> We let them choose the time of the day for the daily stand-up.
Small anecdote about choosing stand-up time: We previously had stand-up at 9:15am, but management wasn't happy that we would all immediately after go for coffee (taking around 10-20 minutes). So standups were moved to 9:45 on the condition that we would get coffee 'before work'. Instead what happened was that people wouldn't get into work until 9:43am and everyone still went for coffee after standup.
Small anecdote about choosing stand-up time: We previously had stand-up at 9:15am, but management wasn't happy that we would all immediately after go for coffee (taking around 10-20 minutes). So standups were moved to 9:45 on the condition that we would get coffee 'before work'. Instead what happened was that people wouldn't get into work until 9:43am and everyone still went for coffee after standup.