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>Anything that makes programmers productive is a great tool. Angular 1.x definitely makes teams productive.

Definately? Based on what? The teams i've seen and projects i've been on that use Angular take much longer and end up with slow, buggier code.

>Sure it isn't perfect, but show me something better with all the features AngularJs has.

Meteor, Ember, React, Qooxdoo, Extjs, Backbone, etc... pretty much every other framework. Most of them don't specify a half-baked programming language hiding in data attributes in your dom-nodes.

>AngularJS became popular because it was obviously superior in term of developer experience

That is a lie. Angular seems to attract back-end programmers who have been moved to the front-end because it uses design patterns that are more common to back-end development. Find me a single Angular fan, that has actual job experience with at least two other SPA frameworks.

>Instead of saying "this thing is bad", Educate them. But I guess sensationalism drives more clicks.

You are misrepresenting his blog post, mostly out of spite.

Here's a more generic complaint: doing control-flow by annotating dom-nodes dom just means you lose proper debugging, refactoring, scoping and not to forget: hurts performance (since dom reads are much too expensive).

Angular is one of the worst executions of a fundamentally flawed approach. The only people defending it are those who are not familiar with _any other alternative_.

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