You just have to get past it. Business is a rough and tumble arena, it's not a place where angels last long. What big tech company does not have a dark side or skeletons in its closet? Oracle? Facebook? Cisco? Google? Certainly none of them. But companies can atone for their misdeeds, learn from them, and become better corporate citizens. Focusing on vengeance and spite is not taking the high road. It's better to reward and encourage good behavior when it happens than to hold on to past misdeeds forever.
They embraced/extended Kerberos, breaking compatibility, and we have to get past it? isn't that victim blaming?
When Microsoft actually atones, we can reward and encourage. until then, BSD users (and anyone who read a Halloween Document[1]) know Microsoft's gifts have strings.
That's how this shit works. If no wrongs were done, if there was no sound basis for grievances, then forgiveness wouldn't even be necessary, it would be easy. But that's not how the real world works. People fuck up. People do bad things. Companies do too. Even sainted companies like Apple. You have to get over it in order for it not to destroy all the good work that can be done. Look at Israel and Palestine. Neither is blameless. But if they hold onto their grievances forever they'll perpetuate a miserable situation indefinitely.
the path we're currently walking is lit by the bridge Microsoft already burned. Atonement for the past should probably be asked for, rather than volunteered.