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It's all relative. 80 decibels in the day isn't that loud. It's the sound of a vacuum cleaner. At night on the other hand 80db is loud. Considering that the F1 are 140DB the sound differences are massive.

Just to add to this, 140dB isn't about twice as loud as 80dB as the units might lead you to believe, since the scale is logarithmic: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decibel

These FE cars are MUCH quieter than their F1 cousins.

Well, in terms of sound energy, but our hearing is also logarithmic, so 140dB will sound about twice as loud.

> an increase of 10db SPL is perceived to be approximately twice as loud

From http://trace.wisc.edu/docs/2004-About-dB/

So it's really 2^6 = 64x as loud, perceptually.

To update that number, the new turbocharged engines required in Formula 1 since 2014 are much quieter (to some fans' dismay), maxing out around 100 dB.

http://www.marca.com/2014/01/30/motor/formula1/1391085772.ht... (Spanish)

Still I'd rather be listening to a 80db combustion motor spinning up and turbo whining, occasional back fires, flames from exhaust etc.. than a 80db electric buzz box ;-) I'm sure most race-car fans would agree.

Not me. I used to go to the Sinapore F1. Even with ear plugs it was painful next to the track. It wore me out and really reduced my enjoyment. I for one welcome our new electric masters. I hope Singapore is one of the first to host. I'd definitely attend.

Have you heard one? They sound pretty good - more like the scream of a gas turbine than a "buzz box".

I grew up near a F1 track during the "big bang" turbo era (1,350+HP from a 1.5 litre engine that would only last 3 alps in qualifying trim)[1]. I'm pretty sure we'll never hear engines like those in circuit races again, and I'm not sure that's a bad thing.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_One_engines#1966.E2.80....

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