You don't think that Thelema's "Do what thou wilt" and the BSD licenses' "Permission to use...this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted" are very similar?
Also, if you're referring to the K2 summit attempt in 1902 led by Eckenstein, I was under the impression that no one died despite the fact that they failed to summit:
However, Crowley's 1905 trip to Kanchenjunga was an unmitigated disaster. Crowley, who insisted on leading the climb, behaved extremely badly, going so far as to decline assisting in the rescue of fellow climbers and porters caught in an avalanche as well as later stealing money from the expedition. I'm under the impression that Crowley was only interested in setting a high altitude record. Four people ended up dying:
Crowley did go on some kind of climbing holiday in New York State later in life, but I doubt that was anything like his earlier trips to the Alps, Mexico, or the Himalayas.
Just like Aleister and K2. He never was a mountaineer again after he let 17 die. But I'm sure complete selfishness and arrogance is a virtue to those.