For the curious, here's a port of the Dbmonster demo to a simple Underscore template — the kind of base-level rendering strategy you might start with in a Backbone app. (And vintage 2009 technology.)
To head off grumbling at the pass — It would also be easy to do a slightly less-simple version that keeps the flickering impossible-to-read popups open (putting redundant tooltip DOM into each table cell isn't how you'd actually write this), and the server names selectable ... but those particular "features" don't really seem relevant to this particular UI.
Unfortunately your example isn't a full reproduction as both the Ember/React examples reuse existing DOM which is important for selection state and the popover functionality.
It's pretty cool to see that Ember is still in the same ballpark, especially when you realize that Ember does a ton of stuff that Backbone doesn't do for you :)
Tangentially: (yet somehow related), you could write [1]:
> The process of converting a string template into a fully compiled HTMLbars template function that emits DOM nodes is somewhat involved. The purpose of this document is to shed some light on the process and describe where in the HTMLbars codebase these steps take place.
or you could just write:
If the parallel is not obvious, it feels like many JavaScript frameworks are written in this overly verbose style.
To head off grumbling at the pass — It would also be easy to do a slightly less-simple version that keeps the flickering impossible-to-read popups open (putting redundant tooltip DOM into each table cell isn't how you'd actually write this), and the server names selectable ... but those particular "features" don't really seem relevant to this particular UI.