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Try Person of Interest. A bit cheesy at first, I watched it pre-Snowden, and about 3 seasons in, the NSA leaks appeared - and all of the sudden the series turned not so cheesy anymore...

PoI is actually my favourite show right now. It's perfect on many levels, from acting to storyline to humour to getting a lot of infosec right. Just few episodes ago they were dropping a ShellShock test...

And it's not just about Snowden leaks. I've been reading a lot on AI topics in past few years, and the show resonates with my interests strongly.

EDIT: even previous week's episode - I thought that people hired to listen to queries spoken to in-show equivalent of Siri was writer's invention, only to learn just few days ago that it is in fact real...

Is it worth continuing past the start of the second season?

It is definitely worth continuing. Third and fourth seasons are amazing - they focus less on the crime-of-the-week and more on the Machine arc. But you get a lot of deep and complex characters in those seasons.

It's been a surprising ride to see how on-point the story lines have become.

This week they stepped back from the AI briefly to look at how marijuana legalisation affects the criminal underworld and managed to tie in money laundering via online gaming virtual currencies. Love it :)


And look at those beautiful visualizations:


Those are the prettiest pictures about War on Drugs I ever saw.

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