Be careful of the Socratic method if you are attempting to teach those who perceive themselves to be higher up in a social hierarchy.
When I try this it often ends up in confrontation as the person who feels they are being asked for knowledge realises I am trying to teach them. These days I just flat out state my position and if they don't grasp the argument I forget the whole thing. This is a much better approach than attempting to subtly nudge people along a path to knowledge.
It's a common problem for me as I look a 10 years younger than I am.
I would be careful also with those who perceive themselves to be lower down in a social hierarchy as they lack the force to confront you.
(I mean: maybe you cause the same effect always, but only get push back from ppl. higher up)
When I try this it often ends up in confrontation as the person who feels they are being asked for knowledge realises I am trying to teach them. These days I just flat out state my position and if they don't grasp the argument I forget the whole thing. This is a much better approach than attempting to subtly nudge people along a path to knowledge. It's a common problem for me as I look a 10 years younger than I am.