During the 70 year US superpower reign, there have been zero major wars between history's powerful nations (Germany, China, Japan, Italy, Spain, Britain, France, India, Russia); there have been no major wars in Latin America (eg Brazil invading and destroying Colombia); and there have been no more world war equivalents. The worst we've seen have been very small scale, eg between India and China.
That's not a coincidence, it's a benefit provided by the US military's overwhelming superiority.
The US military has also taken an extreme share of the burden of keeping global trade / shipping lanes open and safe for operation - and it has done an extraordinary job at it.
The USSR wasn't going to just stop mid way through Germany, and Russia was obviously not going to just stop at Georgia. Who is going to act as a big enough deterrent to them? The same countries that prevented genocide in Europe's backyard in Kosovo? No, only the US is a powerful enough threat to Russia to keep them from going on a non-stop annexation spree.
That's not a coincidence, it's a benefit provided by the US military's overwhelming superiority.
Do you really think the British and the French haven't been re-enacting Waterloo lately because the United States asked us to play nicely?
Here are some other factually correct statements, using your definition of 'powerful nation':
"In the 70 years since the formation of the United Nations, there have been zero major wars between history's powerful nations."
"In the seven decades since they lost the Second World War, Germany has had zero major wars with nations that defeated them."
"Since the formation of the EEC, there have been zero major wars between its member states."
"In more than six decades since becoming a nuclear power, the UK has had zero major wars with other powerful nations."
Obviously numerous variations on these themes are also true.
The US military has also taken an extreme share of the burden of keeping global trade / shipping lanes open and safe for operation - and it has done an extraordinary job at it.
That's not a coincidence, it's a benefit provided by the US military's overwhelming superiority.
The US military has also taken an extreme share of the burden of keeping global trade / shipping lanes open and safe for operation - and it has done an extraordinary job at it.
The USSR wasn't going to just stop mid way through Germany, and Russia was obviously not going to just stop at Georgia. Who is going to act as a big enough deterrent to them? The same countries that prevented genocide in Europe's backyard in Kosovo? No, only the US is a powerful enough threat to Russia to keep them from going on a non-stop annexation spree.