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Evolution of economics (sciam.com)
8 points by aswanson on Jan 1, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Nice article, but it's not exactly news. Adam Smith discovered spontaneous order. He recognised that it was a counter-intuitive idea - we expect that any order we find has been brought about through 'intelligent design' or in Smith's own words the 'invisible hand' Charles Darwin openly acknowledged his debt to Adam Smith.

Another parallel: Willful ignorance of evolutionary theory is to conservatives as willful ignorance of economics is to liberals. (Liberals in the American sense.)

Pushing it a bit further, Keynesian economics corresponds to Intelligent Design in the above parallel.

This is a great analogy, one which I've been making for a while.

18 months ago, I wrote a blog article about how the war on terror can be thought of as an economic war, where economic transactions either encourage or discourage the individual from using violence.


This also plays into some of the concepts that Wolfram has been going on about. What is the smallest set of rules that create all of those SKUs and prosperity? Is there a similar set of rules running the universe? (Assuming the Computational Universe theory is correct) Good stuff.

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