers and hygrometers on smart phones to crowdsource weather data and we have already published a scientific paper [3] showing the potential of this approach. If the concept of crowdsourced sensor networks appeals to you too then please get in touch. We are hiring for all manner of different roles right not (DevOps, Android, Frontend, UX/UI & data science) but most of all we are just looking for smart, like minded people rather than people with specific, existing skills. We also recently raised our $4million series A [4] from Qualcomm Ventures, O'Reilly Alphatech Ventures & Passion Capital so are growing fast.

In May we’re also releasing WifiMapper [5] which leverages sensors and the community to build the best free Wifi database in the world.

More info: http://opensignal.com/jobs/

Email us: join@opensignal.com

[1] OpenSignal App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.staircase3...

[2] WeatherSignal App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.opensignal...

[3] Battery Temperature/Weather correlation: http://opensignal.com/reports/battery-temperature-weather/

[4] OpenSignal Series A: http://techcrunch.com/2014/08/05/opensignal-series-a/

[5] WifiMapper Website: http://wifimapper.com

Raptmedia - Boulder, CO

Looking for a QA engineer, great company, interesting market


Coupa is looking for many Rails engineers of all levels in San Mateo: http://www.coupa.com/careers/openings/

NoviCap | Barcelona | Rubyists

NoviCap is on a mission to help small and medium sized businesses get access to finance by providing early payments against their outstanding invoices.

We are looking for ruby developers to join us in sunny Barcelona.

Ping me at nicolas@novicap.com

What are salaries nowadays in Barcelona? is 60-70K realistic?

According to some of the open positions listed at http://www.jobsbcn.com 60K-70K for an engineering position seems realistic.

Disclaimer: I am the jobsbcn startup jobs list maintainer.

love the initiative, I will be in touch shortly with some additions to the list from our side!

Real Python (https://realpython.com) - remote Developer Evangelist Technologies - Python, Django, Flask, Angular, Docker Email me michael at realpython dot com


associate.io | mobility for the hourly employee | Oakland

We're still in "stealth", funded, beta clients but early stage. Tackling the mobility problem for the non-professional employee. Founding team has "done it before" and has successful exits under their belts.

We're looking for:

iOS engineers

Python (full stack) - experiance with django (we only use it for presentation) and twisted would be awesome

But first and foremost we're looking for smart people, who play to win.

We've also got a very cool digital nomad work policy for folks that want to travel the world after they've been with us for a few months.

Shoot us an email to learn more: helloworld@associate.io

Zebra Technologies - Chicago, IL Data Scientist

We are looking to hire a full-time experienced data scientist for our team, which is working on next generation enterprise applications and research.

If interested contact me using the email in my profile.

Cuff - San Francisco, Android Lead, Mobile Designer, Electrical Engineer


We are a fashion technology company, bringing beautiful hardware enabled solutions to the world.


Hootsuite - Vancouver, BC, Canada - Full-time scala and full-stack engineers

See https://hootsuite.com/about/careers


Looking for all levels of engineers excited to join a fast growing startup. We use RoR on an AWS stack.

Cambridge, MA

Housing.com | Mumbai, India | Android Developer

Housing.com is a startup and a data science company to ease real estate buying in India. It recently raised $90 M to disrupt the real estate space.

Visit their Careers page for more.


MATASANO SECURITY - Chicago. New York City. Sunnyvale.

Application Security Consultant

Full-Time, work visa sponsorship available


The security of computer systems has increasingly become an everyday concern. The news all too often brings word of yet another compromise, exposing financial information, personal details, or simply salacious pictures. Whatever the impact, it's clear the technology industry has a problem, and there are few easy solutions.

Some seek legislation to impose harsher penalties on the responsible parties. This ignores the fact that many of those responsible are outside the jurisdictions which seek to punish them. In some cases, they may have tacit approval of their own government, or even be operating on their government's behalf. Others turn to established security products looking for antivirus and network filtering technologies to add protection. This is an also an imperfect solution. It places the defender in a reactive posture, responding only to those threats which have been previously detected, and for which countermeasures have been developed. There's no perfect solutions.

At Matasano, we believe the best way to combat security weaknesses is at their source; by discovering and remediating software vulnerabilities before others leverage them for ill effect. Our clients see the value in this approach. We're engaged to work on some of the most interesting and important software on the planet. Aside from identifying vulnerabilities, we help our clients identify the root cause. Through this, they can adjust processes to reduce the likelihood of similar problems in the future, while increasing their ability to identify and correct them. The goal is more resilient software.

We've assessed hot startup web applications, low level device firmware, mobile platforms, and everything in between. With this breadth, we have need for employees skilled in frameworks like Node, Rails, Django, and Spring. We need people comfortable with x86 and ARM assembly, reverse engineering, and binary protocol analysis. If you're skilled in a programming language with the letter 'C' in it, that's desirable. Newer safer languages like Rust and Golang are in demand. In short if you share our focus on helping secure our software ecosystem one piece at a time and want a chance to do something about it, we should talk.

Learn about our hiring process at http://www.matasano.com/careers or contact us at careers@matasano.com Get a taste for some of what we do at http://www.microcorruption.com and http://www.cryptopals.com Check out our blog at http://chargen.matasano.com

Next month, you'll notice a change in these posts. Since being acquired by NCC Group in 2012, Matasano has been working increasingly closely with our peers at iSEC Partners and Intrepidus Group. The time has come to formalize this, by adopting a common name; next month I'll be posting under that name.


Company: Enlitic http://www.enlitic.com/ Location: San Francisco

Positions: Front End, Data Science / Machine Learning, Full Stack, Ops, Business Development

If you have world-class machine learning, math, programming, stats, or physics skills, and want to use them to positively impact a billion people, please read this. We believe that what we're working on is the biggest financial and social impact opportunity in the world today. Enlitic uses recent advances in machine learning to make medical diagnostics faster, more accurate, and more accessible. Founded by Kaggle's past president and chief scientist, its mission is to provide the tools that allow physicians to fully utilize the vast stores of medical data collected today, regardless of what form they are in - such as medical images, doctors' notes, and structured lab tests. To realize this vision, we are building on state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms and partnering with top research hospitals and medical device manufacturers. We've raised $5m funding and have a small team of 10 applied machine learning experts.

If you're interested in playing with cool hardware and data, we're a great place to come. We use a cluster of hundreds of Tesla K80 GPUs, and have many millions of medical images - some single images are over 10GB in size. Many are 3d, which makes for some really interesting engineering challenges.

We use a wide range of tools and languages, including Python (Theano, Pandas/Numpy/etc, Flask), Meteor, CoffeeScript, and C++ (Caffe). We have regular journal club talks (mainly recent deep learning papers), and a good mix of research and applied work. Our day to day work covers a lot of cancer detection and treatment planning, as well as a wide range of other high impact medical issues - the consistent underlying theme is using a data-driven approach to improving patient outcomes. There are particularly big opportunities (both financial and social impact) in the developing world. We're working with many of the top academics in the medical diagnostics field, and are partnering with some of the top hospitals around the country and around the world. We are looking for people that have an in depth understanding of linear algebra, convex optimization, algorithm design, and software engineering, to join us as data scientists, full stack and frontend engineers, and dev ops engineers. No medical or life sciences background is necessary. Python, C++, and CUDA experience is helpful - but the proven ability to learn quickly is more important. We're also looking for MD/PhDs with physics or comp sci backgrounds to help us brings the worlds of medicine and machine learning together. In addition, we’re looking for a senior business development person.

Have a look at our team to see whether you think you might be a good fit http://www.enlitic.com/team.html . We're interested in building a diverse team, so if you don't fit the standard Bay Area "ninja rock star programmer" mold - great! For more background on the company and technology, see our founder's TED.com talk here http://www.ted.com/talks/jeremy_howard_the_wonderful_and_ter.... . For more information about careers and how to apply, see http://www.enlitic.com/careers.html or https://angel.co/enlitic/. If you're not sure whether you have the right skills or background, just shoot us an email anyway and we can figure that out together...

Location: Louisville, Kentucky

The company I work for, Techshot (http://techshot.com/), is currently looking to fill a couple of positions. We're a small contract engineering firm located just outside Louisville, in Greenville, Indiana. We focus on high-tech development, with most of our contracts coming from the government. We do a ton of work for NASA, DoD, NHS, and others, in addition to corporate and start-up clients.

We've been in business for 25 years, sent multiple payloads up on the Space Shuttle, built several new medical devices, and spun off a business making rugged LED lighting. We recently sent a payload up to the ISS, and we're under contract to deliver several more! With only 36 employees, it's a great work environment, with lots of schedule flexibility, and freedom to "go your own direction" with projects. We're currently looking to fill two positions: A Software Engineer and a Machinist.

Machinist Posting (http://techshot.com/documents/Machinist%20Posting%201_19_15....)

Looking for a general purpose machinist who can turn parts around rapidly when necessary. We shop out a lot of stuff, but sometimes we need to make things quick. If you have less experience than requested, but can demonstrate the ability to learn quickly, it's still worth applying.

Software Engineer Posting (http://techshot.com/documents/Software%20Engineer%203_13_15....)

Any software engineer would need to be reasonably comfortable with low-level interfacing with hardware. Embedded development experience a huge plus. Our software interacts with lower-level embedded device we've developed in-house, giving users a nice front-end interface, and offloading some of the heavy computational lifting.

I'm an Electrical Engineer here, and I can pretty confidently say that it's a great job for a technically curious engineer. There isn't a lot of opportunity to move "up the management chain" within the company, but the work environment is super-flexible, the projects are technically interesting and challenging, and the current team is intelligent and motivated.

If you have any questions about the company, job postings, or would like to submit your resume/cover letter, send me an email, bluyster@techshot.com.

yepstr.com (startup in stealth mode) | Stockholm | Back-end developer

We are a well funded, brand new start-up looking for experienced back-end developers to join our team in Stockholm. If you are interested in being a part of something from the start this could be a great gig! We can offer the oportunity to decide architecture & stack, work with some fantastic people in beautiful Stockholm while not forgoing salary and living on noodles.

If it sounds like fun just send me an email directly: filip@yepstr.com

Nylas | https://nylas.com/ | San Francisco, CA (Mission) | Frontend (JS), Backend (Systems+Ops)

Hi! We're Nylas and we're looking for help building the next generation email platform. We're building a missing piece of Internet infrastructure and are looking for frontend application engineers and designers and backend systems and infrastructure/operations engineers to join us.

Companies are building their core businesses around our email API right now, and that means we have to be reliable, up all the time, and fast. We have more data for a single user than in most startups' entire database. We're scaling heavily and if you have experience with automated deployments, debugging running systems, release engineering, and on-call schedules, but are still comfortable writing code, this job might be for you. :)

Many people spend their entire days buried in mail clients which haven't significantly changed in years. Yet have you ever met anyone who really loves their email experience? We want to change that. We're building a frontend framework to power the next generation of mail apps. Sound exciting to you? Apply here.

== We're particularly looking for folks who ==

* Take personal pride in their work and value autonomy and ownership.

* Want the chance to step up and lead a team.

* Put the work before ego. We've got each others' backs, and we want you to be with us on that.

== A bit more about us ==

* Our backend is built on tools like Python, Flask, gevent, nginx, MySQL, AWS, and Debian. We've been careful to keep our architecture componentized.

* Our frontend projects use Coffeescript, React, (Re)Flux, SQL for offline caching, Electron (Atom Shell), and no jQuery.

* Tons of our code is open source. Check it out: https://github.com/nylas

* We're 40% women on our team of 13 (12 engineers), including 1 of 2 cofounders. We want to make that number 50%.

* We have an open vacation policy and value personal responsibility and ownership. Benefits include full health, dental, vision, commuter, and lunch at the office every day. Some remote work / work-from-home is OK too.

Apply at https://nylas.com/jobs. Include a cover letter letting us know what draws you to the job. We welcome and encourage applications from women, LQBTQ folks, and people of color. (We even have some already on the team!)

With respect, isn't illegal to declare a preference for a gender, sexual orientation, or race in a job posting in California?

Inviting or encouraging a particular vastly underrepresented demographic isn't the same as saying that they're preferred over any other demographic.

There's good evidence that just saying "women welcome!" (or any other underrepresented demographic) is a good way to reduce the huge gap between men and women hires by numbers.

But, they are doing more than just inviting/encouraging, right? They said that they have 40% women and want to take that number to 50%. Isn't that not declaring a preference for women?

August (august.com), San Francisco, Full-time

We are hiring firmware, backend, iOS and android engineers to help us redefine home access control. Connect with us at jobs@august.com.

London, England - Full Time - Intern - Local

Brand Networks (http://bn.co/) is hiring interns for our office in Shoreditch, London.

We're using AngularJS, Javascript, NodeJS, Python, Go, Ansible, Docker and AWS to solve interesting problems in social media.

If you love programming and would like an entertaining job with smart and friendly colleagues, a steep learning curve and a wide variety of challenges, please get in touch. You can email me personally at jmc@bn.co.

Patients Know Best -- REMOTE ONLY. At present we all work core hours in London time, give or take a few hours. We're hiring mid-level developers -- full-stack, really (we're all full-stack more or less!) but we've notice we're weaker on front end, so we'll be particularly interested if you have solid experience with some of these: strong cross-browser support (we have to support more than the "evergreen" browsers), i18n (we can't assume text length is constant, or even RTL...), multi-device/resolution support, accessibility, jQuery for auto-save and that sort of thing; HighCharts for graphing.

For the rest of the stack: Java experience is important; beyond that, we can generally show you around (more below). We're mostly a Java enterprise stack, actively rebuilding and splitting up functions, actually. Recently we've scripted the setup of the entire stack (or individual servers), including using Vagrant to easily set up a complete environment locally for each developer.

More about PKB

I've worked in a lot of different sectors since I first started writing code in the late 90s, including education, b2b supply chains, POS systems, e-commerce, banking, and anti-spam.

PKB has been head-and-shoulders above the rest in everything I care about.

We're building something that actively, directly, improves the lives of people in general -- not selling more stuff, helping others sell more stuff, or making comfortable people a bit more comfortable. If you're interested in PKB's growth, funding, profitability, contracts, etc., ask -- our CEO is also active on HN. I'm the CTO.

We're pragmatic about work/life balance. I work from France, or sometimes from Malaysia, where my in-laws live. Almost half of the developers have small children at home -- personally, I get my kids up in the morning, sometimes see them at lunchtime, then take over late-afternoon & evening (while my wife works), and I fill in a bit of extra working time around the edges as needed. We're collaboratively figuring out what works (e.g., how many working hours should you overlap to collaborate effectively?), and planning our lives and our work around what's effective, not around some photocopied list of rules stapled to a cubicle wall. One of our developers only codes part time (and occasionally takes long leaves of absence), because he's also a theatre director.

Culture -- we're live in various parts of the UK, central France, Bangalore, and Vienna; we range in age (though I don't actually know everyone's ages, so I can't say exactly!). We're not all native English speakers -- but communication skills trump even technical skills for remote teams, so we all understand, speak and write English easily and with the confidence to interrupt if we didn't catch something. We collaborate, not compete -- let ideas fight it out, but we're on the same team. We're not the sort of group to tell dirty jokes, or tales of how drunk we got last weekend; though we do have interesting stories to share.

If we sound like a good match, get in touch: https://patients.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id=4 (I'm also contactable directly -- see profile -- but I get a lot of email).

Veracyte | http://www.veracyte.com | San Francisco | Bioinformatics Engineers (full time, no remote, no intern)

Veracyte is pioneering molecular cytology; we are dedicated to helping people avoid unnecessary invasive procedures just to get a diagnosis and to reducing healthcare costs at the same time. We use rigorous science to unlock genomic answers from tiny numbers of cells obtained through minimally invasive methods before surgery is needed.

We are seeking exceptionally talented Bioinformatics Engineers to join our R&D team and build cutting edge tools for analysis of high-dimensional experimental data, and data management systems to store and serve high-dimensional experimental data with near-term emphasis on high-volume next-generation sequencing (NGS) data in the cloud.

Roles and requirements: (see links for application process)

Bioinformatics Engineer (DevOps) - http://bit.ly/1AX8tHQ

- Technical proficiency and experience with: Java, Python, JavaScript, shell and SQL.

- Demonstrated expertise in working within AWS-based cloud computing (EC2) and storage (EBS/S3) services.

- Experience in Linux-based high-performance computing environments.

- Experience with automated provisioning systems including Fabric, Puppet, Chef, Ansible, etc.

- Adherence to modern software engineering practices including agile development methodologies, maintaining code under version control, code reviews, etc.

Bioinformatics Engineer (DataOps) - http://bit.ly/1vk9uJk

- Demonstrated expertise in working within AWS-based cloud computing (EC2) and storage (EBS/S3) services.

- Ability to extract, merge, clean and verify data from a wide variety of sources (databases, text files, external sources, etc).

- Technical proficiency and experience with: Java, Python, JavaScript, shell and SQL.

- Ability to design and implement data stores in which to efficiently store and retrieve high volume data (PostgreSQL and NoSQL/CouchDB experience preferred).

- Experience in Linux-based high-performance computing environments.

- Adherence to modern software engineering practices including agile development methodologies, maintaining code under version control, code reviews, etc.

Also hiring: Principal Systems Architect - http://bit.ly/1COlqAx

Your bioinformatics engineer positions say that this job closed yesterday. Are the positions still open?

Yes they are, I believe the descriptions are just being edited.

Hiring Full Time, Remote PHP/Back End, Front End Developers. For more information, please visit:


Remote and In-House Digital Strategist and Digital Producers, Culver City

Please visit our careers page for more information:


Yes energy in Boulder CO is looking for a Senior UI Developer to help us with a transition off of Flex and onto js.



Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer, Boston, MA

Mitra Capital LLC is a Boston-based long-short hedge fund seeking an experienced Data Scientist to join our small, entrepreneurial team. As a member of the Mitra Capital team, you will work with intellectually curious and driven colleagues who utilize our proprietary and proven methodology to analyze the public remarks of company management teams to find opportunities where our analysis reveals that management’s expectations regarding upcoming quarterly results are sharply at odds with market consensus. The firm’s analysis framework has its roots in the Central Intelligence Agency.

In the Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer role, you will be challenged to create innovative technology solutions at the intersection of language analysis, data-driven insights and logic-based workflow. The Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer’s core responsibilities will involve building tools that drive the systems underlying the firm’s research process, including advancing the firm’s text mining and machine learning platform. The position reports to our experienced Chief Data Scientist and offers a high rate of learning on a diverse range of projects and the opportunity to quickly have direct impact upon the organization.

The ideal candidate is a clever and versatile coder with a hacker mentality who is eager to tackle complex problems. The Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer must be comfortable working in an agile development environment with high expectations for rapid delivery of prototypes, changing requirements, and direct feedback from the internal business customer.

* Candidates should be able to learn fast and learn on the fly in order to work with a variety of languages and projects, and be capable of taking responsibility for delivering code that accomplishes defined objectives.

* Hands-on experience coding in Python or other advanced programming languages is required for this role, as is experience working with large datasets using SQL. Experience with Java, R, PHP, Perl and/or Unix is an advantage.

* We are looking for candidates with 3+ years’ experience and a quantitative background with degree(s) in majors such as Computer Science, Engineering, Science, Mathematics, Economics or similar.

---- To Apply ----

Interested and qualified candidates are encouraged to send a resume and cover letter to recruitment@mitracapital.com. Please include, in CV/resume or separately, detailed descriptions of past relevant projects. Mitra Capital can only consider candidates who are legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsorship. Mitra Capital is an equal opportunity employer.

InVenture - Los Angeles, CA (Santa Monica) - Data Scientist - Full Time or Intern

InVenture is a world leader in providing direct loans and financial services in emerging markets. We are a global team with diverse backgrounds who are singularly focused on using technology, data and customer-centric approach to meet the financial needs of the 2+ billion people of the emerging global middle class.

Investors include Lowercase Capital and Google Ventures. We are Fast Company’s #1 most innovative company in money, #13 overall.

We are looking for people to join our data science team who have the following qualities. - Problem solver. You thrive on finding novel solutions to hard problems. These problems may have ranged from extracting a new dataset from an unexpected source, to building cohorts for customer retention analysis, or the NY Times saturday crossword. - Expert. You have domain expertise. Tell us about the genetic algorithm you implemented to find a solution to your NP-hard problem, or the hobby that keeps you busy on nights and weekends. - Curious. You aren’t content until you understand why the features you have built have the explanatory power they do, and why they aren’t just a spurious correlation. - Communicator. You’ll be the expert in your field. Can you explain it to us in laymen’s terms? - Education. Masters degree in a quantitative field, or relevant experience and/or an impressive Kaggle profile. - Language. We are language agnostic and have expertise in python, R, SQL, Spark, MATLAB, and Stata. We build visualizations using d3, ggplot, matplotlib, seaborn. Huge bonus points if you are fluent in Swahili ;).

Why should you join? - Take it from people who have build models and studied problems ranging from microfinance to global climate change: we are tackling an incredibly hard problem with huge social and financial impact. The impact of our models is both intimidating and inspiring. - We leverage a unique, diverse, and deep data set. You’ll be surprised by what connections we’ve found between our different data sources. Surprise us by what you will find. - You will own a model, or multiple models, whether building a country-level credit model from scratch, or integrating new data sources into our existing underwriting models. - Amazing company culture. Our employees come first as indicated by our “Employee Awesomeness” program. We do lunch and learns, provide a flexible work schedule, and have regular team outings and happy hours. Our smart, passionate team is the backbone of our culture, and is what differentiates us from others making it a special place to work. - And btw, our customers love us: inventure.com/love

Contact peter@inventure.com and please include the hacker news in the subject line.

Ambassador - Detroit, MI - FULL TIME

No 'Series A' crunch here! We're venture-backed, cash-flow positive and looking to grow our 20 person team to 50 over the next 8-9 months.

Ambassador enables businesses turn their customers into brand ambassadors. We're changing word-of-mouth on the web. https://getambassador.com.

We focus on the rapid production, testing, and deployment of beautiful code and design. We make our product team's job as creative and simple as possible. No outdated management models, we get real work done and solve large problems. Success is measured through the enjoyment of our customers.

========= The Perks =========

* Food - Whether you're vegan or on a macrobiotic diet, we'll make sure you're covered. Friday lunches are a pastime.

* Benefits - Competitive salary, options, and healthcare. Happy faces every morning.

* Play - You'll want a paddle at your desk to fight off incoming table tennis balls. Ninja backhand required.

========== Join our ranks ==========

Backend Web Engineer

Our REST API is our bread and butter and the heart and soul of Ambassador's products, meaning you'll always be on the forefront of product development. A passion for writing elegant and efficient code is a must as is experience in any # of modern scripting languages and frameworks. Experience with Python and Django is preferred. Knowledge of Django Rest Framework is a plus.

Frontend Web Engineer

You'll have a wide-ranging experience across various products, bridging the gap between design and reality. You should have an eye for good design and UX, experience in either is a huge plus. Your JavaScript, HTML, and CSS skills must be top-notch, and you should already have experience working in JavaScript frameworks such as Angular. Experience with UI toolkits such as Bootstrap and preprocessors such as LESS are a plus.

UX/Visual Designer

Your work must delight not only our customers but also our ambassadors, giving you the opportunity to design for two very different audiences. We also promote various one-off projects and marketing efforts for which you'd have the opportunity to collaborate. You should have a proven track record of working on software teams and designing beautiful interfaces that are also functional and serve both business and user needs.

For more information, check out https://jobs.lever.co/ambassador

Allahabad (India) Khitchdee

We're developing a PC based game that helps newer tabla players tune their tablas. We're looking for 2 programmers to join us. Programming is in C.

Email: jobs@khitchdee.com

Chaordic (http://www.chaordic.com.br/?hl=en) - Florianópolis, Brazil | Full-time, intern, work permit (H1B-equivalent) and relocation assistance provided.

Chaordic is a fast-growing but already established Brazilian startup leading the field of online recommendations in Brazil. We currently serve tens of millions users and billions of requests per month to the largest online retailers in Brazil, including Walmart. Sounds interesting? We're hiring passionate and fun people from all over the world. :-) We're also open for internships of master and PhD students.

We have a multidisciplinary and diverse team, composed of engineers, computer scientists, designers and researchers in the fields of artificial intelligence, mathematics and user experience. Want to work with the latest distributed systems, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence technologies? Here are some technologies we've been playing with: Node.js, Java, Scala, Python, Ruby, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Redis, Spark, Kafka, Hadoop. Have a look in some of our open positions:

Full Stack developer:

- https://chaordic.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0k88

- https://chaordic.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0h14x

- https://chaordic.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0h1q7

Cloud Engineer https://chaordic.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0h1qz

Other positions and application details available @ https://chaordic.recruiterbox.com/

We offer nice perks including free food, flexible hours, health and dental care, a fun office and startup-like atmosphere in one of Brazilian top surfing and ecotourism destinations, Florianópolis: http://brazilecojourneys.com/about_florianopolis.php

Still interested? :) Have a look at our new office, with a pub (including an awesome beer fridge), video games, pool and poker tables, located in the coolest neighborhood in town: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.506441866066436.107...

Want to know a bit more about us or have any questions? drop me a note on paulo.motta ^at* chaordicsystems.com

Entelo - San Francisco (SOMA), CA - Full-time - http://www.entelo.com/ ; we're unfortunately are not hiring remote or part-time at the moment as we're committed to building a strong internal engineering culture at this stage before opening the doors.

Entelo's mission is to help organizations build great teams. Our goal is to help any organization recruit for any of their open roles. We've currently built a powerful people search engine that indexes hundreds of millions of social profiles and looks for signals to predict who may be more receptive to a career change. It's our belief that the the HR/Recruiting world deserves many of the same powerful tools that sales and marketing organizations have had, and it's our responsibility to deliver.

The Hacker News community has been great to us as we've made 4 engineering hires through the HN community. We care about building a thoughtful and considerate engineering environment with true work-life balance and personal flexibility (no one works more than 50 hours in the office and we're flexible with work schedules).

We're currently looking to rapidly expand the engineering team. Here are a few of our open roles:

-Sr. Data Engineer. Salary Range: $130k-180k

We're looking for our first data team hire. The ideal candidate will have had experience building out analytics frameworks for which we can run large scale data analysis on. The person that fills this role will work alongside our VP of Engineering to build the data team long term and will be expected to have their own opinions on how to build an analytics framework from the ground up. We're currently using a combination of Scala, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, AWS, Amazon Redshift and are open to "big data" technologies such as Hadoop, Storm, Kafka, etc.

-Sr. Backend Engineer/Architect. Salary Range: $140k-180k

We're looking for someone to own our backend infrastructure. We index hundreds of millions of profiles, and this requires crawling, parsing, normalization (data is semi-structured) and matching of these social profiles. We're currently using a stack that includes Scala, MongoDB, Golang, Java and AWS although we've been considering using Amazon's new Postgres solution.

-DevOps Engineer. Salary Range: $110k-140k

We're looking for our first dedicated DevOps engineer as we've currently been doing DevOps by committee. We're looking for someone that isn't rigid in thought and is open to using tools/technologies to solve our internal upkeep problems. We take a software-centric approach to DevOps and do try to use a modern stack here: Docker, New Relic, Loggly, PagerDuty, Rails, ElasticSearch but we're open to those that may have more traditional DevOps experience but open to using newer technologies.

-Full-Stack Rubyists. Salary Range: $100k-$170k (wide range depending on experience and ability to play some of the other roles)

We're always in the market for talented full-stack engineers. Our stack includes RoR, MySQL, AWS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Redis, ElasticSearch

If you're interested, please don't hesitate to reach out to me directly at vivek at entelo.com. I head up recruiting here and will make sure to get you in touch with our VP of Engineering as quickly as I can!

Gloto | Fulton, Maryland | Software Engineer

Gloto is looking for awesome people to join our growing team! Our greatest ongoing need is for stellar Software Engineers to help build amazing apps, gadgets, and websites. Don't worry about your title - you can be an Application Developer, Web Programmer, or Software Engineer - as long as you know what you're doing and you're a great team player, we want to hear from you!

A quick questionnaire to see if you're the right person for the job:

- Are you able to take the reins of a project and develop it from start to finish?

- Can you fix bugs and add new features to existing projects?

- Do you understand project goals and how the final product will make a client happy?

- Are you comfortable being involved in the entire project life cycle, from the development of the specifications, design of the user interface, database design and construction, programming, and gathering of client feedback?

- Can you work with business development teams with regard to proposals and budgets?

- Do you enjoy being a part of a multi-disciplinary team that includes programmers, designers, front-end developers and project managers, all with the common goal of wow-ing the customer and their consumers?

- Are you naturally curious with technology, and do you keep up with the latest and greatest in industry best practices?

- Do you work fast and efficiently? Do you take pride in writing good code?

- Do you have a degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Math, or related fields?

If you answered "yes" to at least a couple of these questions, we would love to hear from you!

You will be successful in this position if:

- You have experience with agencies and think it's an ideal work environment because of the pace and the diversity of projects and technologies

- You are proficient with at least a couple of the following: iOS development, Android development, Java, git, MySQL, Amazon Web Services, Ruby, Web technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

- You go beyond the specifications by making suggestions for making projects function better and flagging things that don't make sense.

- You have the ability to juggle multiple projects, tasks and deadlines.

- You believe that code should be elegant and clean, and that coding is a creative act.

Our ideal candidate will have strong client and server web development skills, and an interest in (or experience with) developing native apps for iOS and Android.

Gloto is a small but growing company in Fulton, Maryland. We make awesome websites and apps for major customers and we are looking for equally amazing people to join our team. If you think you'd be a good fit, send us your resume today!

jobs at gloto dot com

STYLIGHT.com | Munich, Germany

We at STYLIGHT build a fashion website where users find inspiration and can search for fashion. We're among Munich hottest startups and quite international. English is our company language and we have colleagues from 20+ nations. We run joint engineering and business teams, to maximize the impact of each engineer.


You want to enhance the ranking of products? -> http://stylig.ht/Data_Scientist_Search

You want to take over responsibility in growing others? -> http://stylig.ht/Software_Engineering_Manager

You want to create the algorithms that categorize all our products? -> http://stylig.ht/Machine_Learning_Engineer

You want to dockerize all our services? -> http://stylig.ht/Platform_Engineer

You want to work on the service that powers all our result pages? -> http://stylig.ht/Software_Engineer_Search

You want to code the next look of our magazine? -> http://stylig.ht/_Frontend_Developer

You want to connect the app to the website? -> http://stylig.ht/API_Developer

You want to tweak our website to withstand being slashdot'ed? -> http://stylig.ht/Senior_Java_Developer

You want to build the software to manage our categorization process? -> http://stylig.ht/Software_Engineer_Categorisation

You want to work on the interface for our partner shops? -> http://stylig.ht/Software_Engineer_Shop_Team

You want to keep our computers running in the office? -> http://stylig.ht/Desktop_Support_Engineer


Find out more about us at http://engineering.stylight.com/. Also see our upcoming developer conference http://daho.am/

Interested? Mail the CTO at sebastian.schuon@stylight.com

Technical Account Manager/Engineer | San Francisco, Singapore, Boston | Full-time

Nanigans is looking for a Technical Account Manager / Business Operations Engineer to join our growing teams worldwide. Everyday Nanigans processes hundreds of millions of mobile installs, purchases, and other actions across thousands of websites and mobile apps. The Technical Account Management (TAM) team is responsible for ensuring that incoming data is integrated correctly into the Nanigans platform to allow our clients to make real-time data-driven advertising decisions.

What you will be doing You will be an expert at the inner workings of our advertising automation software, and will advise our users on how to seamlessly integrate our SaaS solution into their website, mobile app, and/or measurement system. You’ll consult with a variety of companies, from small, savvy venture-backed startups to the largest eCommerce, gaming, and digital brands on the internet. Example engagements within this role include–but aren’t limited to–configuring Nanigans to ingest real-time events from websites and mobile apps, supporting our mobile SDKs and other measurement solutions, and leveraging SQL to troubleshoot integration issues.

What makes you perfect for the this role 2-5 years experience in a related role or industry. New grads with technical coursework or side projects are also encouraged to apply. Familiar with HTML, Javascript, and/or Web Development Concepts (REST/GET/POST/HTTPS). Experience extracting data from relational (MySQL/SQL) or big data (Hadoop/Hive) data stores helpful. Don’t know SQL? That’s okay. Tell us why you want to learn it. Comfortable reading source code and/or programming in languages such as Python, PHP, Objective C, or Java. If you can code (you’ll have that opportunity) or want to learn how to do so, a big plus. Passion for fast-paced, start-up environments. If you use Reddit, Hacker News, or have a grab bag of GIFs ready–a big plus. Occasional travel. We have offices in Boston, New York, San Francisco, London, Seattle, Singapore, and Sydney and clients in over 25 countries. A few extras that would really put you on top Experience with advertising technology and tracking, preferably in both mobile and desktop environments a plus. Familiarity with digital advertising industry concepts and terminology a big plus, although you can also learn this at Nanigans. What is does CTR, CPM, or CPC stand for? What’s the difference between an SSP, DMP, and DSP? Big Data experience an added bonus. Familiar with attribution / server / measurement / etc advertising solutions such as DoubleClick, MediaPlex, BrightTag, Adeven/Adjust, or Omniture a big plus. Fluency in another language (such as Mandarin, German, Portuguese) a plus.

Interested? Apply here: http://www.nanigans.com/jobs/?p=job%2FoOsS0fwS

Palo Alto, Ca - Branch Metrics - Full Time - Solutions Engineer

As a Branch Solutions Engineer, your job is to inspire and equip customers to build transformational app experiences using the Branch SDK and API. As the primary technical contact for a diverse customer base, Branch Solutions Engineers are highly competent IT/software generalists who share knowledge during all stages of the customer’s lifecycle.

A few of things you'll find yourself working on:

- Educate customers, from developers and product managers to C-level executives, on what is possible with Branch. - Understand customer requirements and communicate the business value of solving technology problems using mobile deeplinking technology. - Create technical content to show customers how to implement specific use cases or best practices for new technologies. - Prepare demos and proof of concepts to demonstrate various use cases for Branch's SDKs and API. - Distill and communicate customer needs and product feedback to Product Management, Engineering, Marketing and Sales. - Develop feature requests for high value partners. - Document the architectural solutions that customers have designed and deployed for internal use. - Position yourself as a thought leader in the mobile growth space. Prepare talks for industry events. Collaborate on blog posts, technical articles and other content with Branch's marketing and sales groups.

We're Looking for Someone With:

- iOS and Android programming experience (building apps or SDKs) - Three to ten years professional experience in a client-facing technical role. - Professional software engineering experience preferred. Experience in the design, configuration, deployment and debugging of mobile applications and SDKs is a strong bonus. - A firm understanding of the technology stacks common to the mobile and web ecosystem. - A world class communicator. Confident dispensing knowledge to a highly skilled and experienced audience including C-level executives.

Branch (branch.io) is a deeplinking and tracking technology that helps mobile developers attribute app installs, optimize and create invite systems, and do smarter in-app sharing through our unique device fingerprinting and deep linking technology. We dynamically generate short URLs on the fly that pass and track data from the originating source through install, across devices, and across platform. We use this technology to provide brands a deeper insight into app installs, more personal customer acquisition, and better engagement of users with our variety of SDK features. Our business is growing rapidly, is loved by our customers, and would provide a very rare opportunity for someone looking to get the true entrepreneurial experience. You’d be joining at a time when we're growing from 25 to 50 post Series-A.

Email sahil+hn@branchmetrics.io if you're interested. Please attach a resume.

Survata, San Francisco, CA

Survata sells consumer datasets to businesses. We’re a San Francisco startup attacking the $40 billion market research industry by making a complex & bureaucratic process into a simple & painless one.

Full-stack Software Engineer Our systems are are more complex than they originally seem. From a survey-building tool, to an ecommerce platform, to an ad network, to a data analysis tool, our systems have to do a lot to deliver big value to our clients. You’ll add a lot of features in a short amount of time. You’ll build them quickly, but you’ll make sure you’re keeping the code base clean. You’ll build them from the DB all the way up to the CSS, with the bulk of the heavy lifting being in Javascript. Our focus is on keeping things simple for our clients, so you’ll take that to heart. You’ll work with our entire engineering team to bring our systems to the next level.

About you * You love to build software that drives the bottom line for a business. * You want to work with other smart, hard-working engineers to solve big problems. * You have strong opinions about what makes a good API. You not only help build ours, but you’re a customer of it, so you’ll help keep us in line. * You’ve probably used several Javascript frameworks, and can rattle off their strengths and weaknesses. (We use Angular, which we sometimes like and sometimes hate.) * You thrive on the energy of operating in a fast-paced, ever-changing startup atmosphere.

Senior Backend Software Engineer Our systems are are more complex than they originally seem. From a survey-building tool, to an ecommerce platform, to an ad network, to a data analysis tool, our systems have to do a lot to deliver big value to our clients. You’ll help set up our systems for the growth to come. It might be using memcached when deciding what survey to show to on our network. It might be automatically determining what relationships are statistically significant. It might be augmenting the data we provide with data from other sources. No matter the project, you’ll jump in with both feet, architecting it just enough to deliver in the short term and set us up for the long term.

About you * You’ve built big systems that drive a business. * You love data & analytics and can build systems that help shine a light on the story behind that data. * You understand that your software runs on computers (but you architect things so you spend the minimum amount of time possible thinking about that). REST, JSON, and APIs make you happy (even though the capital letters are annoying). You’re not afraid to build all the way from the DB up to the CSS (even though you’ll spend most of your time on the server). * You’ve used a lot of AWS services. You love some, are frustrated by others, and can’t wait to try the next one. * You thrive on the energy of operating in a fast-paced, ever-changing startup atmosphere.

To apply, send a resume or LinkedIn profile to jobs@survata.com.

A note to companies:

PLEASE do not put the word "remote" in your posting if you do not hire remote employees. It makes scanning for companies that do more difficult. People will assume by default that your company is only local.

Edit: As suggested below, using "on-site only" is a much more find-friendly phrase.


Shameless plug: add your remote company here https://github.com/lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job

I'd also like to throw this out there -- I'd really like to see HN require "location" as part of official HN job postings.

Very few post where they are located, and then I have to go to the company website, and sometimes even the website doesn't tell me where they are, and I end up searching for them on Google maps!

Unfortunately this is not true. As someone who posts in here every month I get about 5-10 emails from remotes each month if I don't put that in. Sorry.

I would recommend saying "on-site only".

Duhhh. Thanks, that should work :)

agreed it would help a lot, the R word is the best way to quickly scan....

If search optimization is what you're after, why not just use "local"

because one can be both remote _and_ local

Also if it's remote but US-only, please put this in the posting too.

If there were some standard format all listings used (e.g. REMOTE:TRUE, STATE:MA, etc) it would make 'ctrl+f'ing a lot easier.

in addition to 'ctrl+f' you might want to checkout: http://whereis-whoishiring-hiring.me/city/2015/4/REMOTE which does a pretty good job of removing the 'No Remo..' entries

Oh you mean all the text parsing job sites that just do

    if "remote" in post.text:
        post.remote = True
I think they should do a better job with it and not force people to write in a certain way.

Honestly, I just use Ctrl+F and it throws me off too.

Thanks for sharing vague thoughts about work other people should do. Without some discipline or structure in the listings, there's no easy way to determine if the post is saying the R-word is allowed or that it's not; there are a a huge number of variations in how the idea is expressed.

But there are many fun complicated ways =)

They should do a better job with their if statements, if anything.

I see what you did there.

This post isn't from the normal whoishiring account.

Somebody's doing something fishy.

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9471287 posted by 30 day old account https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=_whoishiring

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9471043 posted by 1 hour old account https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=__whoishiring

The normal whoishiring account https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=whoishiring

> Somebody's doing something fishy.

Definitely nothing fishy in this case. The original whoishiring has been distracted lately, and _whoishiring stepped in to help. It actually made a big difference today.

It also, however, made us realize that it's about time (after what, 6 years maybe) that we wrote the small amount of code to just automate this so people don't have to wonder where the threads are.

the 30 day old account was created and jumped in when the official thread didn't appear on time last month and its thread was more or less promoted to be the official one (the official account didn't create a "who is hiring" thread last month).

Since the official post hasn't appeared I guess this is the same thing again.

Since it's a community run submission, it's completely irrelevant which account actually posts the submission.

It's relevant for two important reasons: we don't want the content split across competing threads, and there needs to be a standard place for people to look for these posts. Currently that is (or was) https://news.ycombinator.com/submitted?id=whoishiring.

What you're saying doesn't seem to be the case, given the lack of confusion taking place here.

What lack of confusion? Did you miss the first thread that some people posted in and which fizzled out?

Yes, and that's kind of my whole point. This post is right on par, comment wise, with the other ones. Clearly not much confusion took place.

Dang says there "needs to be a standard place" -- but I think the success of this thread disagrees with that statement.

Hardly a big deal, just pointing it out.


We've moved all the posts from this thread to that one, except where the posters had already made a new one there themselves.

Good point.

The more important thing dang said though was this:

> We're probably going to finally automate all of this officially next month.

Which is exactly what I was trying to get at anyway.

So, do you guys just blindly downvote anyone that even moderately disagrees with dang or what?

Yes. Also note that if you've posted in a fake thread and you try to post in a real thread, the spam bot will remove you.

SendGrid | Orange Country, CA | Associate Software Engineer

SendGrid invites engineers with unconventional backgrounds for the role of a Software Engineer on their team.

The SendGrid Quality Engineering team has end-to-end responsibility for the SendGrid email delivery pipeline. Each individual delivery team works closely with the Product Manager, Scrum Master and Head of Sales to evolve existing sites, services and products and deliver new ones using Agile methodologies.

You will be working with a small team to deliver software in accordance with the timelines with highest possible quality. We're an agile, fast growing company and this job description isn't meant to be an exhaustive list of your qualifications or all the things you'll do.

What You'll Do

  Quality Analysis
  Analyze specifications provided by the Product Owners to develop test cases and plans
  Ensure released software products are defect free
  Provide feedback on the process to ensure continual improvement of the process
  Participate in the Agile Quality Assurance Practice
  Create automated acceptance tests for stories as required
  Conduct tasks within agreed time frames

Application details: We are committed to having a meritocratic, transparent and bias-free selection process that is inclusive to all applicants.

To apply, email your interest to sendgrid@gapjumpers.me or take this blind audition technical challenge at https://www.gapjumpers.me/questions/sendgrid/qs-224/

REMOTE data scientist apply at ianalysedataandshit@pronto.uk

wow sounds amazing, definitely going to apply to this!


Disappointed to see Meteor appearing only twice (3 times now :)) on ctrl+f.

I think there's 3 reasons for that.

1. Most companies here are at a later stage in their development (post first round/prototype)

2. Meteor is still new and solidifying

3. There are other outlets for hiring: weworkmeteor.com

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