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NoSQL East 2009 - Summary of Talks from Day 1 (uggedal.com)
27 points by uggedal on Oct 30, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Thanks for posting this, there was some really cool information in there. I found myself meandering a little (read: after the first three or four paragraphs I started scanning and scrolling fairly quickly) until I started seeing some names I recognized, then I had to go back and read everything else to see how they all compared to the ones I'd heard of.

I'm going to have to look for a Django interface to some of these, if I can plug it in and get started with it without too much work it makes it so much easier to familiarize myself with some of the unknown (to me) technologies.

Nice summary Eivind! Hope you'll do the same for today as well (I'm sitting in it right now). I'm the one snapping pics with a loud DSLR throughout the conference. :D

Look at the D5000 ... cheap, good, and more silent that a Leica M7, according to Ken Rockwell.

I'm running a D90 :-)

Props to my buddy Tim who gave a talk on his sequential data DB. Keep it up !

It sounds interesting. Did they tape it?

There's a tape rolling, but no live stream. I hear that the recordings will be available "eventually" (har har).

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