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I have now read the thesis lightly, and I cannot for the life of my children, find out exactly WHY you want to save the simplest of abstractions on the device, namely the logical to physical translation. It's a well known abstraction, and the benefits are clear as day - the alternative, with migration callback and now two different kinds of data that you must write differently just screams bad idea, and goes against everything I've learned in CS and in my carreer. It introduces unneeded complexity for the OS. The main benefit seems to be lower cost devices (1GiB ram per 1TiB), which is neglectable. The performance isn't really better and the thesis doesn't exactly go into detail of the CPU overhead of this implementation during heavy IO, and we now face an entirely different problem with crashes. Today we can build SSDs to ensure that confirmed writes are guranteed persisted.

This abstractions is what have allowed us to transistion from a traditional spinning data store to SSD without much effort (save for delete flags to help the device performance GC and improve performance).

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