I'd be interested to know the problems you're running into right now as it's hard to figure out the bottlenecks of node/socket under this strange kind of load.
Yes, I've seen the problems and I tried to correct them. Suddenly with high load (which isn't really tested) I found some issues that I added some work arounds for in order to not crash the server.
But there are a lot left to do for a real playable experience. As stated on my github page, it's an abandoned project. I just released the full source code for others to enjoy :)
I ported the C++ code from cocos2d-x to JavaScript. Took me about a week. The web version doesn't have all the features, but it does serve as a decent demo.
Looks cool. How was your experience with three.js? Did you check out the PlayCanvas engine: https://github.com/playcanvas/engine - it's a bit more geared towards games.
I've experimented with PlayCanvas and the upfront load time is a deal breaker. It feels bloated. Three is impressively small (although I know it doesn't try to do nearly as much).
Phaser, on the other hand, seems alright for 2D though their docs could be better.
I like threejs since I want to create stuff myself rather than having a full blown engine. I never tested playcanvas but I've seen some impressive demos made with it. But I guess threejs is much more lowlevel than playcanvas, even though threejs is high level compared to raw webgl :)
You can still do your own stuff in PlayCanvas (write your own shaders, procedurally create geometry, etc etc). But there's extra stuff you get: physically based renderer, powerful chunk based shader system, point light shadows, entity-component system, and lots more besides. Definitely worth checking out. :) Sounds like you're not interested in higher level tools, but the PlayCanvas Editor is really cool too (that's on https://playcanvas.com - and it's optional). It's essentially Unity in the browser.
Although, unstable. The site died twice so far.
I'd be interested to know the problems you're running into right now as it's hard to figure out the bottlenecks of node/socket under this strange kind of load.