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Thanks for sharing this! How long was your team given to complete this project?

  Cassandra response time was increasing with load to a certain point where clients started to timeout and the video playback completely stopped.

  After these changes, we were able to achieve a latency in the order of 10ms for our 99% percentile.
How did you test this? Are there any benchmarking/load testing tools for cases such as streaming?

If I'm not wrong, we start to access that around 1y but I think we really spent 7-10m on it.

You can send metrics from Cassandra to graphite http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/pluggable-metrics-reporting...

Since the streaming is similar to HTTP page flow, it's not that hard.

Ex: http://blazemeter.com/blog/how-load-test-http-live-media-str...

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