I followed the Coursera course linked from the article and the similar "Programming Paradigms" course from Standford[1], and from what I recall, dataflow and actors where formally equivalent - i.e. you could write any one using the primitives of the other.
Dataflows can be implemented through message calls to independent actors, but I also saw a stateful actor implemented as a purely functional dataflow in the shape of a sequence of its successive states.
I've seen recently a lot of people from both styles saying "but that's not really what 'reactive' is" at the other, and I think it may be a misunderstanding caused by that equivalence.
Dataflows can be implemented through message calls to independent actors, but I also saw a stateful actor implemented as a purely functional dataflow in the shape of a sequence of its successive states.
I've seen recently a lot of people from both styles saying "but that's not really what 'reactive' is" at the other, and I think it may be a misunderstanding caused by that equivalence.
[1] https://www.edx.org/course/paradigms-computer-programming-lo...