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> And of course, the idiotic permissions system. Want to check to see if a user's on the phone? Gotta also get access to who they call and their IMEI and other permanent identifiers.

This bothers me the most about Android. What is the point of individual Permissions if it's all or nothing!!

The only reasonable explanation for me after years of slipping down the slope, and trying to rationalize and defend Google's actions such as :

0. Reading through all our email (We were so naive back then)

1. Google saying it would never link data from its other websites (Youtube, bloggr) with our Gmail id, and then going ahead and doing just that

2. Google announcing Android as Free, Open-source Operating System, then with each update removing functionality to Google Play Services,

3. Google sabotaging the permissions system, by clubbing innocuous, essential permissions with down-right dangerous/malicious ones

4. Creating amazing tech that could provide a quantum leap in the quality of life (for the first world at least) but will further enable Google's all-seeing eye to impinge over our daily life (Self-driving cars, Google Glass)

5. Acquiring home automation companies, robotics company with large defense contracts,

... is that Google is well on its way to becoming truly Evil.

People say that the NSA's unsaid motto is 'to collect it all'. I say that motto sum's up perfectly Google's vision.

Maybe the NSA should just outsource their IT operations to Google... Google has a better security/breach track record, and seems to do better in terms of finding what people are looking for.. I'm sure giving them more data to work with could only help. :-D

I guess it takes a while for people to realize any corporation is in the game for money.

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