It's not just self control in isolation though. That self control is being assaulted relentlessly by social conditioning from peers, society, media, advertising, corporations and the Government. It's not a wonder the economy is in the state it's in.
With virtually everything around you lying "Go on, spend it, it's good for the economy, you deserve it, it'll make you feel good and fill that pit of emptiness you're trying to fill, credit is better, you need credit, you need to build credit." coupled with the fear ads of "Bad credit, no credit! We've got the solution for you to get it!" and companies that are impossible to deal with without a credit card - I'm looking at you hotels, flight companies and car rental places!
Society makes it painful at every turn to live without a credit card and then when you do find a way, people look down on you like you're somehow a freak of nature, shunning the natural order of things.
With virtually everything around you lying "Go on, spend it, it's good for the economy, you deserve it, it'll make you feel good and fill that pit of emptiness you're trying to fill, credit is better, you need credit, you need to build credit." coupled with the fear ads of "Bad credit, no credit! We've got the solution for you to get it!" and companies that are impossible to deal with without a credit card - I'm looking at you hotels, flight companies and car rental places!
Society makes it painful at every turn to live without a credit card and then when you do find a way, people look down on you like you're somehow a freak of nature, shunning the natural order of things.