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Paperize – Beautiful Card Game Prototypes (oilandrope.com)
131 points by Rabidgremlin on Feb 27, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 52 comments

I use GIMP scripts for this. Instead of spreadsheet, just a call with arguments separated by commas like this:

  (UrNammu-new-craftsman 1 "2Baubles.png" "Fleece the Tourist" "Got his pants! Gain 2 Baubles"  "Google Images")
We print using thegamecrafter.com, which is a little struggle because our decks have 100+ cards, and they require EACH CARD to be 'proofed' by hand on their laggy webpage. Proofing 1 card is enough for our software-generated cards, they all align exactly the same vs the template.

This is impressive, I keep meaning to learn to script Gimp and Inkscape, sometimes I think web apps are the only way I can think anymore...

Great point about thegamecrafter, we had the same problem. We want to try their API though, as Paperize could dump entire prototypes in there at once. Makes it a lot easier on your playtesters, too!

You've gone a long way, putting it on a web page. Doing it 'by hand' doesn't help anybody but us. I've been thinking about doing what you're doing; I'm just glad you're doing it!

Hey, if you could automate 'proofing' cards while you're dumping to thegamecrafter, that would be wonderful.

What I keep imagining is managing hex and square tiles this way...

I tend to use HTML to create my prototypes in. I find that it's a pretty good medium for the purpose and there are plenty of developer tools around that makes it easy to work with. Plus it's easy to script.

How do you do PNG renderings? Printers have atight template/format requirements.

I've tried using webkit2png, but was never able to get it to render right: https://github.com/AdamN/python-webkit2png

Yeah, this. Or phantom.js is nice too. Or just use a plugin for your browser, that does a screen dump of the full page.

Also, I then do some afterprocessing in imagemagick.

When I must render a webpage to PNG, I use Phantomjs and a rasterize.js script. I've been very pleased with it, even when generating very large images (10,000px squared or more).

Very interesting! However, I think the landing page should be clearer. No customer watches a 9:00 minutes video of a product, no matter how good it is. I'd switch to a 30 seconds promo (who are we? Why do you need us?) and keep the longer one for users who already know the product – they are hooked – and look for the nitty-gritty details.

I don't totally disagree but I watched about 6 mins, until I got the general idea, and I have never considered making a card game before.

Me, too. Now I'm pondering card game ideas!

Yes! That's what's fun, now you can easily imagine a re-skin of all kinds of simple games, just go find some fun graphics on the web and click "print".

I want to get an interface going on mobile so you can just snap pictures with your phone to add card art on the fly.

I agree! Totally didn't expect this to get big today, but very glad it did! Once we're done gathering requirements from the hardcore game designers we're targeting, we'll revert that page to something a little sexier.

I really love this concept and it looks really well executed. One thing I think would be really slick would be to live update the template as you pair columns with locations on the card, using the first row from the CSV for content in the preview

Thank you!

That feature is definitely on the short list, we have lots to do in terms of surfacing the data in the designs in a more "live" fashion.

I'd like to see special symbols rendered in the text flow - e.g. power points icon with a number superimposed. Like "The flug hit you for <hiticon>5</hiticon> pts damage"

Guaranteed to happen.

Hard in gimp - text layout is not directly available as a method separate from fonts. And fonts cant do color in Gimp. So have to parse text, look for tags, insert icons, do your own word wrap etc. All in Lisp. Yuck.

How do you plan on doing the manufacturing?

Manufacturing is out of scope for this product, at current. It is firmly a prototyping tool, not a production tool. The idea is to make it trivial for designers to iterate so they will do more of it. More iterations means better games, faster, and we all win.

I already submitted the survey, then on my drive home thought "Did it have a tuckbox creator/generator? I don't think I saw that in the video."

It does not... yet! I'll add it to the feature requests we're weighing.

Anything else you wish we had templates for?

I would love to try it - when does Beta open?

Edit: Nevermind. I was able to use it :)

FYI, you get a csrf error when logging in with a google account.

We hope to start inviting early adopters in in March to do final tweaking and load testing. We'll probably go to beta invites as soon as we think it's stable and useful. From there, it goes where the users take us!

Right now the only way to be considered for early access is to fill out our feedback form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pGhxa1NvBmqVvV4tPt0YTiUcDRx...

Yep, I submitted my email address. It's great stuff.

Would be amazing if you had a Cards Against Humanity template too. We have an info set we're looking to print for our own personal use, but I can't seem to find a good template gen and don't have the time to learn gimp commands.

We were wondering if we were going to get any CAH requests. That's an easy thing for us to do, we just weren't sure about letting the product turn into that instead of a serious design tool.

Then again what does "serious" even mean.

I think CAH is probably some low-hanging fruit to at least get people to your site (though I'm probably bias because I am looking for it), but your the real differentiator is that you support full templates. Just keep advertising it as is.

Custom templates would be rad too.

Logging in? How did you do that?

The web route isn't locked - I used the URL in the video and was able to log in. When it failed on csrf, it let me create a deck anyways.

Also, I noticed that if you don't have complete http:// url's it doesn't load images. For example, the following URL works in browser but not in paperize:

 HBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3O jo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc 3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAK8AyAMBIgACE QEDEQH/xAAbAAEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYBAwQHAv/EADoQAAEDAwIEBAM GBQMFAAAAAAEAAgMEBRESIQYTMUEiUWFxFDKRFSNCgaGxByRSwdEzcuEWF2Lw8 f/EABkBAQADAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwQBBf/EACARAAICAgIDAQEAAAAAAAA AAAABAhEDIRIxBBNRQSL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APcUREARYKBACQmQoe7XZ9FVi BjGuJj17nqM4wt9su9NcWuETtE0e0kLsame48vVRUk3RLi6sksplfOUUiJnKZW EygM5UPX8RUVHIWFxkI66N1GcUXh4l+zaF+HkDnPH4R/SPXv7KsyY1mKPxjHjd 5lUzm1pF+PEmrZ6Pbq+C4Uwnp3ZaTjB6hdQVP4Hk0VNbT9Bpa4D13z/AGVwCnj lyjZXkjxlRlERTIBERAEREAREQBERAEREAREQBYWVhAVrjOLEdNVAfI/QSOuD0 /VVmSR5mjnbM6mrWf6VS0df/F47gq88QU5qbTUsaNTwwuaPUbrz0Sh0eHDfsT3 CzZHUjVhXKJdrBfW15NLVsEFfEPHFnIcOzmnuD+inF5ZK11TTCSCQxVdH44ZG9 ceWVZ+EeLmXXFHXFsda3YHO0n/KlDLviyOTC1tFtXJc66O3UclTKM6flb01HsF 1joqfx7VaKm00rjiOSUyOA76cY/dWTdRsqhHnKiCn1slldIdTy463d3OPUrVTk 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PyXdQ8AWKlOp1K6Z2cnnPLs/llW1FNY4oi5yZy0dBS0bdNLTxwt8o2Bv7LpGwW UUyAREQBERAEREB/9k=

Good lookin' out! Thanks for reporting this. Got that all patched up now.

So I guess our first end-user impression has already happened! I hope it was good for you.

For future reference, when you're pasting something long into an HN comment add a blank line and two spaces before it so it doesn't make the page massively wide:


Thank you - I didn't know that was available, and it's too late to edit.

Beautiful tool!

Something seems unfinished with the column-to-position associations. Maybe they need some more style to communicate the purpose a bit clearer? (e.g. representing the columns-to-positions in a table style, or more vertical padding separation, or referencing positions by letter (A, B, C, etc.) instead of by #).

We would agree. The UI itself is still evolving rapidly, the core functionality just finally came together and got useful. Ideally, we get feedback during this process that helps us nail down the most important workflows and give it a serious UX paint job.

That particular feature seems sort of backwards to me; might just be me, but I think it might be more straightforward to list the places you can put things on the template and have a <select> allowing you to pick columns from your CSV for each spot (default to nothing in a spot)

It would be great to automatically match columns where the names are the same (like "Image").

Very disappointing to hit a landing pages with video that only collects email addresses.

Sorry to disappoint! We didn't post this to HN, but I can see how the title here is misleading.

Oops... I posted it because I thought it was a great idea/presso/product and the HN community would be a good place to get feedback from. Apologies if it was premature!

Not at all and thank you so much!

No problem. You could always bump me up the early access list in return :)

Disappointed only because it looks interesting. Also, I think many people have been burned by email address harvesting pages that have great ideas but never materialized.

Not relevant to the tool, but he kept saying in the video that the game has 16 cards even though he proceeded to create 17 cards (5 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2).

Way to go Loren, the people have spoken and they like it!

Does nothing for my imposter syndrome, unfortunately!

So at this point, you're basically ready to pirate M:tG and Netrunner ;)

Yeah, that's pretty easy now, I suppose. Totally not the goal, nor a behavior we'd encourage!

Nice clean app design. What are you using to render PDFs?

Right now it is Prawn[0]. It slowly evolved from a script a year ago, where it was fine. We are considering switching to an HTML->PDF workflow, though, since I have to render all of this stuff in the web for quicker previews anyway!

Thanks for the clean design mention, we owe it mostly to Zurb Foundation[1]. Using those modal popovers to control the user's attention has really helped me narrow the UI variables.

0: http://prawnpdf.org 1: http://foundation.zurb.com

Stick with Prawn, as it is sanity saving for this task. For web based previews, use GraphicsMagick and Postscript to turn the PDF into a gif or image. One command line, takes half a second. Saves you from doing CSS hell on layout, where the preview pixel wise matching the print data really matters for your app.

Thanks for the tip, Patrick! I had heard the html->pdf tools were pretty good, but you're absolutely right about the pixel precision needs. I got my Prawn setup into a reasonable state pretty early, and it's be Mostly Fine, Just Fine.

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