JavaEE has some truly terrible specs in it, particularly JSF and CDI. I also haven't seen a great deal of cohesiveness in the platform, e.g. when EE6 was released JSF's injection system only partially supported CDI (ViewScope for example wasn't supported) and there were other major problems such as unclear serialization requirements for JSF scopes breaking session management. I could also go on a long rant about JPA/Hibernate but that is an entire topic of it's own. Generally speaking I got the impression that each standard mostly worked on it's own with interoperability with other specs being a bit of an afterthought and that there was very little going on in terms of building an overarching, integrated, vision for the platform.
I ran away from JavaEE toward Dropwizard and found it a much more sane platform, and much faster without the extra baggage.
I ran away from JavaEE toward Dropwizard and found it a much more sane platform, and much faster without the extra baggage.