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> Does Google Cloud provide Machine Learning service?

Yes they do. [0]

> And this is common, as we've just seen people complain about Google Cloud 4 days ago.

To me, this is an isolated incident. On the other hand, seemingly every AWS customer of non-trivial size had to reboot a significant part of their machines in the last year because of Xen vulnerabilities (with no way to predict if you will land on a patched machine).

[0] https://cloud.google.com/prediction/docs

That's not true. AWS found a way to resolve the xen vulnerability without us having to reboot servers. # of servers I manage in AWS is >1k.

Ah, great. Apparently I didn't know they do. But again, being first doesn't automatically mean it's better. For instance, Sun's grid computing concept was earlier.

> To me, this is an isolated incident.


That's a 2 year old blog post from the time when GCE was still in beta.

Apart from that, noisy neighbors happen on any cloud platform, and as the author of the article said, those test were far from scientific.

http://robusttechhouse.com/google-prediction-api-review/ It ranked the worst comparing to AWS and Azure

I never said that they were any good, you just asked if it exists.

I personally don't know why one would use any of the GCE/AWS/Azure ML offerings apart for really small use cases (in which case you probably don't have enough data). Most businesses with an ML component (like my startup) need millions of predictions per day which would be crazy expensive on any of those platforms.

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