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If you're given perfectly random data, gzipping it will (almost) never reduce the size so much that you could fit the gunzip binary in the reduced space. In the extremely rare occurrence that the generated random data has, say, a repeated string longer than the gunzip binary, the challenger could be on guard for that and just regenerate random data until that's not the case.

To be more formal, the challenger is finding what he believes to be a string that is Kolmogorov-random, and betting (quite safely) that the challenged party can't prove him wrong.


> that you could fit the gunzip binary in the reduced space

What's funny is that Patrick (the challenger) asked if a bash script consisting solely of a call to gunzip would suffice as the decompressor. In other words, all he had to do was compress the file by more than the amount of the script. Mike allowed it, knowing that even a tiny "decompressor" that really just called out to the real thing, would still be larger than the compression achievable on a well-crafted random blob.

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