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You can you just need externals which means an extra $50-150 depending on what you need, and it puts into perspective the notion of this MB being the most portable device in the Mac lineup.

I kind of see the MB as very solid upgrade to anyone using the 11 inch MBA for non-dev stuff (e.g. school) and is rich enough to be willing to pay 30-40% extra, despite it being hard to figure this type of user to really need 8gb of ram for example.

For anyone on the 13 inch lineup, it feels like a step back either in performance, battery, ports, price, screen size.

I mean, 13' MBA? Cheaper, bigger screen, better ports, better battery. Not many people will really care that the MB is a tiny bit lighter/compact to the extent they're willing to give up all these things, except if they cared so much to have gotten the 11', hence how I see the MB as being an upgrade to the 11' MBA.

Unless you really wanted a retina display and want to give up screen space, a few hours of battery, pay a premium and have to get a bunch of peripherals.

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