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libovness on April 29, 2015 | hide | past | favorite

Modern journalism in a nutshell.

Bingo: one largely misinformed and not well-authored article auto-syndicated out to dozens of "News" sites.

After which a karmic-sycophant seeks internet posterity by posting a link to a very specific Google query which is likely the only way the article could be found.

It's all very meta... like modern journalism.

To be fair to Google, if you click through to the second page, they do indeed collapse the rest of the results with the notice about result similarity.

On the other hand, it makes me wonder what kind of ad money these sites pull in. At least I got to add a whole bunch of sites to my personal block list...

Well, that's depressing.

That is misleading, the language was invented at ITT.


The point of this post is to call attention to the fact that while Objective C is actually a 30-year-old language that is the foundation of the entire Apple development ecosystem, some journalist misunderstood Objective C to be something that Microsoft had produced, and his or her mistake propagated wildly across the internet.

No shit Sherlock

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