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Google Wave's 'Fail Whale' (wave.google.com)
70 points by shaddi on Oct 30, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 39 comments

I wonder if they actually ran this by women. Images of feet are a little dicey for the fairer sex. My sample size of two brought back two creepy's.

... the fuck? sorry you guys are sometimes just ridiculous. Can't show feet cause women oppose them? Whats going on in your head?

Twitter's fail whale is universally cute and disarming. If some portion of Wave's audience is skeeved out by the maintenance page with unpleasant feet, it needs fixing. (Especially for unplanned maintenance.)

I've now asked four women. They all had the same negative reaction.

It's a little creepy that women are 100% unanimous that feet are creepy. Is it just male feet? That'd be even creepier.

Also IMHO these are just weird feet - the toe next to the big toe, is longer than the big toe :/ Which isn't usual IMHO.

I know many people who have feet like that (mine included).

Wow, I never would have thought but my girlfriend just said the exact same thing. She doesn't like looking at feet and thinks they're gross.

My wife thinks the feet could use improvement. That they're a little creepy and look like something out of Oregon Trail.

Love how the wave(s) [the real ones] come forward and go back - in the animation.

If using 'Google wave' was as good as the image. serene.

[It is not! its a wave storm]

I love to see that they're using jQuery for the animations. I'm anxious to see more people going this route over Flash. Not that there is anything wrong with Flash, and it may very well be better suited for this type of work, I just want to see the uses and plugins for jQuery continue to evolve.

I sure hope not. Their simple animation spikes one of my cores just to animate some clouds. Not a very efficient way to animate things.

Newer WebKit browsers use the GPU to accelerate css-transform animations (giving your CPU a break). Check out the example on this page in the latest version of Chrome or Safari, for example:


Thanks for the resource link. I can't wait until Firefox can do this. I want to use webkit animation in my website, but for now they would only work in Safari and Chrome.

When I see what Flash does to my CPU on OS X I somehow doubt that it is more efficient.

Of course, you're not comparing fair examples of SWF vs. jQuery. I guess it's ok to ignore the obvious advantages of Flash if you can bash a full features app or animation compared to the Google Wave error page.

For me, on Mac OS X, flash is much more inefficient than JQuery animation, especially in Safari and Firefox.

What's good about using JavaScript and known libraries is that you can just write a userscript to reduce the framerate. With Flash, it would be all or nothing.

No spikes here...

0-3% in IE 8 Windows 7 64bit Core 2 Duo E6420 @ 2.14 GHz

Now, that's Cloud computing in action.

Wow, first time ever I got down to zero...

That's eager, not anxious ;)

You know, I almost used "eager" too. English was never a strong subject for me. Come to think of it, neither was math or science or history. ;)

What's with the 16 colors graphics?

probably the best they can do at 7k


6k with pngout. They're probably stuck with gif because of IE6.

Wave doesn't even work with IE6. It's dicey with IE8 - thus their release of chrome frame.

Welcome to the web graphics time-warp

I don't think that I have ever seen their web site down, but in the last 3 months (or so), a few times my robots stopped getting event notifications for brief periods of time.

But, hey, the system is in beta. I'm pretty much enthusiastic about Wave: I'm writing a DevX article right now on Wave robot programming, and I have a business idea using the Wave platform that I want to try out.

If I was dependent on Google Wave and confronted with this page when planning to use it, it would probably make me angry. Looks cool, though.

At this stage, if you are dependent on Google Wave, you aren't angry, you're mad.

Notice the "preview" under the logo. I don't think it's Google's goal to make their current iteration of Wave highly available and production ready.

The colors make my eyes hurt. Hitting back to HN is serene in comparison.

hmmm, could be prep for this: http://bit.ly/L1a1Q

Would love to click on that but those pesky little web-filter things disable URL shorteners here. Anyone care to link a full link?

Article Title: Google Wave to be opened for federation today! Yes, for you to host.

Full link: http://thenextweb.com/appetite/2009/10/30/breaking-google-wa...

when will i be able to get a google wave login?

I think that guy has psoriasis.

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