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> The important information is larger and more legible in the poster on the left


Font size alone I agree with you (and a light - serif - white text on a black background has some issues with artifacts, which are visible on the flier), but the whole thing is a mess.

> In the poster on the right, my eye is drawn to the enormous headings, which contain no useful information by themselves.

Yes, it contains. It's an aid to point you to the right section.

Because you scan the bigger text first, the first thing most people will read is "Aikido - Beginner classes" then follow the right column

> The "Come Visit" heading isn't close enough to the address

I agree, this is debatable, one possibility would be to replace it with "Try it" and/or put "Come Visit" or "Visit Us" above the address

> and the address/phone/URL has been squeezed into a single block of tiny, fuzzy text

This is another heuristical cue and to separate it from the rest of the text.

The thing is, none of those headers are even necessary. For example, replace "Beginner Class" with "AIKIDO", remove the "Regular Classes" and "Come Visit" headings, enlarge the text, and you've already improved the poster.

For bonus points, pluralize the days ("Tuesdays 7:30 p.m.") and separate the phone and URL from the address a bit.

The point is, the information is self-describing. It doesn't need a header to announce what it is.

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