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"Special shout out to Yehuda Katz, who helped us design the annotation+decorator proposal which helped make this work possible."

How in the world does this man keep up with all these projects? He needs to write a book on motivation.

exactly...i thght same when read that..

>How in the world does this man keep up with all these projects? He needs to write a book on motivation.

By dumping them mid-way and getting to the next shiny one?

Anybody knows how this RoR kickstarter project finally went?

Yep. I shipped Tokaido and people use it. It was mentioned on Ruby Weekly last week.

You can get releases at https://github.com/tokaido/tokaidoapp/releases. Andres (who now maintains the project) released Tokaido for Ruby 2.1 (with support for Mavericks) recently and we're working on Ruby 2.2 support as we speak.

The org is here: https://github.com/tokaido/ and there are a number of auxiliary projects (muxr and tokaido-dns are the big ones) that I developed separately along the way.

Big ups for the "bigger man" type response :)

I guess you cannot say that yourself for fear of appearing to brag, but a project such as Tokaido is an EXTREMELY complicated task to tackle. So well done. And thanks for all the hours you're sinking into commercial and non-commercial projects alike, committees and everything.

You're a machine Yehuda.

Interestingly, I was just talking to someone yesterday about how Yehuda is very good at handing off projects. When he doesn't personally finish something he started, it's because he's handed off the work to someone else who is taking it to completion. I've never seen him abandon any project.

Sounds... glamorous.

coldtea, you just got served.

How does this compare with "Did you win the Putnam?"


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