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Email harvesters probably don't want to run javascript because then they would be open to traps (like infinite loops or other cpu consuming scripts) that could be targeted at them.

Wouldn't the traps also make the web page unusable to regular users' browsers?

There are ways to trick bots. 4chan used to have a second field named 'email' in their submission form that was hidden with the value set to "DO NOT PUT ANYTHING HERE" (or something similar) and spammers would blindly fill both email fields (unless someone was specifically targeting 4chan). I'll bet there are plenty of ways to get an email-crawler to click on some link that a normal person would not.

Such traps can be placed on decoy pages that users and good robots are unlikely to visit. Or, that legitimate users execute rarely -- when clicking a link to send a single legitimate email -- but email harvesters execute in excess.

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