The issue here is not abuse of the guidelines, it's that western people typically don't want to see anything like this, because it goes against their worldview. I understand the feeling.
But most people finding this kind of material uncomfortable doesn't change the fact that it should be brought up more, to raise awareness. Things are different in some European countries, where muslim immigrants are most definitely a problem, but where the governments suppress all negative publicity about it.
You don't actually know anything about what's going on, obviously, so it would be a good idea to find out for yourself, and form your very own opinion about these things. Peace & Harmony is not the reality, it's what we as westerners are wired to want to believe.
By the way, censoring this submission from HN because of the content would be tantamount to what European governments are doing. Inconvenient truths should not be swept under the rug, they need more sunlight.
I've done quite a bit of studying on this topic before 9-11 (and before all the sensationalist books and such)
I honestly don't think this group wants to know, shiranaihito. They are unable to process this information (and I haven't reviewed much except the first video) in any kind of reasonable dispassionate way.
If it were rock-collecting practices of men who wore turbans, complete with flash graphics and a twitterfeed? Different story entirely. But this is just too much for them. It conflicts with so many preconceived notions and ideas and requires such a rethinking of western cosmopolitan virtues that it's a non-starter. (although I agree it is important and interesting)
Indeed, the problem is that people just flat out refuse to process this information, because it's unpleasant. The exact same thing happens everywhere in Europe too, and is the biggest obstacle to eventually dealing with the problems.
To process this, along with some other things in life, one needs to be able to adjust his worldviews, and to entertain the notion that perhaps whatever his current belief of something is might be wrong.
It just seemed to me that a forum with lots of really intelligent people might be able to handle this material in a reasonable way.
It may prove to be really freaking unfortunate if our only option is to just let Islam in Europe unfold.
After what you said, I'm surprised that you flagged this too. Is preventing discussion really the right choice here? It's cute how you already got an upvote for the word "flagged".
And the thread is dead. The esteemed HN community did a nice job of self-censoring dissidence.
I'm pretty sure this qualifies.