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Media would have me believe that it can be abundant in some places. Never for me where I live though.

I must say that in my case I didn't find LSD, it found me.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you keep a certain type of company you will increase your chances of running into a good connect for LSD.

So from that perspective, I believe LSD finds many of its users in a very organic way. Call them hipsters, outsiders, whatever, they are people who believe in a moral code but not necessarily the code of laws presented by their government. People with these views tend to congregate together so sooner or later you find someone who has grown pot, mushrooms or even knows how to get LSD.

But it's important to point out that this is not always the case. I've also seen teenagers treat DMT like it was a friday night beer, and young people using LSD to be more like a fictional character portrayed by Johnny Depp and Bill Murray.

Those types definitely chase the substance, they're lucky to get it, and they're even more lucky to keep it or stay out of jail with it.

I was not talking about them, the ones I'm thinking about are the ones who don't chase the substance, but get it anyway. The substance appears to find them.

And there's little point in trying to be someone you're not only to fit in with a group you believe would fit that first description. Then you're just one of the many people chasing a substance that does not want to be found.

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