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Again, it depends on why you are writing the book. I have heard that you make $10k on avg if you use a publisher, vs $50k avg if you self-publish. If you are doing it for the money, self-publishing might be the way to go.

I'm using a publisher because:

- They have the resources to market the book. The book's not done yet and I've already sold ~2000 advance copies. I'm trying to reach as many people with this book as possible, and it would have taken me a lot longer to sell 2k copies on my own.

- I'm trying to learn how to write a tech book. My editor is the rare breed that cares about making a good book, and has 20 years of teaching + writing experience. I have learned a lot from him.

2000 advance copies? Holy shit! I have the wrong publisher!

(To be fair, they were awesome with me and I had a blast, but damn, 2000 advance copies?)

What's the topic of the book?

Here's my book: manning.com/bhargava/

It is one of their better selling MEAPs :) I have also put a lot of work into it. I don't think 2k is typical.

I had a look at the sample chapter and I like the way that you're explaining concepts with sketches.

I've already learned all the material listed in the table of contents, so I might not get much from reading it, but I wish I had seen that book 15 years ago.

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