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I think you read more into my statement than I intended. I have no problem with big watches, and I'm happy for people who can enjoy them! It's only a shame because I have small wrists, so it's not suitable for me :)


You're the one who don't get it. This watch is very nice and non-blind people also wear it. For people like me with small wrist, this watch is very big and its a "shame".

We don't think its a shame that this watch is too big for all people, we just hope that a smaller model exist even if it is less readable for blind people.

Its your turn to think about what you wrote. You seem to think that this watch is reserved for blind people. Don't you think that non-blind may think this watch is beautiful and want one ? Do you really think that having a smaller model make impossible to also have the big one ?

> You seem to think that this watch is reserved for blind people.

Certainly not. The watch was originally developed for blind people but I encourage everybody to wear it. I think it is better that some sighted people get over their hangups about 'too big' watches on their wrist, which is an arbitrary fashion choice, and focus on the functionality instead. What's the point of making a smaller version of the Bradley Watch if it compromises on the functionality it was designed for? It feels like sighted people appropriating blind people's culture...

I'm butting up against HN's flame filter and it's not my intention to start a flame war so I'll stop here. My intent was to get Osmium to try the watch first for functionality before complaining about the looks of a tool for the blind.

> My intent was to get Osmium to try the watch first for functionality before complaining about the looks of a tool for the blind.

Maybe try working on your tone? It's never a good idea to start a comment with "You don't get it."

"it's not about you."

Actually, a casual comment expressing an opinion is typically about the person posting it.

"shame" can be defined in a couple of different ways. You're fixed on the feeling of humiliation. It can also be used in place of "pity" e.g. "It's a pity I didn't win the lottery." I don't feel ashamed about not winning, it's just a shame as it would've been useful to me.

This is the issue with smart-watches ... When I buy a watch I really care for the size and not only the model. I didn't buy watches I fell in love with because they were too small/too big ...

The 2 standard size format will leave many people out..

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