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Medical Emergencies In Space (1998) (marssociety.org)
67 points by ColinWright on April 18, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Astronauts won't be full members of the badass club until one of them does this:


NASA lost two of their finest Physician-Astronauts [3] (and 5 other crew) in 2003 on Columbia STS-107 mission.

I've heard that if a physician can pass the (NASA Class 2) medical and (Naval) Flight Officer qualifications, along with respectable science and engineering grades, their chance of selection as an astronaut is significantly "higher than average". They've also selected civilian physicians as astronauts.

The Navy usually lets their flight surgeons fly in the back seat when practical, although most are not mission qualified NFOs. Dr (Capt.) David Brown was actually a mission qualified Naval Aviator, prior to astronaut selection.

[0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Physician_astronauts

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_M._Brown

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurel_Clark

http://3dprint.com/38783/3d-printed-surgical-tools-mars/ I've had the fortune to help test out a few things with the Mars Society - not much to report there yet, although we can now 3d print a scalpel (including the blade, yes).

I'm conflicted on releasing the design, as it's also a thing that can easily be taken past a metal detector. Violence should stick to fists and bites.


So much awesome can be used for bad. Self-censoring is - sorry for this - what the terrorists want.

I won't fault you for not sharing, but there are plenty of sharp things I can buy [0] that won't set off metal detectors. I'd rather live in the slightly less safe world of people not always being afraid.

[0] http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0017V1BFO/

I'll just leave this here as a tribute:


Always wondered what would happen if an astronaut got appendicitis? Almost seems like a good idea for astronauts to get prophylactic appendectomies done.

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