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A Course on Modern Binary Exploitation (rpi.edu)
59 points by 1234567890123 on April 2, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

If this stuff is interesting to you, you'll like:


To those who think this is blatant self-promotion ... follow the link anyway! I find the puzzles there more entertaining than video games.

It doesn't belong to me. I have no economic interest in it. :)

And thanks!

I should have been more clear that people shouldn't confuse your plug for MicroCorruption with your new project ... sorry.

On the other hand, some day I hope to make a similar comment about StarFighter!

For those who want to follow the course without access to the warzones (until the course is over), or just practice the material, you could play with some of the other warzones out there.

There is https://exploit-exercises.com/ and http://overthewire.org/wargames/, the former is somewhat more pedagogical, but both are really good.

Just got to level10 of Nebula, literally 15 minutes ago. Been doing levels in bed before crashing out -- It's really good fun so far! Highly recommend.

This looks awesome and seems like a great opportunity for me to further hone my reverse engineering skills (which I only recently have been getting into). Thanks for sharing!

Looks like a fun class. Anyone know if the wargames are opensourced anywhere, and if there's any other class material not mentioned on the site?

We are planning on making the warzone material available after the end of the semester, but we didn't want people who aren't in the class publishing writeups before things are due.

We have an irc that people in the class use for help (and office hours, but I'm assuming you probably don't want to come to rpi in person), but no, we don't have any other formal materials besides the slides and recommended textbooks.

Really great font in the header. Contrasts so well with the monospaced below.

Pretty rad course site :)

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