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People are downvoting you, but I totally agree. Stop requiring javascript to let me read text: literally the first thing ever put on the world wide web. Fancy your page up with javascript if you must, but let me choose to consume the text how I want.

> People are downvoting you, but I totally agree.

Since you are new here, I'll explain why I and others most likely have downvoted his comment, and why it's acceptable to do so, regardless of whether I agree with the sentiment or not: it's off-topic, and adds nothing to the discussion in the linked to article. Most importantly, it's essentially complaining that the content is inappropriate.

I can sorta agree with the both of you, but this is really off topic.

Or slightly nicer to read: https://github.com/ninjadoge24/ninjadoge24.github.io/blob/ma...

I have no idea why the blog is fetching a Markdown file via JavaScript from GitHub and then using JavaScript to render it... but at least you get the nice "doge" if you don't have JavaScript enabled.

> I have no idea why the blog is fetching a Markdown file via JavaScript from GitHub and then using JavaScript to render it...

I can guess: Make pushing changes out to the blog one step (upload fixed Markdown) instead of two (compile Markdown to HTML, push fixed HTML).

It's not the smartest thing in the world to do, but it's comprehensible.


The publishing platform and hopefully the author should care.


I beg to differ. A vocal minority of users who are aware of the JS dependency speak up for the unknown subset of users who can't read the page due to an error and don't care enough to investigate.

If a page starts to lag when I'm scrolling on a phone, it isn't worth the CPU cycles, battery life or my frustration to continue using it.

Deleted as the comments are off-topic. You didn't address my points regardless. I do agree with you on your last sentence completely though.

True, it isn't a publishing platform. I assumed it was blog platform du jour. I missed your last point, for that I apologize.

It doesn't even load anything from another domain, so what's the problem with it? That link says that it's "dead to history" which has nothing to do with reading it right now.

Edit: "curlable" https://github.com/ninjadoge24/ninjadoge24.github.io/archive...

The link you gave requires knowledge of the Github API. The original HN link does not give useful page content when cURL'd, and is the same stuff seen when you view source in any browser:

  > curl https://ninjadoge24.github.io/#002-how-i-cracked-nq-vaults-encryption

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From a decision standpoint, wouldn't sites that require JS to render content be more important to read now, while they're correctly rendering? It's transient information that may not exist tomorrow -- why would you choose to not read it?

Because presumably you're "NR" as a method of punishing the author of the page, but surely you can't think this act is in any way consequential.

The author wants people to read the content, so refusing to read it is meaningful.

That puts too much emphasis on any individual reader.

I'd argue the author wants to get an idea out, and if one person does or does not read the article, the idea will still be propagated by/to others.

Wouldn't say the original comment was so useless (even being from just one reader) after all: see the conversion thread it spawned!

That being said I don't care about this JS issue.

Who even cares whether you read something or not. I don't.

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