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Ok, I can't be the only one that wants to get one and hack it to work with any VoIP provider. I haven't been this excited about working on a device since the original iPhone came out.

I missing something. What part would be VoIP?

DO you mean, hack it so that a VoIP phone can pair with it, because those product already exist...

Or do you mean hack it to carry calls over VoIP, which seems like just another monthly-bill layer of abstraction in the transport, since it can already use a "raw" Internet connection to carry the calls.

I'm thinking he's saying he'd like to be able to use a 3G phone via this device without AT&T being in the mix at all.

It does use the "raw" internet to make a VPN-ish connection to AT&T... it would be highly cool if I could make that connection to a VOIP Provider instead.

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