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I am much more interested in the upcoming post.

Even tough I have not used the products mentioned. I have seen that RDBMSes can be configured and optimized but usually it costs time or money plus it can get quite complex. This complexity wouldn't be so bad if it allowed you to make the rest of your application simpler. Sadly, it usually isn't the case. You end up constantly dealing with theses two different worlds in your application and ORMs also bring their share of complexity when you do more sophisticated or customized things. And I am not even saying anything about when you need to change things.

I think one of the nice things about many of the "noSQL" solutions is that they keep things simple and under your control. You still need to do the complex stuff yourself, but its never simple anyway. I am sure they don't bring a solution to everything but it certainly is nice to see the area of databases moving again after many years of status quo. And the author is certainly one of the people pushing the field.

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