Consider using only the character set in NewBase60 to ensure all your URLs are print-safe and unambiguous. If you follow the NewBase60 algorithm it has built-in error correction (e.g. O is considered the same as 0)
I didn't know about NewBase60, so we only allow lowercase and numeric characters, and we picked a font where 0 is distinctly different. NewBase60 looks like a much better alternative, I'll look into it. Thanks :)
I like that so much. Thanks, for bridging the gap between the online and the tangible. Feedback: find a way to market it really well, because it would be cool to see lots of people walking around with these. Also, maybe consider "couples shirts" as sometimes couples like to wear shirts that reference each other, a la the classic (?) "I'm with stupid" :) Conferences could be another big win for you -- bulk orders, and maybe you could "include" shirt urls atop another suppliers merch so everyone can be "URLing" their wares on their backs for all to look up. It would be cool to have a "shirt url" spotted-at Instagram feed, like, "post some pics of where you wearing your shirt url, <x> one gets free special edition shirt." x in superlative of your choice :) The name is really good. This whole thing made me smile so I'd say you're definitely onto something if you can make people feel good.
Wow, thanks for this :) This is exactly what we thought when we came up with the idea. These are great suggestions. We thought about the benefits at conferences but never thought of couple shirts or shirts referencing other shirts. There’s definitely room for creativity in this area. Thanks again!
You might consider adding an option to display a QR code on the shirt instead of a URL. It would be really cool if you could also provide the ability to embed a logo/icon into the QR code (a la Would be good for companies.
I was a little disappointed that it isn't possible to order (minimum 5 characters).
Thanks for taking the time. Logo in a QR code looks really cool. We decided to leave shorter codes for later but when we do open them, I'll reserve 1337 for you :)
I’ll fix the home link right away and add a privacy policy. Thanks again!
As others have mentioned QR code would be cool but maybe hard to accomplish with wrinkles in shirts, etc. If you can get it to work, a companion app would be cool. See someone wearing the shirt, scan the code, see the message. Of course with augmented reality it would be even cooler!
Thank you! We were hesitant to use QR codes because there is so much friction with its usage. But I love the augmented reality idea, using T-shirts would be a feasible way to make AR interactions work.
Character set: [0-9A-HJ-NP-Z_a-km-z]
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